Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny

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Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny Page 21

by Michelle Hardin

  “Watch your fucking mouth.” Lucca snapped. “Carter’s not like the filthy whores you fuck, so when you talk about her you better do it with some fucking respect. If I ever hear you say some shit like that again you’ll be spending a week trying to figure out how to get my boot out of your ass,” Lucca warned giving Gianni a deadly glare.

  Gianni clenched his jaw and nodded his understanding, rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head. “I got it. Damn man, you didn’t have to hit me so hard. You could have just told me,” Gianni said.

  Lucca shrugged and looked backed to his phone.


  Gianni looked up to the deep voice calling out to him from the plane and saw that the voice came from Kyle Valente, another one of “The Five” and best friend to the underboss.

  Kyle “Charmer” Valente, age twenty-four. Known as “Charmer” because he’d charm any man or woman to death, sometimes literally. Kyle Valente was also Nathan Salerno’s best friend and confidante, which was why he was expected to take the role as consigliere when Nathan Salerno took the role as boss. He was the eldest son of Cesare Valente, who was the current consigliere and best friend to current boss, Angelo Salerno.

  Kyle came down the stairs of the private plane dressed in a navy blue Armani suit, with his shoulder holstered Glocks on display and his jacket in hand.

  “Yeah?” Gianni answered leaving Lucca and walking over to Kyle.

  Kyle stepped down off the last step. “You’ll be driving Carter and I to the apartment and to the office once their ready for us.”

  Gianni thought, but he didn’t say it out loud, nor did he show his excitement. Of course he wanted to drive the girl. Then he could determine for himself whether or not she actually is Spook’s daughter.

  “Spicciati Carterina!”

  Gianni looked up to the door of the private jet at the sound of the underboss calling for the girl. Nathan walked quickly down the steps of the plane in his black Armani suit, with his cell phone in hand.

  Nathan “The Russian” Salerno, age twenty-four. He is the son of Angelo Salerno, boss and founder of the Salerno Organized Crime Family. Nathan Salerno is the current underboss, but has been groomed his entire life for his future position as boss of the massive empire when his father steps down. He is the feared and powerful leader of “The Five” a highly dangerous group of men known in the criminal underworld. There are some in the criminal world that are still unaware that Nathan Salerno and “The Russian” is the same person.

  “I don’t speak Italian, but I’m pretty sure you just told me to hurry up again. To which I will reply, again, don’t rush me, Nathan!” a woman’s voice yelled from the plane. Gianni assumed that must be Carter.

  “Get your little ass out of the plane, then I won’t have to rush you,” Nathan yelled back.

  “Screw you, Nathan. I have to make sure everything is in my purse. I would be very sad if I forgot something.”

  “You’re stalling.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are. Now bring your ass out here or I’ll carry you out.”

  Gianni heard Lucca chuckle and he looked over to see the man had come forward. Gianni was sure he had only seen Lucca laugh a few times, and that was only when he was sitting with the rest of “The Five.” Other than that the man always had a permanent scowl on his face. Gianni looked at Lucca shocked.

  “Carter, sweetheart, everything will be fine. He’s not a monster, I promise,” Lucca yelled up to Carter, who was still on the plane.

  “I’m not afraid,” she pouted.

  “Aren’t you?” Nathan asked. “Isn’t that the reason you’ve been drinking champagne nonstop since we got on the plane?” he said looking down at his phone.

  “I didn’t drink that much.”

  The five men chuckled.

  “Shut the hell up guys, I didn’t drink that much.”

  “Carter lets go, baby. The sooner we do this the better. He just wants to meet you. Our fathers were good friends for over twenty years, it will be fine.”

  Gianni was mildly amused that the girl was so nervous to meet Angelo Salerno, but he also understood. Angelo was an intimidating man. She definitely wouldn’t be able to get out of meeting him. When Angelo summoned someone he always made sure they were there when he wanted them.

  Just when Gianni thought the girl would never come out of the plane, she finally walked out onto the first step. His breath caught in his throat and he stared wide eyed. Spook Steele’s daughter was fucking hot! Gianni stared at the stunning beauty as she worried her bottom lip.

  “Holy shit,” he muttered. Lucca looked back at him and rolled his eyes.

  Gianni looked around to see if the other men that came were staring at Spook’s daughter too and they were all drooling as much as he was.

  She stood at the top of the stairs in a tight fitted white spaghetti strap shirt and a pair of short khaki shorts. The outfit was simple, but she made it stunning. Her long curls cascaded down her back and ended at her waist, right above her incredible ass. Gianni was in serious lust with Spook’s daughter.

  “Don’t you think your father can hold off on meeting me for about four, five maybe six months? That doesn’t sound too bad,” she asked looking at Nathan.

  Nathan chuckled. “No, he won’t.” He held his hand out for Carter to come and take it.

  Carter walked down the steps at a leisurely pace then took his hand and he kissed it.

  “I get to go to the apartment first, right? I don’t want to wear this to meet your father.”

  “Yes, Kyle will be with you. Everything will be fine, Carter.”

  “I know it’s just weird. I’ve never really met anyone who knew Spook as well as your father. It’s just a little…” Carter cleared her throat and rolled her eyes.

  “Nerve racking?” Nathan teased.

  Carter pursed her lips. “Yeah, that,” she said dryly. “I’m not afraid, and I didn’t drink that much.” Her eyes ran up and down Nathan’s body and she smirked. “You look damn sexy today, Nathan,” she said. Then she gave him a quick kiss and stepped down the last step and walked passed him.

  Nathan smiled as his eyes followed her, watching the sway of her hips as she walked away.

  “Actually, all five of you look hot as hell,” she said confidently. “God, bless Armani and who ever made those leather jackets.”

  The guys all smiled and watched her walk over to Kyle and take his hand. They were positive that she was tipsy, because she did in fact have a lot to drink on the plane. She had been on edge ever since she found out Nathan’s father was on the phone yesterday. She started her champagne marathon after she found out he wanted to meet her the same day they arrived in New York.

  “Alright, which car are we in Kyle?” she asked looking up at him and he chuckled and pointed at the last SUV in the line of the three still sitting there.

  She looked up at Kyle and smiled and began pulling him to the car. Kyle followed behind her amused. He looked over to Nathan and gave him a nod silently promising him that he would protect her with his life if need be. Nathan nodded back.

  They had all talked about the risk of people knowing of Carter’s survival the night before. Although she had ensured her safety from the remaining hit men, they still didn’t know who put the hit on Spook in the first place. They knew that the news of Spook’s daughter’s survival had already spread like crazy, five families over and they wanted to make sure she was protected. That’s why Nathan told Kyle to stay with her at all times while he went to the morning meeting with his father, because he knew that just like himself, Kyle would focus on ensuring Carter’s safety, and put her safety before his own.


  Kyle sat in the back of the SUV texting his father and enjoying the feel of the beautiful Carterina leaning against his arm, her hand still in his. Kyle loved these moments. He knew it may be wrong and he did respect his best friend’s relationship, but the moments when Kyle had Carter to himself were the m
oments he cherished, moments he missed. He always loved spending time with Carter the year he knew her before her and Nathan became a couple.

  Kyle would actually look forward to cuddling with Carter and watching movies in his beach house. He always loved how affectionate Carter was. He loved that she wasn’t afraid to cuddle up next to him. He loved how warm she was, the sweet scent of her perfume and the softness of her skin. Even now, as she did pretty awesome tricks with a butterfly knife, she lay against his arm with her other hand in his and her legs crossed. Kyle couldn’t help but run his thumb up and down the silky smooth skin of her hand.

  He knew that she may not love these moments as much as he, but he didn’t care as long as they continued to have these moments. These moments, for Carter, were as natural as brushing her teeth in the morning. They had become so used to the way they were around each other that every cuddle session, kiss on the forehead, cheek or lips, argument, or touch had become second-nature. Kyle knew for a fact that Carter would be the only woman he would ever love enough to have such a relationship with. He was too much like his damn father to actually settle down in a relationship one day.

  Much like his father, Kyle knew that he would have a life full of girlfriends and illegitimate children. That’s just who he is. Kyle didn’t want the married life, none of it really appealed to him. Why be with one woman forever when he could be with many. Marriage and monogamous relationships never made any since to him. That is what Kyle realized when he was trying to figure out why he never confessed his love for Carter. Because he knew he couldn’t be faithful to her and give her what she wanted— a family.

  Carter had told him she wanted a family a little while after they met, on one of the nights she stayed over at his house. Once again Kyle had been trying to get her to revise the limits of their friendship and she told him flat out, “I don’t have casual sex, Kyle. I only do serious relationships because one day I want a family. Is that what you want as well?”

  When she said that, Kyle just let it drop and turned his attention back to the movie they were watching. Of course Carter teased him about it, the “fear” she said she saw in his eyes at the mention of a relationship and family, but Kyle knew that there was no way he would ever be able to be in a serious relationship. So he settled with having a woman in his life that he could steal warmth and affection from whenever he needed it. Carter has the perfect amount of feminine warmth and sensitivity as well as the perfect amount of attitude and fire. Meaning, Carter Steele was the only woman that has ever and could ever call Kyle out on his shit, and he loved her for it.

  “I miss you, Kyle,” Carter whispered pulling Kyle from his thoughts.

  He looked down and noticed she had put her butterfly knife away and cuddled closer to him. Her eye lids were heavy he could tell that she was headed for a champagne induced sleep. He smiled and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and gave her ear a tug like he always did. “How can you miss me, Carter, I’m sitting right next to you?” he replied sweetly.

  “I mean, I miss cuddling with you like we used to,” she said softly.

  “I do too.”

  Carter looked up at him with her tired hazel eyes and placed her chin on his arm while she looked into his eyes, “Then stop ignoring me and come to me, Kyle. You need me, and I miss you. Nathan will just have to deal with it. Our friendship hasn’t changed just because I fell madly in love with your best friend,” she said with a playful smile. “I miss watching scary movies with you and eating junk food, planning the day that we decide to let ourselves go and get fat.”

  They both smiled at that, remembering the hilarious conversation.

  “I would love to watch scary movies with you and continue that very important discussion, but don’t you think your boyfriend, my best friend, will get annoyed with us?”

  “He’ll deal with it.”

  “And if he doesn’t?” Kyle asked.

  Carter smirked. “He will, Kyle. As you know, Nathan’s not really the jealous type. He’s too conceited for that. Plus, he knows that if he doesn’t, I’ll kick his ass,” she said with a shrug.

  Kyle laughed softly and kissed her forehead. “La mia bella Carterina. Still as sassy as ever.”

  Carter rested her head back on his shoulder.

  “I’m just saying nothing between us has changed, Kyle. I still want us to be as close as we have always been even when you fall madly in love with some beautiful woman.”

  Kyle chuckled. “I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen, Carter,” he replied sardonically.

  “It could happen, Kyle. You never know, you could fall madly in love, have a family.”

  “I’m afraid not, beautiful. I like being a bachelor too much for that. Plus, I love my lifestyle and I’m pretty sure I can’t limit myself to one woman,” he said with a smirk.

  Carter rolled her eyes. “I don’t know, Kyle, you and Nathan are a lot alike. I’m sure he used to be a whore just like you but now he’s in a committed relationship. You just have to find the right girl,” she said confidently.

  Kyle laughed at the whore comment. “Your right, we do have similarities, love. But Nathan had one thing I didn’t growing up, Anya. He is a man capable of the love you two share because of her. I on the other hand am not a good man.”

  Carter looked up at him with furrowed brows. “That’s not true, you’ve always been sweet since the day I met you.”

  He touched her face lovingly. “Which would shock many, many people who have known me my whole life, Carter.” He lifted her face to look into her eyes. “It may come as a surprise but the Kyle that you know, is not the Kyle that everyone else knows, love.”

  Carter frowned and nodded as if she understood what he was saying. As she laid her head back on his shoulder she whispered. “I love you too, Kyle.”

  Kyle smiled, he didn’t care if her love was just pure friendship he was just happy she loved him too.

  By the time they made it to the apartment Carter had fallen into that sleep Kyle had seen coming. He didn’t want to wake her so he carried her into the apartment, ignoring the stares from the men there for security. He knew they were just trying to get a glimpse of Carter since she was the subject of the majority of the talk around the family. Kyle didn’t know how far word of Carter’s survival had spread yet but he knew that it was all around New York by now.

  Once he finally got her away from the eyes of the other men and safely into her new home he laid her on the plush couch in the living room. He walked into the spotless, clean kitchen and started a pot of coffee for when Carter woke up. He checked his phone and saw a text from Nathan telling him what time he and Carter should be at the office.

  Once he got the pot of coffee started he made his way back over to the living room. He sat on the coffee table in front of the couch and watched Carter sleep soundly. She looked so beautiful lying there snoring softly, and his eyes rested on her full soft lips. Memories of how he used to wake Carter up when she would fall asleep on his couch rushed through his mind and his fingers traced her soft lips. Without thinking better of it and knowing that she’d understand he leaned forward and placed a soft slow kiss on her lips.

  A small smile appeared on Carter’s face and Kyle smiled in return. “You stole a kiss. Nathan’s going to kick your ass,” she said sleepily.

  Kyle smirked. “Worth it.”

  Her tired hazel eyes opened and she looked at him with a playful smile.

  In an instant her expression went from playful to fearful. “I don’t know if I can do this, Kyle. Meet these people. I went from nobody knowing who I am to being surrounded by people who knew my father. Spook kept me away from all of this. What if there was a reason why he did? He even kept me from Nathan’s father, and they were close. What if this is a bad idea?” she said softly, her voice a whisper, her eyes filling with tears.

  Kyle looked at her, not knowing what to say at first. In all the time he had known Carter he had never seen her cry nor had she ever expressed any fears
to him. This vulnerable side of her was probably a side Nathan was far more familiar with than he.

  Kyle looked into the eyes of the woman on the couch realizing that this was the first time he had ever heard her refer to her dad like he was actually her dad, and it hit him. He had spent a year becoming close friends with Spook Steele’s daughter. The thought was unbelievable because much like everyone else in the Salerno family, he did know Spook well because of how often Spook would come to New York. Kyle instantly understood Carter’s fear. Spook did keep her far away from this lifestyle, even though that didn’t stop Carter from developing the mentality of it, he kept her away. Kyle wanted to make her feel better and give her the comfort she needed so that she would be able to make it through this.

  He took off his suit jacket and his shoulder holsters. He laid the items on the table, sat on the couch, and pulled Carter into his lap. She melted into his embrace and he stroked her hair lovingly. She seemed to need the closeness he was offering her because she held onto him tightly.

  “Carter, honey, I understand this is all new to you but you don’t have to worry. I promise,” Kyle said tenderly. “People here knew and respected your father, especially Angelo. They just want to meet the girl Spook spoke of constantly when he was here. Besides, Nathan will be there and you know he won’t leave your side. Lucca, Dante, and Mickey will be there, and I will be there too. We won’t let anything happen to you, you know that, right?”

  “Yes,” she said softly, laying her head against his chest playing with strands of his long black hair.

  Kyle smile and kissed her forehead and continued to hold her hoping to give her as much strength and comfort as he could.


  Guns, Lies, & Anastacia

  Nathan sat in his father’s office while Angelo sat with four men by his side staring at him.


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