Betrayed: Book Two - The Road to Redemption

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Betrayed: Book Two - The Road to Redemption Page 13

by Nicky Charles

  Giving his head a shake, he changed forms and padded off into the wooded area. For all that the nature preserve was considered part of Chicago, it was easy to forget that a bustling city lay beyond its borders. The trees where thick, undergrowth abounded and evidence of wildlife was everywhere. Squirrels chattered in annoyance at his appearance and the faint rustling of grass let him know that rabbits had sensed his presence. Not many predators were in the area, though a fox had passed through recently. Most definitely no signs of a wolf nor was the telltale scent of lilacs to be found either.

  No, Dante loved his creature comforts too much to spend his time holed up in a den. Of course, he couldn’t tell Sam that. Instead, he spent his time exploring, allowing his wolf some freedom before eventually circling back to the appointed meeting spot.

  He arrived early and took out a water bottle, chugging the contents. The moon was rising, no longer full as it had been a week ago, but still large enough to illuminate the small clearing and reflect on the tiny lake they’d parked beside. It was a hot evening, the air humid and sticky and he eyed the water longingly. Deciding he had enough time, he stripped down.

  The dry fall grass pricked at his bare feet only to be replaced by the damp soil of the shore as he made his way to the water’s edge. Frogs and insects chirped from the reeds while an owl hooted in a distant tree. He savoured the moment, allowing it to seep into him and ease the tension from his body. Slowly, he waded in, the water lapping about his legs, cool and refreshing. Taking a deep breath, he sank beneath the surface.

  Sam returned to the clearing and was immediately drawn by the sound of splashing coming from the water. She approached the edge, noted Damien’s pile of clothing on the ground and grinned. Her temporary Beta was skinny-dipping.

  The surface of the water broke and Damien appeared. Moisture glistened on his broad chest and dripped down his belly, darkening the arrow of body hair that disappeared intriguingly into the water’s surface. He raised his hands to sluice the water from his face.

  “Naked Lycan in the moonlight.” She called out the words and he turned to look at her.


  “Naked Lycan in the moonlight. That’s what I’d call a picture of you right now.”

  “Are you insane?” He brushed the hair from his eyes.

  “No more than usual. Enjoying yourself?”

  “Yep. You should give it a try.” He leaned back and floated in place, a glint in his eye.

  She cocked her head considering his suggestion. They should continue on with the patrol but the implicit dare he’d issued stirred something within her.

  He’s challenging our courage, her wolf declared, pacing back and forth as it eyed the male who stood a few feet away. Backing down is unacceptable.

  Sam grabbed the lower edge of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Next she sat down and tugged off her high-heeled boots before standing to shimmy out of her jeans. Only when she moved her hands to the front fastening of her bra, did she pause. It was black with a lace edge. She loved sexy underwear and wondered if it surprised him or not. A glance at his face showed his eyes were fixed on it. The fact that she had his attention pleased her. She bit back her smile and raised a brow instead. “You gonna watch?”

  “You want me to?”

  Did she? Her inner wolf said yes. She shrugged and undid the front fastening keeping her eyes locked on his face. As her breasts were revealed to him, his eyes appeared to darken and she was sure the rise and fall of his chest quickened.

  She stepped close to the shore, all too aware of the gentle sway of her breasts, the way the humid night air caressed her naked skin. Knowing he was looking at her caused her own breathing to quicken and her nipples pebbled with excitement.

  Without warning, Damien dove beneath the water.

  For a split second, she was startled by his move and then laughed. His dare had left her feeling uncharacteristically light-hearted. Skimming off her panties, she ran into the water and was decently covered by the time he resurfaced near her.

  “Didn’t think I’d do it?” She taunted him while pushing her wet hair back from her face.

  “I guess I should have known better.”

  “Uh huh.”

  His gaze swept over her and she resisted the instinctive move to cover herself with her hands. She knew he couldn’t see anything important. Without her boots, the difference in their heights was emphasized. While the water lapped at his ribcage, it covered all but the upper slopes of her chest. Still, it gave her a curious thrill to think they were both naked and mere feet away from each other.

  He cocked his head to the side. “Do you accept every challenge that comes your way?”

  “Most. Unless they’re crack-head stupid.”

  “And stripping in front of me isn’t?”

  “No. Not really.” She looked away, took a deep breath and then stared directly into his eyes. “I like you, Damien.”

  The smile left his face, but she continued on.

  “You’re a lot like me. You don’t take crap. You’re tough and a good fighter. I can match wits with you, make a wisecrack and you have a comeback for it. Plus…” She flicked a glance over his chest and gave a crooked smile, “you’re hot.”

  He huffed a laugh. “Thanks.”

  “Any time.” She paused and wet her lips before broaching the next hurdle. “I know you were mated and that she’s dead. It must be difficult.”

  “Yeah.” He looked away. A closed look had come over his face, but she didn’t let that deter her.

  “But you have to move on. Life doesn’t stop.”

  She watched as his muscles tightened and his jaw jutted. “And what do you know about that?”

  Staring down at the water’s surface, she moved her hand gently, causing a ripple to extend out in ever-growing rings. “My father never got along with my grandfather. They were two very different people. He left the pack as soon as he was old enough, moved west and married my mother. When I was four, we returned here.” She made a wry face. “I was quite a shock to my grandfather.”

  “He didn’t know he had a grandchild?” Damien glanced her way.

  “He knew about me. Just not about my background.” She made another ripple and watched how it lapped and curved about Damien’s lower ribcage.

  “What do you mean?”

  “My eyes. They’re violet.”


  “It’s usually a sign of having Fae or witch in your background.” She sighed. “Somewhere in my mother’s pedigree, there was the proverbial ‘black sheep’ and it showed up in me.”

  “My mate was part Fae.”

  “Really?” Sam looked at him with interest. “Cool. I don’t have enough tainted blood in my system to qualify me for any extra abilities.”

  “It’s not tainted blood. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that!” Anger laced his voice and he stepped closer, brushing his hand over her cheek in a comforting gesture, before resting it on her shoulder.

  “I know. It’s just an expression I’ve heard.”

  “A filthy one.”

  “Probably.” She paused to gather her thoughts. Damien’s thumb was stroking her shoulder ever so lightly, the heat from his palm emphasized by the coolness of the water lapping against her arm. She doubted he even realized what he was doing, but it felt good so she made no comment on his actions in the hope he’d continue. Clearing her throat, she spoke. “Soon after we got here my father died. He slipped and fell in front of the train.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She nodded and stared off into the distance. “I was with him and saw the whole thing. One minute we were standing there and the next…someone brushed past us and he fell into the path of the train just as it was arriving. There was no time for the engineer to stop.”

  “What about your mother? Was she there?”

  “No, but she moved away soon after. I don’t think my grandfather made her feel very welcome given that she’d contaminated the blood line. I
visit her every few years, but we’ve not much in common. There’s too much of my grandfather in me, I guess.”

  She placed her hand on his chest. “So, you see? I know about loss and pain and moving on.”

  “Sam, I…”

  “It’s okay. I just want you to know where I stand. I’m interested in you, Damien.” She reached up and kissed him briefly on the cheek. “And I might not let you forget it.” Unexpectedly she reached low and pinched his hip before jumping back.

  She laughed at his expression and then returned to her Alpha mode.

  “We’ve wasted enough time. Five minutes to swim then we’re back on patrol.”

  Damien watched her turn and strike out along the shore. Their conversation had been unexpected to say the least and had revealed a new side to Sam Harper. She was interested in him. Not shocking news given the way she’d kissed him in the cellar. And her life hadn’t been an easy one. He frowned, thinking they had more in common than he’d expected.

  Chapter 13

  Kane watched Jacob pedal around the patio on his tricycle, his little legs pumping as fast as they could go. There was such a look of determination on the boy’s face that he couldn’t help but smile with pride.

  “He’ll make a fine Alpha one day.”

  “Does being an Alpha have to be his goal?” Elise frowned at him from the other side of the table. They were seated on the patio outside the kitchen supposedly enjoying a ‘family’ breakfast, but Elise was in a mood for some reason.

  “What’s wrong with wanting him to be an Alpha?”

  “Well, he could be a doctor or an accountant. Something that would allow him some time with his family.”

  That again. “I’m spending time with the family. We’re eating together.” Kane gestured at the table between them. It was laden with waffles, bacon and orange juice. A pot of hot coffee was within arm’s reach and bowls of cereal for the children were ready.

  “Right. You’ve had two phone calls and answered four text messages since we sat down.”

  “I tried to keep them brief.”

  She ignored him and continued on with her theme. “And last night, you promised me you’d get up with Leah if she was teething.”

  “She didn’t cry once all night.” He glanced at his daughter who was seated in her highchair. Her cheeks were a telltale pink and she drooled as she chewed on a hard biscuit, but he hadn’t heard her once during the night. Reaching over, he tapped her nose and she giggled giving him a still toothless smile.

  “Ha! That’s because you didn’t come to bed until after three in the morning. She was screaming for hours before I finally got her settled.”

  He winced. With the office door shut and a set of ear buds in, he hadn’t heard a thing. “Sorry. I got caught up researching legal precedents and didn’t realize how late it was.”

  “And they were more important than your promise to me and your daughter?”

  He clamped his mouth shut and counted to ten. “Elise, I said I was sorry. I know you’re tired.” His own eyes were gritty from lack of sleep, but he wasn’t harping away.

  “Damn…er…darned right.” Elise shot a glance at Jacob who had an annoying habit of picking up every inappropriate word he heard. She continued in a low voice. “She’s been up almost every night since we got back from Stump River. I’m exhausted, Kane. I’m at work all day. The restaurant’s a disaster with half of it under construction and plaster dust everywhere. Then, when I get home, the children want all my time and—”

  “Why not ask Helen?”

  “It’s not her responsibility to raise our children. Sure, she doesn’t mind helping out, but she’s getting older, you know. Plus she takes care of the house and does the cooking. That’s more than enough for someone her age.”

  He sighed knowing the conversation was going nowhere. They’d rehashed the problem too many times in the past. “I’m doing the best I can, Elise. I’m trying to build a strong case against Chicago. Once that’s done and some of the pack moves there my work load should lessen and I’ll have more time for you and the children.”

  Elise looked away, her jaw jutted. She was still angry, but there was nothing else he could do. He leaned back and drank his coffee, brooding over the fact that if they weren’t having sex, all they did was argue. It hadn’t always been like this between them, but over the past year their relationship had slowly changed. There wasn’t a specific event he could recall that had caused things to sour. Frowning, he wondered if this happened to every couple. Certainly his own parents hadn’t lived in harmony… The idea that he was following that same path was depressing and he took another sip of coffee to muffle his sigh.

  Eventually, Elise must have calmed down for when she spoke her voice sounded even, though she still didn’t look at him. “How’s Damien doing?”

  As far as olive branches went, it wasn’t much, but he accepted it anyway. “Fine. He’s given me some good information. Most of the Lycans in the Chicago pack are older, working well past the age that they should. Old man Harper himself is basically crippled and he has his granddaughter running the show. And the man is putting lineage over suitability when selecting the next Alpha.”

  Finally, she looked at him. “You mentioned that last night. I was wondering about Damien himself.”

  “He’s fine, I guess. I think the girl, Sam, is giving him a run for his money.”

  “That’s what he needs.” Elise gave him a hint of a smile—she’d always had a soft spot for Damien—and, for a moment, the tension between them eased. She poured herself a cup of tea. Jacob climbed on his lap, demanding some bites of waffle and Kane helped him spear a piece with his fork. Leah cooed and babbled at a butterfly causing them both to laugh.

  He wondered why it couldn’t always be like this. It wasn’t as if he enjoyed working such long hours. It was what the job demanded. And now that High Council was considering adding younger Alphas to the mix, he had to look sharp if he wanted to gain one of the coveted positions. He frowned, thinking of the extra travel the job would involve. It meant more time away which was a negative, but the title was very prestigious.

  His phone rang and he picked it up, leaning to the side to avoid a sticky bit of waffle that Jacob was now waving about.

  “Sinclair here … Yes, I have it. It’s in my office. Just a second…” He stood and tucked Jacob under his arm, but the boy began to whimper.

  “Daddy, no! Waffles! I want mo’ waffles!”

  The sticky fork landed against his cheek. Kane tried to juggle the phone and his son while keeping from having his eye poked out. His voice came out harsher than he’d planned. “Jacob, be careful! Elise, take him before he blinds me.”

  Elise stood up, a tight look about her mouth, and took the boy.

  “Go. Take care of your third phone call. I’ll watch the children by myself. Again.”

  He bit back a retort that it wasn’t his choice and headed to the office. The position on High Council was looking more appealing by the minute. At least if he were away from home more, he wouldn’t be constantly criticized for doing his job!

  Elise fixed Jacob his own plate of food and then sat back down in her chair. She blinked back tears and took a sip of tea, trying to swallow past the lump in her throat. A simple family breakfast. Was that really too much to ask? She’d planned it all last night, right down to Kane’s favourite waffles and he hadn’t even mentioned them. He’d been too busy checking his messages!

  “Momma mad?” Jacob was looking at her with a worried expression.

  She tried to school her features into some semblance of a smile. “No. I’m not mad.”

  “You yelled.”

  “I…” She tried to be honest with Jacob, but how to explain? “I was mad, but not any more. And not at you. Don’t worry.”


  Elise bit her lip. Yelling at Kane wasn’t the solution. He had his work to do, and it was important. She was just overtired…

  “Kane’s gone already?” He
len stepped onto the patio and looked at the still laden table.

  “He had to take a phone call.”

  “Ah!” She paused. “Are you okay?”

  Elise debated about giving the usual ‘fine’, but she wasn’t fine and she needed to know if she was being a shrew or not. “Helen, can I talk to you?”

  “Sure. I’m good at talking, and listening. Which do you need?” The other woman sat down and poured herself a cup of coffee.

  “Both, I guess.” Elise carefully lined up the cutlery as she spoke. “Kane is always working. He never has any time for me or the children. Even when we were in Stump River, supposedly on a vacation, he was taking calls and emails.” She left off moving the spoons about and looked directly at Helen. “Am I expecting too much to want some of his time for us?”

  Helen shook her head. “No. But I do know exactly what you’re talking about. Something similar happened to me and my Zack.” She stirred her tea, a far off look in her eye. “I’d get so irritated because I expected him to be there for birthdays, or even a family supper, and he’d be called away. And then, when he finally did show up, I’d have to bite my tongue even though my feelings were hurt that the needs of others came before our family. I’d feel I was being selfish, yet at the same time angry because he wasn’t here building memories with the children. It was time we could never get back.”

  “That’s it, exactly!” Elise wiped Jacob’s face and sent him back to play on his tricycle. “You must have come to terms with it, though.”

  “As a couple, we had to, or it would have torn us apart. Being an Alpha is a demanding job. Lots of people are counting on you, all wanting a piece of your time. And being the mate of one isn’t a life-style everyone is cut out for.”


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