His Every Desire: A Billionaire Seduction

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His Every Desire: A Billionaire Seduction Page 8

by Krista Lakes

  Mr. Hayes hesitated for just long enough that Tracy added, "These conditions are non-negotiable."

  "Alright, I agree," he replied. Tracy wasn't sure if he meant it, but she would stand fast. "And the third condition?"

  Tracy grinned. "You may fuck her tonight, but only if you please me for the rest of this song."

  Mr. Hayes laughed, pulling her into him for an embrace before kicking his dancing into overdrive. His dancing instantly took on a new energy, and it was as if she were dancing with a new man. Every thrust, every dip, every time they locked eyes, they all reminded her that he knew who he was really here with, even if he might be going home with two women tonight.

  As the song ended, he dipped her very low. At the very bottom of the dip, he held her there. His eyebrows lifted, as if to ask, "Was that good enough?" Without waiting for an answer, he pulled her back up, and immediately gestured towards the stairs. She led the way. The hands on her hips groped her with even more intensity than they had last time, and she could feel his manhood brushing up against her. She was completely turned on.

  When they got back to the table, Jenna, of course, was there. What surprised Tracy was that she was eating a piece of cake... her cake! She was furious for a moment, then laughed at herself when she realized that she would be okay with sharing her man tonight, but would flip out over sharing a chocolate torte.

  Jenna smiled as she saw them, and immediately began pouring three shots. Tracy almost refused hers, but when Mr. Hayes picked it up and handed it to her, she found it hard to resist. Mr. Hayes raised his shot glass in the air. "To negotiation!"

  When Jenna looked confused, Tracy put her shot glass up. "How about this instead?" She looked at Jenna. "To new experiences." They all clinked shot glasses.

  For the rest of the evening, Mr. Hayes divided his attention evenly between the two women. Jenna seemed strangely aloof, as if she didn't care that he was hitting on her. However, the man kept dancing, the shots kept being poured, and soon all three were sweaty and drunk. Tracy hoped that Mr. Hayes had paced himself. It would be quite embarrassing if he exhausted himself before he was required to perform that evening.

  At one point Mr. Hayes was dancing with Jenna, and Tracy looked over the balcony at them. Jenna looked absolutely fabulous when she was out on the dance floor with Mr. Hayes. Instead of being jealous, she was turned on, and Tracy knew that this would be a night that they would all remember. She found herself glad that she’d agreed to this. New experiences, indeed.

  As the two stumbled their way back to the table from the dance floor, Jenna took a sip from her cranberry drink. She looked a little woozy. Tracy wouldn't have been surprised if she couldn't hold her alcohol at her age and weight. "Hey, Jenna. Would you come to the bathroom with me?"

  Jenna smiled up at her and nodded. The two grabbed their purses and left Mr. Hayes all alone at the table. Jenna hung off Tracy the whole way.

  There was a line at the bathroom on the first floor, but the VIP had a bathroom all to itself, and there was no line at all. As a couple girls walked out, Jenna and Tracy walked in.

  In the bright lights of the mirror, Tracy could tell for sure. Jenna was trashed. "Mr. Hayes sure is a lot of fun to hang out with," she said, running some water onto her hands.

  "He sure is." Tracy smiled.

  Jenna looked Tracy up and down in the mirror. "You're a lucky woman to be with him. I keep thinking he's going to ask me to come home with him, but then I remember that you came here with him. You two are close, right? It's not just an act?"

  She sounded genuinely disappointed.

  "No, it's not an act," Tracy confirmed. "He really does care for me, and I for him. We're happy."

  "Oh. That's what I thought." Jenna blinked hard as if she were upset. "It just seemed like he might be interested in me tonight. I've always had a bit of a thing for him and was kind of hoping..."

  Tracy smiled. If Mr. Hayes hadn't yet "sealed the deal," Tracy was unsure if she should help him or not. She decided, however, that she could help ensure that her conditions were met if she helped the process along. Besides, she was looking forward to the evening now.

  "He is going to ask you to come home with us," Tracy said, leaning into the mirror and reapplying her lipstick. She watched Jenna's reaction carefully. "I'm coming too. Enjoy it, and enjoy him, because this is a one-time event," Tracy said.

  Jenna's jaw dropped a little bit. "You're serious?"

  Tracy was still all smiles. "Of course I'm serious. You're not a prude, are you?"

  Jenna, her mouth still agape, shook her head. "Of course not. You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever met."

  Tracy smiled. To have someone as beautiful as Jenna compliment her was nice.

  Tracy looked at their reflection in the mirror. The two women in their black dresses made quite a pair, and she was sure that they would blow Mr. Hayes away. She took Jenna's hand in hers and began walking to the door.

  "Now, let's not keep him waiting." Tracy stopped and faced Jenna. "Oh, and Jenna?"

  Jenna looked back at her, eyes wide and hopeful with what was about to happen next. She was practically vibrating with excitement.

  "Don't tip him off about what I told you."

  Jenna smiled and winked at her before hugging her.

  "Don't worry," Jenna assured her. "I wouldn't want anything to ruin my chances tonight. This is something I've wanted for a long time."

  Jenna kissed Tracy's cheek before turning to leave the restroom. Tracy followed her, watching the girl sashay out. She watched her hips sway from side to side and decided that this was going to be a fun experience.

  Chapter 12

  "Well, ladies? Another shot?" Mr. Hayes asked, holding up what was left of the bottle. They both nodded and he poured the last of the liquor into the glasses. They clinked glasses and swallowed the bitter liquid. A waitress came by and picked up the empty bottle.

  "Can we please get another?" Mr. Hayes asked, catching the waitress's elbow. The waitress's face furrowed and she bit her lip.

  "I'm very sorry sir, but the bar has closed. If you would like, I can get the manager and he can unlock the bar..." she said trying to keep him happy. He was a VIP after all. Mr. Hayes frowned, his eyes going dark.

  "Paul, I'm sure you have something at your house. My father is always talking about your amazing wine cellar," Jenna interjected, catching Mr. Hayes's attention. The waitress hovered for a moment, looking anxious until Mr. Hayes smiled.

  "Jenna, that’s a wonderful suggestion," he grinned drunkenly at Tracy. Tracy nodded and she could practically see him wiggle with excitement. Tracy waved the waitress away, smiling at the look of relief flooding the poor thing's features. She knew what it was like when you couldn’t make a customer happy. She’d been in that situation one too many times herself.

  The three of them worked their way to the entrance of the club. Mr. Hayes began looking for his keys before remembering that he’d given them to the valet. He laughed a little too loud and caught the attention of the club owner.

  "Mr. Hayes, I hope you had a wonderful time this evening," the owner said, smiling at him. The glazed expression on Mr. Hayes' face revealed just how much he had to drink. The owner steadied the billionaire before speaking. "I would like to offer you the services of the club car to return you to your home. If you would like, I can have your car delivered to you."

  "What do you mean the ‘club car’? I only drive myself," Mr. Hayes replied stubbornly. The club owner looked uncomfortable for a moment, but held firm.

  "Mr. Hayes, I can't in good conscience let one of my favorite customers drive home drunk. I have been informed that there is a sobriety checkpoint outside the city tonight. I insist on providing you with a way home," the owner said, and stood firm, planting his feet in front of the valet.

  "But... it's a forty minute drive to my house!" Mr. Hayes sputtered. His usual calm demeanor was quickly disappearing.

  "All the more reason why I can't let you drive. You und
erstand, don't you?" The club owner was starting to look more and more panicked. There was no way he was going to let Mr. Hayes drive, yet he was in danger of losing one of his most influential and important customers.

  Luckily, Jenna stepped in. "Oh, Paul, let's just go to my apartment. It's only twelve blocks from here, and the drive won't be so bad. I'll find a way to keep you distracted," Jenna said sweetly. She batted her eyelashes up at him.

  Tracy jumped in as well. "Besides, you know how I feel about drunk drivers," she said, rubbing the scar that ran from her eyebrow to her forehead. A souvenir of the time a drunk driver had almost ended her life. "It will be fine."

  "You're right." He swallowed hard and nodded slowly.

  Tracy could tell he was feeling trapped, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity with Jenna. The club owner wiped a nervous hand across his brow, smiling at the three of them. Until Mr. Hayes was safely into a car, he wouldn't be comfortable.

  A large, fancy, black Town Car pulled up to the curb and the driver hurried around to open the door. Jenna squeaked with excitement and climbed into the car, giving the driver her address. Tracy gave Mr. Hayes a gentle push towards the car. He swallowed again, clearly uncomfortable with the idea of getting in a car he wasn't driving. He climbed slowly into the back seat next to Jenna, trying to smile as she jabbered away about how she always enjoyed being chauffeured around as a kid. Tracy smiled at the club owner and slid into the car.

  The backseat was just large enough to hold the three passengers comfortably. Mr. Hayes's legs pressed into both Jenna’s and Tracy's knees, but there was enough space that they didn't feel cramped. As the car started rolling forward, Mr. Hayes' hands clenched into balls of tension. He licked his lips nervously, glancing out the windows and down the side streets.

  The driver got in the turn lane and stopped for a red light. He pulled out at the green light just as a car blazed through the red light in front of them.

  "What do you think you're doing? You are going to get us killed!" Mr. Hayes screamed at the driver. "Get out. I'll drive."

  "Sir, I can't allow that. Please sit back and try to relax," the driver said calmly. He took the turn, and the car picked up speed. Mr. Hayes wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. Tracy could see perspiration beading on his forehead as he struggled to maintain his composure.

  Jenna was oblivious to Mr. Hayes' obvious discomfort and kept trying to tell him funny stories about her prep school days. He gave her an empty smile, his eyes darting wildly around the cabin of the car.

  "You need to be in the other lane. Did you even see that other car? I'm complaining to your supervisor," Mr. Hayes growled at the driver. His hands were white knuckled on his knees. Tracy put a hand on his. She could feel every muscle of his body tense and ready to run. His skin was cold and clammy. She could tell that it was only through sheer force of will that he hadn't jumped out of the car. She had never seen him look so nervous. If she didn't know better, she would have said he looked panicky and terrified. She never thought she would ever see Mr. Hayes look afraid of anything. It broke her heart to see him so distressed.

  Tracy turned to Jenna. "Jenna, I think Mr. Hayes needs a little distraction." Tracy pulled Mr. Hayes' face towards hers and kissed him, deeply. He did seem to forget for a moment about not being in control, and ran his hand up her side. Jenna openly stared at them, her lower lip taut between her teeth. "Now, Jenna, why don't you distract him for a moment?"

  Jenna smiled like a kid in a candy store, and threw herself at Mr. Hayes. While Tracy's kiss had been slow and sensual, Jenna's kiss was hungry and messy, like they were two teenagers parked at Lover's Lane. It was a stark contrast.

  Tracy leaned in, and grabbed Jenna's chin. "This might distract you as well," she said, and leaned across Mr. Hayes, locking lips with Jenna. Tracy noticed how soft Jenna's lips were. Her youthful energy didn't subside for the kiss with Tracy, and soon her tongue was darting in and out of Tracy's mouth. Tracy's hand went to Jenna's hair, tasting the sweetness of Jenna's last drink and her lip gloss.

  The kiss was working as a distraction, as the two women stole glances at Mr. Hayes. His eyes were fixed on them, and he was definitely excited. The whites of his eyes no longer flashed and his hands were relaxing against his legs. She wondered how far this kiss was going to go in order to keep him distracted.

  She didn't need to worry, after all. For whatever reason, the car swerved. Tracy suspected that there was something in the road or another driver that needed to be avoided. Either way, the driver turned sharply, and Mr. Hayes was released from his trance. "Damn it, you are the worst driver I have ever seen. How did you even get this job?"

  The driver didn't even look back, didn't even provide an excuse this time. Jenna kissed Mr. Hayes' cheek, tried to pull him in for another kiss, but his eyes were fixed on the road. The tension was back in his jaw and his eyes flitted around the car cabin looking for the best escape route. The moment was over. They'd have to wait until they got to Jenna's apartment to do any more.

  Mr. Hayes nearly bowled Tracy over when the car came to a stop in front of Jenna's high rise apartment building. He bolted out of the car and onto the curb. Tracy could hear him breathing hard as he headed towards the steps. Putting his life in the driver's hands, a complete stranger, was torture for him.

  Jenna giggled as she exited the car, still tipsy from the club. "Oh, this place gets bigger every time I come home!" Jenna said, dancing up the stairs. Tracy handed the driver some money and thanked him. She knew that there was no way Mr. Hayes was going to tip him despite the fact that he had done his job well. At least money wasn't an issue for her anymore. She would just get more from him later to make up for it.

  By the time that she turned back to the building, the doorman had the door open and Jenna was on her way in. "I love the marble floors of the lobby, too!" She spun in circles, nearly colliding with a man exiting the building. Tracy watched her youthful energy. Tracy knew that she was still young as well, but could she keep up with this?

  Mr. Hayes followed, seeming to forget the horrible car ride over here. It did look like it had sobered him up a little bit, though. He was no longer swaying as he walked, now fixated on Jenna as she playfully made her way to the elevator. The three of them got in, and Jenna pushed the button to the top floor. Tracy felt Mr. Hayes began to rub her backside, and she looked over to see that he was doing the same to Jenna. This was definitely going to be a night he never forgot.

  As soon as the elevator doors opened, Jenna skipped down the hall towards her apartment. Mr. Hayes was right behind her, but Tracy caught his arm. He looked at her, questioning.

  Tracy smiled. "Enjoy yourself tonight, but don't forget: this is a one time experience. Don't make any promises you can't keep."

  Mr. Hayes smiled and nodded. Jenna opened the door to her apartment, and immediately took her shoes off, throwing them in the closet with what looked like a hundred others. "Those shoes are pretty, but they hurt my feet!" she said matter-of-factly. She danced over to the kitchen and got three glasses and a bottle of champagne.

  Mr. Hayes finally seemed to have recovered from the trip over. "Why don't we skip the champagne and you give us a tour of your place?"

  Jenna smiled and put down the bottle. "Maybe we'll open this later," she said with a smile. Grabbing Tracy's hand, she seemed to dance her way through her apartment, her bare feet barely touching the ground.

  Tracy noticed that she wasn't actually showing them the apartment, going straight for the bedroom instead. That was fine with her.

  When they stepped into the bedroom, Mr. Hayes wrapped her arms around Jenna's waist from behind. Jenna's smile beamed across the room. This was her dream, Tracy realized. She had probably had a crush on Mr. Hayes for the past ten years, ever since her father invested in his company. Now, she was finally going to have him.

  Jenna turned around, her hands going to Mr. Hayes' face. He leaned in, kissing her fiercely. She squeaked, obviously not expecting him to be so forward. A
s his mouth went down to her neck, sucking on her, she moaned. "Paul..."

  Tracy didn't want to be the third wheel throughout this entire experience, so she moved behind Jenna. She quickly unzipped the zipper, and the sweetheart-cut dress fell to the floor immediately. Jenna's small breasts were exposed, her cute nipples perky and obviously stimulated. Jenna worked Mr. Hayes' dress shirt open, her hands running over his pecs.

  Tracy stepped back and admired at the sight. The strong, muscular billionaire. The petite, flawless younger woman. It's like something she would read in a paperback romance novel. Fortunately, she was here to make sure this didn't turn into a romance. It needed to stay strictly in the erotica genre. The romance was for Tracy. However, she was definitely going to have a good time tonight.

  She moved behind Mr. Hayes and pulled his shirt off the rest of the way, then forcefully turned him around. He wasted no time, rubbing his hands all over Tracy's body through the dress. Jenna stayed behind him, rubbing her body against his back and her hands against his chest.

  Mr. Hayes' hands went to the back of Tracy's neck, lifting the strap of her cowl neck dress and letting it slide off her body. As the dress fell off her breasts, Mr. Hayes looked at her with hungry eyes. Tracy appreciated the attention; even with the slender brunette behind him, he still had the courtesy to check her out.

  Mr. Hayes buried his face in her breasts, his stubble rubbing pleasantly against them. His kisses went all the way down her belly, and he fell to his knees in front of her.

  Jenna giggled a little bit. "Why don't you go sit on the bed, and the two of us will get on our knees for you?" Mr. Hayes broke out in a grin, stood up, and did as he was told. He laid on the bed, and Jenna was in front of him in a heartbeat. As Tracy removed her heels, Jenna worked Mr. Hayes' pants down, removing his shoes and socks dutifully. Finally, Jenna put her fingers in his boxers and worked them down, marveling at the cock she revealed.


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