The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 34

by A. R. Ammons

  time is allowed

  in event’s instant:

  away or

  at home, universe and

  20leaf try

  to fall: occur.

  1962 (1963)

  High & Low

  A mountain risen

  in me

  I said

  this implacability

  5must be met:

  so I climbed

  the peak:

  height shook and

  wind leaned

  10I said what

  kind of country is

  this anyhow and


  down the slopes to

  15small rock

  and scattered weed.


  Peracute Lucidity

  A perspicuity like a sanctuary: against

  the pond a pavilion, led to by a glide

  of stairs, set right and accurately

  gauged: the bobolink in the dusk bush

  5says a closing say-so: bunk

  bunk the frog maintains and aims his

  tilty eyes: just above the brookfall’s

  shaggy seams and rags, clarity’s chapel

  bodied by hung-in boughs: and

  10widening out over the pond, the blown

  cathedral luminous with evening glass:

  I go out there and sit

  till difference and event yield to

  perfect composure: then the stars

  15come out and question every sound, the brook’s.



  Applause is a shower

  to the watertable of


  in the downpour

  5the watertable’s irrelevant

  but after the shower passes

  possibility takes on

  an extensive millimeter.


  Bees Stopped

  Bees stopped on the rock

  and rubbed their headparts and wings

  rested then flew on:

  ants ran over the whitish greenish reddish

  5plants that grow flat on rocks

  and people never see

  because nothing should grow on rocks:

  I looked out over the lake

  and beyond to the hills and trees

  10and nothing was moving

  so I looked closely

  along the lakeside

  under the old leaves of rushes

  and around clumps of drygrass

  15and life was everywhere

  so I went on sometimes whistling



  Branches broken,

  the clean meat at the branch knot

  turned out white,

  traveled by cleared

  5white light: certain

  consequences are

  irreversible, arrangements

  lost to

  death’s and black’s

  10scavenging the sweet grain:

  well but weakness

  went sacrificed to the wind

  and the trees, clarified,

  compress rootstrength

  15into remaining flesh

  and the leaves that shake

  in the aftermath shake

  in a safe, tested place.


  Two Possibilities

  Coming out of the earth and going

  into the earth compose

  an interval or arc where

  what to do’s

  5difficult to fix: if it’s

  the coming

  out that answers, should one with all

  thrust come out and

  rise to imagination’s limit, leaving

  10earthiness, maximally

  to mark the change, much below:

  if it’s

  going in, should one flatten out on

  coming, lie low

  15among bush

  and rock, and keep the residence

  near the palm of the hand, the

  gross engrossed and palpable:

  well, there is an interval designed,

  20apparently, for design.


  Medicine for Tight Spots

  Consider big-city


  rurally unwound,

  high-tension lines that

  5loft through the countryside,

  give off


  and fine-up to houses

  cool as a single volt:

  10there are so many ways to approach the problems:


  best of all the by-pass and set-aside: the

  intelligence has never been called for

  because as usually

  15manifested it’s

  too formulated to swim

  unformulable reality’s

  fall-out insistences:

  just think how woodsy roads

  20shade spangled

  wind up big-city printed circuits:

  if the mind becomes what it sees or

  makes how it works

  I know which way I’m headed:

  25won’t bushes bust us


  won’t the streams

  ravel us loose:

  won’t we be untold

  30by sweetwater tongues.


  Brooks & Other Notions

  Currents figure

  you can see them

  they boil out

  of themselves &

  5slice in

  from both


  a downward crease steady at

  the moving burial:

  10in the wind too

  you can feel them


  themselves along the

  arm, watch them

  15against an elm


  multiple on puddles:

  below speech


  20figures motion,

  plunges or takes

  a turn: grief’s

  a common

  form of going:

  25its letters rise &

  spiel away expressly




  Deprived like the cougar

  into heights

  I knew huge

  air, rock


  lightning, sun,




  10bend, bend

  the stream called high:

  but I climbed higher

  knowing what

  takes rock away.

  1965 (1970)

  This Black Rich Country

  Dispossess me of belief:

  between life and me obtrude

  no symbolic forms:

  grant me no mission: let my

  5mystical talents be beasts

  in dark trees: thin the wire

  I limp in space, melt it

  with quick heat, let me walk

  or fall alone: fail

  10me in all comforts:

  hide renown behind the tomb:

  withdraw beyond all reach of faith:

  leave me this black rich country,

  uncertainty, labor, fear: do not

  15steal the rewards of my mortality.

  1955 (1956)


  Down by the bay I

  kept in mind

  at once

  the tips of all the rushleaves

  5and so

  came to know

  balance’s cost and true:

  somewhere though in the whole field

  is the one


  I will someday lose out of mind

  and fall through.




  drought continuing

  the stems

  drop their leaves

  healing hard the pul

  5scars and

  dangling buzzards

  drop to sleeps

  in ledge and

  cactus shade, to rockheld

  10reservoirs of night


  sidewinder from the

  stinging air


  15his tongue


  I have come a long way

  without arriving

  torn songs up

  from the roots of weeds

  20but made no

  silence sing:

  climbed the peak but

  found no foothold

  higher than the ground


  25should I roll


  down the slope

  to learn

  the thunder of

  30my being:

  should I call out,

  echolocation fixing me

  against a certain wall:

  should I break

  35a switch

  and whirling inscribe

  a circle round me

  to know my

  center and periphery


  40the leaves drop:

  wolves thinning

  like moons run through scuds of sage:

  moon cloud shadows

  sail gulfs

  45through a wild terrain


  This Bright Day

  Earth, earth!

  day, this bright day

  again—once more

  showers of dry spruce gold,

  5the poppy flopped broad open and delicate

  from its pod—once more,

  all this again: I’ve had many

  days here with these stones and leaves:

  like the sky, I’ve taken on a color

  10and am still:

  the grief of leaves,

  summer worms, huge blackant

  queens bulging

  from weatherboarding, all that

  15will pass

  away from me that I will pass into,

  none of the grief

  cut less now than ever—only I

  have learned the

  20sky, the day sky, the blue

  obliteration of radiance:

  the night sky,

  pregnant, lively,

  tumultuous, vast—the grief

  25again in a higher scale

  of leaves and poppies:

  space, space—

  and a grief of things.

  1967 (1969)

  Look for My White Self

  Find me diffuse, leached colorless,

  gray as an inner image with no clothes

  along the shallows of windrows: find

  me wasted by hills,

  5conversion mountain blue in sight

  offering its ritual cone of white:

  over the plain I came long years,

  drawn by gaze: a flat land with

  some broken stems, no gullies,

  10sky matched square inch with

  land in staying interchange: found

  confusing hills, disconcerting names

  and routes, differences locked

  in seamless unities:

  15so look for my white self, age clear,

  time cleaned: there is the mountain:

  even now my blue

  ghost may be

  singing on that height of snow.

  1955 (1956)


  Foraminiferal millennia

  bank and spill but

  even so

  time’s under pressure of

  5diatomaceous event,

  divisions a moment

  arcs across:


  for an umbrella, net, longpole,

  10or fan: so much

  to keep for paradigm,

  so much to lose.


  Auto Mobile

  For the bumps bangs & scratches of

  collisive encounters


  I through time’s ruts and weeds

  5sought you, metallic, your

  stainless steel flivver:

  I have banged you, bumped

  and scratched, side-swiped,

  momocked & begommed you &

  10your little flivver still

  works so well.



  Going west

  we finally hit

  the sea hills, halted

  & went down to

  5see shells, touch

  sand and surf, the

  peculiar new conditions,

  the anguish perfect

  that the sun still

  10took its gold away:

  the waves harmless

  unharmable posed

  no shapes we could

  wrestle to the ground:

  15turning back like

  going down ever

  diminishes: we

  decided maybe we

  would hold but

  20never turn back

  and never go down.

  1968 (1968)

  September Drift

  Hardly anything flies north these days

  (a jay occasionally makes the bleak

  decision): the robin, sitting on a high

  dead elm limb, looks melancholy with

  5leisure: he thinks, probably: I wonder

  how or of what: small bark-searching

  birds drift through the shrubs and trees,

  the usual feeding, but in one direction:

  I guess I won’t go anywhere myself, not

  10that I don’t rustle somewhere deep

  and remember ice and wolves: I’ll stay

  to imagine everything can get back.

  1968 (1970)


  Hard up for better lays (with

  fewer diseases)

  a less qualified gliding,

  he took

  5amelioration seriously,

  thought the poor deserved better

  dreams, that

  taxes should husband

  unwed mothers, house

  10the losing mad,

  raised money for


  & otherwise by rising

  and increasing

  15spent himself so his old

  eat-up woman got

  little of his coin:

  there are a number of possibilities.


  He Held Radical Light

  He held radical light

  as music in his skull: music

  turned, as

  over ridges immanences of evening light

  5rise, turned

  back over the furrows of his brain

  into the dark, shuddered,

  shot out again

  in long swaying swirls of sound:

  10reality had little weight in his transcendence

  so he

  had trouble keeping

  his feet on the ground, was

  terrified by that

  15and liked himself, and others, mostly

  under roofs:

  nevertheless, when the

  light churned and changed

  his head to music, nothing could keep him

  20off the mountains, his

  head back, mouth working,

  wrestling to say, to cut loose

  from the high, unimaginable hook:

  released, hidden from stars, he ate,

  25burped, said he was like any one

  of us: demanded he

  was like any one of us.

  1965 (1969)



  it is

  the middle of April

  (and a day or so more)


  the small oak

  down in


  hollow is

  10lit up (winter-burned, ice-gold

  leaves on)

t sundown,

  ruin transfigured to

  stillest shining:

  15I let it as center



  can’t believe

  our peripheral




  I can’t decide whether

  the backyard stuff’s

  central or irrelevant:

  how matted rank the mint is! and

  5some of the iris stalks are so

  crooked rich

  the blossoms can’t burst

  (scant weeds

  pop their flowers fast) loose

  10and the pansies keep

  jointing up another blooming tier:

  I can’t figure out what

  the whole green wish again

  is, tips pushing hard into

  15doing the same, last

  year again, the year before:

  something nearer than

  the pleasure of

  circles drives into the next

  20moment and the next.


  Working Still

  I can’t think of a thing to uphold:

  the carborundum plant snows

  sift-scum on the slick, outgoing river

  and along the avenues car wheels

  5float in a small powder: my made-up


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