As You Wish

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As You Wish Page 7

by Nichelle Gregory

  There was no escape.

  * * * *

  “Does she possess her mother’s gift?” Lona asked, stroking the contented cat lounging across her lap.

  Rue tossed back his drink. “We’ll know soon enough.” He sat his glass down on the table and crossed the stone floor to close the heavy wooden doors to their private chamber.

  Lona placed the purring feline to the floor. “So, we know nothing about her abilities, only that she is Nadine’s daughter. For all we know, she could have no power.”

  “Highly unlikely, Lona, and besides I’m almost certain she does.” He ignored the dark stare focused on him as he poured another drink. The instant he had wrapped his hand around Karis’s arm, the surge of energy emanating from her had almost caused him to lose his grip seconds before Vander appeared.

  “I’m sure.” The two words dripped with sarcasm.

  When they had first met, she had appreciated his ability to sense power by touch, but now she hated it. Sometimes, he was certain she hated him.

  Rue turned to face her, admiring her curves outlined perfectly in the clingy tangerine gown she was wearing. Her supple skin and the silky chestnut hair framing her oval face seemed to shimmer under the soft glow of candlelight.

  “It would’ve been impossible not to touch her while getting back here.” He caught a glimpse of the glittering anger in her eyes and resisted the urge to hurl his glass in her direction. She would never let him forget his infidelity and yet she wouldn’t walk away from the love she still had for him.

  “Vander will not stop until he finds her,” Lona said, folding her arms across her breasts. “I want to see her.”

  Rue laughed. “I knew you’d be curious about his new master.”

  Lona’s eyes widened. “She’s his master? Are you certain?”

  “I felt his energy on her.” He hated the faraway look in her eyes and the knowledge Vander was the only other man to occupy her heart besides him.

  “When you go to her, I want to be there.”

  “Of course.” He watched her as she turned away from him, knowing he had no intention of keeping his word.

  “Are you coming to dinner?” Lona asked, opening the door.

  “I’ll be there in a minute.” He offered a smile he didn’t feel as she left the room. He loved her, but he also loved women, especially women with power. He wanted to touch Karis again…needed to touch her again. No matter how hard he tried to remain faithful to Lona, he could never deny himself the opportunity to experience… to taste pure power.

  * * * *

  Karis rubbed her arms, wishing she had more on. Her half-dressed state was a constant reminder of how vulnerable she was and her thin cotton robe and panties did nothing to keep the cool dampness from seeping into her bones.

  After careful exploration, she’d confirmed there was nothing else in the strange earthen room, not even a chair to sit on. Standing perfectly still, she listened for any sounds of life around her but all was quiet. The unnatural silence made her uncomfortable.

  Stay calm. She repeated the two words in an effort to slow the pace of her heartbeat pounding in her ears. Her strange prison was suddenly illuminated with moonlight and she began to breathe easier. If only the moon would stay out of the clouds for a few more minutes as she pushed back from the brink of a full-fledged panic attack. Panicking wouldn’t help her in her current situation.

  She took in huge gulps of air and focused on how to escape. Uncontrollable shivers rattling her body as she tried to recall every detail of what had happened to her.

  She remembered the giant grey wolf pushing her to the ground but then what? Instinctively, she reached out to Vander with her mind. The effort seemed to tax her weary body, small aches amplified with each passing second as she expended energy to make the connection. Just when she was about to give up, his deep voice filled her mind.

  Karis, I’m here.

  Tears of relief stung her eyes. I don’t know where I am.

  I’ll find you, I promise. Just keep calm and keep silent no matter what he tries to make you say.

  Oh, Vander, hurry! She bit her lip and used the painful distraction to keep her mind clear of the panicked thoughts surfacing.

  I’m coming for y—

  “Well, well, well, sleeping beauty is awake.”

  The outside intrusion broke her connection with Vander. Disorientated, her eyes flew open in surprise. She couldn’t see the face the male voice belonged to in the dark doorway, but she was sure it was the same man who had taken her. Bright flashlights were pointed in her direction and she held up her hand to block the piercing beams of light focused on her face.

  “Bring her this way,” the male voice commanded before disappearing from view.

  There was no time to protest as two expressionless men hauled her roughly from her room and into a long passageway. Forced to keep up with the long-legged strides of her mute captors, she barely had time to take in the wooded forest surrounding them on both sides of the outdoor hallway.

  Dark ivy or some foliage very similar encircled the tall stone pillars lining the stone walls visible by the moon overhead. The cobbled floor was cool under her bare toes and Karis wished again for more clothing as they turned a corner. They headed towards another massive wooden door, which led to an enclosed section of the castle. The doors swung open as if on cue as they approached and the mysterious man who had walked ahead of them, finally turned around—his face now visible in the candlelight spilling out of the open foyer door.

  Chapter Seven

  “We meet again.”

  Mr. Tevori! Her mouth fell open in shock. “Y-you!” she whispered, unable to tear her eyes away from the cool gaze fixed on her.

  He wasn’t wearing a power suit, but he looked no less intimidating in dark jeans and a tan corded sweater. Now, her adverse reaction to him in her studio the other day made sense. Even then her subconscious had been trying to warn her of eminent danger.

  “Leave us,” Rue ordered as he took her by the arm and led her through the opened door.

  “Who are you?” she asked, wrenching away from him.

  He released her with an amused grin. It was unnerving to see such a wickedly handsome man delivering such a cold stare.

  “Now, Karis, you already know my name, so let’s not waste time with unnecessary questions when there are so many more important questions I have for you.”

  She watched him light the candles circling the space with only the tip of his finger, as she rubbed the spot where his hand had been. The flickering lights cast shadows on all the walls. A long wooden table with chairs and a sumptuous spread of fruits, cheeses and bread stood ready for dining in the centre of the room.

  He turned to her and motioned to the chair facing him. “Please, sit down.”

  “I’d rather stand, thank you.” She straightened her back and lifted her head. Damn the icy feeling of dread sliding down her spine, she wouldn’t let him see her fear.

  Rue lifted an eyebrow. “You are definitely your mother’s child…so strong willed, eh?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “Where is my mother?” She took a step towards him and halted when she saw the predatory glint in his steely blue eyes.

  “Nadine is here. And you will be able to see her after you help me.”

  “What do you want with me…with us?” she asked as he sliced a generous portion of bread. Her stomach growled in protest, making her fully aware of how long it had been since she had eaten.

  Rue chewed slowly, picking up a piece of cheese as he studied her. “Would you like to eat?” He offered her a slice of bread.

  Every fibre of her being wanted to tell him to go to hell, but the practical side of her knew the benefits of eating, the energy she needed to face whatever lay ahead. She took the offered piece of bread and lifted it to her mouth with a little bit of trepidation.

  “Good. I see you can think rationally despite your anger and no doubt fear.”

  She glared at him and too
k a small bite. The bread was still warm and tasted delicious to her starved taste buds. She finished it all within seconds but refused more when he offered.

  “What do you want with us?” she asked again, wishing the last swallow of bread would dislodge from the back of her throat.

  “There are many supernatural beings moving freely between dimensions without the collar or bracelets I or Vander have as genies. We are forced to live a life of servitude to each master who summons us. Each of us must move through portals to other places under careful watch of the High Council, unless we are summoned.” He poured a glass of wine and took a long sip before setting the glass down. “You see, too many supernatural beings in any one given dimension are not allowed. With the High Council’s permission, most supernatural beings can move between worlds but not Djinn.”

  “You were forced to be a genie?” She couldn’t imagine Rue or Vander being forced into anything.

  Rue’s harsh laughter raised the hairs on the back of her neck.

  “All of us became genies under different circumstances. I want my freedom back, but if I can’t have that, I want to be able to move between worlds when I want and that’s where you and your mother come in.”

  Karis shook her head. “You think we can find these…doorways?” She held her ground as he approached when she wanted to step back.

  “Powerful clairvoyants are able to sense them. Nadine has already helped me find one, which is how I was able to find you, but she’s weakening. She claims the stress of finding the portal has diminished her abilities.”

  He stood inches from her with his deadpan stare fixed on her.

  “Then, you have your portal, let us go.” She wrapped her arms across her breasts.

  Rue smiled, his gaze following her protective gesture. “It’s not that simple. Portals are constantly shifting and I need to know where the next one will be when the doorway I’m now using is gone.”

  Her legs wobbled as the gravity of his intentions were made clear. He would never let them go. “Please, let me see my mother.” She suddenly wished she had taken the chair offered to her earlier.

  Rue lifted an eyebrow as he clapped his hands together. “The faster you help me the sooner you can be reunited with Nadine. I’m quite sure your presence would be a much needed boost to her sinking morale.”

  She flew towards him, pummelling her fists on his hard chest. “What have you done to her?” Overcome with rage, she hardly flinched when he captured her wrists in a vice-like grip and forced her hands down between them.

  “My, my, my, you are quite the little spitfire,” he chuckled as he lifted a wayward curl obstructing her view. “When I walked into your studio, I was expecting a shorter, petite version of Nadine. Imagine my surprise when you showed up so tall and curvy.”

  Karis watched his flinty blue eyes drop down her exposed neckline and the ample cleavage on display. “Don’t,” she whispered, the fear she had been holding back by a thread, swallowing her whole. She flinched at his rough roar of laughter.

  “Only Vander, right?” He skimmed one finger along her cheek. “I’m sure I could please you in ways he’s never even imagined.” His hands gripped her chin as she tried to turn away. “I bet I could make you forget all about him. It would definitely be fun to try.”

  She held perfectly still as he pulled open her robe and exposed her breasts and yellow panties.

  “Nice,” he said, lightly tugging at one nipple. “Vander is one lucky bastard.”

  His fingers twisted the sensitive flesh and Karis bit her lip to keep from crying out. She would not give him the satisfaction of knowing he was hurting her.

  “You would make a magnificent lover.” He flicked her nipples with the tip of his finger.

  She closed her eyes and channelled all of her feelings of hatred and anger towards him. She could feel heat building within her veins, pinpoints of light dancing behind her eyelids and still she drew in more power from the intense negative energy increasing with each breath as he fondled her breasts.

  “That’s it, just relax, Karis, I promise—” Rue yelled in pain and flung her to the floor. “You bitch!”

  She ignored the discomfort radiating from her abraded palms, still marvelling at what she had just done. With shaky hands, she pulled the edges of her robe together and stared up in disbelief at Rue who was still holding his head in obvious pain. She had just come to accept her gift of clairvoyance but this was something more.

  With a violent growl, Rue seized her by the hair and yanked her up on her feet. He grasped her by the neck and squeezed hard enough to make breathing difficult as he forced her to meet his eyes.

  “Do that again and your mother will suffer!” He lifted his other hand, snapped his fingers and a small vial of clear liquid appeared. “This will make your stay here more enjoyable for both of us, drink this.”

  “Never,” Karis wheezed, struggling to breathe with his hand around her throat as she looked at the vial. She coughed as he released his hold around her neck and yelped as his long fingers pressed against her cheeks to force her mouth open.

  “You will drink, Karis,” he enunciated each word with deadly emphasis as he dragged her to the long wooden table.

  Struggling was useless, but she fought him anyway. She gasped as he tossed her onto the table, knocking a bowl of fruit to the ground. With his arm pressed against her chest she was powerless to move as his hand squeezed her jaw open and he brought the mysterious bottle to her lips.

  The spicy liquid trickled past her lips and her eyes watered. She coughed and attempted to spit most of it into his face. With a vicious yank of her hair, she forgot her personal promise not to cry out in pain. Her mouth opened wide as she screamed and the rest of the strange drink was poured down her throat. The liquid seemed to burn a path from her mouth to her stomach and Karis rolled to her side, trembling and moaning as he released her.

  The effects were instantaneous as the fiery potion turned ice cold in her belly. Her body felt disconnected from her mind, her limbs completely uncoordinated. Her eyelids began to fall. Rue’s mocking laughter was the last thing she heard before slipping away in numbing darkness.

  * * * *

  Vander slammed a hand down onto the solid oak table. “How did he find her so quickly?”

  Rafi shook his head as he watched his friend pace the floor. “Somehow, he knew exactly where she was which means he had help from someone with supernatural power, particularly, someone who can sense the shift of energy consumed when we use our abilities. Rue was always an asshole but I can’t believe he’s actually a part of this.”

  “I can.” Vander briefly closed his eyes. “I can’t feel her at all right now, Rafi.” He opened his eyes with a frustrated curse. “Because of me, she’s with that unscrupulous bastard.” The white-hot rage centred on Rue was nothing compared to his own guilt for failing to protect her.

  “We’ll find her, Vander.”

  “Like we found Nadine?” He roared, facing Rafi. “You and I both know what kind of man he is. We’ve been waiting for a lead for weeks and Karis finding my vessel was the best break we had. Who do we know possesses the ability to sense energy?”

  “You know there isn’t an exhaustive list of everyone’s skill but I’ve heard talk of some of the elder fairies and elves possessing such talent,” Rafi replied as light knocking sounded on Vander’s door.

  “Something has happened to her. I should be able to feel her, no matter where she is.”

  Both men turned as Niri breezed into the room, stunningly beautiful in a gossamer green robe highlighting her fair skin and the scent of fresh peach blossoms wafting around her.

  “What’s this talk about fairies and elves?” she asked with a smile, her gaze moving back and forth between the two men.

  Vander looked at her and felt a twinge of guilt. He hadn’t thought about their talk, hell he hadn’t thought about her since Karis had summoned him.

  “I’ll let him fill you in,” Rafi said, moving to the do
or. “I’m going to talk with Ani. She’s the nosiest fairy I know. If anyone would know something, she would.”

  Niri scoffed. “She’s full of fantastic tales. I wouldn’t put too much stock into whatever she tells you.”

  Rafi shrugged. “It’s worth a shot.” He looked at Vander. “I’ll let you know what I find out.”

  Vander waited until his friend had closed the door behind him before speaking. “I know you must be wondering where I’ve been.” The longing and questions in her sky blue eyes doubled his guilt as he recognised the only woman he was longing for was Karis.

  Karis. Where was she? What was happening to her?

  Niri wrapped her arms around his neck and interrupted his thoughts. “You’ve been gone for days without any explanation. I’ve been worried.” She raised her face for his kiss and frowned when he pressed his lips to her forehead and pulled away from her embrace.

  “Have you heard talk about rogue genies wanting to use clairvoyants to secure portals for personal use?” he asked, following her on autopilot as she glided through the living room area to his bedroom.

  “There has been the occasional rumour here and there but no one seems to know who these rogue genies are.” She moved away from him to climb towards the pillows at the head of the massive bed.

  He watched her wiggle her rounded ass in the suggestive manner she knew drove him crazy with no physical reaction. He didn’t have time for her games…he didn’t have time for her, not when Karis was out there somewhere because of him. “Can you think of anyone you know who would be able to help me find out who’s been helping Tevori?”

  “Rue Tevori?” Niri asked, leaning back on the pillows, her long blond hair spilling around her shoulders. “The same Tevori, Lona ran off with?”

  “The same.” He couldn’t keep the edge from voice as he moved to her side.

  “Oh, my God,” she breathed, touching his arm. “You think he’s involved with these rogue genies?”

  “Involved, try their leader. I have to find him, Niri. He’s the key.”


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