Beta’s Challenge

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Beta’s Challenge Page 4

by Mildred Trent

  “Vonn,” Mikal said, “go to the meeting room and gather the camcorder and other equipment. Make sure the batteries are fully charged. We have a movie to film.”

  “Yes, Mikal.” Vonn left to room to do as told.

  Smiling from ear-to-ear, and chuckling to himself, Mikal walked back into his bedroom. The thought of finally exacting revenge on the one person he felt deserved it more than any other being on earth had his dick suddenly hard as steel.

  Closing the door, he started undressing as he walked toward the bed. Sasha lay there stoically. Mikal said, “Unfortunately for you, Sasha, I have just received news that has me so excited, I feel I will explode if I don’t release some of this excess adrenalin-laced energy.”

  “I hate you, Mikal. You’ll never be half the man Gabriel is.” Sasha spit the words out like acid.

  That comment cut Mikal’s soul deeper than he thought was even possible. His gut felt like it had been ripped to shreds, gasoline poured on it, and lit with a struck a match.

  “You will regret that comment, Sasha, and for that, I am truly sorry,” Mikal said as he once headed to the bed. This time, no matter what, he would do what he came to do.

  He walked to the bed and untied her ankles. Sasha kicked and squirmed, trying to keep Mikal away from her but he flipped her onto her stomach and easily retied her ankles. Walking to the head of the bed, he grabbed three pillows and jammed them under her belly, raising her ass high in the air.

  He removed the remainder of his clothes and climbed onto the bed between her spread legs. His seed from their earlier session leaked from her slit. He grabbed the base of his cock and rubbed it up and down her slit, using the moisture to slick his cock in preparation for what he was about to do. Once his cock was slick enough for his liking, he positioned the head at Sasha’s asshole.

  Sasha went ramrod still. In one violently forceful jab, Mikal bottomed out in Sasha’s ass. The scream that ripped from Sasha’s throat was one of ultra agony. The forcefulness of Mikal’s invasion in her ass was more than her body or mind could handle and as darkness met her, she passed out cold. Mikal, unaware that Sasha had passed out, pummeled her ass as if his dick was a jackhammer and he was trying to break through a ten-foot thick concrete wall. Her words ringing in his ears like a mantra.

  “You will never be half the man Gabriel is.”

  How dare she. He was twice the man Gabriel could ever dream of being and he would prove that to not only Sasha, but the entire pack.

  He pounded Sasha for what seemed like hours. When Mikal felt the familiar burn signaling his orgasm was upon him, he pulled out of her ass and shoved his dick into her pussy. He began stroking harder and faster until his orgasm crested and he shoved into Sasha farther than any man had a right to be inside a woman’s body. He threw his head back and howled his release.

  After the sensations of his orgasm calmed and his breathing was back to normal, Mikal got off the bed. “Can Gabriel give you that, Sasha?”

  No answer. With the blind rage now dissipated, fear gripped Mikal in a vice around his heart. Moving closer to the bed, he pushed Sasha’s hair clear from her face. She was out cold.

  “What have I done to you my love?” Mikal knelt down by the head of the bed and pushed Sasha’s hair from her face. Panic began to set in. Mikal ran his fingertips over her cheek. He went into the bathroom, gathered oil, washcloths, towels and a bowl of soapy water. Coming back in the room with his supplies, he untied Sasha’s wrist and ankles. Gently he bathed her, taking extra precautions between her legs and at her breasts. Once he finished cleaning her, he massaged her entire body with the oils. Leaning down, he placed a soft kiss on Sasha’s forehead. “Why can’t you love me the way I love you?” Mikal whispered in Sasha’s ear.

  Sighing in defeat, he took all the supplies back into the bathroom. Mikal quickly showered and dressed. Heading to the door, he glanced back at Sasha.

  “Why can’t you love me the way I love you?” Mikal whispered again. “Gabriel, this is entirely your fault. It’s time to face your demons, boy, and I am going to be the one to bring them to you,” he said as he gently stepped through the door, silently closing it behind himself.

  Chapter Four

  After Gabriel had dropped Tara off at home, she showered then called Toya and Tia on three-way. She asked them to come over because she had to talk to someone and could count on them to be bluntly honest. Toya and Tia were the only true friends she had. She knew she could trust them with her life.

  “You slut! Talk about me. How could you sleep with a man that stalked you home from the club last night? Even I wouldn’t be that dumb,” Tia yelled at the top of her lungs.

  “For once, I have to agree with Tia. Have you lost your damn mind, bitch? We prosecute scum like this all the time and here you are dropping your drawers for one. Not bright, Tara,” Toya said indignantly.

  “I know, I know,” Tara said to both of them, burying her face in her hands.

  “What were you thinking, or were you thinking at all?” Toya asked Tara.

  “Honestly? I thought it was all a dream. I was so fucked up when I got up this morning, I had to crawl into the bathroom and pissed in my panties sitting on the toilet because I couldn’t get them down.” Tara relayed to Toya and Tia.

  Tia spit coffee across the table and all over Tara and Toya.

  “Bitch,” they screamed at Tia in unison.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Tia said as she grabbed napkins from the stack they’d set on the coffee table and started blotting up the spit coffee. “But to hear Ms. Girdle-Too-Tight talk about how she pissed all over herself because she couldn’t handle her liquor is hilarious.”

  Tia got up and grabbed a dishtowel from the counter. “Personally, I say it’s about time Ms. Uptight got her groove on. I know lack of sex makes you sharper in the courtroom, but damn! You can’t hold that shit in forever. Eventually it will blow the top of your head off,” Tia said, now finish cleaning up her mess and retaking her seat.

  “Tia, please. You’re just a little freak nasty bitch whose idea of loosening up entails whips and chains,” Tara said.

  “Well, a girl has to have her stress relievers,” Tia snapped back.

  “And, what is it with this mate thing? Animals mate. People date or fuck, however you wish it be said. What did you call it, Prima? What’s that all about?” Toya asked Tara.

  “I already explained that, Toya,” Tara said, trying not to let her annoyance show in her words.

  She had. She had given Tia and Toya every dirty detail about what happened between her and Gabriel. She had told them everything Gabriel had told her. Every detail except one; the Werewolf part. Why couldn’t she trust them enough to tell them about that. How would they react if she did? They would probably have her committed to the nearest asylum.

  “HELLO, TARA. EARTH TO TARA,” Toya yelled in Tara’s face.

  Startled out of her reverie, Tara looked up. “I’m sorry, hon, did you say something?”

  “Where the hell is your mind? If this Gabriel has got your head this fucked up from one roll on the carpet, I have got to meet him,” Toya said, trying unsuccessfully to hide her smile.

  “I agree. I want to meet the Adonis that got Ms. High and Might to drop them drawers,” Tia chimed in.

  “Shut up, Tia,” Tara and Toya sang in chorus.

  “I’m just saying…” Tia shot back.

  “Well, I’ll arrange for the two you to meet them. How about we go to Chez Jacques for dinner? I’ll call…, damn. I don’t have his phone number. Okay, I can go by his place and invite them to dinner, and meet you two at the restaurant. Deal?”

  “Deal,” Tia and Toya said.

  Gabriel, Tomas, and Adrian were in the grocery store restocking supplies. They were alert and on guard but the varied scents were making it hard for them to single out any particular one. They hurriedly completed their shopping, paid and headed to the car. Gabriel stopped mid-step a foot from the car trunk, two seconds before Tomas and Ad
rian did. It was already too late. Gabriel felt a slight sting, and then all went black.

  Coming to slowly and sluggishly, Gabriel tried to piece together what had happened. He could smell Mikal and two other wolves, whom he recognized as Valeen and Vonn. He tried to move but found he couldn’t. Looking down at his hands, he realized he wasn’t tied down, however he still couldn’t lift his hands and could barely lift his head.

  “It’s good to see you again Gabriel,” Mikal said, standing over Gabriel with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

  “What the fuck did you do to me?” Gabriel managed to get out, although it took great effort.

  “Oh, it’s just a little tranquilizer. I can’t have you dying on me because that would be the easy way out. You will, however, be my instrument to regaining respect within the pack,” Mikal said pulling a chair from the kitchen table, turning it backwards, straddling it and folding his arms along the back. “See, after you left I all but lost respect from the majority of the pack. The females rebelled against my mandate and violence erupted. Instead of our pack growing stronger and gaining numbers, we are killing one another and the women are purposely shifting to try to miscarry any young conceived.”

  Mikal took a deep breath and let it out on a slow sigh before he continued, “If only you could have seen the logic in my mandate and convinced the rest of the pack to also, this could have been avoided. You have done this and the only way to get understanding and respect from the pack again is my dominance over you,” Mikal said as he stood, pushed the chair away and walked to Gabriel.

  Still having a hard time trying to gain enough strength to speak, Gabriel managed to say, “You don’t have to do this. What you are trying to do can be accomplished by other means. What happened to you, Mikal?”

  Mikal stopped a few inches away from Gabriel’s head, got down on his knees, grabbed Gabriel’s hair yanking his head back and snarled, “You took everything good I wanted for the pack and threw it in my face. We could have been the strongest pack in Montana or anywhere else for that matter, but you just had to play martyr and fuck up everything. Now, it’s my turn to do the fucking.”

  Mikal began removing Gabriel’s clothes with clawed hands. He ripped away the material, taking chunks of flesh along with it. The sedative removed all hope of Gabriel fighting back. It was so strong, Gabriel couldn’t even feel the rips being made in his flesh. Once Mikal had him naked, he began removing his own clothes. “I hate it had to come to this, Gabriel. We were so close. Why didn’t you understand? Why did you have to shame me in front of the pack?” Mikal said, a hint of sadness and regret in his voice.

  Gabriel looked into Mikal’s eyes and simply said, “You’ve lost your mind, Mikal.”

  All sadness and regret fled Mikal in an instant. He got back down on his knees beside Gabriel and flipped him onto his stomach. He grabbed three pillows from the couch and propped them under Gabriel’s belly to hold his ass high in the air. He motioned for Vonn to begin filming.

  Looking straight into the camera, Mikal said, “This is what happens to all who choose to oppose me. See your hero.” Mikal grabbed Gabriel’s hair and yanked back hard so Gabriel’s neck was flexed backwards, showing his face to the camera. “He has fallen under my domination, as will you all.”

  With that, Mikal rammed his full length into Gabriel’s ass.

  Gabriel did not even have the strength to scream. The only sound that emanated from him was a grunt for every stroke from Mikal’s dick.

  Vonn walked all around Mikal and Gabriel to ensure he got everything on film.

  Mikal fucked Gabriel harder than he had Sasha. He fucked so hard, he saw stars behind his closed eyes. “See, Gabriel, THIS is true power. This is what being alpha is about. Being able to dominate your subjects in every way is what makes an alpha strong. If I had known your ass was so sweet, I would have fucked it a long time ago,” Mikal ground out between thrusts.

  Tomas and Adrian, also sedated, could only look on in horror.

  Tara pulled up to the curb and noticed the cars parked in Gabriel’s driveway. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if this was a good time. She said, “I’ll just ask him about dinner then leave.”

  She got out of the car and headed up the driveway. Before she reached the door, she could hear a noise coming from what she knew was the living room. Deciding it was better to investigate before announcing her presence, she veered off the driveway to the lawn that would lead to the front window. She was hidden in the bushes and peered in.

  What she saw would haunt her for the rest of her life. Gabriel on the floor naked, ass in the air, with some man pile driving his big dick into his ass. Tara felt the bile rising up her throat. She was so shocked she couldn’t move. After what seemed like forever, she turned and sprinted back to her car. Jumping in, she started the engine and pulled out, burning rubber as she left. She was fighting the nausea so hard she didn’t even notice the tears streaming from her eyes.

  She drove on autopilot until she reached her home. When she pulled into her driveway and got out of the car, she lost the battle with the nausea and puked until she dry heaved. Somewhat composing herself, Tara walked inside, closed and locked the door. As soon as the lock clicked in place, she began pulling off clothes every step of the way heading to the bathroom. The scene at Gabriel’s played over and over in her head and the only other thought was washing anything and everything Gabriel off her skin.

  By the time Tara hit the bathroom, she was completely naked. She turned the shower on as hot as her skin could take, climbed in and grabbed the soap. She began scrubbing herself, trying to wash any sign of Gabriel Young from her skin. She scrubbed and cried, cried and scrubbed. She scrubbed so much, her skin was completely raw. Deciding she couldn’t take any more of the self-imposed abuse, she turned the water off, grabbed a towel, got out the tub and she blotted the water from her skin.

  Tara was numb all over. Her heart felt as if it would explode and her stomach threatened to upload again. Tara stood staring at herself in the mirror. She knew there had to be a reasonable explanation but her heart wouldn’t allow her head to rationalize any of it. Still numb, Tara walked in the bedroom and found clothes to wear to the restaurant. She knew if she didn’t go Toya and Tia would come get her. She was strong. She hadn’t made it this far being weak. She could do this.

  Dressed, Tara headed to the door, saying a prayer as she went.

  “I should kill you,” Mikal said to Gabriel as he got dressed. “However, I think what I have is sufficient to serve my purpose.”

  Gabriel could feel the effects of the sedative finally beginning to wear off, but not fast enough to get up and fight.

  “Don’t, Gabriel. By the time the sedative wears off enough for you to function, we’ll be back on pack grounds and you know crossing those lines will get you killed,” Mikal said with smug satisfaction.

  “Do know this,” Mikal said, reaching down and grabbing Gabriel’s hair, yanking his head back hard, “If I ever see you again, I will kill you.” With that, Mikal motioned to Vonn and Valeen, nodded to Tomas and Adrian and walked out the door.

  Gabriel lay on the floor still unable to move much, fury burning up his insides. Vengeance was a tangible taste in his mouth and he would have his fill of it soon.

  “Gabriel,” Tomas said weakly as he slowly began to get his body to respond.

  “You okay?” Gabriel asked feeling even more control of his body coming back.

  “I’ll live. You?” Tomas responded.

  “Same here. Adrian?” Gabriel said.

  “Been better. What do you think?” Adrian responded.

  Leave it to Adrian to always try to make light of any bad situation.

  “Gabriel, I have to tell you something you’re not going to like,” Tomas said as he began to move a little more.

  “As if I like this,” Gabriel chuckled. “What is it?”

  “Tara was here. She saw…everything.” Tomas said quietly.

  “WHAT?” The tranqui
lizer was so strong, it had not only stopped Gabriel’s body from responding, it had also dulled his senses.

  “She was at the window when Mikal was fucking you. She turned and ran away. I’m sorry, man. We let you down. We should have scented them long before they got the drop on us. I’m so, so, sorry,” Tomas said, now able to sit up.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Gabriel said. “It’s not your fault, Tomas. Don’t beat yourself up. We were bombarded with all the scents from the market and didn’t notice until it was too late. I think we all let our guards down a little and got caught off guard.”

  “Please, no more fucking,” Adrian said now able to push himself to his hands and knees and crawl over to Gabriel, Tomas crawling along beside him.

  “Shut up, Adrian,” they said in unison.

  “I have go, to get up. I have get to her and explain,” Gabriel said as he tried in vain to get full cooperation from his abused, drug-laced body. “Why are you to able to get some sort of cooperation from your body and I’m not?” Gabriel asked impatience and anger lacing his words.

  “Mikal really wanted you to suffer. Of course he would use more tranquilizers on you than us. We were just to be incapacitated. He wanted you all but dead. It will wear off. Give it some time,” Adrian said as he lowered Gabriel to the floor on his side.

  He lay down on his side in front of Gabriel while Tomas lay on his side behind Gabriel. They lay there cocooning Gabriel waiting for the effects of the tranquilizer to wear off.

  Tara arrived at the restaurant, checked herself in the mirror to make sure none of the signs of distress were apparent on her face, making sure she was presentable and composed. She stepped out of the car, checked herself again and made her way to the door. These two bitches were like hawks. They could spot a lie ten miles away in a thunderstorm. That’s how the three of them came to be the top three female attorneys in the United States, according to Forbes magazine.

  She walked in the restaurant looking around for Toya and Tia. Spotting them, she informed the hostess she was with their party. Tara walked toward the table with confidence she couldn’t feel and sat down primly once she reached the table.


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