For giving me access to a large number of documents and letters as well as film material and photographs that played a central role in my work, I would like to thank: Frau Dr. Diekmann of the Moses-Mendelssohn-Zentrum Potsdam; Frau Vespermann of LISUM Berlin; Frau Pohland of the Kreisarchiv Landkreis Oder-Spree; Frau Wagner of the Bundesarchiv; Frau Kandler of the Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv; Frau Dr. Schroll of the Landesarchiv Berlin; Mr. Jagielski of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw; and the Bauaktenarchiv Köpenick.
For assisting me in my research as well as offering ideas, advice and answers to a great many questions, I would like to thank: Dr. Weißleder, Andreas Peter, Ellen Jannings, Christel Neubelt-Minzlaff, Elisabeth Engel, Sascha Lewin, Gottlieb Kaschube, Irmgard Fischer, Botho Oppermann, Marga Thomas, Bernd and Angela Andres, Bernd Andres senior and Juttadoris Andres, Herr and Frau Benke, Rainer Wagner, Marion Welsch, the Müller-Huschke family, Dr. Faber, Karla Mindach, Herr Mindach, Reinhard Kiesewetter, Hans-O. Finke, Herr Herfurth, Jens Nestvogel, Frank Lemke, Dr. Zaumseil, Herr Torzinski, Dr. Alexander, Klaus Wessel, Dirk Erpenbeck, Anke Otten, Eliza Borg, Frau Erdmann, Rüdiger and Sigrid Galuhn, along with my father and mother.
For listening, and for his infinite patience with all the questions that without him I would only have been able to ask myself, I wish to thank Wolfgang.
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