My Clarity

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My Clarity Page 24

by M. Clarke

  “Good point,” I said, looking at Alex. She gave me a huge smile.

  “I’m going with Lexy so I can order mine, too.”

  I smiled with a nod. Alex had waited for me before ordering her lunch. That was the way she was.

  “I’ll go with you guys.” Dean stood up, turned to Seth. “I’ll get your burrito, too. You can keep Elijah company.” Dean followed behind them.

  “Thanks,” Seth said.

  “Did you get into UC Berkeley Graduate Business School?” Seth asked, slurping his drink through a straw.

  “I did,” I nodded. “How about you?”

  “Me too,” Seth grinned. “But you’re not going, right?” There was a hint of disappointment in his tone. Though he tried to hide it, he couldn’t. I knew him too well.

  “I can’t leave Alex. I got into Grad school here, too. It’s good enough. Jimmy will be happy you’re joining him soon. Did you tell him?”

  “I did.” Seth paused. “He’s excited, but it would have been great if we were all together again in one place.”

  “I know. It would have been cool, but—”

  “I know,” Seth nodded with a sigh. “The only reason Jimmy and I would understand.”


  Seth looked at me.

  “I’m here, your parents are here; we can visit. You’ll come down to see them, won’t you?”

  “True. Speaking of which, my parents want to invite you and Alex over for dinner this weekend.”

  “Sure, I’ll ask Alex, but I’m not sure if it was this weekend or next weekend that we are supposed to meet up with her mom and stepdad.” I changed the subject. I had brought this subject up before, but I needed to bring it up again. Clearing my throat, I found my courage. “I need to pay your dad for the damages to the bike.”

  Seth looked at me with a frown. “I already told you for like the millionth time. The bike wasn’t that badly damaged, but I’m beginning to think your brain was.” Seth let out a chuckle, trying to steer away from the topic.

  I never got to see the damage to the bike. Seth told me many times before that it just needed a new handlebar, new grips, and some paint, but for some reason, I didn’t believe him. His dad was kind enough to allow me to borrow his car to race. Though I would give him a very small percentage of my winnings for the loan, he was always generous, which was the reason I felt guilty. Sometimes he even gave me guidance like a father. Our conversation was cut short when Dean and the girls came back with our lunches.

  “Here you go.” Alex placed my lunch in front of me.

  “Thank you.” I gave her a wink.

  Her beautiful blue eyes radiated as she bit her bottom lip with a coy smile. I knew that wink would cause all sorts of sensations to flutter through her, which was naturally the reason why I did it. There was never a doubt in my mind. I would never leave Alex even after I saw the acceptance letter from Berkeley. There was no way I could leave her behind. I couldn’t even go a day without seeing her. How was I supposed to make it through a week without her? Living together had its perks, for sure. We were almost like an old married couple.

  Nolan and his group walked in and got in line. After buying their lunches, they sat at the opposite end of the dining hall. Choosing to ignore them, I continued to focus on the small talk at our table, but it didn’t last long. Nolan strutted over. Seth and Dean released a short sigh and Lexy rolled her eyes.

  “You ready for the next race?” Nolan didn’t bother to let me answer, he just continued speaking as his eyes shifted to my cast. “Isn’t it too bad that you can’t? I guess I’ll win by default.”

  “You can’t beat me when I’m not even in the race, shit-face,” I retorted. He was pissing me off, interrupting our lunch just to gloat. His face turned red. I guess he didn’t like his new name. “I’ve retired. I’m not racing anymore.” I craned my neck to Alex. She looked very pleased with my answer. I could also tell she was holding in her laugher. I bet she liked Nolan’s new name.

  “What do you mean?” Nolan asked, raising his brows in confusion.

  “I’m graduating in a couple months. I have bigger and better things to do.” I looked at Alex when I said those words. Her eyes were gleaming. I probably looked as if cupid had struck me with his arrow, but I didn’t care. Alex meant the world to me. I would tame my ego and swallow my pride for her.

  Nolan started laughing, really laughing. He was laughing so hard that the echoes of it bounced off the walls. “You’re shittin’ me.” When I didn’t respond, he spoke again. “You’re serious? You’ve been doing this for a couple of years and suddenly you want to stop.” He shifted his eyes to Alex and pointed at her. “Because of her?” His tone was degrading toward Alex, and I didn’t like that at all.

  I got up so fast, my chair slid out from under me. The unsteady balance from my cast almost caused me to fall backward, but I didn’t care if I fell. Seth was right beside me, ready to catch me. “Don’t fucking point at her,” I seethed, slapping his hand away.

  Nolan shook his head. He raised his hands to surrender. “Whoa. Have a nice life. As for me, I’ll happily take first place. I’m going to the top.”

  “That’s going to be little tough since you didn’t even place in the street races.” It was the race I would’ve gone to, but didn’t for Alex. It was one of those crossroads situations. Had I gone instead, would I have ended up in the hospital? Maybe I would have been injured at the race. Who knew? But that was life. This was my chosen path.

  Nolan let out a defeated laugh, and then walked away. He knew I was right. He’d never have what it takes to become a professional.

  I sat back down and looked at Alex. Her face was slightly red. Was she embarrassed by my actions? After watching the way she blinked, then closed her eyes completely, I realized something was off. Seeing how she hardly touched her lunch, too, I became worried.

  “Alex, you okay?”

  “She looks sick,” Seth commented.

  “Maybe we should take her home,” Lexy added.

  “I don’t feel so good,” Alex mumbled, placing her elbow on the table while her hand supported her head. Her eyes were closing again. She looked so drained. When I touched her forehead, it was scorching hot.

  Chapter 42


  Lexy and Seth helped me get into Elijah’s bed. Not wanting Elijah to get sick, I had asked them to take me to the other bedroom, but Elijah refused. It had been a while since I had been sick like this. It was probably from all the stress of Elijah being in the hospital and trying my best to take care of him after he came back home. I guess it finally all caught up to me.

  “I’ll take good care of you, Baby. Don’t you worry about a thing,” Elijah said sweetly, caressing my hair. He sat on the bed. “You’ve been through a lot. Taking care of me wore you down. Now it’s my turn.”

  My eyelids were so heavy and every part of my body ached, as if I had been beaten. Though it was difficult to move, I turned my body to snuggle into his warmth.

  “I know you don’t feel like eating, but I’m going to make some fresh chicken soup. Lexy and Seth went to the store for me. They’ll be back with some medication to help you feel better.”

  “That so sweet,” I sighed and shivered. “You have wonderful friends.”

  “I sure do, but they’re your friends, too.”

  “I know.” I paused. “Elijah.”

  “Yes.” He placed his cool hand over my forehead. It felt so good, but it made me shiver again.

  “When you’re feeling better and your cast is off, will you come somewhere with me?”

  “I would go to hell and back if you asked me.” Elijah tenderly stroked my cheek with a loving smile.

  “You would?”

  “Anywhere, Freckles, as long as we’re together. Where would you like to go?”

  “Somewhere I should have gone a long time ago, but I was too nervous.”

  “Ahhh,” he said softly. “I think I know where. I would be honored to go with

  “Thank you.”

  Elijah planted a long kiss on my forehead, my eyes, my nose, my cheek, and then my lips. “They’re here. It’s time for this Limpy to cook. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Thank you.” I wasn’t sure if that was what I said. Exhaustion took over and I fell into darkness.

  Two months later


  The sun managed to peek through the dark clouds. It poured this morning, but the rain died down quickly. Though the leather jacket kept me warm, feeling the cool breeze against my face reminded me that it was still early spring.

  “This is my first time here since we buried him,” I explained to Elijah. He squeezed my hand, letting me know he was here for me. “I didn’t want to come back here. I thought it would hurt too much, but I think I’m going to be okay.”

  “Talk to him. It will help. You want me to leave you alone for a bit?”

  “No,” I pulled him next to me. “I want you to stay.”

  With a nod from Elijah, I looked at my dad’s headstone. I hadn’t said a word and tears already started to flow. All I could do was stand there.

  “I’ll start first,” Elijah said, surprising me. I gazed at him wondering if he was joking, but he wasn’t. “Hello, Mr. Weis. My name is Elijah Cooper. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I want you to know that Alex is in great hands. I love your daughter with all of me and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her. I’m going to show you time and time again so you can rest in peace.”

  Elijah’s words made me tear up even more. Taking out Kleenex from my purse, I blew my nose and wiped my eyes.

  “Your turn, Freckles. I promise it gets easier. The first time is the hardest.”

  “Okay.” I took a deep breath. “Hello, Dad. I’m in college now, but you already knew that.” I paused, wondering what I should say next. “Umm…I want to thank you for listening to my prayer. I would have given up anything for Elijah, so thank you for that. Mom and I are closer now. We got our misunderstandings out of the way. We’re actually going to get together with her and William this weekend. Not that you needed to hear that.”

  “Anyway, I want to tell you that I miss you.” My lips quivered as I let out more tears. “I wish you were here with me.” I took a moment to pause while Elijah held me in his arms. When I composed myself again, I continued. “Hey Dad, I found him. I found the one who loves me with all of him. The one who loves me for my goodness and my faults. I didn’t understand what you were saying back then, but I do now. Now—” My lips trembled as the words I wanted to say were very clear in my mind. “I can let you go now. I found the one you said would one day replace you. You’ll always be in my heart. Oh, and on my ankle. I got a tattoo in honor of you.” I snorted at the thought that my dad actually would have flipped if he saw me with one.

  Holding onto Elijah, my body relaxed as I let go of my sorrow, my pain, and my dad. Elijah held me tenderly until I was ready to be released. Wiping my tears, he gazed into my eyes. “Doesn’t that feel much better?”

  “Yes,” I nodded. And it did. I felt a little bit free, like a brick had been lifted off me.

  “You ready to go?”

  “Yes,” I said, glancing at the headstone.

  “We’ll come back, Alex. Anytime you want to come back, I’ll come with you.”

  “Thank you.” I snuggled to him. “I must have done something good to have you in my life.”

  “You were just being you. That’s all. Plain and simple.” Elijah changed the subject. “Hey Alex, you see the rainbow and the sun peeking out of the clouds?”

  I glanced in the direction he pointed. Nodding my head, I was rendered speechless. The colorful arch was a mesmerizing site, gracing the Earth with its presence. It was a reminder that even after a heavy storm, there was hope and beauty in life. Seeing the rainbow reminded me that there was something great out there…something powerful, something beyond our control. Next thing I knew, I was being lifted off the ground.

  “Elijah, put me down.” I lightly spanked his ass.

  “I’m taking you out of here. Sorry, Mr. Weis. Time for me to take care of your daughter.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked, watching my dad’s headstone get smaller in the distance.

  “We’re riding off into the sunset Freckles, just like Danny and Sandy. I’m going to make your dreams come true.”

  What could I say after that? My heart was filled with his words, his love, and his devotion. I would return them back to him just the same, if not more. I loved Elijah with all my heart. Though I didn’t think it was possible to love him even more, he continued to show me that there was no limit to that love. It grows every day, with every new experience, with every new hopes and dreams. Sometimes the broken road does get fixed. It just needs time to mend…just like broken hearts.


  Five years later



  I love my wife to the moon and back.

  That is all I have to say today.


  “Thank you, Babe. You make the best breakfast burrito. You don’t have to wake up to fix me one, you know.” My fingers softly tugged under her jaw. Inhaling the scent from her lotion, I kissed her on the lips. She always smelled divine, like she just stepped out of a floral garden.

  Alex started to rub her tummy. “I had to wake up anyway. I’ve been so hungry lately.”

  “Well, of course you are. Our babies are growing.” I bent down, placed a hand on her as if I could touch them, and kissed her belly. Feeling a push on the palm of my hand, I took in the moment. “You want to come out, don’t you?” I said. “I can’t wait for you and your sister.”

  “Hey.” Alex tugged my tie, forcing me to stand up. “Maybe the one that kicked you is Elizabeth and not Evan. Don’t underestimate the strength of a woman.”

  I chuckled, embracing Alex in my arms. “You’re so right. I have one right here to prove that theory.”

  “Don’t you forget it,” she said with a sassy attitude. “Just three more months until we get to hold our twins in our arms, or maybe sooner. I already feel like I’m going to explode.”

  “I can’t wait,” I said. “But right now, I better get to work. What are you going to do while I’m gone?”

  “The painter is coming back today to do the touch-ups on the sun, stars, and moon in the nursery.”

  “Okay,” I nodded. Please be careful when you go up and down the stairs.”

  Holding Alex’s hand, I led her to the garage. Glancing around, I looked at our amazing house. We had moved into an over-priced, two-story house in a gated community, but with a stockbroker’s salary, it was within our budget. I wanted to give Alex the best things in life, even if it meant I had to work like a dog. I would do it for her, for our children, for my family.

  “By the way, Lexy, Emma, Seth, Dean, Jimmy and his wife will be coming over this weekend,” Alex said, rubbing her hand on my arm, over the area of the dragon tattoo.

  Hand over hand, I held hers tenderly and kissed every knuckle. “Have a good day, Freckles. I’ll call you later to check up on you.”

  “Drive carefully. I’ll be waiting for your call, Mr. Cooper.”

  “I will, Mrs. Cooper. Oh, before I forget. I’ll be a little late tonight. I’d like to swing by the hospital to check on the wing our company donated in Evan’s name, to make sure they’re on schedule.”

  “Okay,” Alex nodded.

  Alex leaned against the door, watching me while I headed to my car. Upon opening the garage, I glanced over at my collection of motorcycles parked next to my car, then covered my eyes from the light. The sun shone brightly and the sky was covered with the fluffiest clouds. I took a deep breath and thanked the heavens for the life I had today. Never would I have imagined myself to be in this moment. Never would I have imagined finding someone like Alex, who loved me as much as I loved her.

  Life presents you with many roads, but two remain constant. You’re born
, and when it’s your turn, you die. The other roads are presented along the way, and which ones you decide to take is up to you. Sometimes, you don’t get to decide and the roads take a turn for the worse. I was one of the lucky ones. My broken road led me to Alex and the life I have today, and I don’t regret a thing—not a single thing.

  “Elijah,” Alex called, tapping on the window just as I started the car.

  I rolled my window down, gazed at her beautiful smile and waited for her to speak.

  “I forgot to tell you that I love you.” She reached in and I pressed my lips to hers.

  “I love you to the moon and back,” I told her. As always, that put a huge smile on her face.

  Ever since the accident, Alex has always said she loved me when we parted ways. I knew the reason why. There were no guarantees in life. There was no happily ever after—only reality. So I promised her on our wedding day that I would show her that every day with her was a blessing. We would always find our sunset, sing our hearts out, dance in the rain, jump in puddles, and make mad, passionate love. For every new day was a new beginning, a new experience, filled with new hopes and dreams—one that should always be lived as if it were your last.

  Author Mary Ting resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. Writing her first novel, Crossroads Saga, happened by chance. It was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother, and inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl. When she started reading new adult novels, she fell in love with the genre. It was the reason she had to write one-Something Great. Why the pen name, M Clarke? She tours with Magic Johnson Foundation to promote literacy and her children’s chapter book-No Bullies Allowed.



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