The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 52

by A. R. Ammons

  swim windy shadows, like lean fish in glass, against the

  windowpanes: a golden dream swims with the light, schools

  405of thoughts turning, bunching, heading down, up: nothing is

  wrong: all is carrying over: the windowpanes flow with shapes,

  fish in a glassen clarity: snowsqualls interrupt but return

  the shaking moment: the dream sets off for the sufficient journey:


  the safety engineers complain that the people are numb

  410along the fault line and will not survive if they do not

  respond to warning signals: maybe so: but how

  have we survived at all but by numb nonchalance: to know

  and care is to take victory out of the moment when a

  moment’s victory is what everything is for, apparently:

  415still, there’s no sense in being stupid: floors can

  collapse, flopping pancakes, and too much wavering,

  even, in the heights can bring files and bookshelves down

  on folks: does just a little forethought so diminish the

  impulse: must the stadiums, gymnasiums, and grade schools

  420be put right on the line: still the people know: a


  few thousand can be spared, but life can’t be compromised:

  there are so many dangers and possibilities of danger that

  even if you entertained them one at a time you’d still be

  numb to most of them: but there’s no need to be perversely

  425careless: according to the World Book, the Jabiru wades

  the swamps of South America, and the Jaçana’s a relative of,

  or looks a lot like, the gallinule, of which I, in a recent

  unpublished poem, spoke briefly: I which suggests eye

  really derives from a symbol for the hand: and K stands

  430for the palm or open hand: and J, you know, is just another

  form of I: that whole IJK cluster is one of my favorites

  in the alphabet, and I specially like the JK vol of the WB:


  you take me: I never used the word rink in my work nor

  tosh as in turgid tosh nor slipup, backswing, tocsin,

  435discinct, skin-flint, razzmatazz: thank the Lord:

  if the world wears out, there are still shenanigans left in

  the lingo, more compiled than the world around here which

  is mostly winter: but the old quince bush looking like

  a mess of last year’s baling wire is putting out the redbud

  440so much that the dry intertwining morning glory vine is

  starting to look ridiculous: but those vines outlined so

  many beginnings of snow last fall and this spring! and

  may yet again so outline the snow, that is, provide a

  catchment with configuration no different from the


  445catch itself: most of our writers live in New York City

  densely: there in the abstractions of squares and glassy

  floors they cut up and parcel out the nothingness they

  think America is: I wish they would venture the rural and

  see that the woods are undisturbed by their bothering

  450reputations and that the brooks have taken to flowing

  the way they always have and that the redwing pauses

  to consider his perch before he lights in a cedar:

  I never saw more birds than this cold spring: they are

  intervaled foliages to the branchy bushes and trees, so

  455many comings-in and flyings-out summer and winter mix

  in a minute: I don’t know their names, leaves that make


  their own wind of shrieks and whistles: but there’s a

  bluish small roll of garden wire in the edge of the woods

  that shows no sign of sprouting, however naturalized,

  460the robin striking leaves over by it and staring: leave

  it there long enough, it will start to function, a

  protective tangle, a harbor or arbor to centipede or

  vine, a splinterer of gusts: Apollo 16 just blasted

  off: it’s 1400 miles downrange at 16,000 mph, orbit

  465established: a stirring bit of expenditure there in the

  blastoff into freefall’s silent, floating speed: hurry back,

  boys: look out your window at North America: I’m right

  under that big cloud: it hasn’t budged in six months:


  John and I drove out to check the paint job on the propjet,

  470Mohawk merging with Allegheny and losing its emblems and

  identifications, such as colors, black and gold, and the

  head of the Indian chief on the tail assembly, to the white

  and blue streaks, with red lettering, of Allegheny: as

  part of his commitment to the baggage man, John stood out

  475by the wire fence in the pouring rain until the second

  engine started to spin and the passenger door went up: then

  we stood under a shelter with our hands over our ears while

  the plane taxied out on the runway: just then it occurred

  to me how much I dislike weekends and how pleasant it would

  480be to pull Sundays in particular out of the calendar and


  add a longish month to June: this measure, maw, can grind

  up cancers and flourish scarfs of dandelions, manage the

  pulp of hung ticks and be the log the stream flows against

  for a whole year: its mesh can widen to let everything

  485breeze through except the invisible: it can float the

  heaviest-bloodied scalding dream and sail it into the high

  blue loops of possibility: it can comprise the dull

  continuum of the omnium-gatherum, wait and wait, without

  the alarm of waiting, getting as much being out of motion

  490as motion out of being: multiple and embracing, sweet

  ingestion, the world bloat, extension pushed to the popped

  blossoming of space, the taking of due proportion’s scope:


  I think my problems no classier than anyone else’s, though:

  closure ends all shows, the plain strict and the frowzy

  495brilliant: and if we go, separately but all together,

  to nondistinction, we might as well make as much distinction

  here as we can: the proud fall, right, but the great fall

  came before, and when one knows he’s going out, can we

  blame him for shoving the voltage up: I wake in the morning

  500fairly level with the tide: the dust feels right on my

  tongue: but in no time a trifle or two, tardy toast, ice

  on the windshield, the crusty vestments of day, I veer off

  into classic compensation, a vision or two shot anger-high,

  a little gilded scaffolding toward unreal floors, so I get


  505home at night and go to bed like a show folding: it’s

  great to get back in the water and feel time’s underbuoys,

  the cradling saliences of flux, re-accept and rock me off;

  then, in nothingness, sinking and rising with everyone not

  up late: the plenitude: it’s because I don’t want some

  510thing that I go for everything: all the people asleep with

  me in sleep, melted down, mindlessly interchangeable,

  resting with a hugeness of whales dozing: dreams nudge us

  into zinnias, tiger lilies, heavy roses, sea gardens of

  hysteria, as sure of sunlight as if we’d been painted by

  515it, to it: let’s get huzzy dawn tangleless out of bed,

  get into separateness and come together one to one: you


  who are showless and self-full,
be generous, come by, offer

  me a chat: I’d trade my shows in any day for the real thing:

  meanwhile, amusement, a waiting amusement, is my study—I

  520hope you will take it at no other level: this measure moves

  to attract and hold attention: when one is not holding one,

  that is a way of holding: dip in anywhere, go on until the

  attractions fail: I angle for the self in you that can be

  held, had in a thorough understanding: not to persuade you,

  525enlighten you, not necessarily to delight you, but to hold

  you: the lofty, shot high by constraint, adopt the rigor

  of scary levitation, grow icy by the swirl of fear as much

  as by the vacant, sizable view, but sometimes imagine they


  are flying: but the mirrorments, astonishments of mind,

  530what are they to the natural phenomena, the gross destructions

  that give life, we cooling here and growing on a far outswing

  of the galaxy, the soaring, roaring sun in its thin-cool

  texture allowing us, the moon vacant though visitable, Mars

  not large enough to hold an air, Venus too hot, so much

  535extravagance of waste, how can the bluegreen earth look

  purposeful, turn a noticeable margin to meaning: what are

  mirrorments, then, so shatterable, liable to melt, too

  much light, the greasy graying of too much time: man waited

  75,000 years in a single cave (cold, hunger, inexplicable

  540visitation of disease) only to rise to the bright, complex


  knowledge of his destruction! that heaviness weighs down,

  lacking an interpenetrating spiritual float: but were men,

  starting out three million years ago, calling up to us:

  if they were not able to call up to us, what was in them able

  545to call them up: what was the hidden, interior elixir that

  glided them along the ground, gave them the speech of staring

  into their dumfounded hands: or did they turn in each day’s

  light, storming the world for food and place, merely and

  sufficiently: when we have made the sufficient mirror will

  550it have been only to show how things will break: know thyself

  and vanish! and the knowledge not for itself or the self

  but so the ambience may call itself vacantly expressed,


  fully exfoliated, empty! sunrise this morning was not

  a fraction: it was self-full, whole in motion: the man

  555falling asleep in the cave winters of time ago swayed

  into the fullness, assumed the measure: we are as in a

  cone of ages: each of us stands in the peak and center

  of perception: around us, in the immediate area of recent

  events, the planets make quickly-delivered news and the sun

  560acquaints us of its plumes eight minutes old: but then

  the base widens dropping back and down in time through

  the spinal stars of spirals and deepens broadening into

  the core of our configuration with its ghostly other side:

  and then the gulfs and deepenings begin and fall away


  565through glassy darkness and shadowy mind: antiquity on

  antiquity the removes unveil, galaxies neighbors and foreign

  cousins and groups of galaxies into the hazy breadths and

  depths the telescope spells its eye to trace: but here

  what took its beginning in the farthest periphery of event,

  570perception catches the impact of and halts to immediacy,

  the billion-year-old flint light striking chemical changes

  into the eye: behold: the times break across one

  another like waves in surfy shoals and explode into the

  white water of instantaneous being: each of us stands in

  575the cone of ages to collect the moment that breaks the

  deeper future’s past through: each of us peak and center:


  who owns nothing has everything and who owns something

  has that: snow’s a reservoir spring springs with leaks,

  interminglings of onrush and withholding: how close middle

  580comes to the middle of the dictionary: make a mighty

  force, that of a god: endow it with will, personality, whim:

  then, please it, it can lend power to you: but then you

  have created the possibility of its displeasure: what you

  made to be greater than you is and enslaves you and then

  585suppose trying to be free again you begin upward desperate

  identifications until those identifications enlarge beyond

  you and terrify you and move you out of the frame of actual

  gestures: take my advice: the forces are there all right


  and mostly beyond us but if we must be swayed by the forces

  590then at least let’s be the only personalities around, the

  sort of greatness a raft in a rapids is and at the top

  let’s put nothingness, good old: the most open suasion:

  a darkness in the method, a puzzling, obfuscating surface,

  is the quick (and easy) declaration of mystery, with the risk,

  595though, that should the method come plain, be made out, the

  mystery, surficial, its elements jumbled, would disappear,

  unless, of course, under the quick establishment of difficult

  method the true mystery survived: it’s not necessarily true

  that things left to themselves go to pieces: without the help

  600of human hand, for example, far from the scaffolding of the


  human imagination, old (presumed) Chaos stirred in himself,

  spirals (cellular whirlwinds), upward swoops of bending aspiration,

  collisions high with potentials of linkage, dissolvings and

  meldings lengthy and free—these “motions” brought particles

  605into progression often: if the progressions often failed into

  tatterdemalions, do-funnies, whatchamacallits, and thingumbobs,

  there was time enough in the slow motions of landforms, oceans,

  of moon and sun for Chaos to undo and recommence: certain

  weaves caught on to random hooks and came into separation and

  610identity: and found ways to cause the causes of origin to

  recur with increasing frequency: one must be careful not to bestow

  intention where there may have been no more (much) than jostling


  possibility: keep jiggling the innumerable elements and

  even integrations can fall out of disintegrations: in any case,

  615physicochemical phenomena account sufficiently for the

  output up to now: but all movements are religious: inside

  where motions making up and rising turn about and proceed,

  node and come to pass, prayer is the working in the currents,

  hallelujahs dive and sculp the mud, mazes of mud melting away

  620from the slurpy lifting loads: when the mob goes wild and thrashes

  a bit copulating, shaking the bushes, it is moving in service:

  when one screams in terror of the Most High, he is asserting

  his hunger for the merely usual and mortal, for the circum-

  scription of place: the polar bear snarling or running,


  625diving or sleeping, attunes to the accuracy of the imperative:

  sketchiness and incompleteness, broken gestures, stuttering

  intentions, fact blanching and breaking fiction, seizures

  of cold and pied heat, these are prayerful realizations of

  disorientation, holy efforts to acce
pt or change: nothing,

  630not even the least (the half-step or stalled intention) is

  without the rigor of knowing: how to be saved: what is

  saving: come to know the motions with what rightness, accuracy,

  economy, precision they move and identify the motions of the

  soul with them so as to find the self responsive to and in

  635harmony with the body of motions: morality is not a judgment

  on action but acting rightly, truly—total, open


  functioning: how to make the essential fashionable is the

  problem without promoting boredom for there is little variation

  day to day in the essential and, worse, when the fashionable

  640hangs on it loses the quality of the fashionable: of course

  we are sure that the fashionable relates only peripherally

  to the essential so that it is nearly certain that to be

  fashionable is not to be essential: there is the aspect,

  though, of change that it is constant so that always to be

  645fashionable is to participate in the lasting: problems

  problems: the essential without specification is boring

  and specification without the essential is: both ways out

  leaves us divided but so does neither way: unless—and here


  is the whole possibility—both essential and fashionable can


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