Beta’s Challenge

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Beta’s Challenge Page 9

by Mildred Trent

  Unanimous howls erupted once again.

  Marcus turned to Gabriel. “Alpha, what shall we do with Mikal?”

  Gabriel walked to Mikal. Kneeling down in front of him, he said, “Old friend, are you willing to yield to our new ways and mandates? Can you abide by our laws and support our pack as a productive member? Will you be the strength your young need to grow and take their rightful place amongst the pack?”

  “I will never be a beta to you, Gabriel,” Mikal said.

  Gabriel shook his head, stood then said to the pack, “Mikal has made his choice. He is cast out. He is now a lone wolf to be shunned by all. He is not to be helped nor associated with. All who disagree come forth now.”

  No one moved. No one even looked at Mikal.

  Turning back to look directly in Mikal’s eyes, Gabriel said, “Mikal Mitchell, you no longer are accepted in the Seeley Creek or any other pack in Montana. Your young belong to the pack. Your life is null and void. Gather yourself and what little pride you have left and be gone.”

  Every member from both packs turned their backs as Mikal was ousted. Pride was all Mikal had left and he would be damned if he let Gabriel take that away from him. Mikal got up, dusted himself off and walked out of the clearing, head held high.


  “Girl, how in the hell did we end up here?” Tara asked Toya as both of them struggled to get out of their chairs.

  “I don’t know,” Toya replied. “If someone had told me a year and a half ago that I’d be seven months pregnant, big as a house, and mated to a wolf shifter, I would have kicked their ass just before I called the padded wagon.”

  “Right, right,” Tara said.

  “T Tara! T Toya!” Shayna and Shane, Sasha’s twins came running into the den. They couldn’t say auntie yet so the shortened version was “T.” The twins jumped into Tara and Toya’s laps—what little lap they could get to.

  “Hey, whelps,” Tara said as she tousled Shane’s curly locks.

  Shane shook Tara’s hand from his hair then leaned forward and placed his head on her belly. “BIG,” Shane said, rubbing Tara’s belly.

  Laughing, Tara said, “Gee thanks, Shane. You’re going to grow up to be a real lady killer.”

  “No, No, T Tara,” Shane said, shaking his head, already knowing what Tara had said was a bad thing.

  “You’re right, Shane,” Tara said deciding once again ruffling Shane’s hair.

  Shayna laid her head against Toya’s belly, rubbing and feeling the baby kick. She sat up and looked at Toya, then asked, “Hurt, T Toya?

  “Like a mother—”

  “Don’t you dare use that language around my children, Toya,” Sasha said as she entered the room.

  “Yes, Shayna, it really, really hurts.” Toya cleaned up her response.

  Sasha laughed as she watched Tara and Toya struggle to get up.

  “Don’t just stand there laughing like a Cheshire cat, bi— er, woman. Help us up,” Tara said peeved that she couldn’t accomplish the feat by herself.

  Sasha walked to Tara first, helping her stand. Then turned and did the same for Toya. Shouting from the kitchen caught their attention.

  “Back off, Fido. I told you I am not your Prima or anything else,” Tia’s voice rang out.

  “You know you want me. Every time you think about me your pus—” Tomas started, but was cut off by Tara.

  “Hey, hey, hey! Children present.” Tara stopped the conversation before it progressed to X-rated.

  “Tia, why don’t you just give in all ready? You know Tomas is right. Every time you see him you start squirming in your chair,” Toya said holding back the laugh threatening to burst free.

  “That’s because I think he gave me fleas,” Tia returned.

  Everyone burst out laughing.

  Gabriel and Adrian walked into the room at that moment. “What did we miss?” Gabriel asked, looking around the room filled with teary eyes and loud laughter.

  “T Tia fight Unc Tomas,” Shane repeated to Gabriel.

  Gabriel looked at Adrian and both of them shook their heads. Gabriel walked over to Tara and wrapped his arms around her belly. “How are my little ones doing today?” he said to Tara’s belly.

  “Grumpy as always,” Tara replied, pushing Gabriel’s hands away from her belly.

  “Are you ready for lunch?” Gabriel asked Tara.

  “Yes,” Tara said heading toward the front door.

  Since Gabriel was now the pack alpha, Tara and Gabriel had moved into the cabin permanently. Tara had taken an indefinite leave of absence from work and was doing consultations from home. The pack had purchased the land between their original boundaries and Tara’s so the pack would have a larger territory and could be close to the alpha.

  They had built several other cabins on the newly purchased land and Toya and Adrian—Gabriel’s first beta, Tomas being the second—lived in the cabin closest to Tara and Gabriel.

  They all walked out the front door of the cabin and found their place, sitting around in the clearing with the entire pack. This had become a ritual for the pack because it was felt it would increase camaraderie and any issues that arose could be handled with the entire pack present. They all ate, laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. Many of the other females of the pack had given birth to young also. Some of them didn’t know who the sire to their young were, but enjoyed the attention from all the males who were potential fathers.

  Life was good and the pack was increasing and becoming stronger.

  Gabriel sat quietly and watched the camaraderie amongst his pack.

  “Penny for your thoughts, handsome,” Tara said, as she wobbled to Gabriel and plopped down in his lap.

  “I was just thinking,” Gabriel began. “I have accomplished what Mikal set out to do and you know what? It’s a beautiful thing indeed.”

  “You are the beauty behind this pack, my alpha Primale,” Tara said leaning forward and planting a huge kiss on Gabriel’s lips.

  The End

  Author Bio:

  Mildred Trent

  I am a work from home mother of one 11-year-old, going on 30, son. When I am not working (customer service from home) I have my ereader glued to my hands and my face buried as far in the pages as possible. I love paranormal and interracial romances they are not only sensual, sexual and exciting, but funny too.

  Red Rose Publishing

  Beta’s Challenge




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