The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 15

by A. R. Ammons

  burned since then:

  210but the earth’s been


  a warm

  cycle: the Sumerians

  had not, that long ago,



  holy bundle of

  the elements of civil-

  ization, nor

  220had one city-state stolen

  it from another:

  ten thousand years: how

  many Indians is that,

  fishing the northern

  225coast, marrying, dying?

  coming & going, they

  left no permanent sign

  on the warming


  230I hadn’t meant

  such a long prolog: it

  doesn’t seem

  classical to go ahead

  without a plan:

  235wonder what plan

  the Indians had

  10 M years ago: the

  thought defines

  our sphere:

  240why should a world be

  bigger than what a man

  can reach

  and taste and strike &

  burn & hunt & hold?

  245bigger than

  that is metaphysics which

  tho entertaining

  is inedible

  and unsurrendering: what’s

  25010,000 years to us,

  blips on

  radar screens?

  in the blip is all

  imperishable possibility:

  255not unity, not all—

  but the full,

  complete: we can

  in moments have


  260but when we

  surround mind & world

  to say all

  in a single word,

  we kill advantage with

  265the cost of gain:

  can’t we break loose

  and live?

  I wish I had a great

  story to tell: the

  270words then

  could be quiet, as I’m

  trying to make them now—

  immersed in the play

  of events: but

  275I can’t tell a great

  story: if I were

  Odysseus, I couldn’t


  pulling away from

  280Lestrygonia, 11 of

  12 ships lost

  with 11 crews: I couldn’t

  pull away with

  the joy of one

  285escaped with his life:

  I’d search myself pale


  responsibility, tho I’d

  be in the wrong: that

  290we can’t predict what

  our actions will lead to

  absolves us, tho not

  altogether: we’re held

  to right deeds

  295and best intentions:

  my story is how

  a man comes home

  from haunted

  lands and transformations:

  300it is

  in a way

  a great story:

  but it doesn’t unwind

  into sequence: it stands


  and stirs

  in itself like

  boiling water

  or hole of maggots: foam

  310or crust

  can rise and

  sweep away into

  event: but not

  much of that:

  315mostly inner resolutions,


  that may work themselves


  into peace,

  320bring the man

  home, to

  acceptance of his place

  and time,

  responsibilities and

  325limitations: I mean

  nothing mythical—


  wandering in a ghost-deep

  background—I mean only

  330or as much as


  which takes many forms &


  but the story, tho


  unwinds on this roll

  with time & event: grows

  like a tapeworm, segment


  340segment: turns

  stream corners: issues

  in low


  like a snake

  345from its burrow: but

  unwinding and unwound, it

  coils again on

  the floor

  into the unity of its


  8 DEC:

  the way I could tell


  that yesterday is dead

  is that

  355the little gray bird

  that sat

  in the empty


  yesterday is gone:

  360yesterday and

  bird are gone:

  I know there’s no use

  to look

  for either of them, bird

  365running from winter,


  running downstream

  to some ocean-pocket of


  370whence it may sometime

  come again (changed), new

  as tomorrow:

  how like a gift

  the memory

  375of bird and empty tree!



  since we may not have

  that configuration


  today is full of things,

  so many,

  how can they be managed,

  received and loved

  385in their passing?

  on the bridle path

  this morning

  yellow horse-turds


  390with the moisture of


  a purple leaf occupied a

  bush—a dozen kinds of

  lichen on an oak:

  395eelgrass stood straight


  on underwater banks:

  someone told an

  elephant joke: how do

  400you kill a blue elephant?

  with a

  blue-elephant gun: how

  do you kill a white

  elephant? with a

  405white-elephant gun? no,

  you tie a string around

  his trunk and when it

  turns blue

  you shoot him with a

  410blue-elephant gun:

  a little boy said, “Up,

  up,” begging to ride his

  daddy’s shoulders, and the

  morning was warm and


  from completeness

  should one turn away?

  so they drank wine

  and ate meat

  420and slept:

  the shores fled

  under the wind’s weight:

  why does an elephant lie

  on his back? to trip the


  tonight, so

  compressed is


  we’re having

  430warm weather and windy

  rain: the house, however,

  smells of

  fruitcakes baking and

  merriment curls along the


  giggles down the walls,

  and tickles the floor:

  the inexhaustible

  multiplicity & possibility

  440of the surface: while the

  depths are

  generalized into a


  soluble drives,

  445interesting, but to be

  returned from:

  the crust keeps us: the



s ribbon of speech,

  smoke & heat

  that held

  would bust the cone off,

  inundate the house

  455with direct melt:

  but let off, there’s

  easing, mind cool, the

  slow accretion of hard


  460doesn’t matter how much

  the core shifts

  long as we have these

  islands to live on: we’re

  in a

  465solid, hard, exact world

  that tells all we

  need to know of depth:

  art casts into being, the

  glow-wobbling metal

  470struck by a

  difference of ice:

  both necessary:

  without flow, there’s no

  resource for crust:

  475without ice,

  no sharp steel:

  death is life’s


  this is that & that is this

  480& on and on: why can’t

  every thing be just itself?

  what’s the use of the

  vast mental burden

  of correspondence? doesn’t

  485contribute to the things


  except in the mind: except

  in the mind: there’s

  the reality that needs to


  9:35 pm: lightning! what,

  in December? just flashed

  blue-bright and

  thunder, moving slowly

  495and rumbling hard into

  deep bursting depressions,

  went all the way out over

  the Atlantic: now, will

  the ground, shaken

  500loose, turn green,

  loam to new roots?

  the old people say it’s

  a use

  of thunder: but this time

  505of year, the seeds asleep,

  thunder’s sterile

  disturbance runs dreams

  through the meat of the

  future, a prophecy: no,


  never satisfied with

  wonderless things as

  they are: it’s the

  return of air upon

  515itself, following an

  electrical discharge and

  separation: the grass

  seeds, hanging

  in clumps on soaked stalks,

  520paid no attn &

  thought of nothing:

  wind and rain have

  stopped: the

  thunder was a gigantic

  525period, punched over &

  over: or do I hear now

  a submissive, unwilling


  sequence: events

  530stalled in their

  occurrence: a

  running with, fleet

  recorder at the crest of

  change: a plane is in

  535this: it rumbles in the

  distance, a chord through

  my circular knowledge: it

  is out in the rain:

  9 DEC:

  sunny again:

  540last night a plane

  over Delaware struck the


  & 80 lives descended in

  flames: it’s

  545the nature of flame to

  rise, celebrant, spirit

  to whirl upward:






  and he plucked two men

  and broke fast:

  555grieved, we


  as a man rejoices saved

  from death: we beg

  that men be spared

  560calamity & the hard turn:

  we make an offering of our

  praise: we reaccept:

  our choice is


  565give us an idea!

  let us be sorted out and

  assembled: let a new

  order occur

  from the random &


  let thoughts & emotions

  fall behind into rank: or

  return us from all idea to



  1 pm:

  had the storm last night

  come half a mile farther

  east, it would have

  580taken my roof off and

  wet my poem

  (and my pants): it

  “had a little twister in

  it,” the man at the

  585Esso station said, came

  right up the parkway,

  took off

  his plate-glass windows,

  shattered the

  590outdoor movie’s tall

  wooden marquee,

  took the roof off

  the concession and off

  the Circle Diner and

  595busted a window in

  Kinney’s: “must have been

  a sucker,” he said, “lifted

  oil cans right off the


  600reality last night was

  more than I apprehended:

  is far more today

  than feebleness lets me


  605wind ruined several dead

  weeds and rain

  de-seeded a lot of grass:

  the cloud patterns

  must have been fine,

  610dark roils

  hidden by rain:

  I wonder what all did

  happen? but

  the record

  615can’t reproduce event:

  even if I could know &

  describe every event, my

  account would

  consume the tape & run

  620on for miles into air:

  those who rely on facts

  have not heard:

  those who rely on


  625sometimes unwilling

  to surrender them:

  those who rely on any shore

  foolishly haven’t faced

  it that

  630only the stream is

  reliable: get

  right up next to the

  break between

  what-is-to-be and

  635what-has-been and

  dance like a bubble

  held underwater by water’s

  pouring in: when the grass

  moves on the hill,

  640it’s impossible to tell

  whether it has moved or

  will move:

  my “mind” is trying to

  keep every cell

  645in my body

  happy: yes, it says, we

  understand that you need

  so-and-so but we’re

  temporarily (we hope)

  650out of that and are having

  a substitute manufactured—

  this will be released to

  you as soon as

  possible: be sure to alert

  655your receiving dept: it

  gets an alarm from a group

  of injured or invaded cells:

  we are

  sending several divisions

  660& several kinds of

  divisions to help you:

  and so on:

  catalysts, enzymes &

  membranes, functions,

  665trades & forces, the

  in-coming, out-going:

  this mind that I turn

  outwardly—how thin by


  670the body releases from

  inner concerns and

  gives few commands: get

  food, water, sex: then

  reality brings its

  675interference in

  and the simple outward

  mind, complicated by

  postponements, symbols,

  prerequisites, proofs,

  680nearly loses in

  metaphysics &

  speculations its

  contact with the

  original commands: get

  685food, water: sex

  is put upon you as the lust

  of generations:

  it has been made to

  seem pleasurable

  690but is subservience

  to the cry of flesh to

  endure: the inner

  mind says—do that for

  the cells, for us, and we

  695will free you to the

  pleasures of the

  outer mind:

  get food, get water: sex

  is a fire we send you:

  700quench it into


  be brought low of the fire:


  given up hope of

  705understanding for

  what good is




  710the conversion of


  the multiplication tables:


  quantum theory & baby’s


  and how to replace the

  shingles & whether to put

  the money in SKF or

  Xerox, and the clauses in

  720insurance plans &

  the “political


  plenty of food & water in

  paradise but some

  725confusion about sex:

  anything so sweet

  should come hard

  as bread & water: so

  they were given the

  730gate: and

  Eden survives in the mind

  as half a solution:

  analyze and project:

  experience teaches

  735but stands to be


  4:50 pm: the checker at

  the A & P said

  he was returning from

  740Philly about 9:15 last night

  and saw it: said the sky

  lit up,

  he didn’t know why

  till the radio sd later:

  745said it wasn’t hit by no

  lightning: said

  they have things

  hanging from the wings:


  750he thinks it was

  turbulence, wind

  turbulence—can take a

  plane apart: woman


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