by Linda Maran
My cooking needs some work, especially my pie crust, despite Aunt Katie’s lessons. No one has yet to utter a critical word while they labor through one of my disastrous rock hard concoctions with polite quietness. Although John’s smirk always gives him away.
Daed and Aunt Katie offered us their home to live in after we’re married. It seems that they’ll live in Aunt Miriam’s house. She and Daed are now a couple, too! It’s so exciting to see them happy together. John and I enjoy watching Aunt Miriam giggle and blush. Although, in between her giddiness, she still pounds out a firm hand about things.
The Wagler store is doing very well, and most of our Amish and some Englisch neighbors shop there. I’m now officially the bookkeeper and word has it that come tax season, some of the locals will want my help with their income tax returns. Ross taught me well. My inheritance will be a nice nest egg for our kinner one day. And if the familye needs something repaired at the store, we won’t have to worry about the expense, thanks to my mom’s hard work all those years.
Anna calls herself the candy girl. She tries new flavors of fudge every month. The maple walnut holds first place to this day. She already has test recipes going for peppermint flavored fudge to be perfected by Christmas.
Life in Stone Arabia is busy and slow at the same time. I’ve unwound on the inside and am more energetic on the outside. Seems that’s how it should be.
I had a lot of forgiving to do. After the shooting, Alex Cook was found guilty of rigging the boat that killed my mom and Ross. Now, instead of resenting him, I pray for him. Thanks to John.
John not only gives me his love but leads me closer to God with each passing day. I bring everything to prayer. It makes all the difference.
I’m no longer a stranger to myself or to those around me. I’m Amish. And I can say that just fine these days—with a heap of gratitude and happiness.
Thanks, Mom. We’ve come full circle.
Glossary of Amish Terms
Ain’t so? Isn’t that so?
Ausbund—Amish hymn book
Bitte—You’re Welcome
Dawdi—short for grandfather.
Denki—Thank You
Dummkopf—Dummy. Stupid.
Englisch—English. Refers to non-Amish people
Familye − Family
Ferhoodled—Confused, mixed up
Goede Mariye—Good Morning
It wonders me—I wonder
Maidles—Young ladies
Making down/Making wet—Raining hard
Meidung—Under the bann
Plain—Amish and Mennonites, etc
Redd up—Clean up, straighten up
Verhaddelt—Mixed up
Voss iss diess—What is this?
Wutz—Pig. When someone eats a lot.
Linda S. Glaz, my agent, who never gave up on me even when I did.
Scribes 202 Critique Group, for helping me to learn to write better in the proper style for fiction and keeping my project in prayer.
Fay Lamb, my editor, for her fine eye and insight that put my manuscript into its best shape.
Lue Shelter, former Amish, who patiently answered many of my questions about the Amish and even had a chat with me by phone.
Peter Maran, my husband, for resolving computer technical issues and financially supporting a freelance writer.
Lauren Futch, a close friend to an Amish family whom she sees regularly, who clarified many aspects of the particular sects of Old Order Amish in upstate NY and many other things I’d asked her about.
Brenda Nixon, author of Buggies and Beyond, for revealing many unknown facts about some of the stricter Amish sects, mainly the Swartzentruber.
To Peter, Amy Khan, and Sylvia Hasenkopf, for accompanying me to the Amish community of Stone Arabia in Palatine, NY, part of Montgomery County, for necessary research. Those were interesting jaunts.
To the memory of one of the best weekends I had at the Jersey Shore in Bradley Beach, at the home of Maryann Marchwinski Farrell and the late Charles (Charlie) D. Farrell in celebration of Charlie’s last birthday. And all the other visits and weekends at the shore back-in-the-day in Shark River Hills with Charlie showing my husband and me his love for a place dear to his heart.
About the Author
Linda Maran has authored a self-help book and numerous non-fiction articles prior to her endeavor toward fiction.
Fascinated by the diversity in culture and religion, she never forgot her first encounter with the Amish many years ago during a visit to Lancaster, PA. More recently she discovered that many Amish communities reside in her home state of New York, where she visits whenever possible, gathering information on the Plain life of that area.
The author is also an accomplished artist in oils and watercolor and enjoys playing the drums, contemplative prayer, cooking and is an avid reader.
She lives with her husband in both Brooklyn, NY and Maplecrest, NY.
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