Betrayed: Book Two - The Road to Redemption

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Betrayed: Book Two - The Road to Redemption Page 21

by Nicky Charles

  “Thanks. For a rogue, you can be pretty nice, you know.”

  He looked away and didn’t answer.

  Chapter 21

  Damien dreamed of Beth. Not of the fire or the pain of losing her and his unborn child. Instead, pleasant memories invaded his sleep. Small snippets of daily life that brought a smile to his face and left him relaxed and refreshed upon waking. He showered and dressed, humming under his breath and then went about some of the chores he’d set for himself, the first of which was putting his bike back together.

  Luckily the task was easily accomplished. He chuckled thinking how much faster it went without having to explain each step to Christopher. It wasn’t that he minded the boy hanging around him; it just slowed things down a bit.

  Wiping the grease from his hands with a rag, he studied the pack house. It had been solidly built and the basic structure was still sound, but wouldn’t remain that way much longer unless repairs were made. Today, he’d decided to caulk the windows to keep water from seeping in. If it wasn’t dealt with soon, there’d be plaster damage. With any luck, he could have the bottom floor windows done before it was time for his sparring session with Sam.

  They’d arranged to meet in the cellar and, while he worked, he mentally prepared a list of moves to practise. It was strange being on the instructing end and made him think of the Enforcer sessions he’d had with Reno. The man had been tough and had expected the men working under him to be equally so. An unexpected urge to talk to Reno came over him and he actually paused, wondering if he dared. How did you start a conversation after so long and what would the other man say?

  Damien scowled. He sucked at social niceties. Should he act as if nothing happened or should he apologize? And what exactly would he be apologizing for? Yeah, he’d made some crappy decisions, but at the time, they’d seemed the right thing to do.

  Hell. He set down the tools he was using and pulled out his phone. Dithering made him edgy. Might as well just do it.

  He punched in the numbers, then leaned back against the house, and began to mentally count the rings. Thankfully it wasn’t too hot yet because making this call was causing him to sweat. Wiping one hand on his pants, he exhaled loudly, then shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Smith.” Reno’s voice rumbled in his ears.

  At the sound of his old friend’s voice, Damien felt tongue tied. He glanced about wildly, randomly noting facts. The old picket fence was weathered and needed painting. A nearby tree had only a few coloured leaves despite the fact that it was now autumn. White puffy clouds were marring the bright blue sky. Damn, he was an idiot.

  He cleared his throat and spoke. “Hey, Reno. What are you up to?”

  Now the silence came from the other end of the line. Damien held his breath, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Would Reno reply or hang up? A second ticked by, then another. Finally, an answer.

  “I’m doing damned paperwork. What about you?”

  Damien closed his eyes and exhaled in relief. The hardest part was over; the first words had been spoken. “I’m caulking windows.”


  “Yeah. Windows.”

  Reno chuckled. “That’s not the kind of ‘cocking’ you used to do.”

  And with that, they fell into their old banter. No mention was made of Beth or Purists or any of the things that had driven them apart. It was a short, banal conversation about the weather and the state of the world. Damien asked about Brandi, Reno’s mate. Reno asked how he was feeling.

  “I’m good. Eating every day, a roof over my head.” Damien answered lightly.

  “Glad to hear it.” There was a pause. Damien could sense Reno wanted to ask more, but didn’t dare.

  Damien exhaled knowing the conversation had run its course and was teetering on the edge of getting awkward. “Listen, I’ve got to go.”

  “Yeah.” Reno cleared his voice. “Those windows are waiting for you, I’m sure.”

  He laughed lightly, as he was meant to. “And your paperwork.”

  “Right.” Another pause. “It was good to hear from you, kid.”

  Kid. Reno had called him that when they’d first become partners. It sort of choked him up to hear it again.

  “Same here, old man.”

  “Call again?”

  “I will. Soon.” Damien hung up and clenched the phone in his hand. The ice had been broken and it felt good. Sure, they needed to have a serious talk, but for starters… He gave a nod and shoved the phone in his pocket. Two more windows to do and then it would be time to meet Sam.

  “Damn, that hurt.” Sam rubbed her jaw and checked her teeth with her tongue. All there and none were loose; a miracle given the blow she’d just received. She scowled at Damien. “Did you even try to pull that punch?”

  He shrugged. “Not much. If you want to fight an Alpha like Kane, then you have to be prepared to take the pain.”

  “And what’s with the effing rhymes? You sound like that boxer, what’s-his-name.” She worked her jaw back and forth, decided it was still functional and then resumed her fighting stance.

  “I thought women loved poetry.”

  “Not when you’re beating the crap out of them.”

  “You asked me to.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m an idiot.” She shook her head. “Come at me again.”

  Damien gave a devilish grin and Sam felt her heart lurch. The overhead lights emphasized his dark good looks, the shadow of stubble, his silvery eyes. How could one man— She didn’t get to finish the thought before he launched himself at her again and she was forced to concentrate on defence.

  Protect your chin, protect your chin. She chanted the mantra to herself as she blocked his blows while trying to find openings to strike back. Damien came at her like some automated fighting machine, no expression on his face, just hit after hit after hit. When she did manage to take a shot at him, he barely grunted.

  Irritation grew within her. She’d been in more fights than she could recall. Her opponents had always shown at least some reaction to her assault. Doubt began to creep in and—

  “Argh!” She flew backward and hit the wall. Not even trying to catch herself, she slid down and landed on the floor, jarring her spine. Sweat dripped in her eyes and her hair stuck to her forehead and neck. A towel hit her in the face and she caught it just before it fell to the ground. “Thanks.” She glared up at him.

  He stood over her, hands braced on his hip, breathing heavily. Sweat stained his shirt and he pulled the garment off, using it as a rag to dry himself. “You dropped your guard again.”

  “I know. You don’t have to tell me.” She twisted her lips, totally disgusted with herself.

  “Yeah. I do. I’m training you and I need to know why your fighting form fell apart so we can fix it.”

  “Why I fell apart? I…” She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “What were you thinking?” He squatted in front of her so their eyes were almost level.

  Sam made a face, hating having to confess her own sense of failure. It made her feel…exposed. Rather than look at him, she studied the towel she was bunching in her hands. “I was thinking that I wasn’t having any effect on you. All my other opponents would have been giving some sign that I’d hurt them…” She let her voice trail off and flicked a look at him.

  “And by doing that, they would have fed into your sense of power, let you know you had a chance against them. Your wolf would see their weakness and attack with even more ferocity.”

  She reflected on what she’d felt during previous fights and nodded. “That’s true. And when you didn’t react just now, it made me have doubts.”

  “Which, in turn, gave me the advantage.” He shifted to sit against the wall beside her. “Every animal looks for weakness in another and when they see it, they instinctively attack. If you’re fighting another Lycan you can’t show any vulnerability because it gives your opponent power.”

  “So I did hurt you?”

c little thing, aren’t you?” Damien gave a soft huff of laughter. “Yeah, Sugar, I’ve got aches and pains yelling at me, but I try not to let it show. Being a rogue helps of course. My wolf is more ornery than most.”

  Sam mulled over what he’d said. “So basically, it comes down to blocking out physical discomfort, staying focused and believing you can win.”

  “That, and protecting yourself.” He reached out and tapped her chin. “Especially here.”

  She rolled her eyes and got to her feet. “Right. Ready for another round?”

  Damien nodded and went to get up, wincing slightly as he straightened his leg.

  “You okay?”

  He brushed off her concern. “Old wound. It stiffens up sometimes.”

  “I’ve noticed you have a bit of a limp. It must have been pretty bad not to heal.”

  “It was.” A shadow crossed over his face, the teasing quality disappearing. “I didn’t give it sufficient time to repair fully. That ornery rogue in me again.” He brushed his hair back from his face and braced himself. “I’m ready. Do your worst.”

  “Or my best.” She quipped before tackling him once again.

  Half an hour later, Damien declared they were done. “Good enough. You’re getting tired and sloppy.”

  As much as it galled to admit it, Sam knew he was right. Still, it had been a good session and she’d picked up some pointers. Fine tuning, that’s all it really was. An Alpha had to be open to new learning. She paused, water bottle halfway to her mouth trying to decide if that could be the missing third quality.


  Nah, it didn’t feel right.

  “What are you thinking now?” Damien was watching her and she shrugged.

  “About being an Alpha.”

  “Is that all you ever think about?” He was wiping off his chest and she followed the movement of his hands, visually tracing his sculpted pecs and rock hard abs. When he dropped the towel he’d been using and bent to grab his own water bottle, she couldn’t help but notice how the lightweight track pants clung to his tight butt. What would it be like to cup her hands around those curves and press him close? Or, better yet, to trace the intriguing V that the low riding pants revealed.

  “Earth to Sam.” He waved his hand in front of her face and she blinked. A knowing grin spread across his face. “I guess there’s at least one other thing you think about.”

  Sam could feel her face flushing and groaned inwardly. God, she was no better than some giggling schoolgirl. She tried to brazen her way through the moment. “Well, I am a female. Of course any half decent looking male is going to catch my attention now and then.”

  “Half decent?” His hurt expression was obviously feigned.

  “Well… Let me take another look.” She walked around him slowly as if she were considering buying a car, taking a drink of water now and then, looking him up and down. Finally, she stopped, head cocked to the side. “Okay. I stand corrected. Half decent wasn’t the right term.” She turned to walk away, struggling to keep a straight face. Teasing Damien filled her with an evil delight. “Only a quarter decent would have been more appropriate.”

  “A quarter?” He let out a hyperbolic growl and grabbed her from behind, his arms around her waist.

  She gave a yelp, half surprised, half laughing, and immediately dropped her weight while lunging forward, sending Damien off balance. They crashed to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs, Damien tickling her while she tried to push him away.

  “Apologize.” Damien’s voice rumbled in her ear.

  “Never!” She responded through fits of laughter. Her stomach and underarm were exceptionally vulnerable to tickling and he’d quickly honed in on the fact.

  “Then you’ll have to suffer the consequences.” He renewed his assault while Sam pushed against his chest, squirming beneath him until her thigh suddenly came in contact with something hot and hard.

  She froze, the evidence of his arousal burning against her inner leg.

  “Do you surrend—” Damien stopped mid-sentence, registering her stillness. His breathing was as heavy as hers from laughing, his chest brushing against her chest with each breath he took.

  “I…” Sam wet her lower lip as she stared up into his eyes. The teasing light in them shifted, growing darker. Hotter. Slowly, she moved her leg, purposely brushing against his erection, letting him know she was well aware of how he felt.

  His hips flexed in response and he slowly lowered his head, still keeping his eyes fixed on hers. She levered herself up on her elbows, raising her head from the mat they lay upon, closing the distance between them. Tentatively, questioningly, their lips touched. Once. Twice. And then with a groan, Damien pressed his mouth to hers in a hot, needy kiss that went straight to her core. As he bore her down, she gripped his shoulders, making no pretence of denying what she felt.

  Heat raced through her at a temperature that made Papa Tony’s hot peppers seem mild in comparison. She was burning, aching, needing the man that pressed against her in a way she’d never experienced before. Sam ran her hands over his back, tracing the indent of his spine reaching lower to cup the buttocks she’d ogled earlier. His flesh was hot and hard and powerful causing her wolf to whimper with excitement.

  She wrapped one leg around his hip, eager to pull him closer, to feel him against her needy body. When he nibbled at her neck and rocked against her, she shivered with excitement. Her heart was pounding so hard that she could barely make out the words he was whispering.

  “…beautiful. You smell so good.” Damien was rubbing his nose along her throat, his hand cupping one of her breasts. Usually, she scoffed at such words, but coming from him they made her glow with pride, pleased that he approved of her.

  Sam arched her back and buried her fingers in his hair, pulling his head closer, wanting to feel his lips on her breast. He complied, the wet heat of his mouth seeping through the fabric of her tank. So good, so good…

  Something was clawing at her insides, demanding release, making her limbs tremble. She began to pull at his clothing and hers all at the same time. Her hands worked awkwardly, her brain too overwhelmed with sensation to allow her to apply the usual cool efficiency she brought to most tasks.

  She needed him. Needed him now. Needed his bare flesh on hers. Needed his flesh in her…

  “Damien.” She panted his name. “Damien, please…”

  “I know, I know.” He fumbled between them, pushing his clothing down while she did the same to her own.

  One leg free. The other was somehow caught. Frustration had her gritting her teeth. Damned, stupid pant— She kicked it free just as Damien slid his hand between her thighs. He probed her carefully, teasing her tender flesh, murmuring words she couldn’t begin to hear over the pounding of her heart.

  Gently, he nipped and licked his way down her body, all the while pleasuring her with his fingers. She tried to return the favour, marvelling at the hot length of him in her hand. So firm and yet so silken. When the need in her had shudders shaking her frame, he finally grasped her thighs and drew them up to cradle his hips. Then his hot flesh was grazing hers, sliding through her wetness, entering…

  Sam gasped and bit her lip as he slid in. Stretching. Filling. Going deeper and deeper. When his balls finally touched her body and he could go no further he paused, his forehead resting on hers. His eyes were closed, his breathing sounding harsh in her ear. She could feel his body trembling as if he was struggling for control. Wrapping her arms around him, she absorbed the feeling of being so close, his weight holding her down, their bodies joined as one. His body inside hers…

  A soft sound of need escaped her and that was all it took. Damien began to move, sliding in and out, long and deep, short and shallow.

  She urged him on, revelling in the feel of his flesh sliding over hers, grasping his butt and pulling him closer. His rhythm was relentless, racing them both towards the release they craved as if demons were chasing them. When that perfect moment came, she bucked
under him, shudders wracking her body as she spiralled to the heavens and then floated back to earth.

  The coolness of the cellar finally registered as the euphoric haze slid away. She was aware of Damien beside her, the delicious ache of her body, the way their scents had combined to create something uniquely theirs. A happy, relaxed smile spread over her face and she exhaled, rolling onto her side to view her lover.

  Reaching out, she trailed her fingers down his chest, her hand sliding easily on the thin sheen of sweat that bathed the muscled surface. So strong, so male. Darting her tongue out, she tasted the saltiness of his skin. Mmm... She could get used to this. Sure, Damien was a pain in the ass, but when the danger of a takeover was past, she’d seriously consider keeping him around. Purely for entertainment purposes of course, she added.

  A part of her winced at the thought. Her inner wolf had a limited tolerance for lies, even to herself.

  Okay, perhaps Damien might be slightly more than entertainment, but she wasn’t yet ready to examine exactly what else he might be either. That was a road best left explored another day. If there was one thing she’d learned in her years as acting Alpha, it was not to count too heavily on the future. And anything involving Damien was definitely for the future. Right now she had enough to deal with.

  Damien inhaled deeply and sighed it out. She propped herself on her elbow to better see him.

  “Hey. You were pretty good.” She gave him a crooked smile and brushed a lock of hair from his forehead.

  He stared at her for a moment, the expression in his half hooded eyes unfathomable before he shifted his gaze to stare at the ceiling. “Thanks.” Abruptly, he sat up and turned away, leaving her with a fine view of his back. He ran his hand through his hair and looked about distractedly.

  Sam waited a beat before prompting him. “I think this is when you’re supposed to say I was good, too. Maybe even fantastic.” She traced an imaginary line between the two tiny dimples above his butt. His demeanour puzzled her, but she tried not to show it.


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