Riding the River (The Westerners, Book One)

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Riding the River (The Westerners, Book One) Page 18

by Jeanne Harrell

After dinner, Sarah and Tess sat out on the porch, laughing about their cowboy golf game. It had been a hoot! One of the ladies had almost hit a deer with a golf ball. The course was so rough that once Sarah dug a hole trying to hit her ball. All in all, it had been a fun and funny afternoon.

  Sarah had just made it back in time to help Dale with dinner. Afterwards, in the kitchen, Mr. Walker had questioned Dale about having a guest assist.

  “Look, Dale. The guests are here for fun, not work.”

  “People have different ideas about what fun is, apparently.”

  “So you think it’s wise to let her help you?”

  “Yeah, in fact, what if she stays a bit longer and becomes my assistant?”

  Mr. Walker looked aghast. “What in the world are you talking about? You want me to hire her?”

  “Why not? If she decides to stay in the area, I could use the help.”

  “Well,” Mr. Walker huffed his disapproval. “Why don’t we just cross this bridge when and if we come to it?”

  “Okay by me.”

  “Anyway, I need to get an accurate count for the horse drive tomorrow and make sure folks have the gear they need.”

  He walked out of the kitchen still shaking his head about Dale’s request. Then Mr. Walker met with the ranch guests in the community room to go over what they’d need for the horse drive starting tomorrow. There were ten guests going, including Sarah and Tess, Dale the cook, Cooper the trail boss and four of the cowboys, Frank, Aaron, Richie and Matt.

  “Just so you’re clear. You’ll be driving the herd of horses up north from here to a good pasture that’s east of the Snake Mountains. The elevation is high, around 7,000 feet, so you need to dress warmly.” He stopped to pick up a stack of papers.

  “Aaron, pass the gear list around, please. Everyone take a good look at what you’ll need. It may be a bit chilly at night, but you’ll be in some of the most beautiful country on God’s earth. It’s breathtaking, to be sure.”

  “Do you have bedrolls for us, Mr. Walker?” asked Tess.

  “Yes. Also, we can also provide tents, if you’d prefer not sleeping out in the open.”

  Tess looked at Sarah. “Want to share a tent?”

  “Oh, yeah,” laughed Sarah.

  “What about bugs?” asked another guest.

  “There are some, so get whatever you need from the general store out back. We should be able to fix you up with anything.” He looked around the room. “Questions?”

  Sarah had one. “So we ride two days up and one day back. Is that right?”

  “Yup. Correct… If you want to take your time on the way back, you can make that decision as you go. Depends on how anxious you are to get off a horse…” He smiled at them and everyone smiled back.

  “Okay, then. You leave after breakfast tomorrow morning. Have a good trip… In an hour, we’re going to have a little music and dancing, so get your packing done and come on outside. Let’s have some fun!”

  Tess turned to Sarah as they got up to go to their rooms. “I like him.”

  “Who? Mr. Walker?”

  “Yes. He’s got a real twinkle in his eye.” Sarah laughed at her.

  “Come on. Let’s get packed.”

  She could hear music out back of the ranch house as she was packing.

  Sarah thought there were three guitars playing with at least two singers, sometimes three. The Western songs they played were so pleasant, soulful – She recognized a few oldies like ‘Cool Water’ and ‘Oh, Shenandoah’, but a few more modern tunes like ‘Desperado’ and ‘Peaceful Easy Feeling’. Sarah smiled. There must be some Eagles fans out there.

  The place was lively by the time Sarah finished packing and walked back behind the house. People, young and old, teen and toddler, were dancing. Lots of smiles and laughter… She looked for Tess and found her dancing with Richie. Hmmm… Thought he played guitar the first night they were here. Apparently, he wanted a night off. Sarah looked over to see who had taken Richie’s place and saw Matt watching her.

  He stood up while the other cowboys sat. What a handsome guy! The guitar swung gracefully from a strap around his neck and he rarely looked at the strings as he played so well. Sarah could easily pick out his playing from the others – He was good… His black hair occasionally falling in his eyes... Sarah wasn’t the only one appreciating Matt. He had a couple of teenage girls to one side trying to get him to talk.

  Wow. If he isn’t a musical Gregory Peck.

  “Sarah,” Tess dashed over to appraise her clothes. “What a great outfit… Neat skirt—I love the fringe, vest and frilly blouse… Cool!”

  Richie joined them. “Really, Sarah. You look terrific. I’m sure you won’t lack for a dance partner, if you want one.”

  Sarah chuckled at them both. “Thanks, guys. I think I’ll listen for a bit. It sounds wonderful.” Richie grinned.

  “And our friend, Matt, is playing and singing tonight too.”

  “… He sings?” Sarah’s lips parted. She watched as the girls by him whispered something to him. What? He looked at them and smiled.

  When the song they were playing was finished, Matt pushed his wavy hair back and made an announcement.

  “I’ve had a request for a golden oldie. It was way before these girls’ time, but here it is. See if you recognize it.” The girls giggled that he mentioned them.

  And then the group started playing their guitars. She couldn’t believe the degree of musicianship – Guitars softly strumming and harmonizing until he started to sing.

  ‘You didn’t have to be so nice

  I would have liked you anyway.

  If you had just looked once or twice

  And gone upon your quiet way…

  They said the time was right for me to follow you

  I knew I’d find you in a day or two

  And it’s true.

  You came upon a quiet day

  You simply seemed to take your place.

  I knew that it would be that way

  The minute that I saw your face.

  And when we’ve had a few more days

  I wonder if I’ll get to say

  You didn’t have to be so nice

  I would have liked you anyway’

  Sarah tried not to stare but it was hard. She was standing towards the back of a group of people who were slow dancing. Two men had asked her to dance, but she shook her head – She was listening to him… And he noticed every time she turned someone down.

  Those lyrics… Sure it was from an old group called the Lovin’ Spoonful, but he watched her as he sang. It hit her -- He was singing to her… Sarah sighed and understood the groupie mentality now. With his looks and voice, Matt could have been a rock star. The girls around him sighed and giggled… Sarah couldn’t tear her eyes away from his.

  When he finished singing, he received huge applause, especially from the giggling girls. Sarah was frozen to the spot… ‘You didn’t need to be so nice, I would have liked you anyway’… Those lyrics echoed in her head. Was that how he felt? It was only her third day in Nevada and she was falling for a cowboy. Sarah blinked rapidly and gulped in some fresh air. Was she completely nuts?

  She quickly looked around for Tess and saw her walking off hand-in-hand with Richie. Who knows where they were going… She felt the urgency to beat a hasty retreat. Matt was taking off his guitar and stepping away from the other musicians. He was looking around the crowd – for me? Oh, my… What am I doing? And she ran.

  Dale saw her go and he blew out an exasperated breath. He knew it was all going to be so much harder than he’d imagined. Then he watched Matt scan the crowd of people for her. When he didn’t see her, he ran a hand through his hair and looked away, towards the hills. Matt probably thought she was as skittish as a new colt and he was running out of time… Dale watched Matt pick up his hat and leave the dance area. Nope, nothing was happening tonight obviously.

  * * *



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