Draconic Testament

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Draconic Testament Page 52

by Zac Atie

  “The Ispii queen, right?” Zaxxarius said.

  “To an extent.” Laer said. “There were a few racists that didn’t like the idea of being bossed around by an alien, sure, but the real, cut out, reason was that the heirs to the Elric legacy would have their blood and magic weakened, due to the pureblood Cazrians being tainted by Alien blood. In your case, there will be mixed opinions about your race, but in the end, you’re already Overlord. You’ve been chosen, and nobody is likely to ask to take you off the throne, for religious reasons. It’s heresy to deny the monolith. But that girl? That would be going too far, too far indeed. You and your children will be made to marry purebloods to keep your blood as strong as it can, and the fact that Katrina had Archmagi magic in her means that your blood is not weakened all that much.”

  “So why can’t Veronica sit on the throne then? She’s an Archmage like my mother.” Laer said.

  “Because Sancterus was a pureblood!” Laer retorted. “You’re not! Katrina, nice woman and all, wasn’t even a queen, she was just a concubine. So, you’re an exception, a bastard risen to the title of Overlord simply because you were the last hope to maintain the Elric legacy of Metholi, the one House that has kept the title of Overlord since the creation of the Monoliths.”

  “Veronica will be queen. I’ll make sure of it.” Zaxxarius argued.

  “Don't be a fool!” Laer said, losing patience. “Do you want to be an Overlord, or a tyrant? If you do what you want, you’ll only find scorn, and your attitude will be what causes a war, not Veronica. It will be seen as typical human nature, and you’d condemn your human friends as well.” Zaxxarius had no comebacks to that. Laer was about as stubborn as Veronica. “Duty did whatever the hell he wanted, and his whole army abandoned him in the end. Surely, you saw that.”

  “But... Veronica...” Zaxxarius said.

  “If you love the girl... Take her as your lover. Your concubine. Sleep with her, love her, laugh with her. But give your queen children. Veronica can also have children with you too, but be careful. Bastards are seen as power hungry and full of torment.” Laer said. Zaxxarius pouted at that. “Well... It looks like I won’t be bedding you tonight. Someone else has already seduced you. Shame, it would have been so easy on a young one like yourself.” Laer smiled. “But I'm not the sort to give up. So... watch your back.”

  Veronica sucked at Bastion’s wrist, milking blood from the small wound as if It were her mother’s nipple. This was the way she would normally get her fill, keeping her at full health. One odd side-effect of his human heritage that he had not noticed before was how fast he regenerated blood, meaning that exhaustion from the blood loss would never last long. Veronica was on top of Zaxxarius, laying on her back with her face nuzzled into his wrist. His other hand explored her body, as modest as possible, while she was busy with the blood. When she was finished, she healed the wound and wiped the blood off her with a moist tissue, then cuddled into Zaxxarius. This was as intimate as Zaxxarius had dared progress with Veronica. Whenever Veronica was out of Zaxxarius’ loving grasp, she was her old self, condescending and harsh, but whenever she was in his bed, her whole personality turned 180, into a shy girl. Zaxxarius looked at his watch. “28.” He said. The Cazrians spoke of time in a 24-hour clock fashion, only their time went up to 29 hours. “Seems late, but we’ll probably be up early compared the everybody else.” Veronica said.

  “Never know. There may be aliens here that sleep shorter times than us.” Zaxxarius replied.

  “Maybe.” Veronica said. Veronica turned her head to meet his lips. “I saw Laer go into your room earlier. Was there news?”

  “News?” Zaxxarius asked, stupidly.

  “What did she want, if not to give you news?” Veronica asked. He didn’t know how Veronica would react to becoming queen, or Laer’s advances. “She came to talk about... things.”

  “What ‘things’?” She asked, looking at him intently.

  “My coronation.” He lied.

  “You’re lying.” She huffed. “I hate it when you lie.”

  “How do you know I'm lying?” Zaxxarius said.

  “You just admitted it, and you usually break eye contact when you lie, when you say something to make me happy.” Veronica scolded him, poking him in the cheek. “Stop it.”

  “Well...” Zaxxarius said. “She wanted to talk about my marriage.”

  “And?” Veronica asked. “What’s the part that you think will annoy me?”

  “Do you want to be queen?” He asked. Veronica looked at him, puzzled. “I want you as my Queen. I want you to... be the one I marry, have... kids with. Not someone else.” Veronica didn’t say anything, just looked at him, somewhat embarrassed. “Laer, Abaddon, Tyria. They’ve all told me... They’ve all said that my queen has to be a Cazrian.”

  “Honestly.” Veronica said. “Honestly, you should have spoke with me about it first, before preaching your love for me to everybody. What were you thinking?” Zaxxarius was taken aback.

  “Veronica, I want you as my wife!” He blurted. “You don't want to be my wife? What... What is... this then?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “I love you.” Veronica said. “You love me. We don't need some ring and words of faith to bind us together. I’ve known I couldn’t marry you since I found out you were Overlord. It was the first thing that went through my head, and I’ve gotten over it by now. I knew you’d be slow to realise.”

  “I’ll tell them otherwise.” Zaxxarius said. “I’ll wed you whether they like it or not.”

  “No.” Veronica said. “If you wed me, I’d be queen. I’d make a horrible queen. Do you see people taking orders from me? I was raised to be a killer, not a leader. I was separated from the outside world for years, and you’ve seen how I am with other people. I can’t tell people what to do at all, I’d rather nobody talked to me.”

  “But...” Zaxxarius said.

  “I'm not bothered about being queen or being your wife. In fact, I don’t want to be queen. How do you feel now?” Veronica asked. “When me and you are here, alone. How do you feel?”

  “Happy.” Zaxxarius said.

  “So do I. I belong here, protecting you, and keeping you warm. That alone is fine with me.” Veronica said. “What about... What about my queen? You know what I’ll have to do with her...” Zaxxarius warned her. “I know...” Veronica said. “You need only spend a couple of nights with her... more, if you want. I don't mind...”

  “I don't really want to.” Zaxxarius said.

  “You have to give her children.” Veronica said. “There’s not really much choice in that.” Zaxxarius gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, burying his face in the pillow. “I’ll still love you. I’ll still... be here with you. Make me your concubine.”

  “You’re not a whore.” He moaned.

  “I don't care what they call me.” Veronica said. “I care what you think of me. And how I think of you. You don't have to worry about it anymore. It won’t be as hard as you think.”

  “Wont it?” Zaxxarius asked, not satisfied.

  “Listen to me.” Veronica said, seriously. “Really, listen. You are going to pick a proper queen who can rule her people, and you are going to be a good dutiful Overlord. Don't fall over and make mistakes, and mess everything up, because you were ‘thinking’ of me. Remember, you’re the last of the Elrics, act like one.” Zaxxarius rolled on his back, and Veronica crawled into his arms. “It will be alright. I promise.”

  “You don't seem all that bothered.” Zaxxarius said. “How do you feel about it?”

  “I’ve spent my life disappointed. A long time ago, I learned to accept things that were out of my control.” Veronica said. “It’s not like she’s snatching you away from me. Being your Paladin, I’ll constantly be here, with you.” Zaxxarius didn’t say anything. For a while, it was silent, until the silence annoyed Veronica, to the point where she couldn’t take it anymore. “Say something, Bastion.”

  “I don't know what to say.” Zaxxarius said. “I don't like i
t, and you want me to. I can’t help how I feel. If I could flip a switch to get over it, I would.”

  “I don't need you to like it.” Veronica said. “Just do it. Then, come crying to me. Alright?”

  “Alright.” Zaxxarius said, kissing her forehead. “Alright. I’ll do it. But... I still love you, no matter what.”

  Zaxxarius woke up in the morning, rubbing his eyes. He had gotten used to waking up in this place, then getting up for sword practice with Abaddon. Veronica had gotten practice wielding a double-bladed Zaranyte glaive, since she couldn’t have an Arcana. Stark had his guns, and Vander had his Arcanum Longbow, which he was allowed because he was seen as a reincarnation of Sesorai. However, this morning was not for sword practice. It was for his official coronation, in front of all of his subjects who were waiting to see the face of their new Overlord. Rumours had been spreading through Metholi that a new Overlord had been chosen, and had risen to take the seat of Sancterus in secret. Others that it was a Jackobi, an Ispii, a Human, and some even said he didn’t have Elric blood. However, a few days ago, the council announced that a new Overlord had been chosen, and he was an Elric, but they hadn’t told them what race he belonged to. He wondered how they’d react. If they’d accept him or not. He never thought that he’d be this nervous. He wanted to help Metholi and the rest of the world, if that was something he could do, but would they accept his help? Veronica wasn’t in the bed with him, this morning. She likely thought it best to slip out unnoticed. Zaxxarius sat there, rubbing his eyes when an important, familiar knock came to his door. “Come in.” He said. Abaddon slipped into the room, dressed in fresh clothing fit for someone of his birth. “Are you alright?” He asked.

  “Half-Dead.” Zaxxarius said. “Tired, is all. One of your insanely fast cold showers should wake me up.”

  “I’m not too sure they are good for your skin, my lord.” Abaddon said. “Perhaps we should tone them down.”

  “No, please don’t.” Zaxxarius said. “I quite like it. And call me Zaxxarius, geez.”

  “Alright...” Abaddon submitted. “You understand what to do, yes?”

  “I’ve went over it many a time.” Zaxxarius said. “I know what to do, and what to say.”

  “Nervous?” Abaddon asked.

  “Sort of.” Zaxxarius admitted. He wasn’t too nervous about getting up in front of everyone and saying what he had to, but he was more nervous of the reaction. Laer and Abaddon had both constantly riddled him with warnings about how the people may act when they saw what race Zaxxarius belonged to, and it had sort of got to him. “I’ll be alright.”

  “I remember when I came of age. On that birthday, all of our family’s supporters came and watched as I made a speech. It was frightening, and there were far more than I thought there was going to be. I failed my speech, stuttered, and fainted.” Abaddon sighed. “Worst day of my life.”

  “Quite the motivational story, you have there.” Zaxxarius chuckled, as did Abaddon.

  “You’ll be fine.” Abaddon said. “I can tell.”

  Sesorai and Stark had went on ahead to scout out the rooms prepared for them. Veronica and Abaddon accompanied Zaxxarius to a royal Hovercraft, Cazria’s version of a Limo. It was wildly decorated with dragons on all corners. The Hovercraft had the right to fly above the over Hovercrafts below it due to it’s royal status, and they set off toward the Royal Palace. “The Palace is where you’ll stay from now on.” Abaddon said. “It’s your rightful home. Although...”

  “I can choose not to live in it, right?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “I’d highly recommend that you stay in the palace, my liege.” Abaddon said.

  “So, how’s this going to happen?” Veronica asked. She was still wary of Abaddon. She could always see the disgust in his eyes whenever he looked at her, and was hesitant to talk to her when out of his Overlord’s view. “We’re going to wait around for the nobles and the lesser born of the nobles to gather in the Palace. Zaxxarius will be presented to them, and then the Overseer of the Covenant of Dawn will stand with his Patriarchs and Matriarchs and make speeches. After that, the nobles will follow Zaxxarius out onto the royal Courtyard to greet the lower born. Cazrians all over Cazria will be watching him.” Abaddon explained. Zaxxarius watched as the citizens of his city stared, pointed and gasped at the Royal Hovercraft. Some even cheered, blessing the Overlord. The citizens were so human to him, not in looks, but in nature. There were some with more mental capacity, and some with less, but they all had more or less the same mentality. They were all capable of malice, and love. They were just more dignified, or seemed that way. The Royal Hovercraft rode for a while, and it was slow, showing off to all the citizens. As the Hovercraft went on, the more citizens there seemed to be, until there were just far too many to count, as if all the world had gathered for this moment. “We must be getting close to the palace.” Veronica said. With the increased number came the increased noise, citizens all around began to cheer, and jump, and become more excited when they saw the Hovercraft. The noise broke through the walls of the fortified Hovercraft as people cheered and bellowed. Cazrians littered the streets, so many of the red-skinned beauties that it was impossible to count, but among them were other races as well. He saw giant, two legged Lizards, named the Jackobi, jumping up and down in a fashion that didn’t seem to suit them. He saw party hats on the heads of Ispii, and Scalenes throwing confetti-like material, that seemed to glitter and sparkle wildly, creating a beautiful sort of glow. He also saw a few Carrak, cat-like creatures with four arms, tall, taller than humans by a couple of inches or so, flailing their arms with glow sticks. He saw not many, but a couple here and there, werewolf-like creatures. They seemed well groomed for a dog race, but it looked like they were not pets at all. They weren’t too excited, and it was hard to tell if they were overjoyed or moody, but they seemed alright. He also saw a couple of medium to large creatures stationary. One was this huge ten-legged spider-like creature, with huge fangs, and the other was some large herbivore with a hammerhead. On top of both were two riders, that looked almost transparent and had no legs. Instead, they were tentacles, wrapped around their creatures’ body. He saw Orina, some were throwing other people in the air in a fun manner, and their laughter were that of pigs, as expected. There were also Domini, some seemed happier than others. He assumed they had gone through some rough times, what with the Zolkan rebellion and all. He was awed by the variety, and the number of people that had come to meet him.

  He arrived at the Royal Palace, named the ‘Trinity Citadel’. The Hovercraft made it through the gates, and the eager crowds stayed outside the courtyard, knowing better than to rush in after the Hovercraft. It landed far from the gates, although the crowd’s cheers were still rather loud. “Before you exit.” Abaddon explained, smiling. It was a rare thing to see Abaddon smile. “You must wear this. It’s to hide your identity until we get to an area where you are allowed to show your face.”

  “One question.” Zaxxarius asked. “If my identity is so important, then why did you announce me when we first went to the Tower of Xelphan.”

  “To start rumours, mainly.” Abaddon said. “A rumour among nobles and government members are more reliable, plus, they spread slower, giving it time to sink in.”

  “I see.” Zaxxarius said, taking a short cloak and hood from Abaddon. It only covered his shoulders, and the hood also had a mask inside it. It wasn’t anything fancy, like Ivorian’s, but it wasn’t supposed to be anything permanent. Zaxxarius put the cloak, hood and the plain mask on, and exited the Hovercraft. It was only then that he could hear that the crowds were chanting some sort of song.

  “Xelphan’s hymn.” Abaddon chuckled, as he ushered Zaxxarius towards the large doors of the Citadel. He went up the stairs to the sides of the entrance. Directly in front of the door was some sort of podium, likely where he would be addressing the crowd if he so wished. They opened slowly, and Zaxxarius could hear mechanical whirring in the doors. As the doors opened, sound escaped through the crack
s, and began to die down when the ones who were making the noise began to hush each other and stare expectantly at the door. The three walked inside, and the doors began to shut behind them. Abaddon waited until the doors shut, and the sounds of Xelphan’s hymn died down in a matter of seconds before the doors fully closed, then he ordered the guards to clear the way. He led Zaxxarius off into one of the rooms at the side. He couldn’t fully see what was in front of him, but he could see a throne of sorts. He was taken through a couple of rooms, then he was allowed to take his cloak off. “So, this is the Citadel.” He said.

  “Indeed.” Abaddon agreed. “I’m going to make the arrangements. Things will start soon, so, be ready. There has been much anticipation among the nobles and the people of Cazria for this event.”

  “Alright.” Zaxxarius said, sitting down in a couch nearby. Veronica sat there with him, as Abaddon left the room. “So...” She began. “How do you feel?”

  “Fine.” Zaxxarius said.

  “Are you sure about that?” Veronica said. “I told you, I hate it when you lie to me.”

  “I’m fine, honestly.” Zaxxarius replied, looking at her. Then, he gave in. “Alright, I’m a little... nervous. Not on speaking lines or anything.”

  “How they’ll react?” Veronica asked.

  “Yes. I’ve had... nightmares. Nightmares where they all laughed at me.” Zaxxarius said, looking at the colour of his skin. “I don’t know why it bothers me so much... I suppose it’s a bit like what Vander said. Also, what exactly am I supposed to do about all those things that happened on earth?”

  “It’s not the end.” Veronica said. “You know all of this mess with the Equilibrium is going to come back to you. They said they... needed you, didn’t they?”

  “Yeah. They won’t get Earth though. Sealed that portal of theirs up, and I’ve got the other secured.” Zaxxarius said. “That’s all well and good.” Veronica said. “But im more worried about you. I’ll be here with you. Don’t worry.”


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