Happily Ever After

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Happily Ever After Page 23

by Tanya Anne Crosby

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  Starting at the voice, Sophie turned to find Jack watching her. Her heart leaped a little at the sight of him, both in relief and something more. “Yes,” she said on an exhale. “I’ve never seen anything quite like it!”

  It left her breathless.

  So did Jack.

  She peered down again as he came to stand at her side, enthralled by her discovery.

  “It’s called a dzonot,” he told her. He placed a hand on her shoulder. Sophie felt it and her breath caught. “They’re created when cave ceilings collapse.”

  Sophie peered up at him.

  “The Maya believed these were doors to the watery underworld which were inhabited by rain gods and jaguar spirits. There are many of these types of pools here. The land is riddled with them, but this one is particularly beautiful.”

  “It’s...” She peered down once more into the pool. It was so clear she could see every pebble at its bottom. “There are no words to describe it.”

  He squeezed her shoulder. “I was going to bring you here later to show you, but seems you found it on your own.”

  She turned to smile up at him. “You were going to bring me here?”

  The thought that he intended to share something so incredible with her warmed her beyond words. When was the last time anyone had taken the time to bring her into his world? To share with her the things that pleased him? Fascinated him? She couldn’t remember.

  He sat beside her. More pebbles scattered into the pool below as he boldly hung his legs off the edge.

  Sophie smiled and sat as well, sliding her legs over the chasm’s edge.

  He looked at her then, giving her a particularly wicked glance. “There is a Mayan legend about an evil princess named Hechicera, who couldn’t marry the man she loved. It’s said when lovers come too close to the dzonot, Hechicera seizes them and drags them into her cave where she turns them into aluxob.” He arched a brow suggestively, and said, “We’re pretty close to the edge.”

  Sophie blushed at the implication.

  Indeed, they were indeed lovers now.

  She didn’t want to forget a single moment she’d spent in his arms. As scandalous as the thought was, she didn’t have a single regret.

  Sophie’s breath quickened. She wished he’d kiss her again … right now... brush her hair aside as he was inclined to do. “What is an Aluxob?”

  Jack nodded. “Little people like leprechauns.”

  Sophie lifted her brows. “And what does she do with these unfortunate lovers?”

  His brows knit. “Well, I’m not certain exactly, but small huts are built in cornfields after each harvest. And the first ears of com are left there to feed the aluxob.”

  He went quiet, staring at her like that again... as though he wanted to kiss her.

  Sophie held her breath. “Why?” she asked, when he didn’t.

  His voice was seductively soft as he told her, “For the farmers who honor them, the aluxob will push up their com plants and rock their hammocks at night.”

  Sophie thought about it a moment, picturing herself in a hammock with Jack, while little leprechauns rocked them beneath the stars. “That’s a lovely legend.”

  His eyes sparkled as they watched her. “It is,” he agreed.

  “They must have been a wonderful, benevolent people!”

  He shrugged. “I’ve a suspicion they weren’t as benevolent as some wish to believe.”

  “Why not?” Sophie asked, truly curious. He was so filled with knowledge. She wanted him to teach her everything he knew.

  He looked down into the pool, nodding. “For one... there is a place called Chichen Itza.” The name means ‘mouth of the well of the Itzas.’”


  “Water wizards,” Jack explained. “Some believe the pyramid there was erected as a sacrificial altar.”

  Sophie made a face. “As in Abraham and his son?”

  Jack shrugged. “Anyway, this particular pool measures almost two hundred feet across. Below the surface of that green scum you see are also the remains of countless sacrifices and offerings... animals and sometimes humans, along with gold and jade jewelry.”

  Sophie shuddered at the thought. “You mean they just threw people inside ... and let them die?”

  “That or they were already dead.”

  “How terrible!”

  “That’s nothing next to some of their rituals.”

  “I want to know the things you know!” Sophie exclaimed.

  Sophie wished she could stay at his side forever and discover things with him. She wished she could spend quiet moments in his company just sitting and reading. She wished she knew as much as he did. But right now, she wished more than anything that he would shut up and kiss her.

  Her face warmed under his scrutiny.

  Silence fell between them... except for the trickle of water falling somewhere down below. It was a beautiful, musical sound.

  “What are you thinking, Sophia?” His voice was as soft as a caress and her stomach fluttered at the sound of it.

  “I was thinking...” She blinked as she stared longingly at his mouth. “... that I love...”

  You, she wanted to finish.

  His hand reached out suddenly, touching her face, startling her, and she swallowed her words.

  Jack held his breath, waiting for her to speak.

  “Yes,” he prompted when she didn’t continue.

  She blinked, and he could tell she was struggling. “That I love... how you know these things.”

  Disappointment slithered through him.

  He caressed her chin with his thumb. “I love ... your curiosity, Sophia.”

  Her eyes seemed to reveal an inner battle. Jack waited, hoping she would speak those three words he so longed to hear from her.

  “And… I really, really love...” she began again, her brows twitching a bit with what seemed to be confusion. “I love …”

  “What is it you love?” he asked her, his heart hammering fiercely.

  She swallowed visibly. “That you are so willing to share your knowledge with me!”

  His thumb touched her lower lip, rested there, and she blinked. “And I really ... really love your beautiful smile, Sophia.” Her lip trembled just a bit, and he teased it, willing her with his eyes to speak those three little words words. He encouraged her, telling her also, “And I love the sound of your voice... and the way you laugh... He leaned close to her, his nostrils flaring. “And the way you smell.” He took a deep breath, craving the taste of her.

  Sophie closed her eyes and lifted her face into a ray of sun, and Jack sat there staring at her, mesmerized, his heart swelling with joy at simply being in her presence.

  Never in his life had he felt so at peace with someone, so connected... so alive.

  He bent to kiss her, finally, touching his lips tentatively to hers. His hand moved down to her throat, and he felt her swallow once more. But she didn’t stop him, and he deepened the kiss, wanting nothing more than to crawl into her body, to be at one with her.

  He wanted all of her, body and soul.

  He wanted her mind, wanted her heart.

  Tom between his desire to show her that her body was not all he wanted of her, that he respected her and loved her spirit and her mind as well, and wanting to make love to her again and again, to take her for his own, he hesitated, and drew away.

  “Sophie,” he began.

  There was so much he wanted to say, but he didn’t know where to begin. He didn’t want her to go back to Harlan, didn’t want to lose her, but he wanted her to do whatever made her happy. If in fact Harlan did that for her—made her happy—then he wanted that for her, too, even if it would kill him to see them together. But he hoped she didn’t love the jackass still. He really couldn’t bear to see them together... to know that he would touch her... kiss her... make love to her...

  The thought of it made his gut turn.

  The words caught in his thro

  She stared up at him, her golden eyes wide, looking far too vulnerable. “Yes, Jack?”

  Jack swallowed his words, unsure how to voice them. He’d never spoken those three words to anyone in his entire life, not a soul. He’d never felt for anyone the way he did for Sophia.

  If there was just one thing he’d learned from his studies—a lesson to be carried into his own life—it was that nothing lasted forever. Nothing. His studies and excavations were proof enough of that fact; societies came and went. He hadn’t ever intended to put his heart at risk for something so fleeting as love. But he didn’t care any longer...

  Sophie was worth it … and suddenly it was clear to him that the only thing that lasted, long after the flesh decayed … was love.

  He wanted Sophie at his side always, to share his journey through life.

  But who was he to ask her to give up her own life on a whim... to follow him blindly? What did he really have to offer a woman of her station?

  His brows knit as he struggled with his thoughts.

  What was the right thing to do?

  Did she love Harlan Penn?

  She desired Jack, that was true enough, but desire and love were two different things.

  In the end, it came down to just one thing: She had to follow her heart. He couldn’t put words into her mouth, or feelings into her heart.

  He sighed heavily and looking down into her beautiful face, he smiled and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

  “You wouldn’t happen to have any eggs ’n’ peppers left?” he asked.

  “Eggs and peppers?” She blinked up at him. “You’re still hungry?”

  If she only knew. “Starved,” he confessed.

  Her brows knit. “What about the meal Maria brought you ... didn’t you eat?” She pulled his hand away from her face, and averted her gaze. “You really don’t have to eat my breakfast just to make me feel good, you know! I’m well-aware that it was awful!”

  Jack laughed suddenly. “Are you kidding? I’d rather eat pure poison than eat what Maria brought me!”

  Sophie gave him an annoyed look. “You’re just saying that!” she accused him.

  He gave her a sheepish glance. “Uh, no!”

  “Truly?” She tilted him a curious look. “What did she bring you?”

  Jack shook his head, disgusted all over again merely by the thought. He grimaced and said, “Chocolate-covered roaches!”

  Her eyes went wide and her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, my!”

  “Swear to God!” he told her, still grimacing as his hand went protectively to his belly.

  She shrieked with laughter.

  Deeply offended by her lack of concern for his delicate stomach, Jack was forced to tickle her. He tickled her until their limbs were tangled and her cheeks were aching with her laughter, until one of her boots flew off and across the pool, and landed in the water with a hearty splash.

  “Oops,” he said, and stopped suddenly, looking into her eyes. “There went your shoe,” he said.

  Sophie grinned up at him. “I guess you’ll just have to go down and get it, won’t you?”

  He grinned back, poking at her chest. “If I go, you go,” he said.

  Sophie held her breath as his finger slid down between her breasts, teasing her.

  “Says who?” she asked a little breathlessly.

  His gaze followed his finger. “I’m bigger than you are,” he reminded her.

  That much was true.

  “But I could scream,” Sophie assured him.

  His gaze met hers and he arched a brow in challenge. “Who would come? We’ve wandered too far for anyone to hear us.”

  Sophie shrugged. “Hechicera.”

  His smile was wicked. “Then let her,” he said, flaunting danger. “I could think of worse things than to be stranded here forever with you.” He kissed her then, a sweet, gentle kiss that made Sophie’s heart swell with love.

  A knot formed in her throat. She wanted to make love to him. She wanted to give him her body once more. She wanted him to know how she felt through her touch.

  Without a word, Sophie boldly unbuttoned her shirt, reveling in the way he watched her.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered against her cheek, kissing her softly.

  Sophie lifted her face to him, kissing his lips. “Quite sure,” she murmured, and he joined her, undressing her eagerly, hunger burning in his eyes.

  His hands explored her body with such sweet tenderness that Sophie wanted to weep with joy.

  She closed her eyes.

  More than anything she wanted to tell him how she felt, but was afraid to open her heart completely... afraid he wouldn’t love her back... afraid to speak the words aloud... afraid to be a fool… again.

  With Harlan she had given everything and had thought she’d received his love in return. She had been wrong, and was afraid to be wrong again. Harlan had never once spoken those words to her.

  Three simple words were all she needed to hear... but she needed Jack to say them first. But though they didn’t come easily to her lips, they filled her heart.

  There were no doubts any longer... she loved Jack with all her soul. Jack was everything she’d ever wanted in a man... and more...

  And Harlan was simply a lesson learned... a bad memory, growing more distant with every kiss from Jack’s tender lips.

  She made love to him then, daring Hechicera with every cry from her lips.

  Greedy for every precious moment Jack would give her, she held nothing back.

  Except three cherished little words.


  Sophie rejoiced in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

  She’d never felt closer to anyone in her life. More than anything, she wished they could stay in this jungle paradise, just the two of them, forever. The thought of returning to Boston had never been more distasteful.

  Jack lay beneath her, shielding her bare body from the bracken of the forest floor. His eyes were closed, and his arms were around her, his fingers lightly stroking her back.

  Her cheeks warmed with the memory of her own boldness, but she had reveled in the moment. She now knew exactly what Harlan had meant when he’d spoken of being ridden. Jack had straddled her over his exquisite body, begging her to ride him. And she had, without shame. All the while, he had murmured endearments to her, encouraging her, making her feel like his goddess.

  She felt a little like that still, with her Adonis lying satiated beneath her, his body warm and comforting.

  “I suppose we should get dressed,” she said, though reluctantly. “Someone may finally miss us and come searching.”

  “No one will come,” Jack assured, his eyes still closed. Sunlight broke through the canopy above them, warming her back, falling across his face. In his hair, she spied the first signs of silver. It sparkled in the sunlight, and she ran her fingers through it, enjoying the feel of his hair in her hands—thick and soft. And he had a tiny little mole beneath his lower lip. She touched it reverently.

  “They might,” she argued. “How can you be sure they won’t?”

  He shook his head and smiled softly and said, “Because you’re with me.”

  Sophie lifted a brow. “Oh my,” she said, and knew it was true. She would have preferred not to be so obvious, but they weren’t fooling anyone, she realized. She doubted anyone but Jack had missed her love-sick glances.

  Sighing contentedly, she laid her head down, cuddling against Jack’s bare chest. It was smooth and soft, the feel of it delicious against her cheek. His hand tangled in her hair, finding something... a leaf perhaps ... and he plucked it out, and began leisurely to search for more. Sophie didn’t care if she wore the entire forest floor in her hair. She felt beautiful in Jack’s eyes. He had told her so until she dared to believe it.

  He lifted his head suddenly, and Sophie did, too.

  He was grinning at her. “I think we should both go after your boot,” he told her, and shook a brow suggestively.

  Sophie laughed. “No doubt we could use a bath,” she agreed.

  He gently slapped her naked rear, and Sophie yelped in surprise. “Up!” he said, caressing where he’d slapped her. “Before I’m tempted again. If I am, we’ll never leave, and then they’ll definitely come looking and I’ll have to kill any man who sees you like this.”

  Sophie laughed again, oddly exhilarated by his possessiveness. She rose. So did he, and he grinned at her before jumping into the pool. Sophie moved to the edge, laughing at his boyish antics as he came up shaking his head and sputtering.

  He dove under once more and came up with Shorty’s boot. “Look what I found!”

  Sophie smiled regretfully. “I do hope Shorty won’t mind terribly.”

  He tossed the boot up at her. “Shorty’s damned lucky not to be in them right now,” he said. “I’d have to kill him.” He gave her a look that told her that while his mood was light, his words held a measure of truth. She tried to catch the boot but it landed behind her.

  She sat there at the pool’s edge. “Because of the ring?” she asked.

  “Because of the ring...” He gave her a pointed look Sophie didn’t entirely understand. They hadn’t as yet discussed the ring, or Shorty, or Harlan for that matter, and the realization surprised her. “And because of where he got it.”

  Sophie bit her lip as she considered the ring. She couldn’t conceive that Harlan would part with it. And it was far too generous a gift to be used even as payment for services—though whatever services Shorty might have provided for Harlan, Sophie couldn’t imagine. “He must have stolen it,” she deduced aloud.

  “Maybe,” Jack said, and nothing more. “Come on down,” he commanded her, dismissing the topic. “The water’s great.” But his mood had sobered, and Sophie wanted to know why.

  Then again she wanted answers to many questions, and Harlan could certainly provide some of those. She couldn’t wait to move on with her life. The sooner she confronted him, the better.

  “When do you think we’ll reach Harlan’s camp?” she asked Jack as she climbed down into the pool. “Soon I hope!”


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