Until I Sleep (Alora Chronicles Book 1)

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Until I Sleep (Alora Chronicles Book 1) Page 12

by Lara Ann

  I actually loved it when Wyn used my full name, coming from him it sounded more elegant somehow. Perhaps it was just the slightly musical sound of his voice.

  “What are you two up to?” Dad asked walking into the lounge room.

  “Hi Dad, I’m just picking out a dress for the Ball thingy.”

  “Have you found one you like?”

  “Yes, this one I think,” I answered, spinning the laptop around so he could see.

  “That’s beautiful, you’ll be the belle of the ball,” he teased. “Have you picked a colour?”

  “Yes, I think I like the blue the most.”

  “Excellent, I can take it from here,” Dad replied sitting down and pulling the laptop towards himself.

  “What are you doing Dad?”

  “I’m buying my daughter a dress. You wouldn’t deny me this parental privilege would you Ash?”

  “Thanks Dad, I really appreciate it,” I said smiling.

  “Are you and Wyn going together?” Dad said, looking at us happily.

  “Actually, I’m going with Xavier and Wyn is going with Tali.”

  “Sounds fun,” Dad said looking a little surprised by the revelation.

  “Ha! You’d hate it Dad.”

  “Yes you’re right. I did get conned in to going one year and I can’t say I enjoyed it much. I got cornered by a fan and she proceeded to go through her favourite parts of all my books in excruciating detail. I had to make up a mysterious illness to get away from her.”

  “Well I finished reading ‘The Long Night’, and I thought it was fantastic, but I’ll refrain from mentioning which parts I liked best,” I teased.

  “I also enjoyed that one,” Wyn added.

  “I didn’t know you’d read any of Dad’s books.”

  “I love to read, I think I’ve already read half of the books here.”

  “Wow, when did you have time to do that?”

  “At night usually, I’m a bit of an insomniac.”

  “Really? A flaw at last!” I said laughing.

  “You’ll pay for that young lady,” Wyn replied as he tried to tickle me.

  I shrieked and ran out the back door onto the deck. Wyn followed close behind, so I raced down the stairs and along the path to the beach. I knew Wyn was right behind me, so I ran straight into the water, as I was barefoot and I knew Wyn still had his shoes on. The water was still cold at this time of year, and I gasped as a wave splashed me in the back.

  “I think your strategy backfired,” Wyn said gleefully from the edge of the water.

  “Or not!” I replied, using both my hands to send a cascade of cold water his way. Wyn spluttered as the cold water drenched the front of his clothes.

  “You dare insult an Aloran Prince this way!” Wyn laughed, kicking off his shoes and stepping in-to the ocean.

  Oops, now I was in trouble. I tried to duck past him but of course he was too quick for me. He scooped me up into his arms and carried me into deeper water.

  “Should I drop you in my Lady?” Wyn said pretending to loosen his hold on me.

  “No, no!” I shrieked, clasping my arms around his neck to save myself from a cold dunking.

  “I think I will agree to save you, if you make a good enough apology, for insulting my royal per-son.”

  I always loved seeing Wyn’s lighter side; he was often so serious. He did have the worries of a whole country on his shoulders though and he still didn’t know whether his Mother and his friends were safe.

  Just as Wyn turned and began carrying me back to shore, a larger than usual wave crashed into us from behind. Wyn’s legs were knocked out from under him and we both fell under the water. The cold was enough to force all the air out of my lungs and I stumbled to the shore coughing and choking on the salt water. When I’d recovered enough, I sat down on the dry sand and pushed all my tangled hair off my face. Wyn looked at me, and we both burst into fits of laughter, punctuated by the odd coughing fit.

  “Probably not my best idea,” I said looking at my drenched and sandy school uniform.

  “Remind me next time, not to chase you into the ocean. Ocean swimming is definitely a new experience for me.”

  “I don’t think you could call that swimming!” We both dissolved into fits of laughter again.

  “I think it’s time to return to the castle again my lady, before we both become frozen,” said Wyn, offering me his hand and pulling me to my feet. We quickly returned to the house, I couldn’t wait to get into a hot shower. The sun was starting to set and I realised how chilled I was.

  I hurried into my en-suite bathroom, glancing in my bathroom mirror as I went to turn the water on. My cheeks suddenly flamed with embarrassment, my white school shirt was way too revealing stuck wetly to my skin. I was glad my long hair was keeping me somewhat covered. At least I knew Wyn was too much of a gentleman to ever mention it to me, or anyone else.

  After dinner, Wyn pulled me aside.

  “I have a new plan to discuss with you,” Wyn said seriously.

  It’d been a little while since we’d discussed returning to Alora. It had been kind of nice pretending that we were just normal high school students, with nothing more than exams and the upcoming ball to worry about. That fantasy quickly dissolved as the reality of our situation descended.

  “Let’s go into the book room then, Dad’s watching TV in the lounge room.”

  The book room was just near the staircase, we didn’t use it much, because it overlooked the driveway rather than the ocean. Dad mainly used it to store all his books. He had a diverse collection stored on inbuilt bookshelves that filled the room. It was a bit like having our own mini library.

  We settled ourselves on the puffy grey couch before Wyn continued to outline his new ideas.

  “Well, I had a thought, that we could go and see a cousin of mine. He’s a farrier, he has a gift with animals too. It is not as strong as mine is, but similar enough that we always got along well. He lives in the forest – just outside the city. We should be perfectly safe there. No one would expect me to go to Jonik.”

  “So we’ll be safe, but how does that help us exactly?”

  “Hopefully Jonik will have news of what’s been happening.”

  “I can see a flaw in your brilliant plan oh wise one. How am I going to get us to Jonik? I’ve never met him before, or been to his house.”

  That might be a problem, but I’m hoping if I can describe his house and his appearance in great detail, you’ll be able to get us there.”

  “Will that work?”

  “Maybe, I’m not really sure, but I think it’s worth a try.”

  “Do you know what’ll happen if it doesn’t work?”

  “Ah no, not really, I assume we just won’t go anywhere.”

  “Well as long as we don’t end up back in that dungeon, I’m all for giving it a go. Do you want to try tonight?”


  Chapter 15

  We lay on my bed, fully dressed. Wyn had helped me choose something from my wardrobe that more closely resembled what female Elves wore. I was hoping that this time I would actually get to meet one. It’d be nice not to be the only girl for a change. I was wearing a long flared khaki skirt over my leggings, with a white loose-sleeved peasant top and a wide belt. Apparently, it wasn’t exactly right, but close enough to avoid questions. I was thinking we might have to do some more shopping on eBay when we returned home.

  I closed my eyes and tried to see the scene Wyn had spent hours describing to me earlier, the forest clearing with a small wooden cottage nestled in the centre of the cleared area. The brown haired Elf working hard creating shoes for his many horsey customers. What was Thunder doing now, I wondered as sleep overcame me.

  I woke abruptly as Wyn excitedly shook my shoulder.

  “You actually did it! We’re at Jonik’s! I can’t believe it worked!”

  “Really? You seemed pretty confident earlier.”

  “Well yes, I thought we’d have more chance of succes
s if you thought I believed.”

  I sat up and looked around, waking up on the hard ground all the time was not a very pleasant experience. Maybe one day I’d be able to appear on a nice soft mattress... The clearing and cottage looked pretty close to my mental picture. Although there were some differences, probably because Wyn hadn’t been here for a few years. The cottage looked much as he’d described, but the smithy building, was in a different part of the clearing, as was the corral with several horses looking our way. One black head looked particularly familiar.

  “Wait, is that Thunder?”

  “No of course not,” Wyn answered not even looking. There was an angry sounding snort as the black horse stamped his foot impatiently.

  “Thunder,” said Wyn disbelievingly. “What are you doing here boy?”

  There was a long silence, during which I assumed they were having a ‘conversation’, or whatever they did when they communicated.

  “What did he say?” I asked.

  “I’m not exactly sure – he’s very excited about something. He tried to show me too many things at once. I think we should go and talk to Jonik and maybe that’ll help me to understand.”

  We went over to the horses so that Wyn and Thunder could exchange a proper greeting and then we headed to the cottage. The front door was just opening as we walked up.

  “Wyndelleu! It is such a relief to see you’re still safe and well. I did wonder what was afoot when your horse turned up alone yesterday.” The two men exchanged a quick hug, with some rather energetic back-slapping.

  “And who is your lovely companion?” Jonik asked, looking me up and down, the way I imagined he examined his horses.

  “This is Ashlee, she’s a friend from Earth.”

  I was a bit surprised he told Jonik where I was from, he must really trust him.

  “Welcome lovely Ashlee, it is an honour to make your acquaintance.”

  “Thanks, it’s nice to meet you too.”

  “I assume you’re here to ask what I know about the Royal Court?”

  “Astute as always, my old friend. Have you news of my Mother or my Watcher?”

  “Of your mother I have no news, except to say that I have heard of no ill befalling her. I did hear of some fighting at the castle recently. I think that your friends may have escaped, as the whole event has been hushed up. If they’d caught them, I imagine they would have spread the news far and wide.”

  “Well that is good to hear, it does my heart good to know no harm has come to those I hold dear.”

  “What do you plan to do next Wyndelleu?”

  “I still need to make sure my mother is alright. Apart from that, I need to wait until I come of age before I can try to defeat the usurper.”

  “Come inside and break your fast with me. We can discuss this further,” Jonik said ushering us inside.

  The inside of the cottage was very quaint. The wooden furniture all looked handmade. Some pieces looked quite rustic, while others, like the dining table, looked like the work of a master craftsman. The whole downstairs appeared to be a single room, with a sink, bench and wood stove along one wall. The large ornate dining table was next to the kitchen and several wooden chairs with colourful cushions, filled the far side of the room. There was also a staircase leading to what I assumed was the sleeping area. With its steeply pitched roof, I imagined the rooms upstairs would be fairly cramped.

  “This is a lovely table,” I remarked as we sat down around the glowing wooden table.

  “Thank you, it has been passed down through many generations.”

  Well I guess that explained the differing quality of workmanship around me. Jonik placed a rustic looking loaf of bread on the table, as well as some fresh butter and jam; at least I hoped it was jam. He cut us all thick slices of bread. I spread mine generously with the butter and jam.

  “Mmm, this is divine,” I murmured around a mouthful. “Did you make this bread Jonik?”

  “Sorry, can’t take the credit there, my neighbour Elma makes it for me,” Jonik replied his cheeks going pink.

  “Elma huh,” said Wyn. “I’ve been away too long my friend. Can I expect a wedding invitation soon?”

  Jonik went a darker shade of red, as he got up hastily and began clearing the table. “I haven’t asked her yet, but hopefully once I sell some of the spring foals I can buy her a ring.”

  “That’s wonderful news, it’s good to hear some pleasant news for a change,” Wyn replied as he looked out the window. “Thunder hears someone coming, are you expecting anyone?”

  “No, not this morning,” Jonik replied looking concerned. “Perhaps you should go out the back way just in case?”

  “Are patrols common in this area?”

  “Those so called Elves of Rothlyn have been snooping around much too often, it’s common knowledge we’re friends. As if you’d be dumb enough to be caught staying here.”

  “Well maybe I am, I’m here now aren’t I? Will you be alright Jonik?” Wyn asked leading me towards the back door.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll throw them off your trail.”

  “Don’t do anything silly my friend.”

  “Of course not, you know me.”

  “Bye Jonik, it was nice to meet you,” I said, just before the door closed behind us. I turned around to find Wyn already sitting bareback on Thunder. He quickly pulled me up behind him.

  “Did you tell Thunder to meet us here?”

  “Yes, he sensed danger, and is eager to leave.”

  Thunder pivoted on his hindquarters and cantered toward the trees.

  “There they are!” An Elf cried out from somewhere behind us. “Quick after them.”

  The sound of many hooves thundered behind us. I wanted to look behind us to see how much of a lead we had, but I was worried I’d lose my balance on the horse’s smooth back.

  “Can we outrun them Wyn?”

  “Probably not, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve, don’t be afraid.”

  Just then something landed with a loud thwack in the tree right next to us.

  “Are they shooting arrows at us?” I cried, beginning to panic.

  “Hold on tight Ash!” Wyn said as Thunder suddenly began weaving through the trees. I held on tight, wondering how Wyn was keeping his balance. I saw a few arrows whizz past, but further away now. Thunder’s unpredictable movements seemed to be working. The big horse suddenly leapt in the air. I screamed as I felt myself slipping backwards, I grabbed Wyn’s waist in a death grip as I tried to stay on.

  “Hold on with your legs Ash,” Wyn urged.

  “Why did Thunder jump like that?” I asked feeling more secure now that my legs were also grip-ping tightly to the horse.

  “Just some friends coming to our aid. Watch what happens next,” Wyn said sounding strangely excited.

  I looked back just in time to see two large black snakes rise and hiss directly in front of the on-coming riders. The pursuing horses all reared back on their hind legs. I saw one rider fall and an-other horse turn and bolt back in the other direction. We were quickly out of sight of the third rider, so I couldn’t tell if he was still pursuing us. We continued on through the forest until we came to a small stream. I looked over my shoulder as we slowed to enter the water. I was relieved there was still no sign of pursuit. Thunder headed upstream, carefully picking his way through the stony creek bed. There was a pretty waterfall up ahead, I waited for Wyn to direct Thunder out of the water, but he kept heading straight for the falls.

  “We’re going to have to get wet I’m afraid,” Wyn explained looking back at me.

  “What, wait... Why?” I stuttered.

  “There’s a cave behind the falls, we can wait there until it’s safe...” The rest of his words were lost as we went under the cascading water. It was cold, but warmer that I’d expected. I closed my eyes until I couldn’t feel the water anymore.

  It was quite noisy behind the falls, the sound of the water crashing against the rocks rebounded around the cavern. Thunder sto
od patiently as Wyn lifted me off his back onto semi dry ground. I looked around. It was dim inside the cave, with only muted light coming in through the falls. At least I could stand up comfortably. The cave was only about three or four metres deep, with a rocky floor.

  “Watch out,” said Wyn halting my exploration as he pulled me aside. I was suddenly covered with more water spray as Thunder climbed into the cave and shook his whole body.

  “Where are your manners horse?” Wyn said affectionately. “Well yes, I guess you did just save us,” Wyn responded to his horse rubbing his nose.

  “Thank you Thunder, I think you’re entitled to do whatever you want after saving us,” I added, coming over to gently pat the stallions neck.

  “Thunder says you are much too pretty to be an arrow pincushion.”

  “Really? He said that to you?” I asked, intrigued by their communication.

  “Well something like that, horse doesn’t really translate into our language easily.”

  “Did you make the snakes go after their horses like that?”

  “I did, I also asked their horses to act as panicked as possible,” Wyn said looking away. He al-ways seemed uncomfortable accepting compliments, especially where they concerned his gift with animals.

  “It was a total stroke of genius! I thought we were goners for sure.” I knew I was gushing but I just couldn’t help myself. It was hard to forget the sound of arrows rushing past.

  “I hope Jonik is alright.”

  “Is he in danger? Do you think they’ll go after him?”

  “I’m not sure, it’s possible if they can’t find us, they’ll return to his cabin and try to get more in-formation.”

  “Oh no, we should go back and make sure he’s okay.”

  “Hush now sweetheart, we’ll return when it is safe. Jonik is smart, he won’t hang around waiting for their return.”

  I shivered at the thought of Jonik being captured by the dark Elves. I’d hate for anyone to be harmed for helping us. I trusted Wyn. I knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to his friend. If he thought Jonik was safe; I’d trust his instincts.

  “You’re shivering, I should have thought of that, come here.”


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