Pumpkins, Peril and a Paella (A Charlotte Denver Cozy Mystery Book 4)

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Pumpkins, Peril and a Paella (A Charlotte Denver Cozy Mystery Book 4) Page 14

by Bryan, Sherri

  “Ben! I’ve got to go out for a while ... mmm, what’re you cooking?” She found him in the kitchen making a bolognaise sauce and he held out a wooden spoonful for her to taste.

  “Ooh, babe, that’s delicious. Right, I’m taking the car, so I won’t be long.”

  “Everything alright? Is Charlotte okay?” His blue eyes were concerned as he took her hand, but he didn’t push her for information.

  She nodded. “Yeah, I think so ... I hope so, anyway. I can’t say anything yet, because I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ll tell you when I do.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you soon. Drive carefully.” He kissed her and she wished she didn’t have to go out.


  She pulled up outside Garrett’s house, directly behind Nathan’s car, and the uneasy feeling she’d had in her stomach since she’d read his text increased when she saw it.

  The front door opened when she was halfway up the path. “Thanks for coming, Jess. I really appreciate it, especially at such short notice.”

  “This had better be good news, Nathan.” Jess eyed him suspiciously and walked past him into the front room where Garrett and Laura were sitting, uneasily, on the couch.

  “What’s this all about?” Jess kissed them both and they shrugged.

  “No idea,” said Garrett, stretching as he gave a wide yawn, “but it’d better be good. Laura woke me up for it.”

  “Look, Garrett, I’m really sorry to have disturbed you. I completely forgot that you have to go out on the boat later.” Nathan followed Jess into the room.

  Garrett waved his hand, dismissively. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve already had a few hours kip - I’ll be fine. Now, more to the point, can you please put us out of our misery and tell us what the hell’s going on?”

  Nathan looked at the anxious faces of the three people, who, after him, loved Charlotte most in the world.

  “Okay. You all know Charlotte as well as, perhaps even a little better than, me. You know how much losing her parents affected her and how sad she feels that she has no blood family left.”

  “Any danger of you telling us something we don’t know?” Jess was impatient for him to get to the point.

  He grinned. “Okay, point taken. Well, I’ll just come out and say it then.” He cleared his throat. “Charlotte’s Aunt Lola is not, as we believed, dead, but very much alive. And she’s coming to our wedding.”

  There was complete silence as Garrett, Laura and Jess stared from him, to each other, looks of incredulity on every face.

  “What are you talking about?” Garrett was the first to speak. “Lola died years ago. Her husband told Molly.”

  “Yes, I know. But it was a lie. She’s not dead. And I should know, because I’ve been to visit her.”

  Laura sat forward and grabbed Nathan’s hands. “Are you sure it was her?” Her voice shook with emotion.

  Nathan nodded. “Quite sure. The similarity between her and Molly is undeniable. Anyway, that aside, she showed me a load of family photos. Charlotte when she was a baby, the whole family sitting on the jetty fishing for mackerel. There was even one of Garrett, buried up to his neck on the beach.”

  “Good grief, I remember that.” Garrett smiled at the recollection and his eyes misted over.

  “I can’t believe it. Have you any idea what this is going to do to Charlotte?” Jess was shell-shocked.

  Nathan nodded. “Well, I know it’s going to be a hell of shock, but I hope it’ll be a pleasant one.” He rubbed his chin. “You think she’ll be happy about it, though?” He looked hopefully from Garrett to Laura to Jess.

  “Happy? Happy?” Jess jumped up from the couch and flung her arms around Nathan’s neck. “She’s going to be ecstatic! Look at my arms, I’ve got goosebumps just thinking about it!” She hugged him again. “You’re a bloomin’ marvel, Nathan Costello, you really are.”

  Laura was crying into her shirtsleeves. “I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it. Oh, it’s going to be wonderful. I can’t tell you how much this is going to mean to Charlotte, Nathan. You couldn’t give her a better wedding gift.”

  Garrett stood up. “This calls for a man hug.”

  Nathan grinned and embraced the only other man in Charlotte’s life who would go to the ends of the earth for her.

  “I’m so grateful to you for doing this, Nathan, and I couldn’t be happier that when I walk Charlotte down the aisle, you’ll be waiting for her at the other end.” Garrett stepped back and wiped his eyes on his t-shirt.

  Laura was quick to take his place. She took Nathan’s hands in hers and squeezed them tightly. “Thank you, Nathan. This is such an amazing thing you’ve done. I can’t wait to see Charlotte’s reaction. You’re a good man.” She hugged him before stepping into Garrett’s arms and sobbing on his shoulder.

  “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m all cried out.” Jess stood up to leave. “I’d better make a move. Ben’s got dinner ready.”

  Nathan put his finger to his lips. “Remember, not a word to Charlotte.”

  “Not a word.” Jess zipped her fingers across her lips. “Incidentally, when did you meet Lola?”

  “This morning. Why?”

  Everything fell into place. The secrecy, the vague answers. “Ah, so that’s where you went today? I should warn you that Charlotte thinks you’ve, a) got cold feet, b) been seeing another woman or, c) both of the above.”

  “What? Are you joking?” Nathan’s jaw dropped.

  “No, I wish I was. And she didn’t believe the police training story, by the way.”

  “Damn it!” Nathan punched his fist into his palm.

  “You’re not going to tell her where you’ve really been, are you?”

  “No way. This has got to stay a secret until she sets eyes on Lola. Don’t worry, I’ll think of something.

  “Oh, by the way ... I almost forgot. Lola gave me some things of Molly’s she thought Charlotte might like to have for the wedding day. Thing is, she won’t see her until after we’re married so I thought you could give them to her while you’re helping her get ready.”

  He took a small lacquered box from the inside pocket of his jacket and handed it to Laura. She opened it and showed the contents to Jess and they both burst into tears again.

  “Right, that’s my cue to make tracks.” Nathan put on his jacket. “Before I get swept out on a river of tears!” He shook Garrett’s hand and blew a kiss to Laura and Jess. “See you soon. And remember, not a word to Charlotte.”


  All the way home, Nathan racked his brains. What could he tell Charlotte that would appease her, and convince her that he wasn’t seeing another woman, without telling her where he’d been?

  The solution suddenly came to him. It was so simple, he wondered why he hadn’t thought of if immediately.

  He would tell her the truth.

  He slid his key into the lock and the delicious aromas of roast chicken and garlic greeted him, closely followed by Pippin.

  “I’m in the kitchen,” Charlotte called out.

  He didn’t waste any time. “Hi. Look, I’m sorry to hit you with this as soon as I walk through the door, but it needs to be said.” He leaned on the breakfast bar. “I haven’t been altogether truthful with you.”

  “Oh.” Charlotte looked away.

  “This morning, when I told you I was going on a police training course. Well, I wasn’t.”


  “I didn’t want to tell you the truth, but I should have.”

  “And what is the truth?” Charlotte closed her eyes and dug her nails into her palms as she steeled herself for awful news.

  “I’ve been planning your wedding present.”

  Her eyes flew open. “What?”

  “Your wedding present. I’ve been arranging your wedding present. I didn’t want to tell you, so I made up a story about going on a training course. Sorry, that was stupid of me. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

spun round to face him, her grin reaching from ear to ear.

  “So that’s what you’ve been doing all day?”

  “Yep. Are you mad at me?” Nathan took a beer from the fridge.

  Charlotte burst out laughing. “Oh, thank God! No, Nathan. I’m not mad at you. I’m not mad at you at all. Get over here.”

  As they kissed, Nathan offered up a silent prayer that everything had worked out for the best.

  “I love you,” she said, when they parted.

  “I love you more,” he replied.

  They were the truest words he’d spoken all day.

  Chapter 14

  “Now, I don’t want you to worry about a thing.”

  Olivia-Floyd Martin, Head Chef at The President hotel, had stopped by the table at which Charlotte, Laura and Jess were having a quiet, pre-wedding dinner, compliments of the management. They were surprised to see the chef, who only ever emerged from the kitchen on the rarest of occasions.

  “Everything’s arranged. All you need to do is turn up and have a wonderful day. Okay? Just let us take care of everything.” She looked at her watch. “Right, well I must get off, I’ve got a restaurant to run! All the best for tomorrow.”

  “That was nice of her.” Charlotte’s turbot flaked under her fork, perfectly complemented by a small dish of melted butter and zingy lime juice.

  “I tell you, she’s a different woman since she’s been seeing her new anger management therapist.” Jess marvelled at the ease with which her knife cut through her fillet steak.

  “Yes, I know - the change in her is incredible. You wouldn’t believe it unless you’d seen it for yourself.” Laura barely touched her knife to a piece of beautifully tender oxtail to send it slipping from the bone.

  “It’s good of the hotel to treat us to this meal, don’t you think?” Jess dipped a new potato in melted butter. “It’s a shame Hattie and George and Barbara and Brody are so jetlagged. It would have been nice to have Nathan’s Mum and sister here, too.”

  “Well, fingers crossed they’ll have slept it off by tomorrow. They’ll have had three days in bed by then, so hopefully they’ll be okay,” said Charlotte. “Although, as much as I love them to bits, I can’t think of any better way to spend the night before my wedding than having dinner with just the two of you.”

  “Well, we’re honoured to be here, love.” Laura squeezed her hand across the table. “It’s such a treat for me, I can’t tell you. I thought my Maid of Honour days were over long ago.”

  “Wonder what Garrett and Nathan are up to?” Jess grinned

  “Goodness knows but I hope they’re not leading each other astray. You know what they’re like when they get together. I only hope they remember to walk Pippin, poor little pup, or he’ll be crossing his legs.” Laura chuckled and stopped abruptly when she saw the look of mild panic on Charlotte’s face. “Oh, love, I’m only joking. Pippin will be fine.”

  “I know he will. Don’t take any notice of me, Laura. I’ve got the jitters, is all. They’ll pass soon. I hope they will, anyway.” Charlotte laughed nervously and moved her food around on her plate.

  “You not going to eat that?” It was rare that Jess missed an opportunity to finish off someone else’s food at a dinner table.

  “No, I can’t manage any more. Help yourself.”

  Jess deftly lifted the piece of turbot off Charlotte’s plate and slid the dish of potatoes and lime butter round to her side of the table.

  “No appetite, love?” asked Laura. “Don’t worry, it’ll come back. Probably by this time tomorrow!”

  “I know it will. It’s just nerves. You know, earlier today, I was remembering a conversation I had with mum. We were talking about when she and dad got married. She told me it was the best day of her life - until I was born ...” Charlotte looked away, biting her lip to stop the tears that had come from nowhere to suddenly overwhelm her.

  Laura and Jess both grabbed a hand each.

  “Sorry. Anyway, she said that the only regret she had was that the day went too quickly. She told me that when I got married, to really try to be aware of everything that happens because it’ll make the day seem longer. I’ll be thinking about that conversation all day tomorrow ... I hope I don’t get upset.”

  “Hey, a little less talk about being upset, if you don’t mind!” Laura scolded her kindly. “I remember helping your Mum get dressed for her wedding when I was one of her bridesmaids. It was the most beautiful day and she was filled with so much joy - just like you’re going to be tomorrow. Now come on, dry those eyes, chin up and we’ll order some dessert.”


  Although sleet had been forecast for Charlotte and Nathan’s wedding day, it dawned dry and bright.

  Charlotte woke at six o’clock. It took her a split second to remember that it was her wedding day but when she did, she hugged herself with excitement.

  She ran into the spare bedroom where Jess and Laura were sleeping and jumped on both the beds. “Wake up! Wake up! I’m getting married today!”

  Jess opened an eye and flung her arm over her face. “Oh no! Laura. It’s that crazy woman from last night. The one who wouldn’t stop crying.”

  “Pretend you’re asleep, maybe she’ll go away.” Laura turned over in bed and pulled the duvet up over her shoulders.

  “Haha, very funny. Come on, get up! I’m going down to make some tea and a pot of coffee and if you’re not down in ten minutes, I’m coming up to squeeze a cold sponge over you!”

  “I think she’s serious, yknow.” Laura and Jess jumped out of bed and hugged her.

  “I’m so excited, I hardly slept!” Jess pulled on jogging bottoms over her pyjamas. “I feel sick, I’m so excited!”

  “You’re not getting married, you know!” Laura laughed as she tied her dressing gown and put her hair up with a clip.

  “I know, I know, I just can’t help it! Eeeek! Come on Charlotte, me and Laura are making breakfast today.”

  They ran downstairs, chatting nineteen to the dozen, switched on the coffee machine, ground some beans, boiled the kettle and made a pot of tea.

  Charlotte had said that she wanted to watch the sunrise on her wedding day so after Jess and Laura had made a breakfast of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs with granary toast, the friends wrapped up in warm clothes and went out to walk along the beach.

  They watched the horizon change from pitch black to deepest blue, to dark orange and pale peach. As the sun changed the sky from lilac to the most brilliant turquoise, Charlotte remembered her Mum’s words to make the day last as long as possible. As her eyes stared unblinkingly at the sunrise, she felt a wave of emotions wash over her.

  This was the most important day of her life and she didn’t want to miss a thing.

  Turning away from the sunrise she linked her arms through her friends’. “Come on, let’s go and get ready.”


  With slightly shaky hands, Charlotte put on the simple solitaire earrings which had been an 18th birthday present from her parents and a teardrop diamond necklace which had been the first real piece of jewellery she’d bought for herself from the money she’d earned from her job in Spain.

  With a simple comb of gypsophila in her hair and her minimal makeup completed, it was time to get into her dress but, before that she wanted to see Laura and Jess in theirs.

  “Okay, come on then, let’s have a look at you!” she called, and when she saw them in their dresses, the first tears of the day pricked the back of her eyelids.

  Dark rose pink and fitted to the waist, the dresses flared out into flowing skirts that stopped just above the knee. Laura and Jess wore their hair loose and their smiles wide.

  “Oh my gosh, you look beautiful. Just stunning. It’s a good thing I’m not wearing a lot of makeup - I can see me having to reapply this a few times today.” Charlotte grinned as she reached for a tissue. “What’s that you’ve got there, Laura?”

  Laura opened the small lacquered box she was holding. “
Charlotte, I’d like to give you something to wear, if that’s okay?” She took out a delicate pale blue garter with an antique lace trim.

  “Oh, Laura, it’s gorgeous! Thank you ... it’s much better than the one I bought.” She carefully pulled it up her stockinged leg to a few inches above her knee. “That’s my something borrowed and blue sorted out. Is it yours?”

  “Er, no ... but it belonged to someone very special to me.” Laura stole a glance at Jess whose face was becoming pinker by the second.

  “And, um, you might want to wear this, too.” She handed Charlotte a delicate silver bracelet with a solitary charm hanging from it.

  “Ooh, that’s lovely.” Charlotte held the bracelet up to examine it closely and saw that the charm was a locket. “Anything inside it?”

  “Have a look, Charlotte.” Jess grabbed Laura’s hand as they waited for her reaction.

  She opened the locket and instantly burst into tears.

  The picture inside was of Molly Denver holding Charlotte close to her cheek, evidently very shortly after she’d been born. The look on her face was one of absolute joy and serenity and it was the most beautiful picture of her that Charlotte had ever seen.

  “Oh, Laura, it’s beautiful! It’ll be like having Mum right here with me! Where did you get it?” She blubbed uncontrollably.

  “Er, it was amongst some old photos and I thought you’d like it for today,” Laura said, as she held a tissue under her eyes to stop her mascara from running.

  In doing her best not to give the game away Laura had desperately tried not to tell Charlotte any lies, but it had been so difficult. She was glad there were no more to tell.

  “Can you put it on for me, please. My hands are shaking so much.” Charlotte handed the bracelet to Jess and grimaced as she caught sight of her blotchy reflection in the mirror. “Oh, good grief! How many times d’you reckon our makeup’s going to need touching-up today? Or in my case, reapplying completely!”


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