Cowboy's Heart

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Cowboy's Heart Page 3

by Rhonda Laurel

  It was subtle, but she noticed her breasts and hips were fuller. She wondered if Tate noticed. Their connection seemed deeper when they made love, and he held her closer when they slept. Maybe unconsciously he knew. Isabelle ran a hand over her belly. She exhaled as she sank into the tub and closed her eyes. The travel and the worry about Tate meeting her parents faded beneath the bubbles as she drifted away into aquatic bliss.

  She felt a kiss on her forehead. She opened her eyes to find Tate standing naked near the tub.

  “Hey, what time is it?”

  “A little after eleven.” He eased into the tub.

  “I thought I told you to take your time.”

  “You leave me at the table with an image of you taking a bubble bath, and you thought I’d stay?” He waggled his eyebrows.

  Isabelle moaned as Tate took her foot and began giving her the best message ever, making her forget what she was going to counter with in response. The circular pattern Tate was making with his thumb on the bottom of her foot felt so good. When he began to sing softly to her, she felt so cozy and happy that she drifted back to sleep. A few minutes later her eyes flew open.

  “Did I fall asleep on you?”

  “Yes, you did.” He kissed the sole of her foot.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “No worries. I’ve never seen you this tired. Even after a day with Rowdy and the boys.” He laughed.

  “What about that time you took me for a picnic at the west side of the ranch? We were out there for hours.” She grinned.

  “Well, you were tired for a different reason.”

  Isabelle pulled her foot from his hands, parted the bubbles, and moved over to him. She encircled his waist and laid her chin on his chest, just above the water. “Is that a submarine down there, sailor, or are you just happy to see me?”

  “Why do you think I’m at full salute?”

  “I was thinking of having the bride’s maids wear lavender. What do you think?” Isabelle caressed him under the water.

  “Whatever you want is fine with me.” Tate’s breath hitched, and his eyes rolled back into his head.

  “No.” She shook her head. “You have to live with the cummerbunds.”

  “Darlin’ I am so happy you said yes that I’d be willing to get married in my birthday suit,” Tate uttered in a low, guttural tone.

  “I just want everything to be perfect.” Isabelle made slow circles on his crown.

  “You are perfect.”

  The first time she saw him naked was in Seth and Morgan’s bathroom. She remembered how proud he was of his body, and he had good reason to be. His ranch duties and a stringent workout regimen contributed to that chiseled chest and abs. She felt safe every time he wrapped his sculpted arms around her. Tate was a sensual man, and after being with him for some time, she had a greater understanding of his insatiable sexual appetite. It was more than just desire; it was the raw emotional connection they shared when he brought her body to pleasurable crescendos.

  Isabelle closed her eyes and let herself feel how great it was to be one with him, until Tate lifted her up and brought her down onto his cock. Her body had been feeling more sensitive the past few weeks, and each time he thrust upward she could feel it a thousandfold. Isabelle gripped his head. He caught her nipple with his mouth as she moved forward. The water began to move about wildly as they found their rhythm. Tate pressed his knees against the tub to get traction and steady her.

  “I love you so much,” he groaned.

  “I love you too.” She gripped the edge of the tub and sank further down on him.

  Tate had a rule about making sure she climaxed first before he finally gave into his own, and he never disappointed. When he came, her body was still convulsing. Isabelle wanted to stay exactly the way they were, but Tate insisted on getting her out of the cold water. He dried them both off with the plush ivory towels, got one of his T-shirts for her to sleep in, and carried her to the bed. They lay together for a while in silence, neither sleeping but too sated to talk. She hoped the baby would have his loving heart and zest for life. If he wasn’t ready to be a dad, she would be patient. That’s what you did when you loved someone.

  * * *

  The next morning they went over his itinerary for the day as Isabelle helped Tate get dressed for his appearance on the local morning show. She felt like taking it easy today, but she promised Tate that if she went out she would take Luther with her. He told her the bodyguard would be right outside the suite door when she was ready to go.

  There was a knock at the door. She assumed it was Tyler and Michelle finally coming up for air but got the shock of her life when Luther opened the door and announced that her parents were there. They had arrived a whole day early.

  “Mom, Dad what are you doing here?” Isabelle gave them a quizzical look as she gave them both a hug while keeping an eye out for Tate on the television.

  “I thought we were invited. How’s my Peanut?” Colonel Reed kissed her on the cheek. “Have you lost weight?”

  “I’m fine Dad.” She put her arm around her mother’s shoulders. “I thought you were coming tomorrow?”

  “We finished up with things early and thought we’d just go ahead and get on the road.” Cecelia Reed gave her a tight smile and shot her a we’ll-talk-later look.

  Her father looked around the suite. “Where’s that cowboy?”

  “Tate’s about to give an interview on a local morning show. He should be coming on any minute.” She picked up the remote and turned up the volume, giving them a good view of her engagement ring.

  “Your ring is gorgeous.” Her mother examined it, seeing it in person for the first time.

  “It’s too flashy,” her father grumbled. “Subtlety must be lost on the man. He left you here all alone?”

  “I’m not a child that needs looking after, and I don’t think anyone could feel alone with Luther around.” She pointed to the television when Tate’s face appeared on screen. “Look. Tate’s interview is starting.”

  The host began gushing over Tate and had given him three hugs before she let him sit down. It wasn’t a big deal anymore seeing a woman fawn over him, and she couldn’t blame them. Up close, those handsome features of his seemed even more handsome, and those baby blues sparkled like precious gems that drove women wild.

  “Does he always flirt during an interview?” Colonel Reed folded his arms over his chest.

  “He’s being cordial, not flirting. Trust me, they’d have to go to commercial break if he were really flirting with her,” Isabelle quipped.

  Her mother giggled at that, but the colonel didn’t find it amusing. The interview went on for ten minutes before finally winding down, and it looked like Lucinda’s lyrical love letter wouldn’t be mentioned, but the host sprung it on him at the last minute.

  Tate laughed it off and said they were old friends, and that he was happily engaged to be married. He sang a song, and the host wished him continued success.

  “Who’s this Lucinda girl?” Her father glared at her.

  Isabelle scooted over to the bar to pour them some iced tea. “She’s a singer Tate had a thing with a long time ago. She wrote a song about…their time together.”

  “Did you know about this?”

  “Yes, I knew about it. Lucinda is milking this because having her name tied with his is good for her career. She’s pretending to be lovelorn over him so she can cash in on his former bad boy image.”

  “Why is he touring with her?”

  “He’s not. She’s a last minute replacement for the group, the Dirty Rascals. Their lead singer came down with laryngitis. I suggested to Tate that they get Lucinda to prove that he’s not avoiding her. Lucinda may think it’s cute now, but come Saturday I’ll be with Tate, and she’ll be regretting the attention.”

  “That’s a pretty good strategy.” Cecelia nodded.

  “Thanks, Mom. So how are things? How was the move to Arizona?”

  That was the one thing she didn’t mi
ss about military life. She gave her mom credit for rolling with the punches all these years, but she was happy to get off the travel train. She gave it a go in Georgia until her marriage to Ned ended, and she was happy to be planting roots at the ranch with Tate.

  “Great. We were able to get a lovely house off base, and I signed up at the nearby gym.” Cecelia beamed.

  “Mom, you work out? That’s great.” Isabelle turned to her father. “Dad, were you able to get any golfing in at Jacob Springs?”

  “No, not yet. It was awfully nice of Morgan and Seth to give us that membership.” He smiled.

  Finally, that loving smile she’d known since she was a little girl appeared. “We’re family, and I think Jake would want his great uncle to enjoy the property in style.”

  “We have had lunch there. The food was delicious, and the staff was so courteous,” her mother added.

  “Well, if you stay put for a while maybe Tate and I can come for a visit and play a round of golf with you.”

  “The cowboy plays golf?” Colonel Reed balked.

  “Yes, he and his brothers play golf. He’s pretty good. I’m still learning.”

  “So have you heard any more news about an opening with the Dallas Symphony?” Cecelia asked.

  “Not yet. But in the mean time, I’m still working with my Classic Music Rocks kids. I’ve been gradually taking over operations since the director left. So that keeps me busy, and the kids are really good. I think they have the potential to really go far if they want.”

  “Peanut, there are other states to play music in besides Texas.” Colonel Reed shook his head.

  “That’s true, but there’s one really good reason to stay, and you just heard him sing.” She bit her lip.

  Isabelle casually picked up her cell phone and sent Tate a text. She figured the least she could do is give him a head’s up, and she wouldn’t be upset if he pretended to have an extended rehearsal.

  * * *

  Tate was happy that everyone was hyped about the last performance being the centerpiece for the documentary. They’d been touring for what seemed like an eternity, but he had mixed feelings about seeing it end. Isabelle came on the road with him when she could, but he knew it was a rough life. Sure she was a military brat, but after hearing her talk about how nice it was to stay put after moving around all her life, he preferred she stay at the ranch.

  He opened Loulabelle’s case and saw the letter from Lila to Teri-Lyn. He still hadn’t mustered up the nerve to read it. He was still grappling with the fact that Lila and Teri-Lyn corresponded all those years.

  “Tate, your beautiful flowers are here. Isabelle is going to love these.” Cyril’s assistant came into the dressing room and put the huge bouquet on the table.

  “Thanks, Stephanie. Have you seen Cyril?”

  “He’s out front talking to the lighting director.”

  Tate grabbed Loulabelle and headed out. He caught up with Cyril near the stage.

  “How are we doing?” Tate glanced at his watch.

  “Fine. Just fine. I want to test the lighting again, but I know you have plans with your lady. Dewey said he’d stand in for you.” Cyril looked over his clipboard.

  “That was nice of him.” Tate scratched his beard.

  “Not really, he ordered the finest bottle of tequila the hotel had to offer and charged it to your room. So, you nervous about meeting your future in-laws?”

  “Terrified. Do you get along with your father in-law?”

  “Not a Christmas goes by that Tommy doesn’t tell me how I ruined his daughter’s life the day I slipped a wedding band on her finger. And that’s before he starts drinking.”

  “Is that why you’re always trying to talk me into Christmas gigs?” Tate raised an eyebrow.

  “You’re my saving grace. Now you get out of here and get in some quality time with Isabelle before your entire family descends on Las Vegas.”

  * * *

  Flowers in hand, Tate put on a baseball cap to conceal his trademark golden locks and slipped out a side door that the fans hadn’t yet discovered. He was game for whatever Isabelle wanted to do, but he was hoping to spend the rest of the day in bed. He felt his phone vibrating in his back pocket. Whoever it was would have to wait. He had a date with his woman.

  The elevator couldn’t reach their floor fast enough. Tate walked into the suite, handed her the flowers, then pulled her close and planted a kiss on her.

  “Baby, I’m finally done for the day. We can do whatever you want, but I wouldn’t object if we went into the bedroom and—”

  “Tate, look who’s here…a day early.” Isabelle gestured with her head to the left side of the room.

  When he saw the look her father was giving him, he released his hold on her waist. Isabelle caught his hand and laced her fingers with his.

  “These are my parents, Lucas and Cecilia Reed.” Isabelle smiled.

  Tate went over to the Reeds and extended his hand. “Mr. and Mrs. Reed, so nice to meet you.”

  “What’s with the formalities?” Cecilia gave him a bear hug. “We watched your interview, it was great. I can’t wait until your concert on Saturday. I’m going to wear the Tate’s Angel T-shirt Isabelle sent me in the mail.”

  Tate extended his hand again to Isabelle’s father. “Colonel Reed, Isabelle’s told me so much about your impressive military career.”

  “How about I shake the hand that wasn’t on my daughter’s backside?” Colonel Reed glared at him.

  A lump formed in Tate’s throat. It was going to be the longest week of his life.

  “Well, we’re going to get unpacked. We’re just a few doors down in a beautiful suite.” Cecelia smiled.

  “Sure you don’t want to stay in the suite with us? There’s plenty of room,” Isabelle squeaked.

  Tate did a double take at Isabelle, which he was sure the colonel saw.

  Cecilia pulled the colonel toward the door. “I know you don’t want to hear your father’s snoring, which hasn’t gotten any better over the years. Poor Tate wouldn’t be able to get a wink of sleep. Let’s grab lunch in an hour and catch up on family gossip.”

  The colonel gave Tate one last glare before he left. When the door closed, Tate let out a sigh of relief. Tate ran a hand over his face. “On a scale of one to ten, how bad was that?”

  “Think of it this way: there’s no reason to be nervous about an introduction tomorrow.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek and a consoling hug.


  Tate hadn’t felt this nervous behind the wheel since he took his driver’s test. The day of sightseeing with Isabelle and her parents had started after breakfast and had included the Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and Red Rock Canyon. There were three Regency specialists shadowing them today in addition to Luther. Better to be safe than sorry when the whole family would be wandering around Nevada.

  Tate wasn’t surprised that he didn’t receive a warm reception from the colonel, but he took comfort that Isabelle’s mother was nice. The man hardly said five words during dinner last night. He watched Tate like a hawk, particularly whenever he touched Isabelle. He suspected today’s jam-packed itinerary was a way to keep him and Isabelle from spending any time together. She and her mother were chatting away and apparently didn’t see the death stares her father was sending him from the back seat, which Tate couldn’t avoid seeing in the rear view mirror.

  They were headed to Red Rock Canyon, and the day wasn’t getting any shorter. The ladies tried to include them in the conversation, but he kept his eyes glued to the road, afraid to make a wrong turn that would land him in the doghouse with his future father-in-law. As the Red Rock Canyon sign came into view, Tate let out a sigh of relief.

  “It took forever to get here,” Colonel Reed grumbled.

  “I was just keeping to the speed limit, sir,” Tate replied and took Isabelle’s hand.

  “Daddy, Tate is a safe driver.”

  “It was a smooth ride, don’t mind him.” Cecilia patted Tate on t
he arm.

  As they walked toward the entrance to the visitor center, Tate leaned into Isabelle and whispered, “Why was this a good idea again?”

  “It’s a chance to get some fresh air and bond with my parents.” Isabelle smiled at him.

  They walked around looking at the outdoor exhibits, but Tate wasn’t paying attention to anything except Isabelle sashaying around in her pretty yellow sundress. She completed her adorable look with a big floppy hat and sunglasses. He’d hoped they would get to swim in the pool, and more importantly, he’d get to see her in a bikini. J.J.’s new house had a pool, and he jumped at every invite to join him and Sam for a swim.

  “Say cheese.” Isabelle pointed the camera at him.

  Tate gave her a goofy smile. “How many pictures are you going to take of me?”

  “It’s your fault for being so photogenic.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Are you having fun?”

  “Would you be upset if I said I’d rather be back in the hotel room in bed with you?” He scratched at his beard.

  “Heck no.” She slipped her hand around his waist. As if on cue, her father burst out of the visitor center door.

  “I have a trail brochure. You ready for a hike, cowboy?”

  * * *

  When Tate indicated he was fine with the first two trails the colonel pointed out, he continued to look for something more challenging. But it was clear they were too long and rugged for the women. Isabelle was content taking photos and talking to her mom. He was glad one of them was having fun.

  “You two can go ahead. I’ll sit here and chat with my daughter.” Cecilia put on her gardening hat and perched herself on a boulder.


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