Conquering Her

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Conquering Her Page 10

by Rachel Blinkman

  Hannah sat up with a sudden start. Her head felt very light and everything around her seemed to be spinning in circles. She blinked in confusion. It wasn’t dark anymore; the pleasant warmth of early morning streamed in from the window, filling the room with a soothing glow.

  “What the hell happened… where am I now?” She spluttered in confusion. “Kaenen… Kaenen, where are you?”

  She rubbed her eyes and looked down at her body. She was naked, and sitting on a small, vaguely familiar bed. Her surroundings looked outlandish and strange to her. What was that object that lay on the bed before her, with the bright light emanating from it? Then realization hit her like a cold shower, all of this was some kind of a dream… it had to be. She remembered the electric jolt she felt when she touched the computer charger, and the computer… it still had the game running on it.

  “What the fuck happened? Why did I get thrown out of the game now… just when I was about to… oh, this sucks…” She fumed and grumbled as she reached for the laptop computer. “It was all so freaking real… I felt everything damn thing in there… I remember it all… as if it really… oh, Kaenen.”

  On the computer screen, the words, ‘Quest Completed!’ flashed on and off and Hannah exhaled deeply, slumping her shoulders with disappointment. Why did her life have to be so cruel, why did a computer game be more meaningful than her real life… if only… if only she could go back there.

  “But I can…” Her eyes lit up. “All I have to do is fire up the game again.”

  And so she did, but instead of the game starting up, a message to insert disk for next quest kept flashing on the screen. Now where would she get the next disk from?

  “Derek, of course.” Hannah stood up and whistled. Her student. He gave her the laptop with the game. He would have the next disk for sure. “I’ve just got call and ask him for it.”

  But did she have his number? She reached for her phone and scrolled through the list of numbers, her heart pounding. As she scrolled along, a thought struck her. She reached for the laptop computer and flipped it over. Her eyes lit up. On the back, over the battery panel lid, a white sticker read out his name and the phone number to be contacted if he had ever lost the computer. She exhaled deeply and keyed in the number onto her phone with bated breath.

  “Hello!” She heard his youthful voice.

  “Hello, Derek… this is Hannah Liston… your history teacher.”

  “Miss Liston?” His surprise was evident. “What’s up?”

  “Derek… I, um…” Hannah suddenly felt very stupid and self conscious. She was calling up one of her students for something as trivial as a computer game. But she fought that feeling, her need to get more out of this drove her on. “Yes, well… I need… um, the next level of this game.”

  “Wow!” He sounded excited. “You’re done with the first level already… it took me a week. You must be a natural…”

  “Well, I suppose… I wouldn’t have known until I tried, thanks to you.”

  “So how was it… did you score big?” His breathing sounded hard.

  “Yeah, it was great… and I did score big.” She tried to check her excitement. “I need the next disc to move ahead.”

  “Wow!” Derek cried out excitedly. “I have the next disc… in fact I’m playing it now, why don’t you come on over to my place and we can multi-play side by side.”

  “You can do that?” Her heart leapt at the thought of playing the game together with him.

  “Hell yeah. Miss Liston.” He sounded as eager as she was. “Come on over… I’ll text you my address.”

  Helena stared at the texted message with some trepidation. It was on the other side of town, and definitely some of the high-end valued real estate. She showered quickly, forced herself into her tightest jeans and a t-shirt even tighter. Red lipstick and some dark mascara and she ran out of her gaudy apartment in a flash. Someone greeted her on the way down the stairs but she barely noticed in her rush. The ride was long and soon the cab let her off at the high gate of the sprawling estate and she made her way up the path to the front door.

  “Miss Liston?” Derek’s mouth made a wide ‘O’ when he opened the door to greet her.

  “Hi Derek.” She smiled and held up his laptop. “Yes, it’s me… Hannah Liston.”

  “Wow!” His eyes were still wide and in awe as he ushered her inside. “I mean, you look different… I’ve never seen you in a jeans and t-shirt before, and with make up.”

  “Oh, it’s just my weekend look.” She nodded and looked around the sprawling and expensive mansion. “Do you like it?”

  “Like it…?” He said with a nervous laugh. “Hell, Miss Liston… you look real hot, like a senior instead of a lecturer.”

  “Why thank you, Derek… and call me Hannah.”

  “Uh, sure Hannah.” He led her through the large hall and upstairs to what could only be his room “So you really dig the game, huh?”

  “Yes, I do.” She nodded and marveled at the room her student led her into. It was at least four times the size of her little apartment. “Let’s say ‘Finder’s Journey’ has made me discover myself in a whole new way.”

  “Cool!” He grinned and waved at the huge wall mounted monitor on which his computer console was hooked. “The next level’s all loaded and ready, let’s get the laptop hooked onto the network and get you into my game server. Once you’re in, we can play together on this bigger screen.”

  “Wow, this is awesome.” Her eyes went wide at the set up. “Uh, so when you recommended the game to me, you knew it had a… an extreme theme.”

  “Oh, yeah… the sex and violence thing.” He gave her a sheepish grin. “I forgot to set the rating to PG for you… so you played the full R-Rated version then.”

  “More like X-Rated, but I loved it. Thanks.”

  “Cool!” His knowing grin sent a thrill though her. “Then we can play the no holds barred version now, huh.”

  “I’d love that.” She returned his suggestive leer. “What’s your in-game character and game name?”

  “I usually play an assassin or rogue character.” He replied as he set up the network for the computers. “And I prefer using Kane, Kanelan and Kaenen as my handle.”

  Wow! She felt another thrill rush through her as it dawned to her why the Kaenen in her game experience seemed so familiar. Without the ponytail and five o’clock shadow, Derek was the Kaenen from her game. And he also used the same name. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.

  “So, we can play here today then…,” Hannah composed herself and asked the younger man. “What about your folks?”

  “They’re in Europe for the entire week.” Derek shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s just me, here by myself all weekend.”

  “All weekend, hm.” She raised an eyebrow and bit her lower lip.

  “Yeah… and how about you, Hannah?” His eyes quickly did another scan of her body under its tight clothing, much to her delight.

  “Yeah, I have all weekend too, Derek.” She purred seductively. “Let’s play!”



  “Hagarth!” Hannah narrowed her eyes at the strapping barbarian chieftain. “I am all yours.”

  Hagarth had a look of incredulity on his rugged face. “You are, Princess? What makes you choose to be here with me over these two fine and gentle men?”

  “They may be willing to die for me… but I do not appreciate anyone doing that… I want to be free of this overbearing title that is my birthright, and I choose to be with a man who is not intimidated by my title.” Hannah eyed him with flint-hard determination.

  “And I am indeed such a man, wench.” Hagarth laughed. “I am never intimidated by anyone’s title or high position.”

  “So now that you have me, let Randal and Kaenen go.”

  “Done.” Hagarth nodded at his men to set them free. “But know this, if they ever try to come for you, I will present not them but their heads before you.”

  “They will not come.”
Hannah gnashed her teeth. “I command them to never again try to rescue me. I choose you, Hagarth, because you offer me freedom from a cloistered life of tradition and boredom.”

  “Aye, that indeed I do, wench.” The chieftain seemed to agree heartily. “But you are mine, and not free of my needs and attentions.”

  “Those very needs and attentions I too hold you to, my great chieftain.”

  “Good.” Hagarth smiled broadly and turned to his men. “Get these two fools out of here and break up camp. It is time to head for home, and show off my new prize.”

  Hannah sighed deeply as Randal and Kaenen were led away. She would never see them again, for their own sakes. She had made her choice and neither of them could offer her what a man like Hagarth could. At least she could live her own life with this half-savage raider. Randal would no doubt uphold his honor and deliver her to that odious Albrecht in Westamblin. And Kaenen, life with a rogue on the run would be quite adventurous, but she could see nothing going for it in the long run.

  The raiders mounted up and the long ride to their mountainous homeland began. Hannah felt very excited about the new life she was embarking upon, and of course the attentions of a man like Hagarth. From the moment she saw him, strange and daring desires took over her mind and body. She knew her choice was a wise one, for behind his savage and intimidating appearance, she could tell that Hagarth was a very intelligent man with ambition and purpose.

  Two nights and a day passed as they rode along. None of the men bothered her, except to bring her food and drink. She was the chieftain’s woman and anything other than a respectable nod of the head would result in some kind or reprimanding. It served her well, even though such proximity to men oozing with ruggedness and machismo had her head spinning most of the time, especially since Hagarth too had not bothered to even come talk to her all the while they rode north.

  At long last they arrived at the settlement that was Hagarth’s dominion. The men scattered away to reunite with their families and friends, while she was led into the largest building there, Hagarth’s great hall. Inside, a great fire raged in a hearth in the center of the vast room. The hall was filled with men and women, some seated at tables, others milling around. They gave her interested looks, but no one said anything to her. She walked on until she came to a great chair at the head of the largest table. Hagarth sat there and regarded her. He gestured at her to take the seat beside him.

  “Welcome to my home, Princess.” He gave her a wide grin and raised his overlarge mug of mead. “Does what you see please you?”

  “So far, not by much.” She retuned his smile. “And what of my status as a hostage, what of the ransom I can fetch for you from my father, the King of Dras-Ornel?”

  “Did you choose me over those two fools so that you could be ransomed?” He laughed. “You are smarter than that, Princess, are you not? You do know that you bring me certain important privileges a mere ransom of gold or silver would not.”

  “What?” Hannah felt a cold chill descend all over her. Sex and gold wasn’t at all the reason he wanted her. “I don’t understand… you intend to use me and my title... for what purpose?”

  “Leverage, Princess! You will give me leverage.” He smiled and took a long quaff of mead. “An alliance with Dras-Ornel and Westamblin will cost us dearly. We people of the north will lose much by this union.”

  “What kind of leverage are you talking about?”

  “As you can see, I have many subjects, many followers, many slaves… and yet I have no wife?”

  “Are you going to propose to me, great chief?” She gave him a smile, and challenged him with smoldering eyes.

  “Aye, as all here will bear witness...” He raised the large mug of mead over his head. “From now forth, you, Princess Hélène of Dras-Ornel, are going to be my blushing bride and mother of my many heirs.”

  “A worthy privilege indeed, Hagarth.” Hannah looked around the gathered northlanders as they raised their cups in salutation. “But how will this give you leverage over an alliance of Westamblin with my father’s kingdom?”

  “Without you, the alliance cannot be made.” The barbarian grinned wide.

  “And as your wedded bride, my father has no option but to try and ally with you to keep the ambitions of Westamblin in check.” Hannah appreciated the depth of this savage raider’s objective.

  Hagarth’s nod to her with admiration made Hannah feel a hot flush cascade through her. This was a win-win for her all the way. She couldn’t wait to get down and dirty with Hagarth again. He offered her a new world to live in, a new life of exciting opportunity and adventure. “So what now, great chief?” She asked him.

  “Now we get married.” He stated casually then turned to his subjects. “Prepare her.”

  As soon as he gave the word, four of his towering warriors moved so quickly to surround her that Hannah felt suddenly breathless. Her heart began beating so fast she could almost feel it rising up to her throat. A cold sweat covered her body as the men reach out for her.

  She shrieked out loud as they seized her arms and legs. Four pairs of coarse and hardened hands gripped her and lifted her off her feet. Hannah felt her breath rush out of her and the sudden feeling of being weightless left her light headed. The four muscular men extended their arms and held her high above their heads. They carried her between them over to a raised platform as they chanted a weird song in low deep voices. The men laid her on top of the platform and held her down by her wrists and ankles. Fear gripped her hard and yet she strangely felt relaxed and her breathing went back to normal. A deep sense of longing left her craving for a need to be filled.

  The four men held her down onto the platform made of wood and leaves, and covered with soft moss and furs. They peeled away her clothes, exposing her completely to the eyes of the subjects of Hagarth gathered there. And instead of feeling shame or embarrassment, Hannah was strangely at ease and sought for her nakedness to be seen by all. Everything around her seemed surreal and her body rose in response to it even quicker than her mind.

  “He’s going to fuck me… in front of everyone,” she thought, with perverse excitement. “…just like out there in the camp.”

  A sharp gasp escaped Hannah’s lips and she arched her back as the four men ran their hard, callused hands over her feverish naked body. They caressed her soft resilient flesh, making her feel as if sparks were being lit inside her. Their brawny hands were gentle and loving, caressing her arms and legs, kneading her quivering belly and squeezing her heaving breasts. They fondled her all over with skillful simplicity, leaving her with a starving need like she had never felt before.

  Then they lifted her off the platform and flipped her over to lie face down. A strong odor of sweetness filled the air around her. Hannah relaxed, yielding to the eight agile hands working their magic on her neck, back, buttocks and thighs. They massaged her with a sticky substance that felt warm on her skin; it worked well against the chill of the mountain air. She was flipped over again and more of the sweet smelling unguent was smeared over her breasts and belly, her neck and her thighs. She felt her legs being parted, and did not resist, though her belly clenched a little.

  She moaned loudly as the same body warming lotion was gently smeared all over her throbbing pussy. Her hips swayed slowly as the heat of the ointment spread all over her pussy and within it. The four men working on her took turns playing with her clit and pussy lips, making her moan and gasp. She heard the appreciative whispers of the onlookers and looked at all of them in a dazed stupor. Her mind was overcome by the rich odor of whatever it was they were using and Hannah was beginning to enjoy every moment of this strange and obscene ritual.

  “She is almost prepared, chief.” One of the men’s gruff voices reached her ears. “She will be ready for you in a few moments.”

  “My four brothers-in-arms.” Hagarth laughed. “You have served me well in battle as well as now as you prepare my new bride for my pleasure.”

  “Aye, Chief Hagarth.” Th
e tallest among the four replied. “It is our great honor to prepare such a fine and regal feast for you.”

  Hannah looked down her body as the four pairs of hands suddenly left her body. A sense of rejection came over her and she longed for the hands to ravage her body again. But before she could state her need, four hot and wet mouths took the place of the hands that were on her. Her neck, her breasts and her belly were smothered with ravenous kisses. She jerked up as if lightning bolts were streaking around inside her. Her hips bucked, spreading her pussy wide open to the welcome those kisses there as well and she could hear Hagarth’s bawdy laughter echoing all around.

  “Oh, my god.” Hannah gasped, finding her voice at last. “Oh… I… I’m literally on fire… this is so good… so freaking good.”

  “She is ready for you now, chief.” She heard a voice announce and looked up at the towering form of Hagarth.

  “She will give you pleasure long into the early hours of the new morn…” Another voice assured the great chief of the raiders.

  Hagarth lowered himself down on all fours between her outstretched legs, his bearded face inches from her pulsating pussy, as the men held her thighs apart. She felt Hagarth’s hot breath on her enflamed pussy, making her want him to ravage her with his mouth.

  “Oh, eat me, you fucking bastard…” Hannah screamed. “Lick me… eat my pussy… oh, god, make me cum… please.”

  Hagarth grinned wide and stuck his tongue out, touching the tip of it on her erect clitoris. Hannah went stiff, her hands clenched hard over the thick hair of the men sucking on her breasts. The huge barbarian chief kissed the oozing delight in front of his face with fervor, making her moan and gasp louder than she had ever done since this crazy ritual started. Hagarth’s hands massaged her inner thighs and her tender buttocks as he held her pelvis up to his face.

  Hagarth’s hardened sword-wielding hands moved gently as he caressed the rose bud petals of her pussy, playing with the dripping slit. Hannah moaned loudly, spreading her legs wider for him. He popped her sizzling clitoris into his mouth and sucked the sensitive little bud lovingly as his bristling beard tickled her receptive ass. She gasped and reached down, grabbing at his thick maned head, digging into the density of his dark, matted hair. Electrifying jolts of pleasure rippled through her trembling body. She whimpered, pushing his face down harder over her swollen pussy. The sensation of all five mouths on her together and the overpowering exhilaration of it all made her head spin wildly. She thrust her hips upward to meet Hagarth’s greedy attentions and she drunkenly reached her climax. Her orgasm erupted with volcanic passion as she trapped Hagarth’s shaking head tightly between her thighs.


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