Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance Page 8

by Renee Lindemann

  “I am sorry Ms. Emma,” she hiccupped. “I can’t keep my promise. It wasn’t meant to be. I hope that you can still rest in peace. I am sure Jax will find his happiness.”

  “It’s with you,” he said quietly. Holiday swung around her eyes going wide. She hoped he had left with his wife in the limo. After one final touch to the casket, Holiday ignored Jax and walked in the direction of her car.

  “Holiday, wait please,” he begged lagging behind her.

  “What do you want from me? My services are over. I offered my assistance now it is time for me to move on,” she stated angrily.

  “You don’t understand how complicated things are for me,” he stated. “I can explain everything if you give me some time.”

  “The time for explaining Jax was about four fucks ago,” she yelled. Jax dropped his head and countered, “I was going through so much with Me-Me and then we happened. I didn’t know how to tell you.”

  “Easy! Hey, before I fuck you, side note, I’m married.”

  Holiday allowed anger to fuel her right now lest the tears return. She didn’t wait to hear Jax’s answer and stormed away. He couldn’t make a scene right now coming after her. Inside her car the tears fell. Jax watched as she cried and felt like a world class ass. She looked absolutely heart broken and it was all his fault. Like the demons said, he never deserved her. He deserved a manipulative, conniving, and deceitful woman like Colette. They both came from shit existences. He made up his mind not to hurt Holiday anymore.

  Jax entered the restaurant not looking forward to more hugs and condolences. He wanted this day over and the chance to lament his loss in private. Collette was dressed wholly inappropriately in a low-cut burgundy dress that barely covered her ass. Jax internally groaned and made to dodge his day late wife. How he ever thought he was in love with her was a mystery to him.

  “Jax how are you holding up,” Colette’s wayward mother, Darlene asked. He hated the flirtatious way she said his name. It made his soul cringe. She was also inappropriately dressed for a funeral and her age. Life had been unkind to the woman and it showed. The ten inches of makeup could not hide that fact.

  “I am fine Darlene,” he replied. “I miss her that’s all.”

  “Oh honey,” she said pressing him in a tight hug that made him instantly uncomfortable.

  “Mother, if you will unhand my husband. I would greatly appreciate it,” Colette said in a stern voice. Darlene didn’t release Jax but hung on his arm glaring at her daughter.

  “How are you doing honey,” Colette cooed. “I hope you had the time you needed with her. I could have stayed for moral support.”

  “Um, I am fine,” he stated. “If you will both excuse me, I need a drink.”

  Jax removed Darlene’s nearly gnarled claw and side stepped his wife’s attempt at comfort. The long walk to the bar was marred by many hugs and condolences. All he wanted was to sit on the couch with Holiday in his arms. Her presence would take the sting out of all this. Hell, he wished Emma was here to comfort him but alas that didn’t quite make sense. The demons were back and he was forever parted from Holiday. What stopped him from joining them now?

  “You know how much she loved you Jax,” Gertrude, a distant relative, stated. “She would never let us talk about the fact that you were, you know.”

  Jax swallowed the last of his drink and gave a curt smile.

  “Well my Me-Me had tact,” he said softly and walked away. Jax managed to get outside the restaurant without Colette or Darlene on his heels. Colette enjoyed putting on a crying show while regaling them with stories of the past. Jax found a liquor store before making his way back to the condo. Inside he sat on Emma’s bed and drank his fill. She was gone and he felt terrible about that, however she had prepared him in a way. What he couldn’t understand was how she had spouted about him being the love of her life and her greatest achievement? He was a royal fuck up. In that moment, he was supposed to mourn the loss of his mother, instead he wanted to make love to Holiday. He wanted nothing more than to climb into her bed and hold her in his arms. She would help push the pain away to process it later. Her dazzling smile would send the butterflies in his stomach into hysterics. Inhaling her soft scent would put him at ease. Instead, she was somewhere crying because he had hurt her. She was somewhere regretting every kiss and every touch they shared.

  Jax dropped the empty bottle on the floor. He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. An image of Me-Me and Holiday in the hospital room trading corny jokes brought a smile to his lips. Me-Me faded and an image of Holiday giggling while he looked down at her came to mind. The soft freckles on her nose danced before him. His hand was rubbing cinnamon colored legs while she softly moaned. His cock twitched violently in his suit pants. Why was he aroused on the day of his mother’s funeral? He was a demon and a sick fuck. He should have died that day then he wouldn’t know this pain.

  “Fuck!” He yelled. This pain was so hard to bear that he openly sobbed.

  If he had died that day, then he wouldn’t have truly known Me-Me or Holiday. He wouldn’t have had, for a little while at least, a reason to smile. Jax dozed off for a short time on the comfortable bed surround by Emma’s scent. He awakened in a drunken stupor and made his way to his private bathroom. Inside he stripped off the suit, ignoring the ringing of his cell phone. The warm water jolted his body to life and memories of his time with Holiday in the shower here and at her place resurfaced. His cock strained with need for her.

  “Damn,” Jax hissed unable to comprehend the total shit his life was in. Using one hand to brace the wall, Jax thought of Holiday. His erection throbbed in his hand as he tried to find some relief. In his mind, he remembered the look of her rounded ass pressed against him. The warmth of her mouth and hands on him in the shower. The way she rode him at her place. It had been so good he screamed. How could he go on without her? Tears slid down his cheeks as he tried to make his body cooperate. This dark place was too much.

  “Let me help you with that,” Colette said in a soft voice. She was completely naked and standing outside the shower. Jax didn’t want her but he had nothing else and his hand was worthless. He didn’t say anything when she stepped inside. He tried to get turned on by the large pink nipples and her shaved mound but it did nothing for him. Colette took his hand and placed it on one of her erect nipples. He moved it robotically as she moaned. Her hand took over on his cock and he fought to stay hard.

  “I know you are hurting baby,” she whimpered. “Let me make you feel better.”

  “I am hurting,” he whispered. “I miss her so much.”

  “I know you do but let’s enjoy each other. Let me make you feel good again,” Colette said dropping to her knees. She eyed Jax hungrily and pulled on old feelings of intimacy to please her husband. She had long ago fallen out of love and lust. After spending so much time with her boss and his regular cock, she forgot how imposing Jax could be. She took tentative licks of him and he began to flag. The look of anger that crossed her face, forced Jax to conjure images of Holiday in the same position. He sprang to life immediately, much to Colette’s happiness. She began to work on him and he struggled to enjoy the sensation of her mouth.

  Holiday was the only thing on his mind as Colette worked tirelessly on him. At one point, he recalled how deep Holiday took him into her mouth and thrust hard. Colette gagged but kept up her ministrations.

  “Fuck,” Jax hissed. His eyes were screwed shut as he recalled how Holiday stepped out of her comfort zone to provide him with pleasure. His hips began to thrust faster and faster. He was going to get his release after all. Would she show him the fruits of her labor again? The thought sent shivers down his spine. Then the sensations stopped.

  “What the fuck are you doing,” Colette choked out. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  Jax looked down and saw that she was pissed. Colette couldn’t handle his thrusts.

  “Get the fuck out,” he yelled. “I will finish myself off.”

go to bed baby. You can fuck me anywhere,” she offered. Jax lurched back and moved to allow her to exit the shower.

  “Get out please,” he begged. Colette stood blue eyes blazing with anger. She marched from the shower and watched as he finished himself off. She couldn’t be sure but he moaned a name that wasn’t hers. Inside the bedroom, she dressed in flimsy pajamas and waited for Jax to exit.

  “What the fuck is going on Jax,” she yelled. “How dare you treat me like that? I was trying to help you and you almost choke me to death.”

  “Sorry, I thought during your time away you had learned to give a better blowjob than that,” he laughed. The liquor was still coursing through his veins. He swayed on his feet reaching for jogging pants and a t-shirt. Colette folded her arms and sneered, “You have been frequenting hookers during my absence, how pathetic. I was trying to make you feel better and you treat me like a whore.”

  “Well,” he said snickering. “You were the one who ran off with your boss. That’s kinda in your whore job description.”

  “I did not simply run off with my boss. I fell in love and he used me,” she said with mock tears. “I realized that I made a horrible mistake and arrived home to take care of my husband.”

  “Oh, save it Colette,” he laughed. “His wife put an end to that shit and you had no choice but to come crawling back. Thanks for nothing.”

  “Whose name were you calling in the shower,” she asked switching tactics.

  “Not yours,” he stated moving out of the room. “I am sleeping in Me-Me’s room. Stay out!”

  The pieces of the puzzle began to click in Colette’s brain. At the nursing home, the nurse was devastated upon seeing her. The nurse who he hugged for much too long at the funeral. The nurse he kept mentioning was instrumental in helping him cope. Blah, Blah, Blah!

  “Oh, I get it,” she stated folding her arms over large breasts. “You are in love with that nurse. The one with the dumbass name.”

  The liquor prevented Jax from controlling his facial expression. He gaped at Colette and wondered when did she wise up. The truth was she was never stupid but she loved playing the dumb blonde. He was so screwed!

  “What the hell are you talking about,” he replied dismissively.

  “Holly something,” she said trying to recall. “Holiday! That’s her name. Is that the name you said in the shower? Is that the bitch you were fantasizing about while I was blowing you?”

  Jax moved past her to leave the room. He hated his balance was a bit off as the liquor robbed his senses.

  “Good night Colette,” he answered. She surprised him and didn’t follow him to Emma’s room. She surprised him more when she didn’t continue the conversation. He slipped into bed knowing tomorrow would be a different day but mostly the same shit.

  Chapter 15

  Colette placed the plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of Jax. He looked up with a frown on his face, pretty sure it was laced with rat poison. She wanted in on Emma’s money and his money for that matter. He was no fool as to why she really showed up in the nick of time. She had known all along that Emma was sick and refused to visit until it was convenient for her. This morning when he woke it was the first thing to hit his mind after the headache. She was here to collect and would probably disappear until next time. Colette would never give him a divorce without fleecing every penny from him.

  “Good morning husband,” she smiled. “I hope you slept well.”

  “Fine, considering the circumstances,” he replied. “What’s all this?”

  Colette placed the fresh brewed cup of coffee in front of him. She, initially, ignored his question waiting for him to take a bite.

  “Don’t worry, I cooked it. I learned to cook while I was away,” she smiled. Jax pushed the plate and coffee away.

  “I am not hungry,” he informed. She shook her head then stated, “Nonsense! Grief will make a person crazy. I mean you have to eat to keep up your strength.”

  “I am fine,” he added getting up from the table.

  “So, I looked on the internet and it said if a nurse has sexual relations with her patient or family members she could lose her license,” she stated bluntly. Jax sat back in the chair and turned a raised brow to Colette.

  “You know lose her license for fucking my husband,” she said lighting a cigarette.

  “You know after Me-Me quit, she didn’t allow smoking in her house,” he explained swiping at the air.

  “Well, she isn’t here to chastise me. Don’t ignore what I am saying to you. You are still a very vocal dreamer,” she smiled. “Holiday was on your mind all night. I guess it’s fair to say you fucked her.”

  “Are you nuts? She is, was Me-Me’s nurse,” he stammered. Internally, Jax calmed his nerves and set to deal with Colette.

  “That didn’t stop you and the Hulk from fucking her. I know that’s the name you said in the shower. Was that whose mouth you were trying to fuck?”

  She paused to dump her ashes into Emma’s favorite coffee mug. Jax stood and immediately dumped the ashes out before rinsing the cup. He gave Colette a tea cup to place her unwanted cigarette. She blew smoke in his face.

  “Look why don’t you sign the divorce papers,” he said calmly. “We are not in love anymore. You can take the proceeds from the house and live your life how you see fit.”

  Colette threw back the mane of blond hair laughing, “Are you fucking crazy? That divorce decree is more than two years old, things have changed. You are worth more especially now that Emma has passed on to the great beyond. Fifty thousand dollars is hardly enough, you get my drift.”

  “You want Emma’s money? Are you out of your mind? You’ve been gone for almost three years. We were only married for two years. You can have the entire sale from our house but that’s it. Besides, inheritances aren’t factored into divorces.”

  “The way I see it is, I don’t want a divorce. I want to remain married to my hunky husband. I want him to fall back in love with me and maybe I’ll pop out a kid for him. I want to be the romantic story of a life time. I want to be a pampered wife,” she explained. “I want to shop, go to corporate parties, and fuck you whenever I like. Or we can maintain separate bedrooms, that’s fine with me. I am not too keen on dealing with that cock of yours every night. Maybe that little Holiday girl liked it but I want to keep things nice and tight downstairs.”

  Jax’s mouth gaped open and his eyes cut to dark blue. He hated this woman and everything she stood for. There was no fucking way he was letting her near Me-Me’s money.

  “What happened to you? Me-Me tried to instill morals and values in you. When did you become this selfish bitch? You are not touching Me-Me’s money,” he declared.

  “That’s where you are wrong husband,” she giggled. “I will call the state and have that whore brought up on charges. Even if they dismiss the case, she will be tainted goods. There goes her little hospice project funding. Oh, I love the internet! She would be a disgrace, all because she climbed into bed with the tainted one. Does she know about your real family? I’d be really happy to fill her in on the deets.”

  “You are fucking crazy,” he exclaimed. “You leave Holiday out of this shit. She was Me-Me’s nurse, that’s it. If you want to blackmail me then fine but she has nothing to do with your sick fucking game.”

  Jax stormed from the kitchen into Emma’s bedroom. He paced back and forth his anger boiling over. Quickly, he picked up his phone to call Eric, his best friend and fellow attorney. They had been working to secure his divorce for years and now he needed that shit expedited. If this cunt thought she was going to come in here and flip his life inside out, then she was so fucking wrong.

  “Oh, that’s cute,” Colette said interrupting his phone call. “One mention of little Miss Holiday and suddenly you are so manly. Take charge husband but I am not going anywhere without my fair share. It will cost you one way or the other. If you like her or worse love her, I will surely make her life a living hell. Stay away from her or I’ll be
outside her job every day.”

  Colette walked away singing to herself as Jax shot daggers in her direction.

  Chapter 16

  Holiday ran on the treadmill grateful for the distraction. She sang along to the music in her headphones. It was just what she needed to put all the shit of the last week behind her. Nothing was ever going to come of her interactions with Jax. They should have maintained a family-nurse relationship. She was grateful it hadn’t gotten out. Now it was time to move on. After her cool down she wiped her sweaty brow and headed for the locker room.

  “Excuse me,” a deep voice stated. She turned to see a very well-defined man standing in front of her. His eyes quickly roamed her body before returning to her face. The dazzling smile was a bit much but Holiday swooned a little. He was pure milk chocolate and looking at her like a steak dinner.

  “I have seen you in here a few times,” he stammered. “I have wanted to ask you out but I let my nerves get the better of me.”

  “Are you asking me out now?” She smiled and folded her arms.

  “Yes, I would like to ask your name, introduce myself, and then ask you out,” he chuckled nervously.

  “What gave you the courage to do so today?” She asked making him stew. He shuffled foot to foot before answering.

  “You look like you could use a friend,” he said honestly. Her tough bravado sagged under his words and she nodded her head.

  “Lost a close friend recently,” she stated. “My name is Holiday.”

  “Holiday,” he questioned raising a brow.


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