Finding Love the Hard Way
Sweet Romance Collection: Book 2
Rebecca J. Vickery
Smashwords Edition
Finding Love the Hard Way
Presented by Publishing by Rebecca J. Vickery
Copyright © 2016 Rebecca J. Vickery
Cover Art Copyright © 2016 Laura Shinn
Executive Producer Karen Michelle Nutt
Design Consultation Laura Shinn
Special Assistant Taylor Vickery
Smashwords Licensing Notes
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Finding Love the Hard Way is a work of fiction. Though actual locations may be mentioned, they are used in a fictitious manner and the events and occurrences were invented in the mind and imagination of the author except for the inclusion of actual historical facts. Similarities of characters or names used within to any person – past, present, or future – are coincidental except where actual historical characters are purposely interwoven.
[**The Trouble with Fishing, Christmas Tears, and Lady Constance Yankee Spy first appeared in anthologies released by Victory Tales Press**]
The Trouble with Fishing
Rob surprises Lena with a trip to help them get to know one another. But hiking and fishing for five days? Lena is a city girl and wants to go home. Rob soon realizes he made a mistake, but it's too late now.
Walker, the fishing guide, hides his amusement at Lena's designer jeans, new boots, and Hollywood sunglasses when he first meets her. But there's something about the short, well-rounded brunette that keeps drawing his attention. He knows she's going to be trouble, he just can't imagine how much.
Does Lena feel the sparks between them? She definitely thinks the guide is well built and when he renders first aid to her sore feet, she's impressed. But what about the man she came with?
Christmas Tears
What's a widowed mother to do with two children to provide for and Christmas coming soon? Noelle Welborn is in dire straits when she loses her job, is cheated out of her pay, and has no relatives to which she can turn. Then they lose the roof over their heads. Sleeping in the car seems the only option left.
Officer Nick Stewart stops when he spies a familiar looking car parked in a church parking lot late one night. Sure enough, she's the same pixie-faced woman he warned before. When he discovers she has kids asleep in the car, he insists she park in his yard or go to the police station with him.
But what about the next night, and the next?
Lady Constance Yankee Spy
The War Between the States costs Constance Teague Ashmore almost everyone she loves. Offered a chance to help end the bloody battle between fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons; Lady Constance becomes a spy for the North.
Finally, her usefulness ends, but not before she meets and leaves a most unforgettable man.
Two years later, she is summoned to duty once more. Her orders: Stop the man she can't get out of her mind, Nathaniel Weston, from assassinating the President. Use any means necessary.
The Trouble with Fishing
Dedicated to everyone who loves a fisherman or a fisherwoman; we either learn to enjoy it with them or spend lots of days alone.
Chapter One
Lena grabbed hold of the low swinging tree limb as it flew toward her face. Between providing a feast for the bugs, being beaten to death by bushes, and rubbing blisters on her shoulders and heels, she was having a wonderful time – delighted to be here. Not!
Wait until I get Robert alone. If I have any energy left, he's going to get a piece of my mind. What an idiotic way to spend a vacation. Traipsing through the woods so he can throw a string in a river and kill a fish. Why can't he just go to the market and buy a dead fish like everyone else?
"Hurry up, Lena. The group's getting pretty far ahead. We need to catch up," Robert called back to her. "He says it won't be long now until we make camp."
"I'm coming." He says? He says this and he says that. Robert sure seemed taken with their guide. Anyone would think the man was the original Daniel Boone to hear Rob tell it. Wish he'd say the spa is just around the corner. Complete with masseuse.
She slapped another bug off the side of her face and trudged on. It would have been nice to stop a few minutes when she reached Robert, but he took her hand and kept walking.
They finally caught up to the rest of the hikers. A small clearing with four tents and a ring of rocks in the center awaited Lena. She didn't expect the Ritz, but she at least hoped for a cabin. A primitive shower? Maybe an outhouse?
"All right, folks. You can take off those packs now. We're camping here for the night. We'll hike to the river for fishing in the morning. Ladies, you'll be in those two tents and gents in these two." Walker shrugged off his over-sized pack to begin taking out supplies. "We'll need firewood. Everyone helps. Don't wander off too far and don't bother any wildlife."
Robert slid out of his backpack then helped Lena with hers as she stood there gaping at the accommodations.
She groaned in relief as the straps slid off the grooves dug into her poor abused shoulders. She sat down to untie her hiking boots.
"You heard Walker. We need to help gather wood for the fire. Come on, Lena."
But Lena couldn't hold back her irritation any longer. "How much did you shell out for this vacation, Rob? I think it was enough so I shouldn't have to pick up sticks to make a fire. Let the guide do it. My feet hurt and I'm tired."
Robert took in the mulish expression on her normally pretty face. He started out expecting this wilderness experience to bring them closer together. Instead, he discovered they didn't have much in common. Not that Lena complained too much. She'd been a pretty good sport, until now. He had surprised her with their destination, after all. He didn't exactly know when it began to dawn on him that she preferred bright lights and creature comforts to roughing it. Rob really liked her, but he could already tell their relationship wouldn't go much farther – especially after this goof up.
"You rest," he offered. "I'll pick up your share too. I got you into this."
Lena sighed as she retied her boot. "No, I'll help if that's the way this works. No one is going to call me a slacker."
Chapter Two
Walker watched the short brunette with the slightly large rump take her boyfriend's hand and allow him to pull her up. A half-smile tugged at the guide's mouth. The cute little baggage screamed trouble. He'd known it when she walked up to the check-in point wearing Hollywood sunglasses, brand new hiking boots, and snug designer jeans. She'd struggled to keep up all day—always lagging behind, the last to finish eating, and the first to want a break. He shook his head hoping she could last through the night, much less the remaining four days of the trip.
Why on earth would a man bring a girl like her on a trip like this? It wasn't as if they would share a tent. His brochures clearly stated that on the singles trips, ladies and gents maintained separate sleeping quarters and were chaperoned. Not many people seemed to care about that anymore. But he did.
Striding over to a notched tree at the edge of camp, Walker reached up to untie the rope and lower the load of supplies Calvin packed into the camp by mule the day before. No way would a good guide ever ask eight tenderfeet to carry enough equipment, food, and water to last five days. They had enough to do carrying
their own clothes and a water bottle. Most of them held up better than he expected on the hike in—except Lena.
A couple returned to camp with their arms full of sticks and limbs for the fire. These two, Eileen and Kevin, obviously knew a little about hiking and camping. They walked at the front of the group all day and still seemed pretty chipper. Their boots looked well-used and sturdy. Walker enlisted them to help prepare supper.
Two of the women wandered in next and added to the wood pile near the fire ring. Janie and Helen were best friends who wanted to practice their new art of fly-fishing. They'd signed up for the trip to add something different to their annual get-away week.
Clark, a middle-aged business man, wanted a trophy rainbow or cutthroat trout to show off on his office wall. The story of the trip would be a bonus to share over drinks at the country club. He seemed like a nice guy, but had no trail experience other than an elk hunting trip once before. He added a few sticks and pine cones to the growing pile of fuel for the fire then went to check out the tents.
Walker spotted Derek dragging a large tree limb behind him as he came from the woods. The over-achiever of the bunch, Walker thought in amusement. His parents sent him on the trip to force him out of the house before he shipped off to college in the fall. A whiz on computers, the nineteen year old kid knew all about camping—from a video game perspective. Hope he doesn't expect points for the largest chunk of wood.
Beans simmered in a large pot, cornbread baked in the Dutch-oven, and Walker expertly flipped the pork chops on the flat iron he used as a grill. He was glad to see Rob and Lena straggling back into camp. The sun dipped behind the horizon earlier and he'd begun to think he would need to go look for them soon.
Lena dumped her small armful of twigs on the pile and half-heartedly brushed off her shirt. In a small voice, she asked, "Which tent will I be in?"
"You'll be sharing with Eileen...the one on the end." Walker pointed with the long fork he held.
"Thank you. Good night, everyone." She didn't wait for a response, but headed straight to her room for the night. Extremely grateful she didn't have to sleep on the ground, Lena groaned as she sank onto one of the low, blanket-covered, camping cots inside the canvas structure. The last hour of picking up firewood finished her.
She untied her new hiking boots and tugged them off. Her feet felt as if a layer of skin came with them. Not bothering to undress, she stretched out and gave in to the utter joy of not having to put one aching foot in front of the other.
Sometime later, Lena heard a thump and blinked as light filled her eyes. She used a hand to shade them and rose up on one elbow.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I needed to use the lantern to find my pajamas." Eileen scrabbled around in her backpack and tossed out clothing. "I brought you a chop and a piece of cornbread. I thought you might be hungry if you woke up."
"Thanks. I was so tired before..." Lena sat up with a loud moan and accepted the napkin-wrapped food and a bottle of water.
Eileen laughed. "I remember when I first started hiking. I thought I would never like it. Now I can't wait to get out of the city and into some fresh air."
Lena took a bite of cornbread then realized she was starving. "Did you start because of your boyfriend...? Kevin, isn't it?"
"Kevin's my brother." Eileen talked as she changed clothes. "We don't get to spend a lot of time together except when we plan something like this. And, yeah, I did start because of a boyfriend. I dumped the guy, but stuck with the hiking. It was more fun."
"Uhh...Eileen... I need to go really bad. What do I do now?"
After laughing once again, Eileen patiently explained as she walked Lena to an isolated spot then gave her some privacy.
Chapter Three
Bang – bang – bang! "We're burning daylight, campers. Let's go!" Walker beat on the old pot with the big spoon again.
A startled Lena turned over and fell off the narrow cot. "He is going to die," she grumbled aloud as she peered into the pre-dawn half-light and struggled to get off the ground. The sun isn't even up yet.
"Come on. Some coffee will fix you right up." Eileen already wore jeans and a sweatshirt along with a wide smile. Her cot neatly made, her backpack sat on top, and she looked raring to go.
If she bursts into song, she's going to die too. Lena grimaced at the pain running through her shoulders and down into the muscles of her legs. She thought she was in pretty good shape, but evidently not. Stiff and clumsy, she changed into clean clothes and brushed her chin-length hair. Not wanting to think about putting her sore feet into boots, she limped for the coffee pot.
Rob greeted her with a hot cup of coffee and leaned in to kiss her. At her deep scowl, accompanied by a hostile glare, he thought better of it and backed away.
Lena stood in line to get a piece of toast to go with her coffee. The guide shoved a tin plate full of scrambled eggs and bacon at her. She pushed it right back.
"If you don't eat, you can't keep up," he pointed out then offered the plate once again. "Once you've finished eating, I'll see to your feet so you won't make them worse today."
For the first time, Lena really looked at their guide. Eyes, the brilliant green of the summer grass, looked back into hers. Blonde hair, just long enough to curl a bit, brushed his forehead and earlobes. He stood a full head taller than she did and twice as wide. A scraggly blond and brown beard followed his jaw-line while a bushy moustache hid his upper lip. His cheekbones were tanned and angular – a strong face – at least what she could see of it.
"How did you know about my feet?" Lena accepted the plate without thinking.
"You wore new boots to the party and you're barefoot now. Stands to reason. Find me before you put those boots on, okay?" Walker smiled down at her as he handed a full plate to Clark behind her.
"Okay," she answered, a bit bemused, and went to sit on the ground near Eileen to eat her breakfast.
While Rob and Clark cleaned up the camp kitchen after breakfast, Walker put salve and bandages on Lena's feet. "Now, wear two pairs of socks, lace the boots up tight and you should do okay. It's not far to the river. You'll make it fine."
"Thank you. They do feel much better now. But... Can't I just stay here and wait for you guys to come back?" Lena thought it a perfect solution. She could take a nap and read the paperback she'd brought. Maybe she could salvage something from this vacation.
Walker shook his head as he got to his feet. "Sorry. Everyone goes or everyone stays. I can't break up the group. If you can talk the rest of them into foregoing the fishing..."
"Forget it. You know I'll never convince them to stay."
"Probably true. But when we get to the river, you don't have to fish. You can always rest there."
"Yeah... But it's the part between here and there that's bothering me." She grinned up at him.
He watched the smile spread and light up her entire face. She fairly glowed with it. An unfamiliar, warm feeling grabbed Walker in the chest. He felt the crazy urge to stand there forever, gazing into her doe brown eyes. Dang it, she spells big trouble.
* * * * *
Mid-morning found the group approaching the roar of the Wind River. The warmth of late June made it easy to forget the melting snow in the higher regions caused the river to flow fast, full and rushing, through the narrower gorges. Walker warned the hikers before leaving camp that the water would be around forty degrees Fahrenheit and to be wary of the rapids. They could sweep an unwary fisherman off their feet and downstream in the blink of an eye.
The eleven mile stretch of river Walker frequented with his groups cut through private land. The owner sparingly handed out permission for its use. Only the occasional kayaker or rafter might disturb them as they made their way down river. Steep trails followed a winding path through large boulders down into the canyon cut by the rushing waters. Edging the river, the banks were flat and wide in scattered spots, allowing for fly-casting for four species of trout and the occasional carp or whitefish.
p; Helen and Janie couldn't wait to assemble their fly rods and pick out a fishing spot. The time of the year warranted the use of top of the water lures or "dry flies," according to their guide. They listened eagerly to Walker as he explained what the trout were hitting. Then the ladies sought out the most realistic looking Stonefly lure they had in their recently purchased fly case. After agreeing to stay within shouting distance of Walker and in sight of each other, they gleefully headed to the water.
When Eileen discovered her line was tangled and needed waxing, Kevin hastily assembled his rod. He chose an artificial fly before ambling down to the water's edge not far away to practice casting while he waited for her.
Rob turned to Lena. "Do you want me to stay here with you? I can skip the fishing."
Seeing the disappointment lurking in his eyes, Lena smiled up at him. "Of course not. You go on and kill a fish. That's why you came, after all. I'm going to get some sun and read my book. I might even take a nap."
Still uncertain, Rob asked, "You'll yell if you need me, right?"
"Absolutely. One thing I can do well is scream." She made a shooing motion with her hand then turned, searching for a flat rock to sit on. Once seated, Lena watched Rob make his way down the river and find a spot to cast out his line. At least, she guessed that was what happened from the back and forth motion of his arm. Looked like an awful lot of work to her, with all that whipping line to and fro.
Clark and Derek needed help with their fishing rods and more instruction before they could be turned loose near the river. Walker patiently showed them how to put the pieces together and thread the waxed line through. Then he taught them the necessary motion of flipping the line forward and back while playing out more line until the lure landed where it should.
Lena tried not to stare, but couldn't help watching the play of Walker's shoulder muscles beneath his faded chambray shirt while he worked with the two men. The rest of him didn't look too bad either from where she sat. Broader than Rob, he appeared tough and capable. But it was his gentle touch as he'd taken care of her feet that clung to her memory. Something about their guide just...reached her. On that disturbing thought, she shook her head then opened her book to read.
Finding Love the Hard Way Page 1