“So no need to mention this to her?”
“No need whatsoever.”
“Okay. Wow! Revelation is an awesome thing.”
“Yes, it is.”
Nikki and Kevin decided to get married when Jean and Jim brought the children back from their summer vacation. Erica had come down with a virus and couldn’t attend the wedding. Jada stood up for Nikki, and Randy was Kevin’s best man.
They had decided to have an intimate wedding ceremony and an elegant steak and lobster dinner reception, all at a swank hotel. Their marriage counselor, Minister Slater, married them. The beautiful bride and handsome groom stood before each other and exchanged the vows they had written, both pledging to keep God at the center of their union. They both were dressed in soft cream. Nikki’s short pearled gown complemented Kevin’s tux perfectly. The glory of God filled the room, and nothing other than the groom or his bride could ever break the bond that was formed that day.
Jim and Jean stayed in Georgia with the children while Nikki and Kevin went on a Caribbean honeymoon cruise.
On the ship, Kevin scooped Nikki up and carried her across the threshold of their cabin. He set her on his lap and looked at her. She gazed at him, smiling. All the love they had been carrying for each other was about to be unleashed.
Chapter Thirty-seven
When Nikki and Kevin returned from their honeymoon, Jim and Jean were packed and ready to go.
“What is it that you guys think you’re missing in Richmond?” Nikki asked.
“Atlanta is nice, and we love staying with our babies, but your dad has begun all of these projects—the pool, the barbecue, shelving the garage walls, the yard—and none of that is being taken care of while we’re here relaxing,” Jean explained.
“That’s right. Put it all on me,” Jim said.
Before they got in the Caddy, Jim took Nikki aside and looked deep into her eyes as if he was searching for something.
“I have never seen you this satisfied before. And for that reason, I can leave in peace. Kevin’s a good man, but if anything changes . . . well, you know what to do,” Jim instructed his daughter.
“I know, Daddy. I love you,” she said, hugging and squeezing him as tight as she could. “I am very happy and satisfied.”
Nikki went to the store to get milk. On her way back, she stopped to get the mail and noticed a letter from Rae. She had sent her cousin a postcard during her honeymoon to let Rae know about her marriage and was anxious to read her cousin’s response. She opened the letter right there, standing outside beside the mailboxes.
Dear Nikki,
You go, girl! I’m so happy for you, cuz. I’m doing as well as can be expected up in here. The Bible study group is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am respected, not for being tough, but because of what the others see God doing through me. Inmates and guards come to me for advice. And I put the Word on them, just like you do me. My time could even get reduced for good behavior. Thanks for not giving up on me.
P.S. And tell your new husband he better treat you right.
Nikki smiled as a calm peacefulness came over her. She knew that Rae was going to be all right.
A month into her new marriage, it was time to move forward. Nikki wanted to know where things stood with her girlfriends, so she called Jada.
“What’s the deal, sis?” she asked when Jada answered the phone.
“Hey, newlywed. How was the cruise?”
“Short. We learned a lot about each other. We both have a desire to visit Africa, so we’re planning to go there next summer,” Nikki said.
“That’s great,” Jada said.
“How’s Erica?” Nikki asked.
“In denial.”
“I’m going to talk to her,” Nikki said.
“It’s sensitive right now. Be with your husband. She’ll get over it. You take care of your family,” Jada advised.
“All right, but Kevin and I decided on the cruise that I would accept one of those offers that Accountants R Us has been throwing my way. I mean, working at the church doesn’t feel right anymore.”
“Hey, all good things come to an end. New marriage, why not a new job? New beginnings are great. Go for it. Warren and I have been having some serious talks too.” Jada had met Warren Alexander, who was also studying for the bar, and things had been going so well between them that shortly after they passed the exam, they decided to start a practice together.
“All right, now! I wish you nothing but the best, sis.”
“Same to you, sis. Now, go see if that husband of yours needs anything.”
Nikki called Accountants R Us and was sent on an interview that called for her corporate best. She wore her navy brass: her special navy knee-length skirt, brass-buttoned jacket with matching jewelry, nude shimmering hose, and navy pumps. She had studied the company’s financials and was ready to dazzle them. The interview team of the Fortune 500 company was indeed impressed with her and her credentials, assuring Nikki that she would be hearing from them. A few days later, they made her an offer she couldn’t refuse. The seventy-five-thousand-dollar salary was far above her expectations.
Nikki went in to give Vincent her two weeks’ notice. She had briefly thought of telling Erica but dismissed the thought. Vincent reluctantly accepted Nikki’s resignation.
“Why are you leaving us?” he asked after reading the letter.
“It’s just timing. I have grown so much here, have learned to trust and believe God in every area of my life, and the time has come to move on.”
“You have done a wonderful job here. I’m sorry to see you go, but I wish you much success in your future endeavors,” Vincent said.
“Thank you. It has truly been an honor and a pleasure to serve this ministry. I’ll look for you at church.”
Chapter Thirty-eight
Following service a few days after Nikki resigned, the children went home with Kevin, and Nikki rode with Jada to brunch. She was surprised to learn Erica was joining them.
“So what was her one-eighty about?” Nikki asked Jada.
“Let her tell you, but I have some news of my own to share.”
“Oh, here she comes now,” Jada said.
“Hello, sisters,” Erica said as she sat down. “I’m famished.”
“Me too,” Jada said as they all looked at their menus.
Nikki hadn’t spoken, still curious about this change of attitude, but glad to see the old Erica back.
Once their orders were taken, Erica took both of Nikki’s hands into hers and looked deep into her eyes.
“The Word was so on time today. I had been hiding behind issues that I didn’t even know I had, Nikki. Since I got a revelation about my denial, breakthroughs have been coming forth left and right. I had my own issues I needed to deal with, and I took my unhappiness and frustrations out on you rather than being happy for you. I knew I had gone too far when you didn’t even tell me you were leaving the job. I’m sorry you didn’t feel you could come to me. I want you to know I’m changing. God is really speaking to my heart.”
“I’m happy to hear that, Erica,” Nikki said.
“I’m so sorry I took my unhappiness out on you,” Erica apologized.
“Girl, give me a hug,” Nikki said, and they both embraced and fought back tears.
Enough was said.
“Great! Now I have some news,” Jada said.
All eyes were on Jada as they watched her remove a small jewelry box from her purse. She slipped on the ring and held out her hand for them to see.
“Warren asked me to marry him last night.”
“What did you say, girl?” Nikki asked, grabbing Jada’s hand to get a closer look.
“What does it look like she said? She’s wearing this rock, isn’t she?” Erica said, taking Jada’s hand from Nikki for a better view.
“She had it in the box, girl. What’s up with that, Jada?” Nikki asked.
“Nothing. I just didn’t want to distract Erica from doing what she came here to do, but I couldn’t resist that bald head, so I said yes!” Jada exclaimed.
“Well, congratulations, girlfriend. I am truly, truly happy for you,” Erica said.
“And you’re next, Erica,” Nikki prophesied.
A distinguished gentleman at the next table was eating alone. He had witnessed the entire scene. He got up and came over to congratulate Jada.
“Hello, my name is Cal Carrington, and I could not help but overhear your conversation. It seems that congratulations are in order,” he said, looking at Jada.
He was quite impressive, immaculately dressed in a chocolate tailored suit and spit-shined shoes. He was tall and slender with a caramel-colored bald head.
“Thank you,” Jada said.
He nodded to Jada, then turned all of his attention to Erica.
“Actually, I was waiting for an opportunity to come over and meet you, lovely sister,” he said, looking deep into Erica’s eyes until she blinked.
“I’m Erica Scott. Nice to meet you, Mr. Carrington,” she said, offering him her hand to shake.
He gently held her hand in both of his instead.
“I was wondering if you would be available for dinner sometime,” he asked, holding her hand like he never wanted to let it go.
“I think that can be arranged,” Erica replied.
Jada leaned over and whispered into Nikki’s ear. “Knowing Erica, they’ll be married before you get back from Africa.”
“I wouldn’t doubt it one bit, not one little bit,” Nikki said.
Out of the Mouths of Saved Babes
Richmond, Virginia
Several Months Later
Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
Chapter Thirty-nine
Stop jumpin’ on those bunk beds before I come up there and slap you to sleep!” Grace Mitchell shouted to her grandchildren.
Grace was from a time when corporal punishment was in full force. In the sixties, she and her friends Alexis Wilkes, Jean Harris, and Bea Pierce played cards, partied, and traveled from state to state attending concerts and vacationing. Through the decades, they had remained close, starting their own families, surviving tragedies, and getting through this latest epidemic, crack cocaine. After her husband, Herman, died, Grace raised her two daughters, Sharia and Karen, the best way she knew how. She could not understand how her children had gotten caught up in the drug culture, while her friends’ children had turned out so well.
She had custody of her grandchildren while their mother, Sharia, her older daughter, served time at the Women’s Correctional Facility in Goochland, for a drug possession conviction. She had not seen her younger daughter, Karen, in more than a year. Word was that she was strung out, living from crack house to crack house. Grace, in all her sixty-plus years, had never seen the kind of devastation that crack was imposing on her children’s generation. In an effort to save her grandchildren, she became their legal guardian.
“Girl, I’m too old for this,” Grace said on the phone to her friend Jean.” Damon and LaKisha have seen too much. What do I look like trying to raise a seven-year-old think-he’s-grown boy? Not to mention a too-hot-to-trot fourteen-year-old hoochie mama?”
“You have it under control, Grace. I’ve seen you with those kids. I’ll be calling you for advice when Nikki brings the kids here for the summer. Jim won’t be any help. He believes that it’s our duty, honor, and privilege to spoil them rotten,” Jean said.
“Oh, that’s right. You’re going to have all three of your grands this summer. Is the pool ready?” Grace asked.
“Yes, finally. Jim has been out there working from morning till night. Virginia Beach has nothing on my backyard,” Jean said, laughing about how obsessed her husband was with his grandchildren. “Now who are you threatening?”
“Alexis’s grandson, Ahmad, is spending the night with Damon,” Grace said.
“Oh, that’s nice. Where’s LaKisha?” Jean asked.
“Walking around here rolling her eyes and sucking her teeth because she wants to use the phone, which I ain’t paying that mess no mind.”
“Teenagers. Guess I have that to look forward to when Shay gets here. I’d better set some ground rules about long-distance phone calls.”
“Lay down the rules up front, girl. I pay this phone bill, so I better not see her rolling her eyes and sucking her teeth anymore, or she’ll be missing some,” Grace threatened.
“Girl, you put the fear of God in those kids, but somehow they know you love them,” Jean said.
“I loved my girls too, so why they turned out like they did is a mystery to me. I ask God every day, what in the world did I do wrong?”
“Stop blaming yourself. Children have minds of their own and are going to do what they want to do no matter what. We pulled out all the stops trying to convince Nikki not to uproot those kids and move to Atlanta. She went anyway, and it’s probably the best decision she ever made. In the end, they’re going to be all right if we keep the faith. Look at Alexis’s son, Zachary. Boy made the cover of Black Enterprise and never went to college, as much as Alexis pushed higher education on him,” Jean said.
“You’re right about what you say. I’m keeping the faith and know that it ain’t over till it’s over. I got a letter from Sharia from jail saying that she and your niece Rae were holding Bible study for the inmates twice a week. Now, I know that was a sign from God that everything was going to be all right,” Grace said, feeling better that her faith was being restored.
“Yes, it is. Nikki told me that Rae had written her all about the positive effect those Bible studies is having on the inmates. She said there is a noticeable decrease in the violence, and they attribute it to more and more of the women joining the Bible studies and learning alternatives to fighting. God is good, works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform,” Jean preached.
“That’s right. Sharia said instead of cussing somebody out, she goes off on them in tongues, confusing the heck out of them. She told me about when she found Rae in the showers one day after she had been attacked and Rae was speaking in tongues. She said Rae blew her mind with the way she handled the incident, and that’s when she joined her in getting the Bible studies started. So He’s a miracle-working God for sure.”
“Who hasn’t brought you this far to leave you.”
“You got that right,” Grace agreed. “Shut that noise up, up there! Girl, let me go find my belt. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Okay, Grace, but don’t hurt nobody,” Jean said, laughing.
When Grace got to Damon’s room, the light was out and the boys were snoring, pretending to be asleep.
“Ummmm-huh, you better be asleep,” she threatened as she softly closed the door, smiling to herself.
Chapter Forty
In Atlanta, Nikki and her husband, Kevin, had been planning and packing for their African tour for weeks. She was at a point in her life, being blessed with the right partner, to satisfy her fascination with the Motherland. Taj, Shay, and Mia could not wait to get to Richmond and break in their grandparents’ new swimming pool while their mother and stepfather traveled abroad. Finally, Nikki had a date for her parents to expect them.
“Hi, Daddy!” Nikki exclaimed.
“Hey, baby. When are you bringing my grandkids to me? The pool is ready and waiting,” Jim said.
“That’s what I called to tell you. We’re coming a few days early. I want to spend some time with Pam before we leave for Africa. I called her after Miss Bea’s heart attack. I haven’t seen my girl in years.”
“Oh, that’s nice. Pam didn’t come home much after she went off to college. Bea and Jean think she let the fact that Micah had that baby by that girl keep her away, so we were glad tha
t she moved back to take care of Bea,” Jim explained.
“Yeah, she was pretty upset about that. Pam called me and vented about it. Then Zakia came back from college pregnant. Boy, I’m glad I had my daddy in the house with me,” Nikki said.
“That happens to girls who have their daddies in the house with them too.”
“That’s right. Plus, both my girls achieved great success in spite of it. I’m so proud of them.”
“Well, both of those babies are all grown up. Micah’s son, Jaron, is in some seriously deep trouble right now. He was arrested for killing somebody.”
“Ma told me. Now, that’s tough. I have so much to talk to Pam about when I get there. We were on the phone for hours the other night. I can’t wait to see her. Imagine, a big-city district attorney putting criminals away.”
“Yeah, most of you kids did all right for yourselves,” Jim said.
“To God be the glory.”
“Well, attorney or not, it’s good for Bea that Pam is with her. Between Grace, Alexis, and your mother, she is well taken care of, but it’s better for her to have Pam around. She’s all the family Bea has. I know if anything were to happen, Taj would take care of me,” Jim said confidently.
“Yes, he would Daddy, and so would I. But nothing is going to happen to you, so quit talking like that,” Nikki said.
“Okay, baby. So when can we expect you?”
“Tomorrow afternoon sometime. You know the kids are little fish, and since school let out, they’ve been just itching to get to that pool.”
“All right, then. Y’all drive safe and get here in one piece.”
“Okay, Daddy. See you tomorrow.”
Jean came into the room with two cups of herbal tea as Jim was hanging up.
“Who was that?” she asked as she handed her husband a cup.
“Nikki. They’ll be here tomorrow. She wants to spend some time with Pam before they go to Africa,” Jim said.
“Good. They were close growing up. They pretended to be sisters, both being the only child. I’m sure Pam’s daughter, Taylor, will hit it off with Mia just like their mothers did,” Jean said.
Saved Folk in the House Page 19