by Lara Ann
Before I knew it, the weekend was over and it was Monday morning. Tom (Dad) and I had been slowly learning more about each other and we had spent most of Sunday together, as he didn’t write on Sundays. I put on the uniform that he had picked up for me last week. It wasn’t too hideous, just a plain blue pleated skirt and a white collared shirt with a navy sweater. My old school had a vile green and red check dress with a bright red jacket. My former friend Milly had bright red hair that had clashed horribly. At least black hair goes with everything I thought as I bundled my long hair into a messy bun.
When I arrived downstairs, Tom was already dressed and eating toast at the breakfast bar. “Help yourself,” he said indicating a large array of breakfast foods. I was starting to feel a bit nervous about starting a new school, so I just grabbed a piece of toast with butter.
“I’ll drive you today, and pick you up, until you know the way,” he said brightly. I think he could tell I was feeling nervous. I’d never had to change schools before and I wasn’t really sure what to expect.
I got a better idea of where we were living as we drove to school. Basically we lived in the middle of nowhere with a few neighbouring houses appearing at regular intervals through the trees and bush. Within about 15 minutes the scenery started to change, the bush giving way to more open green rolling hills, I could occasionally see the ocean as well. It was actually quite beautiful but vastly different to the cityscape I was used to. The drive ended way too soon for my liking as we entered a largish town and quickly drove through the school gates. There was a large sign that said ‘Emery High School’. It didn’t look very big. I breathed a small sigh of relief, I might actually be able to find my way around.
“Do you want me to come in with you?” Tom asked.
“No, that’s ok, I’ll be fine.” I could see a sign showing which way the office was. I gave him a quick hug and agreed to meet him back at the same place at 3 pm.
‘Here goes nothing,’ I thought as I walked into the office building. There was a high counter directly across the room as I went in. A blonde woman was just hanging up the phone as I walked across towards the counter.
“Hi,” she said smiling warmly. “You must be Ashlee. Welcome to Emery High School, I’m Mrs Adams, I’m always here if there’s anything you need. You’ll be part of our Year 11 class. We have 42 students this year. If you just wait here a moment I’ll see if Principal Ford is ready to see you.”
I gave her what I hoped was a reciprocal smile as she headed out through another door. Wow! Only 42 students in the whole year, there had been over 200 in year 11 at my old school. I looked around and saw there were several notices, with things like second-hand uniforms for sale, fairly typical, and an advertisement for Border Collie puppies, somewhat more unexpected. I was gazing at the adorable black and white faces pictured when I heard footsteps entering the room. I turned quickly to see Mrs Adams returning with a forbidding grey haired man in his mid-fifties.
“Good morning Ashlee, I’m Principal Ford, come into my office.”
We entered a large room with an imposing desk and several more comfortable-looking chairs. He gestured for me to sit in one of the lounge chairs and took another one across from me.
“I won’t keep you long, I just wanted to welcome you to our school, and to let you know I’m here for all my students if problems arise.” He still didn’t look very welcoming and I couldn’t imagine ever voluntarily coming to see him about anything. “Did you have any questions? I see you have good grades in all your subjects.”
“Um,” I stammered embarrassingly trying to think of an intelligent question to ask. Finally, I managed a rather feeble, “will I still be able to continue with all my subjects?”
“Yes, all except legal studies, which we will arrange for you to do by correspondence, seeing as you have already completed six months of the curriculum.”
“Thanks,” I said relieved I would be able to continue with everything.
“Well I won’t keep you,” he said standing abruptly. “If you go back out to Mrs Adams, she’ll organise for someone to show you to class.”
I headed out quickly, eager to be away from him. As I re-entered the foyer, I saw there was al-ready another student leaning casually against the counter. He was tall and lean, with wavy brown hair and as he turned towards me, I noticed he was quite striking with deep brown eyes and a dimpled grin.
“Hi,” he said extending his hand towards me. “I’m Xavier, you must be Ashlee.”
“Actually, I prefer Ash,” I replied hoping my face wasn’t red. I gave his outstretched hand a quick shake, noticing it was warm and smooth, then stepped back quickly.
“Mrs Adams asked me to show you around today, ‘cos we have mostly the same classes.” He handed me a copy of my timetable and most of the classes had been highlighted. “All the high-lighted ones are the ones we have together,” Xavier said with an easy smile.
Looking down, I noted everything except for PE and Drama had been highlighted. I checked the Monday column, noticing we had a double English lesson now.
“Yep, double English first thing Monday morning,” he said, obviously noticing my gaze. “It’s cruel I know. Don’t they realise our brains need time to wake up after the weekend?”
I laughed, happy that they had given me someone friendly to show me around. I followed Xavier as we headed across a large concrete courtyard into an old fashioned, double story red brick building.
We entered the classroom and immediately twenty pairs of eyes turned my way.
“I’m Mrs Jefferson,” the teacher said to me. “You must be Ashlee, take a seat anywhere,” she said indicating several empty places spread around the room. I took a seat off to the side and Xavier sat in the empty seat next to me.
“We are currently studying Hamlet,” Mrs Jefferson said. “Are you familiar with the story?”
“Yes, I’ve read that one,” I commented. I actually loved Hamlet, it was probably my favourite of Shakespeare’s plays, but I didn’t want to appear too enthusiastic and nerdy on my first day at a new school. I would much rather listen and get an idea about my classmates before jumping in.
Class passed quickly and soon it was time for the first break. I followed Xavier outside and we joined a group of kids who were sitting around a robust looking metal outdoor table. Some of the kids faces were familiar from class. Xavier quickly introduced me to them all remembering to call me Ash instead of Ashlee. Will was tall and blonde, Harry had red hair and was holding hands with a girl who had long hair and crazy brown curls. She introduced herself as Becky. Across from them, was Tali, a pretty blonde with freckles across her nose and Olivia, she had brown hair and soft brown eyes. She was so petite she looked much younger than seventeen, I wondered if maybe she had skipped a grade. Olivia made room for me on the bench seat and I slid in next to her gratefully.
“So,” said Becky. “Tell us all about yourself”.
“Umm,” I stammered not really wanting to get into the whole car crash, didn’t know my Dad from a bar of soap thing. “I moved here from Sydney to live with my Dad,” I said briefly.
“Is your Dad really Tom Redding? I’ve read all his books, they’re boss,” Harry said excitedly.
“Umm yep.”
“Wow, that must be so awesome to have a Dad who’s famous,” Tali said.
“Ah, it’s okay I guess…”
Thankfully, the conversation then turned to other stuff. I think they could sense my discomfort at being the centre of attention. The school was putting on a production of Annie and most of them seemed to be involved in either the acting or behind the scenes roles.
The rest of the day passed quickly without me having to reveal too much about my past and be-fore I knew it, the final bell rang and I headed out to the car park to look for my father.
I heard several people call out “Bye Ash,” as I hopped into the car.
“Bye,” I called out giving a random wave in their direction.
“So,” Tom sa
id. “How was your first day? Not too painful I hope?”
“Pretty good actually, the kids seem pretty welcoming and the teachers are much the same as my old school. The Principal is a bit scary though.”
“Good incentive to stay out of trouble.”
Back at home, I grabbed some cookies and milk and spread my homework out over the large coffee table in the lounge room. Some things didn’t change and homework seemed an inevitable part of school life. I already had several assignments to try to catch me up to the other students. I decided to start with maths first, as it was my least favourite subject.
Halfway through Tom came in with a few brightly wrapped packages and sat down opposite me.
“I hope I’m not interrupting?”
“You can interrupt maths anytime Dad.” I hadn’t meant to call him that, it had just kind of slipped out, but he looked pleased, so that was a relief.
“Well Ash, I know I missed a lot of birthdays, and I know you’ve already had your birthday this year so I thought I’d get you a few things as I have a lot of catching up to do.”
“I know you didn’t miss them on purpose, you didn’t even know I existed!”
“I know, but I still want to make it up to you,” he said handing me the packages.
I ripped the first one open (I loved opening presents, and was intrigued to know what someone who didn’t know me that well would have brought me). The first package contained a new Mac-Book. “Wow,” I cried enthusiastically. “Thanks so much.”
“Well you have to have something to do your assignments on.”
My old Mac was coming with some of my furniture; clearly I wouldn’t need it now. The contrast between my new life where money had constantly been an issue, to now where it obviously wasn’t, had never seemed greater. I was hopeful that I would appreciate it more than I would have if I’d grown up with such luxury.
The second package was larger. I opened it and was somewhat surprised to find a backpack with lots of pockets.
“It’s a day pack,” my father explained. “I thought you might like to do some of the bush walks around here sometime. You’ll need good boots too, but you’ll have to try them on yourself.”
“Thanks, sounds fun.” I really wasn’t sure if it would be fun or not, never really having been bushwalking, but I would at least be willing to give it a try.
The last package was small and quite heavy for its size. I opened it carefully and inside was a beautiful metal box; it was a bronze colour and looked old. There was an intricate swirly pattern over the top with some weird symbols I didn’t recognise. Opening the box carefully, a bronze neck-lace with a locket were nestled on green velvet. The locket had the same swirls and symbols as the box.
“It’s beautiful,” I exclaimed softly, gently lifting it out of its casing.
“It’s an old family heirloom,” my father said. “It’s been passed down through our family for generations.”
“Are you sure you want me to have it?”
“Of course, you’re my only child, it belongs to you now.”
“I really don’t know anything about your side of the family – do we have many other relatives?”
He said nothing for a moment instead gazing out towards the ocean.
“It’s just us now,” he spoke softly a touch of longing in his voice. I wasn’t sure if now was the right time to ask further so I stayed silent.
“Make sure you take it off before you go to bed,” Dad said cryptically, reaching around my neck to fasten the clip.
The long chain made it hang down between my breasts. I reached up and clasped it in my hand. I felt quite comforted having it there as if it brought me closer somehow to the family I would never know. Looking at it, I noticed a small clasp on the side, I flicked it open. Instead of the old photo that I was expecting, it contained a strange silvery reflective substance, kind of like a mirror, but brighter somehow.
“What is it?”
Dad was watching me; a strange, carefully neutral expression on his face. “Well, my mother told me the locket can reveal the truth.”
“Huh, what does that mean?”
“Now is not the time...” he answered, the faraway look in his eyes again.
After dinner, we watched some TV. At about 10 o’clock, I was feeling tired, all the new people and experiences had worn me out.
“Goodnight then,” I said awkwardly, yawning and stretching as I stood up.
“Night Ash, sleep well.”
Chapter 2
I awoke suddenly; there was something uncomfortable sticking into my back. Sitting up quickly, I looked around. Where was my bed? What on earth... I wasn’t even in my house; I appeared to be in a forest clearing. Soft light filtered down through dark green pine needles. It didn’t look like the eucalypt forest near our house and I couldn’t hear the sound of the ocean anymore. A small rock had been digging into my back, which was obviously why I had woken so suddenly, but where on earth was I, what was going on? Maybe I was dreaming? That must be it; it was just a very vivid dream. I don’t remember a dream ever feeling so real, but there wasn’t really any other explanation. Abducted by aliens? Ha, I don’t think so. Kidnapped from my bed and dumped in a faraway forest? Highly unlikely. I guess I’d just go with it and see if I woke up soon.
Remembering my dark dreams from last night, I hastily looked around, half expecting monsters or demons to appear out of the dark forest. Hearing something rustling in the green depths, I stepped back hastily; something reached out and grabbed me. I flung myself away, only to land flat on my face. Thrashing about, my mind conjured up various deadly scenarios in an instant. I flipped over determined to fight with all I had. My face flushed as I realised my ‘attacker’ was only a green vine, I pulled off the offending creeper and got slowly to my feet.
Feeling a little embarrassed, I brushed dirt and leaves off my pyjamas, white with little purple hearts, now streaked with dirt. My new locket was still around my neck, I must have forgotten to take it off. Unfortunately, I had no shoes on and wondered if I could perhaps dream some up and make them appear. I tried, but nothing happened. I stopped feeling a bit silly. Now what? Apart from my small grassy clearing, the forest looked quite dense and imposing. I didn’t want to get lost, but could I get lost if I had no idea where I was? It’s just a dream, it’s just a dream, it’s not real and nothing can hurt me. I could hear a few birds calling, and something else that sounded like water falling. Maybe there was a stream? Book characters always seemed to head for water, so I would try that. Stepping carefully to avoid anything sharp on my bare feet, I entered the forest; most of the trees seemed to be large conifers of some sort. I am not much of a nature girl so unfortunately they gave me no idea of my location.
As I walked carefully through the forest the sound of the water became louder. Dry pine needles tickled my bare feet. My heart beat loudly in my chest; I was still waiting for something to leap out at me. Abruptly, the forest ended; there was about thirty metres of green grass sloping down to a large pool of water with a small waterfall cascading into it. Facing the pool with his back to me was a boy or man, I couldn’t tell which, and a black horse.
“Come on Thunder, we have to go, you know they aren’t far behind us,” he said.
He attempted to tug on the horse’s reins, but the horse only shook his head to free himself and continued drinking from the pool. He turned around and strode quickly towards the forest, where I was still standing. Backing away nervously, I unconsciously tried to smooth down my tangled hair. Part of my brain said ‘run!’ The other part couldn’t help noticing his wavy blond hair and attractive features. The choice was suddenly taken away from me as he looked up straight into my eyes.
His eyes locked onto mine, from where I stood, I could see they were a bright green colour framed by long black lashes any girl would kill for. He looked around my age. He spoke while I was still gaping at him.
“What?.. Who?... Who sent you? And what on alora are you wearing?”
I was sure my face had gone bright red, could you get embarrassed in a dream?
“It’s not my fault I’m wearing my pyjamas,” I said angrily, deciding to stand up for myself. “This is just a stupid dream anyway!”
His green eyes went wide and he looked shocked. “You’re a dream maiden?”
“A what? Yes this is a dream and as to my maidenhood that’s really none of your business.” This was a weird dream, but at least he was cute, even if he did ask weird questions.
“What? Are you from the world of dreams,” he asked.
“No, I’m from the real world. This is a dream, and a rather bizarre one, although you are nice to look at, you say the strangest things,” I replied – deciding since this was a dream it didn’t matter if I admitted I found him attractive. I would never say that to someone in real life.
“Well thank you,” he said smiling widely. “I think you are most beautiful too. Now is not the time though, we must go quickly before they are upon us.” As he finished speaking his horse had come up behind him and was now nudging him gently from behind trying to push him toward the forest.
“Now you’re in a hurry,” he said in mock exasperation to the horse. “Thunder, meet, umm sorry I completely forgot to introduce myself, my mother would be horrified.”
I wasn’t sure whether he was joking or serious. “I’m Ashlee.”
“Delighted to make your acquaintance Ashlee, I am Wyndelleu,” he said making a small elegant bow. He was wearing dark fitted pants and long boots with a loose white shirt and leather vest, so I suppose his outfit went with the old-fashioned speech and manners. I was beginning to enjoy the freedom of this dream; to say and do exactly as I felt without having to worry about what anyone would think.
“Hadn’t we better hurry,” I asked rather recklessly. “Isn’t someone after you?” I added, deciding to go along with wherever this dream was headed.