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Atlantis - Return of the Nation

Page 47

by Steven Cook

  ‘We will however be asking for advisors to assist our people with coming to terms with the modern world.’

  The gathered politicians and career civil servants were stunned by the response.

  The President looked at Jack Henry.

  ‘Are you telling me they’re turning us down?’

  ‘It looks like it.’

  Sheen turned back to Ilissus.

  ‘General, I hope you understand what you are saying. Without protection you will be vulnerable to anybody with the technology to manufacture ceramic weapons.’

  Fisher turned to look at Ilissus.

  ‘General, he has a very valid point.’

  ‘Thank you for your concern.’ She directed at the President. ‘However, we have now neutralised the disruptive effect of the Ceramic. The only weapons that will have any affect are the swords and spears of my warriors.’

  Fisher was stunned. He looked at Ilissus, then the President. Shocked discussions broke out amongst the delegates again.

  ‘I didn’t know.’ He apologised.

  He turned to Dingo and Danny.

  ‘Did you?’

  The two returned his look without saying anything.

  ‘You knew didn’t you?’ It was a statement, not a question.

  ‘We knew.’ said Danny quietly.

  ‘Why didn’t you say anything?’ Fisher asked Dingo.

  ‘I asked him not to.’ said Danny.


  ‘So that I could announce it today,’ cut in General Ilissus.

  Fisher ignored her.

  ‘You have a duty to inform me of any changes in the tactical situation.’

  ‘Sir, the mission was accomplished. We rescued the stranded survivors and prevented the world reverting to a medieval state. In my opinion the Arcanadians have the right to protect themselves and govern themselves without any uninvited external forces.’

  Fisher glared at Dingo and Danny.

  Jack Henry watched the interchange between the three men for a moment before leaning over and touching the Presidents sleeve to get his attention. President Sheen turned and listened as Henry whispered in his ear.

  He nodded then stood forward.

  ‘Lieutenant Fisher, that’s enough.’

  The conversations died out as the President spoke.

  Fisher turned away from Dingo to look at the President.

  ‘General Ilissus.’ The President continued. ‘The United States of America recognises your sovereignty and will respect your wishes. We will provide you with as much or as little advice and resources as you require.’

  Ilissus nodded graciously at the speech. She looked out the corner of her eye where Dingo was standing uncomfortably under Fisher’s concentrated glare.

  ‘Thank you. I would ask that you provide us with an advisor whom we have experience of and trust. Might I suggest Anthony Martin? He has been most helpful in the recent difficulties and has developed firm friendships with several of our senior military staff’

  Dingo looked around shocked as his full name was used. Fisher looked even more stunned.

  ‘I would also request that Daniel Morehouse advise us on maritime issues.’

  The British Prime Minister, Andrew Page, stood and joined the conversation.

  ‘We are willing for Able Seaman Morehouse to advise you General. The British government also extends the offer of advice and services at any time. We would also like to sit down and work out trade agreements and other official protocols.’

  Danny and Dingo looked at each other in happy surprise.

  ‘Do you have any objections?’ asked Ilissus.

  ‘No, none at all.’ said Dingo.

  ‘We’d be honoured.’ finished Danny.


  SKY News 30th May

  Newscaster: Today the Government has confirmed that the island now situated 40 miles off the Iberian Peninsular is, as previously speculated on, home to the Lost City of Atlantis. In the past couple of weeks British and US Forces have been working closely with the Atlantians to stabilise the Political situation within the city. There are unconfirmed reports of sentient species previously thought to be creatures of myth and legend still living on the island.

  The Government has released a joint statement saying that the island is to remain in international quarantine until it is discovered how and why the island has suddenly returned. Over now to our overseas correspondent.

  Correspondent: As you can see here, the island is sitting off the coasts of Portugal and Morocco. Shipping now has to navigate through the forty-mile wide channel to the North and South of the island. US naval vessels are patrolling the channels to prevent unauthorised access. We have received word that the inhabitants of the island are also actively patrolling their shores and have expelled several parties that have made it to shore.


  Arcanadian Coastline 30th May

  Ibrahim’s feet crunched into the wet gravel as he leapt over the side of the boat, the surf washed the dirty water from the hems of his loose trousers. He silently cursed his brother for finding such a badly maintained boat. The engine had barely powered them past the naval patrols and had stalled as they had passed over the reefs just off shore. As a result the waves had tossed the boat around, soaking the four men it was carrying before they had chance to restart it.

  He ignored the other three men as they dragged the boat onto the beach; instead he looked across the beach towards the trees. In the near distance he could see a plume of blue wood smoke lazily rising into the still late afternoon air. He smiled to himself, revealing crooked teeth stained by nicotine and tar.

  ‘This way.’ he ordered.

  Slowly the four men crunched unsteadily up the beach, unslinging the assorted weapons from their backs. Each was battered but well maintained. They spread out, grinning broadly each at other at the thought of the potential riches awaiting them.

  They reached the trees and pushed through, making their way towards the smoke. They stopped just inside the limit of the trees to check out the clearing. In the centre was a small unpainted wooden building surrounded by a neatly laid out garden. A pair of goats and a few chickens were scratching around in an enclosure just seen beyond the home.

  A woman was tending a cooking fire, whilst a man squatted nearby with his back to the watchers, drinking from a leather cup. Ibrahim led the way, striding into the clearing. He raised his battered but well cared for AK47 pattern assault rifle and covered the couple.

  ‘Give me your gold,’ he ordered harshly.

  The woman raised her head up in shock and looked around nervously, spotting the others. She had long brown hair drawn back from her attractive face by a leather cord. She was dressed in a plain brown dress that fell below her knees. It was pulled in at the waist, accentuating her full figure.

  Ibrahim grinned as his companions laughed quietly at what was to come. It was the plan that they would get what they could and leave no witnesses. The woman would be an additional pleasure.

  ‘Your gold, now,’ he repeated.

  The sitting man slowly placed his cup on the ground and painfully stood up and turned to face them. He looked at each of them in turn then bent over to pick up a wide belt which was wrapped around a plain sword scabbard. He was dressed in a tattered tunic and looked like he had recently received a heavy beating.

  ‘This lady has no gold. Return to your boat and leave. You will not find what you want here.’ His voice was weary but determined.

  ‘Listen to me you retarded bastard. We want gold and we want it now. This place is overflowing with it.’

  The man took the sword by the handle and shook off the sheath. The Orichalcum blade reflected the weak sunlight. He held it loosely by his side, refraining from flourishing it as some less experienced swordsmen may have.
br />   ‘You would have offended my honour if I had not lost it. However, you have offended this woman who has offered me hospitality. Therefore on her behalf I have every right to kill you.’ The man smiled at the four gunmen.

  Ibrahim laughed in false confidence. He pulled the cocking lever, racking a round into the chamber. Without saying a word he casually aimed the rifle at the man’s torso.

  ‘Don’t be stupid my friend. You are facing four armed men.’

  The man didn’t pause; instead he continued his steady walk towards Ibrahim, the sword still by his side.

  ‘I see you are holding useless lumps of metal and wood, weapons you are not trained to use. You are used to standing back and killing from a distance. Your skills are redundant. I am a warrior trained to use my body as a weapon. I tell you again to leave.’

  Ibrahim sneered at the man.

  ‘Fool.’ He pulled the trigger.

  Nothing happened. Wildly he looked at his companions who also attempted to shoot the man. Panic set in as each of the weapons failed to fire.

  The man’s smile broadened as he slowly approached them.

  ‘As I said, your weapons are useless.’ He raised the sword slowly.


  Arcanadian Coastline 31st May

  Coran raised his arm to order a halt. The ten warriors with him stopped and waited as the newly promoted officer removed his helmet and walked into the clearing.

  ‘Hello,’ he called.

  ‘Over here Captain,’ replied a woman’s voice.

  He followed the sound of the voice and walked around the side of the building. The woman was tending her cooking fire with a pair of strangely shaped tongs. Coran raised his eyebrow as he recognised the barrels of two rifles linked by a thick leather hinge.

  ‘That is what you have come for.’ She pointed to the side of the building.

  Coran turned and walked over to stand over the four men. They were bound hand and foot, with gags in their mouths. Each was sporting bruises and Coran suspected that one had a broken jaw.

  As he knelt down to examine them he called back over his shoulder.

  ‘How did you capture them?’

  The woman walked up beside him.

  ‘It was not me who captured them. A warrior came out of the hills and asked for water. I was preparing a meal when they came from the beach.’

  ‘Did the warrior give you his name?’

  ‘He said that his name was being held by another as he had lost his honour.’

  Coran stood back up and focussed on her.

  ‘I knew who he was. I have seen him before in the games and parades.’ She added.

  ‘Was it Hildar of the Sixth?’ It was more a statement than a question.

  She nodded.

  Coran turned away and signalled for his warriors to move in. As they came to take charge of the intruders he slowly turned away.

  ‘Oh Danny, what have you done?’


  Note from the author

  First of all let me thank you for downloading my first book and reading it. This work has taken the best part of a year and a half to complete and has involved periods of furious typing and serious head banging.

  I’d especially like to thank my wife, Vicky, for putting up with me reading sections to her in the middle of the night. I’d also like to thank her for only putting my shirt containing my USB drive holding ten months of work through a 40-degree wash.

  She is also the main driving force for the means by which the characters in the book discovered a way to combat Orichalcum. Her obsession with the Chanel J12 model watches resulted in many afternoons peering through Jewellers windows and a fascination with Ceramic.

  I promised a mention to my colleague Julia for being the first person to read the first completed draft and her suggestion of some improvements. Her approval of the story and characters was a big boost and gave me the push to seek publication.

  There are numerous theories about the Mary Celeste and what happened to her crew. I’ve taken several elements of the truth and spun them around the circumstances within Chapter One.

  There were broached barrels in the hold when the Dei Gratia discovered her on December 5th 1872. There was also blood on the rail and the ships chronometer and sextant were missing. The hatches had also been opened and the ships boat was also absent. One of the more common theories is that they thought the ship was going to explode so took to the boat.

  There have been numerous ships that have been found deserted. The case of the Mary Celeste would not be well known if it hadn’t been for a young Sir Arthur Conan Doyle writing the short story of ‘J. Habakuk Jephson’s Statement’ in January 1884. He altered fact so that the name of the ship was changed to Marie Celeste instead of Mary Celeste as she was registered.

  One certain thing is that the ship was thought to be unlucky after the crew mysteriously vanished and she was finally wrecked off the coast of Haiti twelve years later. Another author - Clive Cussler is credited with finding the wreck.

  Atlantis is a law unto itself where myths are concerned. There have been innumerable stories, films and TV shows using it as a basis, both terrestrial and otherwise. Not bad considering it springs from only one reference point - a transcript of a conversation involving several historical figures including Socrates, Hermocrates and Timaeus. The main thread of the transcript is by Critias.

  He describes the land upon which Atlantis stands. In it he states the quality of the land and its people and how the ten Kings of Atlantis were apportioned land. I have carried this through by creating the ten Realms.

  One of the most striking and enduring parts of the description is the layout of Atlantis itself. I have preserved the layout of the rings of land and the canals but have expanded the size to make the city grander.

  I have placed the final position of Atlantis/Arcanadia at the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea. One of the references in the text is the Pillars of Heracles (or Hercules as he was often called). These are possibly thought to have been a reference to the Rock of Gibraltar.

  There is nothing mentioned of any battles taking place with Atlantian troops in them, but it is noted that the army is large and varied in nature. I have limited them to foot soldiers in this story to enable the Rangers to surprise the Minoans in their ride to the city gates.

  Orichalcum is described in the text, stating it was the most treasured after gold. I have used it to give the Atlantians a strong advantage over the rest of Europe. At the supposed time Europe would have been relying on Bronze for their weapons.

  The special properties of Orichalcum are an amalgamation of the Atlantian superiority and an assortment of fantasy references, not least Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis as mentioned.

  The use of Ceramic as the protection against Orichalcum and the field surrounding Atlantis was originally aimed at using Glock handguns. This was changed upon investigation, as Glock weapons are not ceramic as stated in the first Die Hard film.

  The speed by which the US Government produced a whole raft of equipment with protective coating is very ambitious to say the least, but then this is fiction.

  Of the fantastical creatures, the Minoans and the Sphinx, I have taken a twist on the legend of the Minotaur and expanded it into a fully-fledged species. Asterius was the name of the original Minotaur as uttered by Del Foster, so I have changed Minotaur to being a position as well as a name.

  The Sphinx has also become a species instead of the single creature that riddled Oedipus, and I have exaggerated their love of riddles to use it as a means of them determining who is worthy of life.

  The Harpagornis Eagle on the river is not a fabrication. It was the largest eagle ever to have lived. Its habitat was New Zealand but it became extinct around 1500 AD when the Maoris hunted it and the Moa to extinction. I’ve taken the liberty of moving it around the world to show the diversity of the fa
una on Arcanadia.

  The idea of the Talos has been taken from the legend of Jason and the Argonauts, where Talos was the guardian of the Isle of Bronze. I have reduced them in size but increased them in number and changed them to remote controlled warriors. Obviously this is down to hours of playing First Person Shooter games on the PC.

  H.M.S. Daring entered service in 2009, the first of the Type 45 Destroyers. This story could possibly have been her first active voyage and a joint exercise with NATO or UN forces would come within her remit.

  A Hercules transport did carry out a number of landings on the USS Forrestal during the 1960’s. They decided not to carry on using this type of plane for maritime transportation, as the plane could not be fitted with folding wings. It would have been an ideal plane as it is capable of landing and taking off in short spaces without the need of arresting wires or catapults.

  There are several things left unexplained and open for further adventures. Hopefully they will be explored in the future.

  If you would like to leave me any feedback please post comments on

  Steven Cook


  About the Author

  Steven Cook was born in Beverley, second son of a Police Inspector and a School Secretary. He attended University in nearby Kingston upon Hull, studying Computer Aided Engineering. Upon graduating he began his career in local government where he has worked in a variety of departments including Planning, Systems Administration and eventually IT as a Project Manager.

  Atlantis - Return of the Nation is the first novel in his Atlantis series.

  Steven is married to Vicky and lives in Beverley, East Yorkshire. He still works in Local Government.


  Appendix A: Characters

  Mary Celeste - Brigantine out of New York

  Benjamin Spooner Briggs - Master

  Albert Richardson - First Mate

  Sarah Elizabeth Briggs - Masters Wife

  Sophia Matilda Briggs - Daughter

  Andrew Gilling - 2nd Mate

  Edward Head - Steward and Cook

  Volkert Lorenson - Seaman

  Arian Martens - Seaman

  Boy Lorenson - Seaman

  Gotlieb Gondeshall - Seaman


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