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The Blood Witch (The Blood Reign Chronicles Book 1)

Page 32

by Nielsen, D. S.

  Leaning close to Jaren, Allysix said, “Isn’t this a waste of time? It’s getting us nowhere, and tempers are flaring. Would it not be prudent to dismiss the meeting for now? We can have the City Watch look into the matter of the bodies. That at least should appease most of them who have concerns.”

  After a moment, the magistrate nodded his head in agreement. “You’re right. I grow weary of this. It’s late, and I want to go to bed,” Jaren said impatiently.

  Standing from his seat at the head of the table, he addressed the council, “Rest assured that we will have the City Watch look into the matter of the dead bodies thoroughly. They will report their findings at our meeting next week. There is nothing more we can do at this time. We will adjourn until next week.”

  There were grumblings from many of the assembled council as they began to file out. But in the end they all left peaceably.

  After the council meeting was over Allysix made her way back to the Carp District where Maggas would be waiting for her. Baalnar was supposed to meet her there as well, and should have already arrived. She needed to talk with both of them to discuss their progress. When she arrived at the headquarters, Baalnar had already been there for some time and greeted her when she entered.

  “I think there is something you will want to see,” Baalnar told her with a smirk.”

  “And what might that be?” she said a little impatiently.

  “A spy has been discovered among us.” Baalnar responded with a crooked smile, which was not at all appropriate for the situation the way Allysix saw things.

  “What do you mean a spy?” Allysix spat in disgust, “How did a spy manage to infiltrate their way into the Black Brotherhood?”

  “Apparently he has been in the Black Brotherhood for quite some time. It is Evan, one of Maggas’ most trusted men. Evan has been with Maggas almost since the beginning, but it seems he has turned coat and betrayed us,” Baalnar said in a disgusted tone.

  “How do we know for certain he is actually a spy? And for whom is he employed?” Allysix asked.

  “Talvin has been suspicious of the man for some time, so he followed Evan to find out what he was up to. Evan met with Bakus on more than one occasion. It seems his greed for money is stronger than his love for you,” Baalnar said with a sardonic smile, which fueled Allysix’s anger even more.

  “Where is this Evan now?” Allysix asked, wearing a furious look, “I will teach him a painful, permanent lesson on what becomes of those who betray me.”

  “Maggas has him…occupied…at the moment.” The wicked smile on Baalnar’s face said that Allysix might not get a chance to teach the betrayer a lesson.

  Baalnar lead the way to the inner chamber where Allysix had first taken control of Maggas and the Black Brotherhood. As they approached the room, screams of pain and torment could be heard through the closed door. Allysix entered the room to a wonderful scene of anguish and torture.

  There was a man seemingly suspended a foot off the ground in the center of the room. Maggas was standing across the room facing the man, with a wild-eyed look of fury mixed with pleasure.

  “How long?” Maggas growled, “how long have you been a traitor?”

  The man’s screams of pain subsided for the moment and he struggled desperately for words. “He…….he offered me so much gold. More than I had ever seen before. I……I just wanted to be rich. I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. I have been a faithful servant all these years, up until now. Does that not count for at least a little mercy?” Evan pleaded with the black mage as tears streaked down the traitor’s face.

  The man’s words cut off, and the screams of pain began anew. Allysix studied the work of Maggas closely as he continued his deadly art form. Evan writhed and screamed in pure agony. It almost seemed as if Evan was getting…..taller. The black mage stared intently, as the betrayer body seemed to elongate several inches. It was almost as if the traitor was being pulled, and stretched from both his head and feet at the same time.

  “You sicken me. There is no worse crime than betrayal, and I trusted you,” the mage said to Evan with a look of disappointment and fuming anger. “Who else are you in league with? Who else have you betrayed us to?”

  “No one, I swear. It was only Bakus. He offered me gold to bring him proof that Allysix…well Brigette as he knows her, was allied with you. Bakus wanted to bring the evidence before the council. He thought if he proved to the council that….Brigette was at least associated with you, then he would be able to gain his position back as adviser and clear his name.” Evan’s voice trembled with pain and fear.

  “What proof did you provide him?” Maggas asked deliberately. biting off each word as he spoke.

  “Nothing yet, I was to meet with him on the morrow. I have only told him some of what I know. But I told him nothing more than he already suspected. We had not yet come to an agreement. Bakus was to bring me the gold tomorrow when we met. I would bring him the proof he wanted.” Evan broke of into sobs and whimpering.

  “When and where was this meeting supposed to take place?” Maggas asked, with an all too calm expression.

  “Tomorrow night at midnight, down near the docks on the west side, at the abandoned guard shack. I think Bakus has been hiding out west of the Carp District, out in the swamp lands.” Evan said in a rush in hopes to appease the black mage.

  Maggas glared at Evan for several long moments while sweat poured down the traitors face until finally the black mage smiled at the man.

  Evan seemed to visibly relax thinking he had escaped punishment, and earned some sort of mercy. The man obviously didn’t know Maggas as well as he thought he did.

  Almost immediately the screams of anguish started once again with even more intensity. This time it looked as if the betrayer was enlarging like a wine bladder that was overfull.

  Evan’s skin was stretching to the point that he almost looked as if he would burst. In fact, cracks started to form on parts of the man’s body oozing blood and other fluids. Evan’s eyes bulged, blood began to trickle from his nose, ears, and mouth and the screams of torment rose to a furious level.

  Now the man’s skin was ripped and torn in many places all over his body. Blood began to drip, then flow freely from the ruptured skin. The process was extremely slow and agonizing, and went on for quite some time before the screams turned to a gurgling rasping noise in Evan’s throat. Finally, the man’s convulsions slowed, and then eventually stopped. No other sound came from the man other than his blood dripping into the pools that had formed on the stone floor below him. It was several moments later before Maggas actually released the body and allowed it to fall to the floor, a lifeless, torn, bloody heap.

  Allysix was impressed. She knew Maggas was quite strong in the black arts, but this……even she had to admire the black mage’s work. Maggas slumped over slightly from the effort he had spent wielding his black magic. The mage took several deep breaths to compose himself before crossing the floor to address Allysix. Bowing deeply he said, “Great Mistress, I apologize for this atrocity. I cannot believe that one of my own men would betray us……you, in this manner, especially Evan. I’ve known him for many years and would have sworn he could be trusted. I stand ready for whatever punishment you see fit to bestow upon me for my failure.” Maggas said contritely as he knelt and bowed deeply before Allysix, awaiting her command.

  Allysix studied Maggas for a moment before answering, “Stand up Maggas, there is nothing to apologize for. Men have a weak nature, and are given to greed. Even the most trusted many times can be bought, given the right incentive. From what the traitor said, he had not yet revealed anything of importance. The betrayer was discovered in time to avoid serious damage, and you handled the situation……. masterfully. That is what truly matters.” She said with a warm smile.

  “Nevertheless hold this man up as an example to anyone else who might have thoughts of betrayal.”

  Evan’s body was now twisted and torn to the point that it was barely recognizable as a m
an. It should serve as a very good warning to anyone who has similar thoughts of betrayal just to gain riches. Especially considering Evan had been one of the black mage’s closest friends from the beginning. Allysix didn’t think that there would be any further problems with greed or betrayal within the Black Brotherhood once they saw what would happen to them if they did turn traitor.

  “Oh and one more thing,” Allysix said as she was turning to leave, “I am sure you have already thought of this, but send Talvin to meet with Bakus tomorrow in Evan’s stead. There’s no use in allowing Bakus to continue to stir up trouble. And make certain Talvin is rewarded well for his part in ferreting out the traitor. As I have said, there are great rewards for those who serve faithfully.”

  Several days later found Allysix sitting in her room at the Lady of the Sea Inn enjoying a glass of wine. This wine was particularly delightful and she wondered where Kavarina had been able to acquire such a fine wine. She would have to ask the woman when she saw her next. Abruptly a knock came at her door.

  “Enter,” Allysix said curtly, annoyed at being disturbed at this hour.

  Baalnar entered the room and strode across the floor. “Great Mistress,” he said bowing deeply, “I’m terribly sorry to disturb you, but I have news I think you will want to hear.

  Yes, this was much better behavior from the man, as opposed to his former arrogant demeanor towards her. Allysix liked the new Baalnar even more than she had the old one.

  “What is it?” Allysix asked, curious as to what was so important for him to disturb her evening.

  “Two days ago we picked up a prisoner. The man had been wandering through the city asking about you………by name. Needless to say, it upset some of the people greatly, so I arrested him and placed him in a cell for questioning. I took the responsibility of questioned him personally, considering the delicate nature of the situation.

  For the entire first day of interrogation the man denied all of it, saying he had not been asking about you at all. Finally, after some…….persuasions, the prisoner admitted that he had been sent to find you and give you an important message.

  At the time, I was alone in the cell with him so I told him that I knew how to find you. I figured that if he wasn’t what he said he was then I could dispose of him easily enough without too much trouble or suspicion.

  I hope I did not overstep myself in this,” Baalnar said bowing his head diffidently.

  “Not at all Baalnar, not at all, you did very well. You showed great initiative and good judgment. Well done.” Baalnar beamed proudly at the praise from Allysix.

  “This man of course did not believe me at first, with me being the captain of the watch and all. But after more persuasion, he finally came out with his story. He said he is a messenger sent by a gnome named Mortikus.”

  Allysix knew no one named Mortikus, and when she showed no signs of recognition from the name Baalnar continued, “The man claims that Mortikus deals in flesh trade………literally. The gnome captures unsuspecting travelers and sells them to the Vashi in the Mountains of Kaal…. as food………for the Vashi to….eat,” he said with a twisted mouth, almost as if he were going to spit.

  Allysix laughed out loud. “What an enterprising man this Mortikus, I would like to meet him sometime.”

  “Well it seems a group of travelers that the gnome captured was special in some way. When he arrived at the Vashi trading camp, the Vashi told Mortikus that you had informed their leader that you wanted this particular young man that he had captured,” Baalnar said with a puzzled look. Clearly, he was expecting an explanation of how the Vashi knew that Allysix wanted this young man and why he was so important. But Allysix was in no mood to explain it to Baalnar.

  So that’s where the boy Jak had been. Some time ago, Allysix had felt the boy moving west, away from Yilavo City. She had been puzzled by it wondering if the boy was that foolish or if he had just decided to run away from her. But after staying in one spot for a few days somewhere in the Mountains of Kaal, Allysix felt him moving east, in the direction of Yilavo City towards her. Presently, the boy Jak was only a few days west of the city. If he was indeed captured, then perhaps the Vashi or this Mortikus was bringing him to her. After all, it was a fair distance to the Mountains of Kaal, and she supposed they might be bringing the boy at least part of the way to speed things up, possibly to gain favor and rewards.

  “Do you still have this messenger in custody?” Allysix asked Baalnar.

  “Yes Great Mistress. I thought you might want to talk with him personally, so I have the prisoner close by with two of our men guarding him. Would you like to question him? I will have him brought right away if it pleases you.”

  “Yes, I would like to talk with him. Bring him to me now.”

  Baalnar stepped to the door and spoke softly with someone waiting outside. After several moments, there was another knock on the door. Baalnar opened it and pulled the man roughly through and shoved him towards where Allysix was seated. The man was travel stained and haggard, but overall a rather plain looking fellow. His face was covered with many bruises and a few deep cuts. Allysix supposed it had been the persuasions of Baalnar that had given them to the man. Baalnar escorted him forward, and when they stopped a few paces in front of Allysix, the man remained upright so Baalnar roughly kicked the man’s legs out from beneath him and shoved him hard to the floor.

  “You are in the presence of the Great Mistress, Allysix. You will show the proper respect.”

  The man struggled hesitantly to his knees, with his head bowed low to the floor, “M-My apologies G-Gr-Great Mistress.”

  “Who are you, and why are you here?” Allysix asked flatly. “I hope for your sake your answer pleases me.”

  “I—I my name is Gamry. I work for the gnome Mortikus and I help him transport captives under his sleep spell to the Vashi in the mountains. He pays well.”

  “Yes, Yes, I know all this already, but why are you here? Why are you going about the city asking for me by name?” She demanded impatiently.

  “Well, he…Mortikus, had captured these four you see…an old man, a very big man, a young man, and a little girl. We were taking them to the Vashi to sell them.

  But when we got there, the Vashi said that you wanted the young man. So Mortikus sent me to tell you we had him. I rode as fast as I could to get here, but I didn’t know where you were…..Great Mistress, or how to find you. The Vashi can’t bring the young man into the city, so they wanted me to ask you to send someone to get him.”

  “You were able to transport the captives to the Vashi, why couldn’t you just bring them here yourselves.”

  “Ummm…….when we took them they were asleep, under Mortikus’ sleep spell. Mortikus said he could not put them under the spell again so soon else they might die. There are only three of us, including the gnome. We couldn’t transport them ourselves without them being asleep. One of the captives is very big. We couldn’t risk it”

  “Where are they now?” Allysix asked, already knowing the answer. She had an odd feeling of anticipation inside her. She found herself looking forward to seeing Jak again……. Jak? She had never thought of him as Jak before. It was always the boy Jak, or just the boy. It must be the cursed girl Brigette’s thoughts oozing in again. They had seemed to come to the surface more and more whenever she thought of Jak.

  “Umm…..Ahh…..when I left they were in the Vashi caves in the mountains,” Gamry said uncertainly.

  Allysix knew that Jak at least, was no longer in the mountains. She didn’t know whether the Vashi had gotten bold enough to bring the boy in themselves. Or perhaps they were trying to gain some favor by at least bringing him most of the way. Then again, Jak may have killed them all and broken free. The thought of Jak killing all of them made Allysix giggle inside.

  “Baalnar, you will send five good men with Gamry to retrieve the boy,” Allysix commanded curtly.

  “Pardon Great Mistress, boy?” Baalnar asked with a puzzled look on his face.

bsp; “That is what I said, is it not?” Allysix snapped angrily. She did not want to explain herself to Baalnar, and besides she still wanted to keep the boy’s……potential a secret.

  “Yes, of course, my apologies Great Mistress, I will send the men right away.”

  “And Baalnar, tell the men you send to be watchful. They should encounter the boy a few days outside of the city, if not sooner. He may be captive to the Vashi, or perhaps it may be that the old man, girl, and big man are with him. In either case, the men need to be careful. Do not harm the boy; I want him brought to me unharmed.” Not that Allysix thought these men could harm Jak now if he was turning. But she didn’t want to take any chances.

  “The others that are with him are of no consequence, if they are even with him. The men can do what they wish with the others. Just bring me the boy.”

  “A few days…Ahh Great Mistress?” Gamry said in confusion, “it’s more than ten days to the mountains, and that is only if we ride very hard.”

  “I am well aware of how far the mountains are, but they are not in the mountain any longer. They are only a few days west of here. Just do as I say, and get out of my sight quickly before I loose my patience with you.” She hissed threateningly.

  Gamry leapt to his feet and darted from the room without another word. Even Baalnar made haste to followed him out and shut the door.

  Two days had passed with the boy Jak getting slowly, steadily closer to Yilavo City. Then for the past two days his speed had increased somewhat. He was obviously traveling faster now than he had been before. Had the men that she sent found Jak and were now bringing him back? He was very close now; in fact, he would be in the city later this very day. She didn’t want to make it too easy on Jak, so she decided it was time to block the link. After all, if her men had the boy they would bring him to her. If not, she didn’t want Jak able to sense her. The only downside was that she wouldn’t be able to sense Jak either, and the thought of that was a little troubling to her.


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