NEBULAR Collection 3 - Morgotradon: Episodes 12 - 16

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NEBULAR Collection 3 - Morgotradon: Episodes 12 - 16 Page 31

by Thomas Rabenstein

»What makes you think that?« asked Pi, without losing eye contact with the prisoner.

  »Just before the accident, he had been checked out by the station’s head physician. He had been admitted and treated because of chlorine poisoning. At the time of the examination he was definitely not wearing any implants. They must have performed the surgery on his flight to Neptune!«

  »Who did this?« Nok inquired.

  The doctor only shrugged as an answer.

  »All we know is that the Globusters who were examined at Uluru Station had one less implant than Hassan. This doesn’t necessarily mean anything, of course, as the Globusters differ so much from Humans, and not just in DNA and …,« the doctor explained quickly.

  »… can you remove these … uh … implants?« Nok interrupted.

  »I wouldn’t advise that for now. It isn’t that easy to get close to him with his body shield. We can’t use X-Rays because the energy field reflects the radiation. However, by means of photon measurements we noticed that the implant interfaces show very fine connections with his neuronal system!«

  »Photon measurements?« Nok asked interestedly, and pulled up her right eyebrow.

  »Well … yes, instead of using X-Rays, we looked though his body with light, ergo photons,« the doctor acknowledged. »In my opinion, if we remove the implants, we will kill him!«

  »The first transporters have arrived at the platform!« the comm-officer announced and pointed at the mobile holo. The pictures showed terrifying scenes. The Trox were in a panic and running for the Hawks. The crews fought to re-establish order, often by force, to prevent the Trox from storming the ships. The transmission was interrupted at times, probably due to the visitor’s energy field near the portal, clearly visible in the background.

  Nok assessed the situation clearly and called the ships via a tactical conference channel.

  »This is Nok Daralamai. Triton-Hawks will assist in the evacuation of the Trox. Go! The space-sector around Neptune will be covered by the Nova-Hawks. The blockade has been lifted. We need all available ships for the evacuation!«

  Pi was impressed with how deftly Nok handled the situation. She nodded to Pi.

  »You were right, Pi. We need to evacuate the Trox now. They’re acting crazy. Something bad must have arrived through the portal. I need to talk to Sworge immediately!«

  »I’m reporting back for duty! What can I do to help?« a voice sounded behind Pi.

  »Commander Ivanova … uh, Maya!« said Pi excitedly.

  Nok Daralamai smiled at Ivanova and looked her over approvingly.

  »You seem to be able, Commander. Are you ready for action? We can use your expertise – especially with the Trox and the portal.«

  Maya Ivanova’s eyes spoke volumes. Her eyes were sparkling with no signs of fatigue or exhaustion. She was ready!

  »If my old friend Morgotradon is the one who came through the portal then I’d like to lead the welcoming party in person!« Maya Ivanova said wickedly.

  Nok Daralamai seemed to ponder.

  »Hmm … if it’s really the Dark Brotherhood’s agent then why is he hiding behind an energy shield?« Nok remarked. »After all, he possesses a small spaceship that would fit through the portal according to your reports, Commander. He could just fly back through and we couldn’t do a thing about it. Frankly, I’d expect him to come with a fleet! He’s looking for revenge – we destroyed his Tachyon Portal. We screwed up his plans …«

  »We don’t know if we really destroyed his portal. Yeah, we destroyed his Crystal Palace – but we don’t know what else he has to throw at us. Let’s be cautious. Permission to fly with a Hawk to the platform? I want to lead the commando!« Ivanova insisted.

  Nok Daralamai exchanged glances with Pi.

  »Agreed, Commander. Pi will go with you as an advisor,« she ordered.

  Ivanova nodded at Pi.

  »I’m in, Maya!« he replied with a broad smile.

  Heightened senses

  They’re considering me an alien – no longer one of them, and it’s only a couple of hours since I was made what I am against my will. Now they’re standing around and analyzing me suspiciously … asking themselves if they can still trust me as a Human. Can’t they put one and one together? They’re only still alive because of me! I prevented the Globuster lens from destroying their base against the ship’s soul’s orders. I even explained to the ship that it can’t just kill people without a reason, but the soul didn’t want to understand me. The technical conscience is still talking to me in my head, and doesn’t even understand that the ship no longer exists. Not everything that made this ship so powerful was lost – I’m still alive!

  I had to smile, well aware that this emotion was certainly recorded by their cameras. So what? I kind of enjoyed this attention, because nobody had paid attention to me in my old life … well yes, there were a few people, but it wasn’t like this.

  My fiancé had left me because I was too much in love with technology … that’s what she claimed! If she could see me now, she’d scream say that she was right. I had no idea what strange and abstruse technology existed in the universe. Technology was always something I could use. Made of metal, plastic and semi-conductor material interconnected by means of fiber-optics or high-power supra-conductors, loaded with a program.

  The Globuster lens has shown me another side – a technology that uses people! A symbiosis like mine has great advantages. The ship didn’t only integrate me into its systems – both of have gained something. I needed to adjust and adapt, but now I see myself as a more advanced being.

  I saw the doctors outside the cell staring at me and monitoring me, even the base commander had shown up. I was flattered. The nice thing was that I didn’t even have to open my eyes to see these activities. My heightened senses permitted me to see mentally, yes, and even hear them talk! The people outside the window considered this room sound- and escape proof. Humans!

  The ship’s soul, as I called it from now on, told me to leave this room and call up a new body. The soul actually meant a new Globuster lens which didn’t have a pilot yet. In my current situation, it wasn’t a problem at all to re-integrate into another lens.

  The cell was no obstacle for me and in the meantime I had actually devised several scenarios to escape. Although the ship’s soul suggested disintegrating one of the walls and just walking through it, I decided against it since it was counterproductive and wouldn’t build trust. I also had to keep in mind that these people have developed the Globuster fist, a weapon, which could penetrate my defense shield and harm me. They had learned from Globuster encounters!

  Nothing is perfect in this universe – not even my defense shield!

  Establishing communication

  The situation was tense … and eerie. The Blue’s statement was followed by silence. Humans and extra-terrestrials looked at each other in silence.

  Igor Petrow searched for words. The Blues seemed to be waiting for an answer. Even the head in the holo seemed to be waiting. Petrow stifled his anxiety and spoke to the Blues via his outside suit speakers.

  »So you can communicate with us …,« he began hesitantly.

  The Blue reacted, spread his pointy ears and looked at Petrow with his large eyes, but it took a while until the alien responded.

  »We were waiting for you to initiate the communication, but we have realized it has been so long since our last contact, that you are exercising caution. Also, we had to analyze the linguistic differences and learn the new language you have adopted in the meantime. An effective exchange of information is now possible.«

  Drustev swallowed hard.

  »How’s that possible? Are you using some sort of translation device?« he asked.

  The Blue quickly turned his head toward Drustev. His ears retracted to lie flat against his head, and a second later, they moved like butterfly wings. Was that a gesture to emphasize his words?

  »We do not need translation devices. The high pitch of your voices, however, requires getting used to.
It is hard to match your vocal frequencies with our own voice organs.«

  »This is impossible!« Nadja Bulkin replied. »How can you learn our language that fast?«

  The Blue looked like he didn’t understand.

  Petrow gave Nadja a warning glance and took a direct approach.

  »Well, then,« he began again, »since we can communicate now, tell us who you are and what you’re doing in our solar system?«

  Before any of the Blues could answer, Petrow noticed a change in the holo. The head’s mouth slowly opened and before Petrow could shout a warning, a deep, long sound filled the room. The low frequency, whining sound made the crew’s helmets vibrate. Nadja’s hands shot up to hold her head, but stopped at the helmet. She was obviously in pain, although the vocal force wasn’t as strong as it had been the last time.

  The three Blues were standing stiffly, listening to the words from the holo. Only after the singing voice had ceased did they move again.

  Petrow fought back nausea and looked at the holo with tearing eyes. He didn’t understand the strange ritual, so he tried another approach. He had to swallow a couple of times to make his larynx produce some scratchy sounds.

  »What … what is the meaning of this?« he inquired in a cracking voice.

  The Blue speaker barely moved his head as he answered, »The Conceptor just relayed some vital information to us. It is also possible to communicate with you by means of tones instead of phonetics. We received information which confirms our initial suspicions. Degenerated technology has infiltrated our Dimensional Base!«

  Petrow slowly shook his head and looked at his team members for help.

  »We don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you should start by explaining to us what a … Conceptor is,« Petrow asked perplexedly.

  The Blue’s ears briefly fluttered again, while his fellows bowed before the holo.

  »The Conceptor is the honorable Haitnur~Batnaf, designer and builder of this base and the Dimensional Matrix that protects your Retreat.«

  »Dimensional Matrix? Retreat …? That doesn’t tell us much. We know about a Reserve … are you trying to tell us …,« Drustev hesitated for a moment, »… that this holographic head is a real life depiction of the being who built all this?«

  The Blue exhaled, making sounds that reminded Drustev of an elephant. Petrow was certain it was laughter.

  »Haitnur~Batnaf is the commander of this Dimensional Base,« the Blue explained. »Just before his thousand-year-long physical life ended, he made sure to merge his mind with the central computer. As a Third Class Chiropter, he was entitled to the privilege of living on in the computer until the end of this solar system! Many of us will do the same after they have reached the Third Level of Existence – to serve the community further.«

  Nadja Bulkin paled. She began to understand what was behind the holograph – it was far more than just a three dimensional presentation of a head!

  »A Conceptor is a living consciousness, whose life-long experience, knowledge and intellect enhances the complex central computer system. But until now, the Conceptor was compromised by the degenerated technology! Then an energy burst of a higher degree occurred, simultaneous with your arrival, waking us up and freeing us from our temporal prison. The energy had a stimulating effect on the strange processes unfolding around us, but it is basically of a destructive nature. Thus the Conceptor was able to free himself from his virtual prison to counteract the strange influences and to implement counter measures.«

  Drustev and Petrow looked at each other.

  »The holograph is – alive?« Drustev muttered, but he was interrupted by Nadja.

  »The Globusters! What’s up with the Globs? Where did they go all of a sudden? Why did you send them to attack us?«

  Petrow didn’t interfere with her questions; he let her continue because it was high time to find out on which side the Blues were on.

  »The Mind catchers?« the Blue replied. »They are pitiful beings, overwhelmed by a technology from beyond this galaxy. They retreated because they cannot abide our bio-electric auras. With the Conceptor awake again, it was no longer viable for them to occupy the base. Of course, we need the central computer to verify that assumption, but it seems likely.«

  Drustev’s face spoke volumes.

  »You’re saying the Globusters are pitiful beings? Are you siding with them?«

  »Chiropters always side with life – especially with beings whose will has been taken away from them,« the Blue replied cryptically.

  »The Globusters killed scores of our people!« Drustev shouted angrily, tensing his body as if to fight. Petrow gave him a scornful glance, then signaled him to calm down and took over the conversation.

  »You mean the Globusters aren’t responsible for what they’ve done to us?« he wanted to know.

  The Blue turned his head and ears toward Petrow.

  The Globusters were likely brought here by force. They no longer possess a free will. They are under orders.«

  Petrow acknowledged with a nod. »Our scientists guessed as much when they found the implants. What we want to know is, what is this “degenerated technology” all about? Why aren’t those creatures attacking us while we’re hopelessly outnumbered and vulnerable? Maybe they can’t “smell” – or they simply dislike – your bio-electric auras, but why can’t they simply ignore them and attack anyway?«

  The Blue ignored the question and made some swift movements with his fine fingered right hand. Petrow noticed that the long fingers seemed frail.

  »We also have questions for the Protectors!« The room vibrated from the Conceptor’s deep voice.

  At first Petrow thought that the holo was talking to the Blues. With a start he realized that it meant him and his crew.

  »Why are the Protectors on such a low technological level? Why haven’t you prepared yourselves for your mission over the years? Do you know what you have done?«

  The Conceptor’s eyes glowed from within and his voice became even deeper.

  »Where is the protection fleet? My consciousness has scanned the entire sector through the central computer and I can’t find anything more than a few miserable spaceships with pre-tachyon technology. Have you come here to the Dimensional Base to tell us that you failed?«

  Petrow paled and tried not to look directly into the holo – into the Conceptor’s eyes!

  »I think … there’s been a misunderstanding,« Petrow replied.

  The three Chiropters got up from their seats and arranged themselves before the Humans. They stared at the crew and then opened their mouths. Petrow, Bulkin and Drustev backed slowly off and waited with dread for the deadly voices …

  Securing the portal

  The Trox evacuation was nearly complete when the Hawk landed. Lai jumped out of the airlock and looked around. The Trox camp was more than disorganized – it looked devastated!

  A fleet soldier approached Pi and secured the open airlock with his weapon.

  »We don’t want your Hawk to be commandeered by the Trox!« he apologized.

  Maya Ivanova followed, greeted the soldier smartly and came up to Pi. She ignored the arriving and departing ships of the evacuation fleet and fixed her eyes on the Tachyon Portal. She had been here before …

  »Up there, right at the two crystalline pillars, we were pulled into the transportation field made helpless!« she explained.

  Pi’s gaze followed her outstretched arm.

  »That must’ve been rough,« Pi sympathized, »but this time it’s different. Somebody’s used the portal to come to us. Whoever it is, he’s hiding behind an energy field. Any idea why?«

  »I’d use a field like that to protect myself,« she replied dryly.

  One of the Trox crawled closer and halted for a moment.

  Maya twitched when she saw the being, remembering the prison planet.

  The Trox attempted to approach Maya’s Hawk, but he was redirected by one of the guards. As the Trox crawled away, Maya shivered.

hat’s wrong, Maya? Is there something about these Trox that you want to tell me?« Pi asked.

  »My last encounter with them wasn’t very pleasant,« she admitted. »One of them almost choked me to death.«

  Pi understood.

  »The Trox weren’t themselves then. You know about the negative influence of the Original Spark?« he asked.

  »Of course!« she snapped at Pi, angry with herself for displaying a weakness.

  She looked around for the OIC, and signaled him to come over to her. After a short exchange of salutes, she instructed him to secure the portal at the outer perimeter.

  »Tell your troops to stay away from the steps to the portal, Use the Trox igloos as cover!« she commanded.

  The officer had been made aware in advance that Ivanova was now in charge. He quickly saluted and walked toward his troops. Moments later, the security details advanced toward the portal.

  »The evacuation is almost finished,« reported the EVAC Coordinator via radio-comm.

  »Where are they going?« Maya inquired.

  »We’re bringing them to the Triton Base, Ma’am, according to Commander Daralamai’s orders,« the man replied.

  »We need all the information we can get about our unexpected visitor. Find out what Trox can tell us – and record everything. We need to know why they’re acting so panicky.«

  The coordinator acknowledged and cut the comm-link.

  Pi and Ivanova watched the last Hawks leave the platform. It was silent then as the security details took up their positions, awaiting orders.

  Maya jumped suddenly at a slight dragging sound behind her. She pivoted and saw a Trox creeping slowly closer.

  »What does he want?« she asked Pi.

  »That’s Sworge, the Trox leader,« Pi introduced the mollusk-like being.

  Ivanova looked down at him.

  »Why didn’t you leave with your people?« she asked him.

  Sworge ignored her question and replied instead, »You must be the Human female who was held prisoner on Morgotradon’s world. Unfortunately, we cannot remember anything before we returned the Original Spark.«


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