The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 9

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The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 9 Page 6

by Maxim Jakubowski

  Suspended between fear and eagerness, Jessie took a deep breath around Dr. Hannah’s cock and let his cockhead find the entrance to her throat. She obediently tried to take it as he slid into her. She felt her throat contracting at the first pressure, then again at the second; he let her breathe and held her head more firmly, looking at her hands and seeing the fingers spread, tight with hunger. She inhaled deeply; he slid firmly into her throat and she took him, her whole body surging with pleasure as she felt herself fucked till she was filled.

  Relaxing and opening wide around Dr. Hannah’s cock, Jessie surrendered to him, letting him guide her. She remained still as he used her throat, letting her get a breath after every few thrusts; after long minutes of being fucked that way her throat felt open, eager, used. He pulled back and laid his wet cockhead against her lips, and Jessie obediently began to make love to it. She extended her tongue and slurped eagerly from the head to the shaft to the balls, and Dr. Hannah guided his cock from her lips to her cheeks to her throat to her hair to her breasts, letting Jessie follow it with her hungrily lapping tongue.Then he held her firmly and slid back into her, letting her breathe deep before he entered her throat and began to fuck her rhythmically.

  Jessie surrendered to the deep fucking of her face, her whole body relaxing in her bonds. That’s when she felt the pressure of Marie’s body between her forced-open thighs; Marie was no longer wearing her lab coat, but was wearing something else entirely, and the feel of it at Jessie’s entrance made the helpless girl gasp and cough around Dr. Hannah’s cock.

  Dr. Hannah pulled out of Jessie’s mouth, leaving a glistening string of drool between his cockhead and her wet, lipstick-smeared lips. He let Jessie look down to see herself about to be penetrated, her legs strapped open and spread wide, Marie now stripped nude except for a black collar and a black leather harness and the glistening black dildo jutting out of it. Her teacup breasts were freckled and perfect, capped by pale pink nipples. On the redhead’s girl-next-door face was a savage look of pleasure as she prepared to fuck Jessie.

  Panting, her face wet with spittle and the doctor’s sweat and pre-come, Jessie stared at Marie and moaned.

  The dildo’s thick head was big enough that even after the long wet finger-fucking Jessie’s ready cunt and ass had received, Marie needed to part Jessie’s lips with her fingers in order to get it properly into her. Jessie’s eyes went wide and she uttered a gasping,“Oh fuck! Jesus . . .” as she was penetrated.The thick lubed head popped into her and slid easily against her G-spot as Marie’s body tipped forward to press against Jessie’s. Marie was just tall enough to lean forward and give Dr. Hannah’s cock a wet slurp above Jessie’s face as she penetrated Jessie to maximum depth, coaxing another expletive from the patient. Then, hand wrapping around the swollen organ, Marie bent down and kissed Jessie open-mouthed, the first time Jessie had ever really kissed a girl. The feeling of the deep feminine kiss, so different from a man’s, made Jessie’s body tingle all over; the fact that she was receiving it while Marie’s strap-on was thrust up deep into her cunt was enough to make her head spin.

  Marie withdrew her tongue from Jessie’s mouth, still holding Dr. Hannah’s cock. She guided it down to Jessie’s mouth, and the patient opened wide to let Dr. Hannah face-fuck her as Marie took hold of Jessie’s opened thighs and began to fuck her.

  Jessie could feel every inch of the shaft sliding deep into her cunt as Dr. Hannah gripped her hair and slid, gently at first, deep into her throat. Jessie relaxed around his shaft and let him sink deep into her. He began to slide again and again down her throat, pulling out every few thrusts to let her catch her breath, and Jessie writhed pinned between the two as Marie rhythmically filled her cunt with the big dildo. As Dr. Hannah drew back further and more often, it was obvious that he was getting ready to come, and her throat was tight and receptive enough to get him off with only a few more thrusts. Hungry for it, she opened wide and let him take her mouth as he wanted it. Drool ran everywhere; her pussy, too, was running wet, and she was going to come so soon she could have beaten him to it.

  But then Marie drew back, letting the head of her cock spread Jessie’s entrance. Jessie let out a whimper, said desperately, “Please,” but never stopped making love to Dr. Hannah’s cock, which he guided all over her face to keep the job interesting for her.Then the big, fat head of Marie’s cock stretched Jessie wide, wider, still wider, till her eyes rolled back – and it popped out. Jessie continued to eagerly suck the doctor’s cock even as she heard the gurgling sound of the lube bottle. Had she been in her right mind, that sound would have told her exactly what was about to happen to her, but Jessie was so close to coming she was far from her right mind, and totally absorbed with the task of servicing Dr. Hannah’s hard prick.

  Her ass was already lubricated, relaxed and opened, but the size of the cock presented a challenge. Jessie whimpered as she struggled to relax around the pressure of the huge cockhead; her mouth working against the side of Dr. Hannah’s cock, she looked up at Marie as if to beg her to be gentle. But Marie was already testing the tightness of Jessie’s ass, and knew exactly how to tease her so she opened for it.Their eyes met as Marie began to finger Jessie’s pussy, easing her toward orgasm. As she mounted closer, the pressure of the dildo increased and Jessie’s ass felt hungry, wanting it more with every stroke of Marie’s fingers into her cunt; when the firm thrust finally came, Jessie opened for her first anal fuck like she’d always dreamed she would. Her asshole stretched around the dildo’s thick head and relaxed onto the shaft, as Marie slid her fingers out of Jessie’s cunt and leaned forward to seize Dr. Hannah’s cock and guide it back into Jessie’s mouth.

  Jessie mouth opened eagerly for the doctor’s cock, but this time she was not going to be fucked there. Marie knew that the doctor was going to come, and she stroked his shaft as Jessie’s lips circled the head. Marie leaned forward and kissed the doctor deeply, pumping his cock as her cock found its deepest point inside Jessie’s virgin ass, fucking the patient to the hilt. The doctor’s firm hand – there was no mistaking that sure touch – began to work Jessie’s clit, then filled her pussy with two fingers, curved so his palm could press her swollen nub and bring her off. It worked like a charm – Jessie began to come uncontrollably, ass filled with cock, pussy stretched by two fingers, clit surging against the doctor’s thumb. Pleasure exploded through her body as the warm slickness and sharp taste of Dr. Hannah’s come flooded her mouth. She swallowed easily, hungry for more, taking every pulse of semen until the doctor’s cock began to soften in her mouth and Marie’s hand ceased its pumping.

  Dr. Hannah withdrew; Jessie lay whimpering and moaning on the table as Marie drew back, too, that impossibly thick cockhead teasing open the tight entrance of Jessie’s ass until finally, with a pop, it came free. Jessie looked into the pretty freckled face, and Marie stared ravenous at her; she pulled buckles quickly and the harness and heavy dildo hit the ground with a thump. Marie climbed onto her helpless patient and pressed her mouth hard to Jessie’s, closing her thighs tight on Jessie’s leg.

  As Jessie accepted the kiss, she felt Marie savagely rubbing her wet sex on her leg. She struggled against her bonds, trying to press her knee against the receptionist’s clit, but she was bound too well. Jessie heard the snap of a rubber glove, and saw Dr. Hannah taking his place behind Marie; his fingers went easily into her and Marie’s mouth came off of Jessie’s, the receptionist gasping, “Oh my fucking God,” as she surged forward and then, moaning, pushed back onto the doctor’s hand. He went deep and fucked her expertly, her naked body sliding against Jessie rhythmically until Marie let out a cry and came on his fingers. She trembled all over and relaxed against Jessie’s body, kissing her again and then licking her way down to Jessie’s breasts, suckling her sensitive nipples.

  Jessie took a deep breath as she felt Dr. Hannah unlocking the padlocks, unfastening the straps. Marie remained against her, uttering a soft purring sound as she caressed Jessie’s nipples with her tongue.When Jessi
e’s limbs came free she put her arms around Marie and began caressing the receptionist’s nude body; Marie moaned softly, but Dr. Hannah reached around and hooked his index finger through the thick ring of Marie’s collar, pulling the naked receptionist away.

  Marie obediently climbed off Jessie, and stood naked and panting beside the table.

  Dr. Hannah tsk-ed, guiding Marie away. Marie dutifully picked up her lab coat and began to put it on, leaving the rest of her clothes on the exam room floor.

  “If you want to make love to her,” said Dr. Hannah as Marie buttoned her coat, “you’ll have to make a follow-up visit.”

  Jessie stared after Marie as she left the room. She lay there, wet and sticky and panting, her wrists still feeling the straps even though they’d been removed.

  Dr. Hannah fastened his pants, made a few notes on her chart. He looked Jessie up and down and smiled.

  “See the receptionist on your way out,” he said, and left the room.

  Jessie decided not to put on her coat before doing so. She’d decided she wanted a follow-up visit after all, and it was definitely an emergency.

  Good Kitty

  Shanna Germain

  Kicked to the curb. That’s how I feel. I’ve been in my cage at the rescue center for what seems like forever. But I know it’s just been a day. I can’t see the clock on the wall from here, but I can hear it ticking.Tick-tick, counting the minutes off that I’m alone, unowned. Counting the time since my master dumped me here.Traded me out for another kitty.

  My neck feels bare without its collar. My throat hurts. I tell myself it’s just the air in here, all the fur flying, but I know that’s not the truth. I gave him four years. I wore his collar and showed off for his friends and lapped his cream. I went on kitty play dates and never minded when he decided to pet another pussy. But I would not, could not, handle it when he brought another kitty home to live with us. I tried, I did. I kept to myself, I avoided her, I tried to pretend I was just fine with it. In the end, I turned into a prissy bitch. Every time he touched her, I’d sulk in the corner. His new girl and I fought, tooth and nail, as they say, and here I am.

  The front door clicks open and we all sit at attention, dogs and cats alike, as best we can in our small cages. It’s a girl in black spandex, her red hair bobbed at her neck. She looks only at the kitties, poking her red nails between the bars in front of a few. When she gets to my cage, she stops. Her eyes are intensely green, cat-like in their own way. I shrink to the back of my cage, feeling the wires pressed into my bare spine. She scares me, although I can’t say why.

  “Pretty kitty,” she says, her voice a low purr. She dangles two red-tipped fingers inside the cage. “Come here, pretty kitty.”

  I don’t want to obey – I’ve never had a girl master – but I don’t want to be in this cage anymore either. Maybe she’ll take me home, put a collar back on me. Maybe this hard-looking girl is better than another night in this cage. Better than another night alone.

  I lean my head forward, just enough that she can stroke my hair. “Good girl,” she says, pressing her thumb to my cheek. A shiver runs down my spine, and I feel a surprising surge of desire.

  She takes her fingers out of my hair and flips up the tag on the front of my cage to read it.

  “Callie, long-haired female,” she reads. “Housebroken, that’s good. Playful, loves lap time. Not good with dogs.”

  “Oh,” she says. “It says you don’t play well with other pussies either.” Her eyes are back on me, that intense green, and I wonder if she’s the other cat and not the master after all. “That’s too bad . . .” She hesitates a second, as though I might correct her. But I don’t. I can’t. It’s true. And besides, I may be a stray, I may be uncollared at the moment, but I’m not about to break rules and speak.

  And then she’s gone, down the row, to look at the other kitties, kitties who play well with others. I want to say something, to call her back to me, to rub up against her fingers and lick her palm. To let her know that maybe I could be okay with other pussies, to ask her to reconsider. But when I open my mouth, nothing comes out. Not even a kitten-squeak. Just silence, and the reminder that my throat aches with the kind of lonely pain that not even this green-eyed girl can fill.

  I hear her talking down the row, but I can’t see her from where I sit. And, before long, I have to watch while she leads another kitty, a short-haired blonde, down the aisle.They both turn to look at me, and I close my eyes.

  I’m curled up on the shelter blanket, wrapped in dreams of my last master, when I hear the voices outside my cage.

  “Came in last night,” says a voice that I recognize. It’s the woman who checked me into the shelter. “I’m surprised someone hasn’t snapped her up.” She lowers her voice until it’s a whisper. “Someone just dumped her on our doorstep, this gorgeous girl. Can you believe it?”

  “That is hard to believe,” says a voice.Very male. Somehow very in control.The sound alone sends a shiver through me.

  I crack one eye open, to see who’s talking. All I can see are a broad pair of shoulders and a wide chest, wrapped up in a white button-down. His shirt sleeves are rolled up, showing off muscled forearms and wrists. No jewelry. He talks with his hands, fluid and confident dips and rolls.

  “What’s wrong with her?” the hands ask.

  “Nothing as far as I can see,” the woman says, her voice getting lower with each word until I can hardly hear her. “Her former master wanted another kitty in the house, it seems.”

  “Imagine that,” he says. “I find a pussy does best if it’s given undivided attention.” My own pussy twitches when he says it. His fingers play along the bars of the cage, but don’t enter.

  I wonder if he can see me. I always thought I was pretty – my last master reassured me of that in so many ways – but now I’m not certain. Still, I want to show off my best parts, so I stretch out on the blanket, curve my hips and ass up and out. I rest my head on my hands and open my eyes, so he can see them if he looks in – I’ve got Siamese eyes, that blue-blue.

  “Does she come when she’s called?”

  “Most kitties don’t,” she says.

  “I knew there was a reason I preferred dogs.” But his laugh says he doesn’t mean it.

  The man leans down to peer into my cage. I try to pretend I’m not looking, that I don’t care, but I catch a glimpse of salt and pepper hair, dark brown eyes framed by tortoise-shell glasses. A little scruff around his face, but it’s nice, and thin lips. He looks nothing like my last master, which makes me both excited and nervous.

  His fingers come through the bars, wiggle in the air at me.

  “Hey there, sweet girl,” he says, like he’s known me all his life. I sniff his fingers; they smell like cedar and sweet cream.

  “Come here,” he whispers. I think about his question of whether kitties come when they’re called. I always do – did – for my last master. I like that feeling of doing what I’m told. So when he calls a second time, with “here, kittykittykitty,” I move close enough so that he can reach me through the bars.When he buries his fingers in my hair, it’s just hard enough. I rub myself against him, loving the pressure of his strong fingers against the back of my neck.

  “Oh, yes, you’re such a good girl,” he says. “Aren’t you?”

  I’m getting wet just listening to him talk. When he stops moving his fingers, I butt up against him with my head until he starts again.

  The woman clears her throat. “We do have private play rooms where kitties and their potential owners can get acquainted,” she says. “Would you like to take her there and see if the two of you are a good fit?”

  I hold my breath as he rubs my head with a little less pressure. Will he say yes? Or will he, too, decide he doesn’t want me and move on to another kitty?

  “What do you think, sweet girl?” he asks. I rub against his fingers, trying to convince him to say yes.

  He pinches my earlobe between his fingernails and I let out a little yowl o
f surprise.

  “Maybe later,” he says. I look up at him, surprised and hurt, but he’s already taken his fingers away and is moving down the row.

  After that, I don’t know what to do. No master’s going to take me home. I’ll be stuck here forever. I’ll grow old watching other masters come and pick out cute kitties. I lie down on my blanket and close my eyes, trying not to cry. Every time I swallow, I feel exposed. I want to go home.

  A couple of hours later, the nice woman who rescued me opens my cage.

  “C’mon little one,” she says. “Let’s go.” She holds out a collar that says AFRS on the side. That’s where I am, the Rescue Shelter. If I put that collar on, does it mean the shelter owns me? Does it mean they’ve given up hope that I’ll ever be rescued? I cower against back bars.

  “It’s OK,” she says, her voice soothing me. “It’s just temporary.”

  She clicks it around my neck. I’m ashamed to wear this collar and to be on the end of her leash – the AFRS printed on both basically tell the world, “dumped kitty walking here” . But I follow her down the aisle.

  Outside a door, she leans down to take the collar off.

  “Go on in,” she says, holding the door open for me.

  I go through it, and it’s him. The man from before. He’s bigger than I thought, tall and his shoulders are wide. In front of him, he’s laid out a blanket. I can tell it’s his, because it doesn’t say AFRS on it, and because when I step on it, it’s way softer than the one in my cage. There are two bowls, empty, that look too clean to belong to the shelter. And on the table beside him, a black bag. But the thing that catches my eye is the leash and collar set in front of it. Dark purple. Brand new, and set with little silver slivers. I can already feel it against my skin. My throat has never felt so naked, so vulnerable. My heart too. Maybe he’ll take me after all.

  “Come here, sweet girl,” he says. “Sorry to make you wait, but I needed to get a few things.”


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