His Every Desire: A Billionaire Seduction

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His Every Desire: A Billionaire Seduction Page 6

by Krista Lakes

  Three months, and things were still better than they'd ever been. The dates, the gifts, the sex- it was all fantastic. Not to mention that she really did find Mr. Hayes' company enjoyable. She found herself actually looking forward to their quiet evenings together over a shared meal. She'd think of their discussions and actively looked for things that she knew would interest him to talk about.

  She did feel slightly guilty about “using” Mr. Hayes. She enjoyed him for more than just his money, but he had fallen hard for her, but she wasn't nearly as in love with him as he was with her. With his good looks and earnest desire to please Tracy in every way, it was hard not to have feelings for him. But, it wasn't love. At least not yet.

  Life, for the first time in a very, very long time, was good.

  But nothing this good lasts forever…

  Chapter 9

  "No, sir. I don't think you should bring her," James said, pinching the bridge of his nose as if he had a headache. "We've got a couple of your biggest investors who would make perfect dates for you."

  "Is there a single one of them who’s less than twenty years older than me?,” Paul Hayes asked. "No. Is there a single one of them good looking enough to make a good tabloid picture? No."

  He held his arm out as the tailor measured him. He’d had his measurements taken many times before, but when ordering a custom suit, there was no reason not to be thorough. If a suit made the man, then it was important for a billionaire to have the perfect suit.

  "Look, sir, I'm thrilled that you’re finally pursuing a relationship with a single woman. I'm even happy with your choice of woman,” Jame replied. Tracy wasn't convinced of his sincerity. “However, this event requires that you bring a woman of high standing, and Ms. Collins simply doesn't fill that role. No offense, ma'am."

  Oh, Tracy thought, so he can see me over here in the boss' chair. At this point, Tracy was used to being talked about like this in front of her. It still didn't make her feel any better, though. Just because she was a former waitress didn't mean she wasn't just as good as anyone else.

  "I don't think having me around is going to hurt Mr. Hayes' image too much. We've had our pictures taken together before, and I'm by far not the lowest class woman he's ever been seen with," she said, remembering all the bimbos who had walked into the restaurant with him.

  "Again, no offense, ma'am, but this isn't just any night out on the town. This is the Ronald Hayes Cancer Research Charity Ball, and there's more at stake here than just Mr. Hayes' personal image." James took a look up and down Tracy's legs before focusing again. "Believe me, I would love nothing more than to see you dressed up and on Mr. Hayes' arm, but this is about more than our personal wants. This is about the company.”

  Tracy snorted. In her dreams, she had seen exactly how James wanted to see her dressed, and it wasn't in formal wear. It wasn't very empowering, either. Sometimes, the power was a curse, she thought.

  Mr. Hayes turned to look at James, and the tailor dutifully turned with him, silently and obediently measuring away. "I don't care what you or anyone else thinks about Tracy. I seriously don't care. I will not be going to a charity ball in honor of my father with some sixty-five-year-old heiress who smells like old money."

  James continued, undeterred. "I have another option, then. The company's biggest investor, John Tice, will be there. Escorting his daughter around would be a great move for both the company and for your own image."

  Tracy would have to be blind not to notice the way Mr. Hayes perked up. "Jenna?"

  "Yes, Jenna.” James stopped rubbing the bridge of his nose and actually smiled. “She's recently graduated college with a degree in business and is looking for employment. Rumor has it she's not interested in working for her father's company at all. She could be an asset. Her family and yours working together are quite powerful.”

  What was this? Tracy thought. This sounded like the Dark Ages, like the king of Spain should marry the princess of France to secure a treaty. This didn't sound like something that should happen at all.

  Mr. Hayes shook his head again, as if shaking the thought of Jenna from his head. "I'll keep it in mind, James. In the meantime, I'd like you to schedule Ms. Collins some time for a dress fitting. We'll need her looking her best for the gala," Mr. Hayes said, looking over at her.

  Tracy liked the way Mr. Hayes looked at her. His eyes seemed to glow with passion whenever he glanced her way. She liked how he looked too. For his fitting, he had stripped down to his briefs and undershirt. Tracy could clearly see the way how muscular his legs were, and she thought, with lust, of how those muscles ran into a v-shape at his loins...

  "Do you want that dress fitting done tonight?" James asked. He was back to rubbing at his forehead again.

  "No," Mr. Hayes said, a devilish grin crossing his face as he looked at Tracy staring at him. "I have other plans for today. Make it a couple days from now."

  "Yes, sir," James said, and left the room. Soon afterward, the tailor finished as well. Mr. Hayes watched as he left the room, then strode over to Tracy and kissed her. She smiled and returned the kiss.

  "I have a business meeting in seventeen minutes,” Mr. Hayes informed her. “You're more important than the meeting, but I should call ahead if I'm going to be late."

  "And why, Mr. Hayes, would you be late?" Tracy asked teasingly between kisses. The man was an excellent kisser.

  "Well, I wanted to show you exactly who I'd like to go to the dance with," he replied. His eyes were dark with desire.

  Tracy looked thoughtful. "Gee, I'm not sure if Jenna Tice can make it here in seventeen minutes." Hayes looked hurt for a moment, so Tracy went on. "I, on the other hand, will be more than happy to let you apologize for wanting to see her."

  Hayes gave her a smile, but it was strained. "Don't let it turn into this. John Tice is an old friend of mine. This company would not exist, and I literally would not be the man I am today, if not for him. It would be my privilege to escort his daughter around at the company charity fundraiser. She doesn't hold a candle to you. You're more of a woman than she'll ever be. You're the one that I want to please."

  Tracy couldn't help but smile. She knew the words were true, but it was always nice to hear them. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Then please me."

  Hayes grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. "James? I'm going to run a little over with some damage control. Hand out the packets and let everyone know to have the details on page six memorized by the time I get there." He hung up without waiting for a response and threw his cell phone back in his pocket.

  "Damage control? Is that code for some depraved sexual act?" Tracy asked teasingly.

  Mr. Hayes looked at her with a smirk. "Why? What did you have in mind?"

  Tracy knew exactly what she had in mind. "Wait here," she commanded. She turned around and sashayed over to his desk. When she got there, she lifted her hands under her skirt. It was a knee-length business skirt, nothing special, but she knew he still found it extremely sexy on her. She found her panties and made an exaggerated motion of pulling them down, bending down until her hands were touching the floor. She stepped out of her panties and turned to face him. She sat on his desk and crossed her legs.

  "Now, what were you saying about wanting to please me?"

  Hayes strode across the room, obviously quite eager to please her in his own way. He was about two feet in front of her when Tracy suddenly yelled, "Stop!" He froze in his tracks. Tracy kicked off her pumps, revealing her bare feet. "Start there."

  Hayes fell to his knees and took a foot in his hand. He lovingly kissed the top of her foot, before moving up to her ankle. He switched back and forth between legs as his kisses crawled higher and higher. Tracy started to feel herself moisten as his strong hands began wandering further and further up. He gently pulled Tracy's legs apart as far as the knee-length skirt would allow. As he moved past her knees, his fingers attempted to pull the fabric up. Tracy lifted herself up off the desk, and his fingers
brought the skirt up to her waist. His fingernails rubbed her nicely as they ran back down to where he was kissing.

  Now that she was no longer restricted by the skirt, she spread her legs completely. She moved her ass to the very edge of the desk, baring her sex for him to see. He lifted her right leg and ran his tongue up the inside of her thigh, moving closer and closer to his goal. Her breath began to get heavy as he approached her sweet spot.

  She anticipated the feeling of Mr. Hayes' expert tongue giving her pleasure, and she leaned back across her desk, propping herself up on her elbows. The billionaire inched his way up, savoring the taste of her thighs. When he reached her sweet slit, he slowly encircled it, like a shark circling his prey. Tracy's hands went to her breasts through her blouse, her fingers touching her nipples lightly.

  Hayes touched his tongue to the bottom of her pussy, right by her opening. Tracy gasped, and he began to lick it with all the fervor of a man in the desert at an oasis. She could feel the hairs of his five o'clock shadow tickling her all around her pussy. Tracy always enjoyed this, but she knew what it led to every time. This time, she decided to let him hurry his way along so that he could get to his meeting. She moved her hand to his hair, pulling him upward. The feeling it gave her to control a billionaire's actions was empowering.

  He took the hint immediately, going to work on her clit. His tongue flicked in and out of his mouth like a snake's, and with every touch, she found the muscles of her inner thigh twitching with pleasure. She no longer even felt the tickling sensation of his beard, as it faded away with all the other sensations in her body. It was as if she were an extension of her clitoris, only feeling what it felt.

  She was climbing towards orgasm fast, unable to slow her climb towards infinity. She let out a series of loud gasps as her toes curled and her fists clenched. She fell off her elbows and laid all the way back on the desk. She arched her hips and closed her eyes as the first wave of her orgasm hit. Hayes kept mercilessly licking at her clit as her muscles shook all over her body. She squeezed her eyes so tightly shut that she saw stars.

  Finally, Hayes slowed the pace of his tongue, and she crashed back down to Earth. She let out a sigh of pleasure as he pulled away from her. She watched as he quickly unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. She knew what he had in mind.

  As he moved in towards her, she propped herself back up and grabbed onto his cock. She caught it just in time; the head of his cock was already nestled in her labia. He looked at her quizzically.

  She smiled at him. "You didn't think I'd actually reward you for your sinful thoughts, did you?"

  He looked fiercely at her, a brief look of rage on his face. He continued to push, and Tracy briefly considered letting him, letting his cock fill her completely. She managed to hold fast.

  "Tut tut, Mr. Hayes. It wouldn't please me at all for you to just take what you want. What I have has to be given freely, and today, I don't give it freely. You're not completely out of the doghouse yet."

  That seemed to get through to him, and he finally relented. He did seem annoyed though. He re-positioned himself in his pants and zipped up his fly, then wiped at his mouth with a wet-nap while Tracy put her panties back on.

  "I'll be flying to New York tonight, but I'll be back for our date tomorrow," he said. Desire still lingered in his gray eyes and Tracy was giving serious thought to letting him have his way with her, despite what she had just said.

  She nodded. "I just want you to know that your apology is accepted. To show there's no hard feelings, I'll be wearing that black dress that you love. You know the one."

  He finally smiled. She stared at his eyes, marveled at the glimmer in them, noting how beautiful they were. Soon, however, she felt the blinding sensation that always happened when she made a link with someone. She had become pretty good at hiding it, and just held her nose like she was going to sneeze. As they walked out of the door to his office, he added, "Make sure you wear your dancing shoes, too."

  Chapter 10

  Since the accident, Tracy's dreams had become a chaotic mess. She usually dreamed whatever Mr. Hayes was dreaming, but she was occasionally interrupted by the dreams of other people whom she had touched that day. Tonight she found herself in a falling dream, wondering when she would hit the ground. The details were sketchy, and she wasn't nearly as worried as she knew she should be. Before she could even see where the ground was, the scenery changed…

  She was now in a much clearer setting, one she had seen many times before. Many of Mr. Hayes' dreams began in his bedroom, and tonight was no different. The bed was bigger than it was in real life, and the details of the rest of the room were fuzzy, but there could be no doubt that this was his room. Mr. Hayes laid on the bed, waiting for something. His cock always seemed larger than life in his dreams, but the rest of his body barely came into focus. These were details he never thought about, she guessed.

  Out of the bathroom walked 'Tracy,' or rather what Mr. Hayes dreamed of when he dreamed of Tracy. Tonight, the dream 'Tracy' was wearing the little black dress that she’d promised to wear earlier in the day. The cowl neck was hanging extra low, showing off breasts that were just a little bigger than hers really were. The already short dress was even shorter in his dream, and was so tight that she’d have to lose ten pounds to even consider putting it on. Of course it looked fantastic on her in his dream. She liked that this was how he saw her.

  Her hair was jet black tonight, the bangs falling over her eyes to partially obscure her face. In fact, her face was difficult to make out at all. It was clear that it was her, but it was clear that her body was the focus of the dream.

  The dream ‘Tracy’ began to walk towards the bed, but before she could get there, another figure walked out of the bathroom. Tracy chuckled to herself. A common fantasy of Mr. Hayes was bedding two women at once. He’d even broached the subject to her already, and she made it clear that he had better make damn sure it was worth it, because she would make him pay for it afterward.

  The figure also walked towards the bed, wearing a similar little black dress, fitting similar to the one ‘Tracy’ wore. Two of me? Tracy thought, chuckling to herself. She stopped laughing when she looked at the other woman's face. It was a young woman's face. She looked angelic, cherubic, with cheeks just chubby enough to be considered cute. Light freckles dotted her face. Her hair was light brown and only highlighted her innocence.

  Tracy needed no introduction to know who this was. Jenna Tice. The cute daughter of a major investor who had caused Mr. Hayes' heart to skip a beat at the very mention of her name. Tracy knew that Mr. Hayes liked all women, no matter their age, as long as they were hot. Most of the women he had brought to the restaurant had been younger than Tracy, but not this young. ‘Tracy’ brought ‘Jenna’ in for a kiss. The two of them made out for a moment before Mr. Hayes stood and walked behind ‘Jenna’. ‘Tracy’ stepped back, and ‘Jenna’ leaned over the bed without looking back. Her clothes seemed to dissolve around her, leaving a skinny, pale, young girl. Mr. Hayes grabbed ‘Jenna,’ his hands on her hips. He looked at ‘Tracy’ expectantly. ‘Tracy’ appeared to be turned on. "Fuck her," she commanded him.

  Immediately, his clothes seemed to dissolve as well. His erect cock entered her, and ‘Jenna’ moaned with ecstasy. ‘Tracy’ moaned with ecstasy as well, watching the spectacle in front of her.

  "Yes, fuck her."

  Mr. Hayes' hands rubbed all over ‘Jenna’ from behind her. However, his eyes remained locked on those of ‘Tracy.’


  He strove to pound into her even more, and every extra effort seemed to drive all three of them closer to orgasm. The room itself began to dissolve, leaving them all in a black nothingness, floating in space, as they all focused on their own pleasure. Mr. Hayes cried out, and began to loose his seed...

  Tracy awoke with a start. She wondered if something had woken Mr. Hayes up from his dream or if she’d just woken up for some other reason. She went to the bathroom and splashed some w
ater on her face. She still felt uneasy.

  It wasn't that the dream was unpleasant. She had been something of a wildcat in college and even during medical school. There weren't too many women whom she hung out with back then who hadn't made out with a girl for the entertainment of a guy at some point in their life. So it wasn't as if she was disgusted at the thought of her boyfriend fantasizing about her making out with another woman. Mr. Hayes had dreamed of threesomes before and it had never bothered her. It was that the image of Jenna in his dreams had been so clear.

  At least the rest of the dream had a meaning that made sense, and it made her smile. Even during his most primal fantasy, to conquer two women at once, he had made it clear that it was part of that fantasy to please Tracy. It was just that, in this dream, the dream ‘Tracy’ had been pleased by him fucking another woman hard.

  That was one fantasy of his that would have to stay in his dreams, Tracy thought as she dried her face with a towel. She thought about what it would be like, and decided it wouldn't be so bad. It would even be fun to try something that adventurous with him. Maybe she would let it happen one day, but with some bimbo who meant nothing to him, not Jenna. She knew that her position as his girlfriend was not impossible to topple. Encouraging him to have sex with a woman, a girl, who he'd have to see on a semi-regular basis was something she'd have to avoid.

  The idea of a threesome was something she was certainly willing to consider. It'd have to be something that she used infrequently, but she could see making it work for her situation. She thought about doing it the next evening, when they went out for dinner and dancing, but decided that she'd wait until after the Ronald Hayes Cancer Research Charity Ball. Wouldn't want to give him any ideas about trying to bring both Tracy and Jenna.


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