Everlasting Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 3)

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Everlasting Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 3) Page 13

by Stephany Wallace

  I rested my neck back on the rounded edge of the bathtub, in an attempt to relieve the ache. A migraine had fully settled over my eyes and temples, I couldn’t move. My lids drifted closed and I took deep, slow breaths, forcing myself to keep my mind blank. Thinking was the last thing I should do at this moment, yet my brain had other ideas. An image flashed in front of my eyes and I cursed, pushing it aside, and stepping out of the steaming water.

  The droplets slid down my bare skin and dropped onto the cold stone ground as I walked towards the mirror, not even bothering to dry myself. I stared at my reflection while my gaze followed the golden scales that grazed my skin over and over. Their pulsing was slightly accelerated, and the feeling that I had once deemed as anxiety rushed through me. I placed my hand over my heart just like Father had done last time, and closed my eyes. The next second, the images came to me. The ones that haunted me, every time I closed my eyes. The ones I fought with every breath to suppress.

  The time I had spent in Theo’s castle had marked me, and I wasn’t sure it was something I would ever be able to overcome. No longer able to be stopped, the memories unraveled within my mind, and I was helpless but to relive the moments that had changed me forever…

  The parchment felt crisp yet soft, while my eyes took in the information I had uncovered. Books and scrolls littered the desk at which I sat, in Theo’s library, while my mind absorbed the knowledge.

  Avra was a Drayvok, half man, half dragon, and he was quite possibly our father.

  I had spent every second within these walls since Ash left on his journey—a few hours before—trying to uncover the secrets kept from us. I had barely slept and the anxiety within me was growing with every breath. I had never felt so distressed before. Everything around me was changing, and I wasn’t certain what it all meant. Not yet.

  Trembling fingers slowly traced the image of the man with a dragon shadow on the scroll, while my heart slammed against my chest. I was on the verge of a panic attack and I feared there wasn’t much I could do. My body violently tensed as a scent suddenly reached me. It wasn’t the first time I had smelled it—the rose, honeysuckle, and peaches mixed-fragrance filtered through my nostrils, causing them to flare. A wild tingling spread over my body, and my muscles fiercely clenched, while I fought the reaction with everything inside me.

  “Is it all right if I sit here? I would like to continue reading, if that’s okay with you.”

  Aura’s soft voice reached me, and the intensity I felt crept into my eyes while they focused on her. I nodded, and forced myself to look onto the drawing in my grasp once again. She sat on the desk in front of mine and opened a book she had previously left there. She remained quiet while she read, but it made no difference. Her scent was driving me insane. My gaze snapped towards her, and I was unable to do anything other than observe her.

  Aura’s demeanor changed, perceiving my attention had focused on her, and the rhythm of her breathing changed. Her chest began to rise and fall much faster, while her delicate hands gripped the book tightly. Her gaze intently looked at the page, but it seemed as though she had read the same paragraph for the past two minutes. She nervously swallowed and bit her bottom lip, bringing my gaze to her mouth. Something tightened in my chest.

  Before I realized what I was doing, I stood and walked towards her. Aura tensed, her stunning ocean blue eyes flying towards mine. Green specks sparkled within the blue depths, making them absolutely breathtaking. I took the time to assess her, stopping merely a foot away from her. A rose pink gown enveloped her soft curves, her breasts pressing harshly against the edge of her corset as she struggled to calm her now erratic breathing. Hazelnut brown strands fell over her shoulders and chest, while her tanned, glistening skin seemed to slightly glow.

  My eyes returned to hers and she swallowed.

  “Perhaps this wasn’t the best idea, after all.” She stood, closing the book, and clasping her trembling hands in front of her, but didn’t move. I knew she wanted to turn and leave, but something was keeping her here… pulling her to me. “Stop!” She demanded, yet the words didn’t hold as much contempt as they usually did.

  I took a step closer, unable to resist her enticing presence, and took a deep breath. The tightness increased under my skin, but as her scent seeped into me again, the anxiety disappeared, leaving only need and want behind.

  “Stop looking at me. That’s enough.” Aura gripped her skirt and took a few steps back, but her feet seemed to have her rooted in place, unable to leave the library, unable to be away from me. Something was drawing her to me. “Why do you keep looking at me that way?” She asked, in a smaller voice. “What do you want from me?”

  I shook my head, a bit baffled. “I can smell you.”

  Her eyes widened, finally understanding. “That is impossible! You are not my fated. I can smell him, and it is not you.”

  “I know.”

  Aura swallowed. “Then how can you smell me?”

  I didn’t have an answer. “Your scent, your presence is messing with my sanity, and it’s only gotten stronger since we arrived here. It has taken every ounce of will that I possess to pretend nothing has happened. Yet it has. I can smell you, Aura, and I want you.”

  A small gasp escaped her lips. Our gazes locked. The stretch between us disappeared and our bodies almost touched. I stood barely a foot away while my every inch urged me to kiss her. “Where is he? If you have a fated, why hasn’t he come for you? Why isn’t he protecting you from us?”

  Her eyes became saddened as she slowly shook her head. “I don’t know. Maybe Theo’s wards are keeping him away. I’m not certain.”

  “If you were mine, I would never leave you out of my sight. I would never allow anyone’s hands other than mine to caress you. I would protect you… I would kiss you right now,” I whispered.

  My eyes briefly went to her perfectly curved rosy lips, and I stepped closer until our chests lightly touched. My fingers slowly wrapped around her wrist, feeling her accelerated pulse just under her silky, and warm skin. I leaned closer until my lips grazed her ear.

  The smell of her scrambled my mind. My eyes closed in response.

  “I would hold your waist and press you to me until I could feel your breasts bursting against my chest. Our bodies flushed together as our hearts rushed in unison, and I would let my lips taste you. Grazing the tender skin of your neck, and leaving small kisses along its curve, until you were trembling for me.”

  My breath fanned her skin, causing a shudder to rush down her spine, while her veins throbbed against my fingertips. I knew I should stop. A part of me was appalled at my behavior, but another part pushed me forwards, begging me to continue, and silencing the rest of me.

  “I would let my hands roam your back while I nibbled your skin, feeling your intoxicating scent fill me until I could no longer think. I would allow my touch to follow the curves of your body, cradle your cheeks within my hands and as you looked into my eyes, I would claim your lips. I would nibble them, softly bite them, and let my tongue caress yours until you moaned for me. I’d kiss you like you have never been kissed, Aura, because I doubt that anyone is as thirsty for you as I am right now.”

  A whimper left her as the tip of my nose slid along the curve of her neck, inhaling her deeply.

  “I would allow my fingers to take these garments off until your soft, naked skin brushed against the hard planes of mine. I would admire your breasts and lick your sensitive, yet tightened nipples, sucking them while your moans fill the air. And I would make love to you, Aura. Make you mine, all through the night. Claim you as mine, until the pleasure and love I would offer you, have robbed you of any desire other than having me inside you, and being mine.”

  My cheek grazed hers when I leaned back, and observed her. Aura’s eyes were closed and her head slightly tilted towards where my lips were a moment ago, while her chest rose and fell with her erratic breathing. It was as though she was imagining every word I had shared with her. And in that instant, I want
ed to do everything I had told her I would do, and so much more.

  I wanted to make her mine.

  Her lids lifted and it took everything in me not to kiss her. “Why are you telling me this?” She breathed, her body slightly trembling.

  My gaze fell to her lips. “Knowledge is power.”

  When my eyes returned to hers, they were filled with desire. She blinked, effectively breaking the enticing haze that seemed to have formed around us, and a ragged breath left her. I stepped back as reality returned, and my heart began to slam against my chest again, my fingers letting go of her wrist. What the hell had just come over me? What had I done? I was shocked, mortified and embarrassed beyond measure. I swallowed, pushing my glasses over the bridge of my nose, while she attempted to take a settling breath.

  “I am Summer Court, and you are Winter Court. There is no world where you and I could ever be together, even if we were fated. You are evil just like your father. I would rather die than be mated to you.”

  Her words didn’t hold the hatred she had intended them to have; yet she said them nonetheless. Grabbing her skirts, she whirled around and ran out of the library, leaving me alone once again. Except now, a part of me tore inside me.

  Chapter 8. Mine



  “There is no world where you and I could ever be together…”

  The sound of the door opening brought my thoughts back to the present. My eyes fell on a grinning Kah, as she walked towards me. The unease in my chest disappeared and a smile stretched my lips. Her scent filtered through my pores.

  “If I had known that you were waiting for me naked, I would have come much sooner.” I chuckled as she stopped before me and pulled me down, kissing me briefly. She continued towards her armoire.

  “Where were you?” I inquired, reaching for the towel that had fell from my grip to the floor, and only then realizing my body was already dry. I hung it back on the divider and walked towards her.

  “With Kyr, he asked me to take a message to the Golden Prince.”

  “Oh,” I frowned, stepping beside her while she pulled out her leather suit, to change. “He wants me to check on the Summer Princess and her lady as well. Would you like to come with me?”

  I tensed. “As much as I would want to spend some time with Theo, I’m afraid I can’t. I thought I would look for Father, and possibly train my abilities some more. I want to learn all that I can about us.” I reached for my cabinet and took a pair of black trousers. Kah handed me a burgundy shirt that matched the dress she currently wore. I smiled, accepting it with the vest she provided. It was evident she enjoyed choosing my clothes. I moved towards the bed. When I turned again, I notice there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

  “I don’t think that will be possible. My lord is in his chambers with the queen. He’s resting.”

  The way she said it indicated it hadn’t been exactly Father’s choice to rest. My mind returned to the image of his trembling hands. “Tell me the truth, how is he?”

  Kah sighed. “I’m not quite sure. I mean, he is the Dragon Lord. He is still a very powerful being, but he is much weaker than I have ever seen him. I thought your mother being back would cure him, but I think exhausting himself this way during all these years has left a permanent effect on him. No magic is unlimited, not even his. Power has a price, and I’m afraid he’s paying it now.”

  I slowly nodded as my chest constricted with emotion, reflecting in my eyes. “We just need to help him finish this, once and for all, so he can finally be at ease, and enjoy the family we have finally formed… the one we all deserve.”

  Kah’s lips closed over mine as she wrapped her arms around me, providing me comfort. “I agree.” She stepped back.

  “Leave the dress on,” I suggested, watching her walk away. “You look gorgeous.”

  Her lips curved into a brilliant smile. “Thank you, but do you really think that I should?”

  I nodded, knowing what her concern was. “I trust Theo completely, and John and Jade as well. They would never betray us, by spreading the news of your identity.”

  “What about the Summer Princess?” I tensed, and Kah noticed.

  “I don’t know.” I answered coldly.

  She sighed, looking at her suit on the bed. “I’d rather not risk it.” She moved to change.

  “You know that Ash is telling everyone who will listen that you tried to kill him, right?”

  I laughed, reaching for the soft boxer briefs and slipping them on. I began to dress. She did too. “Is that so?”

  “Yep. Lucky for you, that is Ora, Avrielle, Gaby, and the queen, they know him by now, so he got a collective eye roll as response.” We chuckled. “It sounds amazing though.” I frowned. “Your dragon breaths, I mean.”

  “It’s unlike anything I had ever experienced, yet it still felt so natural for me,” I confessed, walking towards the mirror to button up the vest.

  Kah stepped beside me in black leather pants and a leather corset, with a white long sleeve shirt underneath. The front of the shirt opened a sliver, giving a glimpse of her full breasts in the corset. Long, knee high boots were strapped to her calves, completing the outfit. It was her attire of choice, and a second skin to her. Her hands lifted to gather her hair in the usual ponytail, but I held them, stopping her.

  “Leave it down.”

  She smiled, letting go of her hair, letting it fall casually over her shoulders.

  “Will you ever show me? I’d love to see you as a dragon.” Her voice took on a husky yet smooth quality to it, and the sensuality of it seeped through my pores. My whole body was humming the next second. Father was right, we were sexual beings. I had never been this easily enticed before, but now it was as though everything ignited need in me.

  “Whenever you want.” I whispered, leaning closer, and her breathing faltered. I grinned, looking into her eyes, it was evident the mere idea of the dragon aroused her.

  She stepped back and cleared her throat. “Kyr wanted you to go see him before you came with me to the Eternal Outlands.”

  I stopped myself from grunting—the emotion instantly changing in me. I sighed. Feelings were confusing. “You told my brother I was going with you?”

  “I knew you weren’t going to be busy.”

  Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and I almost chuckled, except my body had tensed once again. That was the last place I wanted to be, at least not until Kah opened up to me. It wouldn’t matter afterwards. It had taken every ounce of restraint from me to avoid being near her, during the days I spent with Theo, after the incident with Kyr. I had lied, and pretended everything was fine but I wasn’t sure I could go through that again.

  “Oh, come on,” Kah complained, half smiling. “It’s not that bad, stop being so dramatic. You won’t die from going there with me. I don’t want to go alone, and the Golden Prince might not let me through the wards if I’m by myself. Besides, he is your friend, and you know you’ll have a good time. Come with me, please.”

  I set my hands on her waist as she stepped closer. “You know that is not true. Theo would welcome you with open arms. He’s been very hospitable to you when we’ve gone together. Everyone that gets to know you loves you, he’d be a fool not to.”

  I grinned as she scrunched her nose, but there was a fleeting emotion in her eyes that confused me. It was gone before I could decipher it—I wasn’t exactly an expert on the subject.

  She raised a brow. “Can I play a prank on him?”

  “No. He might turn you into gold or something, and I enjoy you much more this way. Furthermore, you might be too heavy to carry afterwards.” She chuckled. “You can go without me.”

  “Why are you so reluctant to go? Is it the Summer Princess?” Damn it. My hold faltered around her waist and Kah sighed. “You’ve been at war with her mother forever, so I kind of understand. She’s not my favorite person either, to be honest, but her behavior is reasonable after everything that has happened between the Dark King and her
. He killed her fated in front of her, and banished her from the Winter Court, for Goddess’ sake—that was pretty horrible.”

  A heavy breath left me. The Summer Queen had been a Winter Fae until the day her fated decided to defy the Dark King—before Ash and I were even born, and Kyr was but a child. Laeroth ripped her fated to pieces in front of her eyes, and using his royal command, he banished her from our kingdom, leaving her with nothing. Not even a home. Losing your fated was said to be the most horrible pain anyone could go through. That it felt as though a part of your body was ripped, and the pain never went away. It lessened, but it remained inside them, reminding them with every breath, of what they had lost—leaving them alone forever.

  “I am glad the Goddess granted her the Silver Bond, and she married the Summer King.” Kah continued. “She is stubborn, a bit conceited, but she is a good queen, a good woman.”

  I slowly nodded. The Silver Bond, as we called it, was the most unusual type of “gift” the Goddess could grant a Fae. It was the paring of someone who had lost their fated—a widow—with a new essence, granting them happiness once again. When the Goddess deemed someone worthy of a second chance, she gifted them the Silver Bond. A new fated link was established, replacing the pain within them with ultimate happiness, and a love stronger than anything they ever felt before. It was so rare that I had never seen that happen during my five thousand years of life. The Summer Queen had been blessed with it before I was even born. A year after her fated was killed.

  “The Summer King is a good man too,” Kah continue, making me look into her eyes again. “Submissive to his queen, and in dire need of a back bone, but decent.” She chuckled. “Their daughter isn’t half bad. Her superior behavior is only a defense mechanism. Put yourself in her shoes. The sons of her mother’s enemy took her from her own home, not allowed to return to her kingdom, and stuck in a place she doesn’t even know. She’s just trying to seem strong. Give her a chance, please. Do it for me?”


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