His Every Desire: A Billionaire Seduction

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His Every Desire: A Billionaire Seduction Page 4

by Krista Lakes

Soon, he seemed to get into it, and the other waiters and waitresses enjoyed the help. The question was obviously on all their minds. Why is this billionaire helping us clean? But obviously, no one stopped him. Mr. Hayes stared at Tracy almost the whole time, clearly doing this just to win her favor.

  When all the tables were washed down, he eagerly grabbed a mop and mopped up the floor, splashing the dirty water on his shoes that probably cost more than she made in a week. It was something of a spectacle, but she was convinced she had him where she wanted him.

  When they finished, he made like he was going to leave, and that he expected Tracy to come too. Tracy yelled at her manager, "I’ll lock up tonight, leave the keys on the bar!"

  "Alright Tracy, see you tomorrow!"

  When the manager was gone, it was the just the two of them, the billionaire bus boy and the blue collar waitress, left in the restaurant together. She smiled at him. "Take off your coat. I don’t think that we’re done cleaning yet."

  Chapter 6

  Mr. Hayes took off his coat and threw it on a chair, then walked toward her. "How did I do tonight?" he asked, obviously a little nervous. Tracy smiled. Even though he was a couple years older than she was, he was still a guy in his late-20s, and his lack of confidence in this situation was apparent.

  She did have him just where she wanted him. As he wrapped his hands around her, she said, "I’ll put it this way. No man has ever pleased me the way you have tonight," she said.

  She could feel him start to get hard. "Like you said the other night, once you’ve been pleased…" He smiled at her, a wolfish grin, before continuing, "...then I can be pleased."

  "Mmm, that’s not quite what I said," she objected. "I said that it was more important that I got what I wanted, and that I didn’t think that you could please me. You, Mr. Hayes, have started to please me, and I am pleasantly surprised."

  He came in, right next to her, and moved in for a kiss. She let him take it, kissing him back for a few moments, before pushing him away. "Let’s get one thing straight, Mr. Hayes. I am not one of your bimbos that you can use up and throw away. If you think you’ve got an easy lay coming your way, you are mistaken."

  Again, he looked a little crestfallen, but she could see the way it turned him on. She decided to go with it. She unbuttoned a couple buttons from her blouse, and he eagerly looked at her black bra.

  "We’re going to have some fun tonight, but on my terms. If you start to get out of line, I’m going to reel you back in. If you get way out of control, then this is over and you’ll never touch me again. If you keep going from there…"

  She gestured around. "There are several cameras in this restaurant, and I know where each of them are. In addition, I’ve installed one of my own, and it’s been running all night, streaming to a friend of mine’s computer. It has shown you watching me all night, touching me, and helping me clean up. It’ll also pick up whatever you do here tonight."

  He went pale, leaning back against the table as she continued. "It’s encrypted, so my friend won’t be able to watch it or copy it. If you do things to me that I don’t want, I’ll release the file and the password to the media. However, if you manage to continue to please me tonight, then the file and the hard drive it has been printed on will be yours."

  He still looked stunned. "Why are you doing all this?" he asked.

  She looked him dead in the eye. "You’re a very dangerous man, Mr. Hayes. Not only are you physically able to assault me, but you’re able to buy your way out of most trouble. So far, you’ve been willing to please me, but, like many men…" She paused for effect. "You could change your mind."

  She walked toward him, put her hand on his chest, and kissed him. It was the first kiss that she had given him without prompting, and he seemed like he was instantly back in the mood. They kissed for a few moments more, and she pulled away and whispered in his ear. "Forget about the cameras for now. You’ve begun to please me, and I can see things going your way for the rest of the night." He began to unbutton the buttons on her blouse, and she dug her nails into his back. When her shirt opened, he ran his fingers past her sides to her back, instantly going for her bra strap. She pushed him away.

  "I would have thought you knew that this wasn’t going to go quite the normal way for you," she said as she walked away from him. He started to protest, but she just went behind the bar and grabbed a bottle. She quickly pulled her shoes and pants off, and the rest of her blouse, so she was just wearing a black bra and black thong.

  "Stealing alcohol from the restaurant, now? And with all the cameras you pointed out. Tsk tsk. I think I could get you in serious trouble."

  "Oh I wouldn’t worry about it, Mr. Hayes. You bought it when I swiped your card for dinner tonight."

  He fished in his pocket for his receipt, then smiled. "I guess I should start looking at these more closely. Who knows how much you’ve stolen from me over the years."

  Tracy shrugged and smiled. "There’s a first time for everything, Mr. Hayes. Tonight, I hope we’ll both have a couple of firsts." She popped the cork of the champagne, then took a swig from the bottle, and handed it to Mr. Hayes. "To a first time for everything."

  He smiled. "To a first time for everything," he said, and took a deep drink. When he set the bottle down, Tracy was already next to him, moving in for another kiss. Their kiss, spiked by champagne, was even sweeter than the first, and soon Tracy found herself unbuttoning his dress shirt.

  She was surprised at how much this domination stuff was coming naturally to her. When he moved to take off her bra, she stopped him, her voice gruff with control. "I’ll be taking off the clothes. On both of us." His hands moved away from her bra in a hurry, not wanting to mess this up for himself.

  She stepped back and turned around. Her tits were bulging against the fabric of her bra, and when she reached back and unfastened the snaps of her bra, it fell off her shoulders immediately. She walked over to the bottle of champagne and grabbed it.

  When she turned and faced Mr. Hayes, his eyes were practically bulging out of his head. "Sit down and put your hands behind your back, Mr. Hayes," she said. He did as he was told, sitting on the nearest table, and she walked toward him and straddled his leg. "Since you helped me clean up this restaurant, I also want you to help me clean up my body." She poured a little champagne on her tits, the chilled liquid sending shivers up her spine. Some got on his own chest and his expensive dress pants, but he didn’t seem to mind, and he instantly went in to lick her tits.

  He sloppily moved his tongue from one nipple to the other, lapping the alcoholic drink from her body. She poured a little more on herself, then set down the champagne bottle. She shoved her tits together, pushing them up into Mr. Hayes’ face.

  "Do you like the way they taste?" she asked. He nodded, his face buried in her cleavage. "Do you like the way I taste?" she asked, and again he nodded furiously. He moved his hands from behind his back to her sides, but it wasn't an attempt to gain control. Rather, he was just trying to steady himself, and his hands felt so good against her skin.

  She let him keep his hands there, and put her hands behind his head. She pulled him in, practically smothering him with her boobs. His five o’clock shadow prickled against her exposed skin.

  When she finally pulled him away, he was gasping for air, but obviously enjoying himself. She immediately pushed him back in to her tits, and his tongue instantly went back to work, his mouth struggling to get to her nipples. She smiled as she looked down into his eyes, which were expectantly looking up at her. She pulled away a little, grabbing the champagne bottle again. She took a drink, then looked at him.

  "Stick your tongue out," she said. He smiled and did it, and she shook her head with a smile. She put her nipple near his mouth. He got the idea, his tongue moving lightly against her nipple. When she poured, he moved in closer, lapping it up like a dog. She knew she’d have another mess to clean up when they were done. The table and floor were getting soaked.

  She put the bottle back
down, then pulled his head up for a kiss. He kissed at her hungrily, his fingers digging into her a little as she pushed down into him, tasting the champagne he had cleaned off of her.

  She pulled away again. "Stay there," she commanded, and she meant it. She backed up slowly, and put her thumbs under the straps of her thong. His eyes got a little wider as she slowly pulled down her underwear, exposing her sex. She had done a little landscaping today, trimming herself into a nice landing strip, which Mr. Hayes’ eyes were now fixated on. When the underwear was off, she did a little turn for him, giving him a good look at her naked backside.

  "Wow," he whispered, finally getting a look at her ass, which had filled out nicely over the past few years. She turned back towards him, letting her hair fall down her back, and beckoned him with a "come hither" finger.

  "Bring the champagne," she said as she walked away. She jumped up on the bar, her bare ass on the counter. Another thing I’ll have to clean, she thought, as she crossed her legs. When he got to the bar, he put down the champagne bottle and came in for another kiss.

  She kissed him for a few moments before pushing him away. She grabbed the champagne bottle, taking another drink. Her legs opened up, and his eyes again fixated on her sweet sex. She thought about what he would feel like inside her, and she wanted it so bad, but she had to stick with her plan.

  "Put your hands behind your back again, and try to please me with your tongue," she said. He smiled once more, and moved to between her legs. She put her legs over his shoulders as he began to taste her. He kissed his way up one foot, building the anticipation as he went. Every kiss was like a jolt of electricity down her spine. He's really good at this, she thought. When he got to her mound, he began to move down the other leg.

  Oh no, you don't, she thought, and she grabbed his head, putting it right where she wanted it. He moaned, and began to lick her opening. Her legs clenched a little, holding his head in place. She grabbed the bottle of champagne, and poured it near her belly button, letting it flow down to her pulsating clit. He eagerly licked it up, running his tongue up and down her labia. She leaned back, enjoying the sensation of his tongue. He wrapped his muscular arms around her legs. She felt the heat within her rising, and she began to moan. She let go of his head, and he continued to tease at her clit. She tensed, and relaxed, and tensed, and finally she released all her tension. When she came, she clenched his head tightly between her legs, and still he managed to soldier on. It was a short, intense orgasm, and it left her gasping for air.

  When she finally relaxed, he, too, was gasping for air. He pulled away a little, and grinned up at her. She smiled at him gently, then put her hands on the back of his head again. "You’re not done yet, Mr. Hayes," she said, as she jerked him back between her legs. He eagerly went back to work, this time rougher.

  She released his head, and he moved his hand to her clit, flicking it back and forth. She figured he’d earned a little break, and she leaned back and enjoyed it. She began to whimper, as again she felt herself about to orgasm. The release this time was a slow burn, as she squeaked and tensed again, feeling his fingers furiously rubbing her clit. She didn’t know how long she just leaned back, enjoying the feeling.

  When she recovered, she pushed him away and stood up next to him. "I think you deserve a little reward," she said, feeling his huge member straining against the fabric of his dress pants. He smiled, and began to grind against her. He kissed her, and she tasted her own sweet fluids in his mouth, and it turned her on that much more. Once again, she had to calm her raging libido to keep from surrendering to his advances.

  "Get up on the bar," she demanded. He did as he was told, hopping up in the puddle of champagne. She instantly went for his zipper, pulling it down and pulling his cock out. Again, she was surprised at how big it was. He groaned with pleasure as she began to stroke his cock, looking up at his eyes. Suddenly, she grabbed the bottle of champagne.

  "You know, I’m feeling a little thirsty," she said, as she poured a little of it on his dick. He gasped, same as she had gasped, at the sensation of the still cold liquid. She immediately took his cock in her mouth, sucking all the champagne off, while he smiled and moaned softly. She moved up and down, savoring the feeling of this massive cock in her mouth. He moved his hands to the back of her head, trying to push her down, and she threw his hands off. She stood up.

  "Oh, no, Mr. Hayes. Put your hands back behind your back," she ordered. He did as he was told. "Hmm… Since you can’t be trusted not to fuck my face, what else can you fuck?"

  "I’ve got an idea," he said, a grin on his face.

  "I’m sure you do, but I’m sure that you shouldn’t be rewarded for this," she said. She seemed to think for a moment, then commanded, "Lean back."

  He leaned back, holding himself steady with those muscular abs as he braced himself with his elbows. She moved in, putting his rod, now wet with her saliva, between her tits. She moved her arms together again, making a pleasing tunnel for him. She moved them up and down, stroking his cock, making a fantastic image for him. When his cock began to get dry, she poured the rest of the champagne on her tits, making them slick with alcohol and sweat. His hands gripped the edge of the bar, and his face began to contort a little.

  She moved faster, trying to get his release. In a few more moments, the friction from her tits made him dry again. She moved her boobs out of the way, and gave the top of his cock a sloppy kiss. He moaned again, saying "Don’t stop…" She did stop, but her saliva made a great lube as she began to jerk him off. He bit his lip and held on tight, and within a few moments, ropes of semen shot out of his cock.

  It turned her on so much to know that she was causing his orgasm, that the mess now pooling around the base of his cock was her doing. She jerked him off until he stopped gasping, until he collapsed backward from the intensity of it all. As she slowed, he didn't even look at her. He just gasped for air as he recovered.

  She went to the sink and washed her hands, then grabbed three washcloths. With the first, she gently cleaned up his cock and pants the best she could while he looked on, a gentle smile on his face. When she was done, she threw the second washcloth on his chest.

  "No time to rest, Mr. Hayes, we’ve got to clean up our mess." He laughed a little, but watched as she moved over to the table they had started on and bent over, cleaning the champagne up with her ass sticking in the air. He moved to clean the bar…

  Chapter 7

  When all evidence of their encounter was gone, and they were both fully dressed, Mr. Hayes moved in for another kiss. Tracy let it come, and didn’t pull away. They made out for a minute or so, before Mr. Hayes asked, "So when can we do this again?"

  Tracy smiled. She’d been waiting for this moment. "You’re so close, Mr. Hayes. So close to actually pleasing me." She pulled out a stack of envelopes, held together by a rubber band. She moved close to him.

  "I’m going to tell you how this is going to go, and it's up to you to decide if you want to keep going or not, if you really want to please me. First, you’re going to pay off all these credit card bills. It’s a drop in the bucket for you, but it’s the very last step you need to take before I’m ready to take this to the next level."

  "Consider it done," he said without hesitation, moving in for another kiss. She stopped him.

  "When that’s complete, and not a moment before, you’re going to take me on a date. Not quite the same kind of date you took each of the sluts you usually get with. No, I want something classy. There’s a restaurant I want to try downtown called The Pier. It’s a seafood restaurant where they fly the fish in daily. They say you need to make reservations about three months in advance, so you might want to call them tomorrow."

  He smiled. "Honey, if we get in the car, I’ll have the restaurant opened back up and fully staffed before we get there."

  She giggled. "As impressed as I know I’m supposed to be, I guess I’ll say that the earliest that I want this is tomorrow afternoon."

  He shrugged. "Suit

  She continued and moved in, kissing him again. She whispered in his ear. "After all that, and assuming you don’t mess anything up, then I’ll be pleased. And if I’m pleased..." She trailed off, and put her lips to his ear. "Then I’ll be sure to please you."

  They locked eyes again, and once again Tracy felt the mysterious flash behind her eyes, and hugged Mr. Hayes to keep her balance. He gripped her tight, then kissed her passionately. She pulled away. "My ride is here. Too much booze to drive home tonight. I’ll set the hard drive on the ground as we drive away, and you can pick it up without being seen."

  He smiled. "I appreciate it. Can I have the password? I might want to watch this video again."

  "Sure. The password is ‘mypleasure’, one word. It should be easy to remember, because it should be the most important thing to you right now. My phone number is also on the hard drive, so you’ll know who to call."

  He almost said more, but instead just said, "Thanks." As Tracy walked out, she knew that he was about to say something about already having her phone number. He was wise not to speak up. When she got in the car, she set the hard drive on the ground as promised, and her friend drove them away, her friend poking fun at how much champagne she must have drank to smell like she did.

  After showering, she fell asleep almost immediately.

  Her dreams were once again filled with visions of dates with Mr. Hayes, only this time he was much more willing to be submissive. In one dream, he took her horseback riding, and afterwards ate her out under an apple tree, only to have her push him away. In another, he tied himself to the bed, after which she teased him, then walked out in disgust.

  The dreams were no longer about being unable to please her, but rather featured him doing everything in his power to please her, and just falling short. She woke up, glad that she was about to let Mr. Hayes have his release.


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