Remember the Night: a Heroes of the Night military romance novel

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Remember the Night: a Heroes of the Night military romance novel Page 16

by Nicole Leiren

  She needed to be prepared, which meant reviewing all the details the other side had presented and getting her name on the docket for representing the defendants. Offense often proved the best defense in cases like this, even if Cody and his sister didn't want to countersue. The temptation to call or text Cody gripped her resolve and pulled hard, but the hurt in his eyes this morning made her want to give him a little more time before she resumed a "business as usual" approach in their interactions. He already thought she was a cold-hearted shark. No need to give him additional evidence. She compartmentalized her emotions, whereas Cody wore his on the edge of his sleeve. Both approaches had advantages and disadvantages. Email would be the best way to handle this—professional yet including a bit of a personal touch.

  The only problem with that approach? She didn't have his email. I really am unprepared when it comes to this case. A small lightbulb lit up in the front of her brain. Melodie would have the information she needed. Picking up the office phone, she dialed her number.


  "Hey, Mel, it's Ev. I need Cody's email address." She quickly added, "It's for the case."

  "Hi. Yes, packing is going great. Thanks so much for asking. You want to come over and help since Nathan has the boys this weekend? That's so sweet of you to volunteer. Yes, five will be great. I'll order pizza."

  What the hell was wrong with her sister? It took a minute, fifty seconds longer than it should have, for her to figure out the not-so-covert message Mel had been giving her. Damn, she was losing her edge. Curves and edges… Banishing the thought of Cody's assessment, she lowered her voice. "He's there, isn't he?"

  "Yes, that's right. I want to get as much of the Chicago deep dish before Daniel forces me to move to a city where they don't understand pizza. You'll bring wine and beer? That's fantastic. Yes, see you then."

  Evelyn shook her head. No consideration given to what she needed or wanted. She'd stop at a liquor store, as expected, on her way to Mel's apartment tonight where she'd be forced in close proximity with the one person on earth who wanted to be as far away as possible from her at the present moment. Another fun-filled weekend. Despite her best efforts to stop it, a sigh escaped. "Red or white wine?"

  Her sister actually laughed. "Oh, I think you need to bring at least one of each."

  "That bad, eh?"

  "See you at five."

  She hung up. All she had wanted was an email address. Now she had a "fun-filled" evening ahead of her. The throbbing in her temples picked up the tempo again, a faster cadence worthy of a drum and bugle corps performance. Maybe two bottles of each color were in order. Or, maybe she'd forget the wine altogether and go straight for the tequila.

  A final check of the clock revealed she had time to finish up a few loose ends before heading back to the burbs and making the stops necessary to arrive at Melodie's by five. Her phone rang again. "Evelyn Alexander."

  "Why are you using your maiden name?"

  The drum line in her head upped their tempo. They were definitely going to set some kind of record at this point. "I'm no longer married, Mother."

  "A temporary setback. You and Nathan are perfect for each other."

  "Perfect didn't get it done this time. We're moving on. It would be easier on everyone if you would do the same." Evelyn felt a pang of sympathy for all the phone calls Melodie had endured over the years.

  "Since when have you been interested in easy? This is why you need Nathan's influence in your life. He keeps you focused and centered."

  She really didn't have time for this right now. "Can we talk about this later? I'm finishing up some work, and I'm helping Daniel and Melodie with their packing this evening."

  "Speaking of Melodie, you are planning on attending the reception we're throwing for her, aren't you? I hate that it had to be on a Wednesday, but with them starting their move over the weekend, there was no choice." Marie's words were technically a question, but the tone of her voice indicated a statement of fact.

  "Of course. Should I bring the boys?"

  "Yes. Anastasia will be in attendance. Jason will be helpful in keeping her occupied She's a sweet girl but possesses a great deal of energy."

  Evelyn smiled. Her mother had a soft spot for the little girl, even if she would never admit it out loud. "You're going to miss her when they've moved permanently to Mississippi, aren't you?"

  A long pause—too long for comfort—extended before her mother spoke. "Certainly. She is a part of our family. I care for her."

  "I'll miss her too."

  "Nathan will be at the party. I expect you to be his escort for the evening."

  Just like her mother to sabotage a sentimental conversation with her personal agenda. "Your expectations aren't going to be met. I'll be cordial and promise you we both will be on our best behavior."

  "You cannot attend the function without an escort. People will talk."

  Translated, Evelyn would be an embarrassment to show up divorced and unaccompanied. "I have a date."

  "Oh? Do tell."

  "I'll introduce you to him at the party." She had four days. She could find a date in that amount of time, couldn't she? Her stomach flip-flopped. The real question—could she convince Cody to forgive her and accompany her in that amount of time since his arm was the only one she wanted to be attached to? Yeah, good luck with that.

  "Very well. Don't forget an appropriate gift."

  Evelyn rolled her eyes, an irrelevant gesture since no one could see, but it made her feel better. "This isn't my first party, Mother. I understand proper protocol."

  "Normally, you are the one receiving the gifts. I don't expect we'll be celebrating you anytime soon if you don't get your act together."

  Get my act together? She focused on each word, not wanting her mother to hear the tremor in her voice. "I need to get back to work. I'll see you next week." Evelyn hung up the phone before Marie could say anything else. Ever since Daniel had fully brought to her attention how Marie's words affected Melodie, Evelyn had made a conscious effort not to repeat the same parenting mistakes. A bitter laugh escaped into the quiet of her office. Marie Alexander would never admit to making any mistakes.

  She shut down her computer and locked everything up, arranging the files on her desk in priority order for tomorrow. The picture of her sons captured her attention, bringing a small smile. Of all her accomplishments, they were the ones that created the greatest sense of pride deep within her heart and soul. Somehow, she had to find better balance to make sure they knew and understood how much she loved them. Balance between pushing them to be their best yet supporting them even if their choices didn't match hers. Time to break the cycle. Time to find a way to earn Cody's forgiveness…if that were still possible.


  Cody heard the knock on the door at exactly five. The fact Evelyn arrived perfectly at the moment she'd been asked to didn't surprise him in the least. He, on the other hand, had been a mess the entire day. Daniel and Melodie hadn't given him too much grief for taking an hour to pack each box he'd been assigned. Melodie had even offered a sympathetic smile when he arrived. They both knew he'd been with Evelyn the night before. Didn't take a rocket scientist to realize things hadn't gone according to plan.

  You have to be patient with Ev. She can drive you crazy, but she's one of the best people I've ever known. She just has a different way of showing it. Melodie's words repeated over and over in his head throughout the afternoon.

  Daniel, on the other hand, had slugged him in the shoulder and told him the Alexander women were worth fighting for and to stop being a pussy.

  "You brought Mike's?" Melodie smiled as she pulled the party pack out of the Binny's bag.

  "Thought it would go better with pizza, right? Speaking of pizza, when will it be here? I'm starving."

  Melodie's excitement quickly flashed to concern. "When's the last time you ate?"

  Evelyn shrugged, not answering.

  Cody would bet a month of paychecks she hadn'
t eaten since lunch on Friday. He and Daniel watched Melodie look over her sister from head to toe. When her gaze rested on the bruised cheek showing through the fading makeup, she grabbed her sister's arm and pulled her down the hall and into the bedroom.

  Cody turned to Daniel, his arms crossed and a look of anger on his face. "What the hell is that about?"

  Daniel moved toward him, pushing him in the chest until they hit the wall. "Tell me what or who put that bruise on her cheek!"

  His mind raced to find a plausible answer. He'd promised Evelyn he wouldn't say anything. He wouldn't lie either. "I can't."

  Cody watched as conflict raged in Daniel's eyes. Did he really think Cody could or would hurt Evelyn? Thankfully, Daniel eventually arrived at the same decision. Damn sure took him long enough. He'd deal with that another day. Not addressing shit led to big problems.

  Can lead to death.

  "You promised her, didn't you?"

  Cody shrugged. "What the lady wants…"

  Daniel smiled. "The lady gets."

  "Damn straight." Cody moved to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. After a couple swigs, he looked at his best friend. "I gotta tell you, man, figuring out what this particular lady wants is giving me a hell of a headache."

  "The best ones always do."

  Cody looked up as the women came down the hall. "Everything okay?"

  Melodie smiled. "Everything's fine. I didn't realize my sister was such a klutz." She turned to Daniel. "She took a digger on the way home yesterday, trying to not miss her train."

  Cody flashed a glance from Melodie to Daniel to Evelyn. Unsure if Ev was lying to Mel or Mel to Daniel. Either way, this was a family matter, and since he wasn't part of the family, he'd stand by his promise to keep his mouth shut.

  The doorbell rang. "Pizza's here."

  Melodie and Daniel left to pay for the pizza, and he took advantage of the opportunity. "Are you really doing okay?"

  He studied her closely, the same fading makeup that allowed Melodie to see the bruise allowed him to see the dark circles shadowing her tired eyes. Instinct bonded with desire and demanded he take her hand. "Stupid question. Sorry."

  A small smile from her warmed his heart. "Thanks for not saying anything."

  He moved a little closer, squeezing her hand tighter. "I'm a stand-up kinda guy."

  The moment the palm of her hand touched his cheek, the chill from their last conversation dissipated. "You are. I was way out of line earlier. It's no excuse, but Nathan tends to bring out the worst in me."

  "Assholes can do that."

  In a surprise move, she shook her head. "He's not an asshole. Some people just aren't good for each other. He and I were just too slow to come to that realization."

  This woman would never cease to amaze him. He had to leave teeth marks on his tongue not to ask her if she thought they were good for each other. He knew she was good for him. The question remained, could he be the same for her?

  Not wanting to completely ruin the tentative truce she'd offered, he leaned into her touch. "Okay, not an asshole. I know you're going to work tomorrow, but can I take you out for a drink, dinner, coffee, something after you finish? If you need to disguise it as work, we can talk about the case."

  She grinned, a sight that made him believe maybe world peace could be achieved someday. Okay, maybe not that far, but pretty damn close. "Play your cards right tonight, Soldier, and maybe we can do all of the above."

  He laughed. "I've never been good at cards, but I'm game."

  "Game for what?" Melodie set the pizza box on the table while Daniel grabbed paper plates from the cabinet.

  "Eating more than my fair share of the pizza before Daniel can stop me."

  "You wish!" To prove his point, Daniel grabbed the first steaming slice and took a big bite.

  "Oh, it's on." Cody grabbed a slice and followed suit.

  Melodie laughed. "You better grab some, Sis, or we're going to be eating pretzels and drinking all of the Mike's."

  Cody felt a small pang of relief when Evelyn grabbed a slice and took a hearty bite. He surveyed the options in the Mike's party pack and selected the blood orange flavor. He lifted it toward Evelyn in suggestion. She smiled around the bite of crust and melted cheese, nodding her head.

  Executing a few slick moves he'd learned from a bartender in Wisconsin, he made a show of removing the top from the bottle. Bowing before her, he lifted the beverage. "Your drink, ma'am."

  Laughter from everyone filled the condo. She relieved him of the drink, lifted it to her mouth, and surrounded the opening with her pink lips. Shit! The simple action fired his blood and sent it on vacation below his belt. Images of those pink lips… He selected a Hard Lemonade, opened it, and quickly downed half in one long swig.

  "Darn, Babyface. Thirsty?" Melodie laughed.

  "That was nothing. This man can down a beer faster than anyone I've ever seen. He claims it's in his DNA being born in Wisconsin and all, but I think it's more a practice makes perfect kind of deal," Daniel added his thoughts into the discussion.

  Cody punched him good-naturedly. "Most of my practice was with you. Always wanting to go out and party. Remember what you said right before a night of partying?"

  Daniel blushed and Cody laughed. Maybe his old friend had grown up some. "Yeah, I remember. Who wants to get drunk…"

  "…and do something stupid?"

  Evelyn looked between the two men. "Seriously?"

  Daniel leveled a wannabe serious look at her. "You've never gotten drunk, have you?"

  The sparkling blue of her eyes disappeared as long lashes lowered to cover them. "No."

  Cody moved to stand next to her and bumped her gently with his hip, jostling her in the chair. "There's always a first time. If you ever decide you want to, I want to be there. Deal?"

  "Don't hold your breath. Ev appreciates control too much to get drunk. Right?" Melodie nodded in the direction of her sister.

  Evelyn dabbed the corners of her mouth with a napkin. "I don't see the allure. Not being in control of my actions or what I say? Not fun."

  "She's right," Cody interjected and then winked. "Besides, there are far more fun ways to lose control that don't involve a hangover in the morning."

  "I think I'll forego any of those details, eat my pizza, and drink my beer. My beautiful wife has given me a deadline for packing, and I don't want to disappoint her."

  Leave it to Daniel to ruin Cody's Hallmark moment with Evelyn. Time for a little payback. Cody teased "She's already got you whipped, I see."

  Daniel grabbed Melodie and pulled her into an embrace, kissing and nuzzling her neck. Finally, he responded. "There are worse things than being whipped by a beautiful woman." His gaze diverted to Evelyn. "Course, you already know that."

  At his remark, Evelyn blushed, took another bite of pizza, and grabbed another drink from the box. "On that note, I'm taking my pizza and drink into the living room. It will take me the rest of the night to box up all those books. I hope you have plenty of shelves in the new place."

  "Daniel and I are buying some from Ikea and building them to go in the living room."

  Cody laughed. "Daniel with bookshelves in his house. Miracles never cease." He managed a quick glance at Evelyn's backside as she left the room. The slight sway of those hips could bring him to his knees. He stuffed another bite of pizza into his mouth. Getting that woman to fall in love with him—now that would be a miracle.


  Evelyn looked up from the piles of books and albums surrounding her when Cody walked into the room. She recognized the faint scent of his cologne. Did that make her attentive or pathetic? Four days to find a date…

  He handed her another drink. Though she wasn't drunk, Melodie had informed her with a wicked grin that she had a good buzz going on. Whatever that meant.

  "Hey. Thanks for the drink."

  "No problem. I think Daniel and Mel are getting ready to go to bed. You wanna call it a night?"

sp; She looked at her watch. Ten fifteen. Where had the time gone? She looked at the five boxes she'd been responsible for packing and smiled. "Not my most productive packing experience."

  He pointed to the photo albums lying around her. "Looks like you got sidetracked."

  Her face heated. "Guilty as charged. I can't remember the last time I looked at old photos. Brought back a lot of memories."

  "Good or bad?"

  "Mostly good. The only bad ones were pics of outings we went on as kids. I'd forgotten how many of those outings she missed. I know I regret missing some of Michael's things early in his life. Since Jason came along, I've tried to do better in that regard."

  "You think she has regrets?"

  "My mother?"


  She shook her head and smiled. "Have you met my mother?"

  He shrugged. "Everyone keeps asking me that. She must be a real piece of work. Other than seeing her briefly at Mel's wedding, I haven't had the pleasure."

  Window of opportunity. "Would you like to meet her?"

  His nervous laugh brought a smile to her face. "The way everyone talks about her, I'd be a fool to miss an opportunity to meet the illustrious Marie Alexander. Did you have a particular opportunity in mind?"

  No guts, no glory. "I know I said some things earlier today…"

  He busied himself with boxing some of the photo albums, apparently unable to look her directly in the face for this conversation. Not good. "I've never seen you like that before."

  Not looking at each other for this conversation might be the best approach—at least it made saying what needed to be said a little easier. She lowered her head. "Work is very stressful right now, more so than ever before. I lashed out at the person closest." She lifted her head to stare at the strong line of his jaw, the desire to let her fingertips graze the dark stubble proved formidable and hard to resist. "I misjudged you and the situation. I apologize."


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