The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 54

by A. R. Ammons

half-out of the universe but unmendably integral: when we

  890move, something yields to us and accepts our steps: our

  tensions play against, find rightness in, other tensions not

  our own: we move into the motions with our tiny oars: there

  are seas not oceans but invisible seas: they sustain,

  they drown, but the abundance, the intricacy and dispersion,

  895is glorious: hope lends silverness to that edge: having

  been chastened to the irreducible, I have found the

  irreducible bountiful: the daffodil nods to spring’s zephyr:

  when the grackle’s flight shadows a streak of lawn, constellations

  of possibility break out, for example, the multitude of

  900grassblade shadows subsumed in a sweep: for example, an aphid


  resting in bugleleaf shade must think lost his discretion of

  position: (his feelers notice, his eyes adjust): an ant

  struck by the flashed alteration stops, the friction of which

  event gives off a plume of heat, a small invisible boom:

  905myriad chloroplasts circling the cell peripheries kick out

  of photosynthetic gear and coast in a slough and many atoms

  of carbon and nitrogen miss connection: if you dyed the grass

  at day’s end, you’d see a white streak of starchless loss:

  thermodynamics is inscrutable here: the coolant wings, heat

  910currents, wind currents fanned into unpredictable motions:

  when an immense afternoon darkbottomed thunderhead hoves rearing

  over the ridge, you can imagine how unencompassing and flustered


  I get—night a full coming uninterrupted into difference: at

  clarity of zooming, I’m unpassed in Cayuga Heights, unparalleled

  915(nobody hanging on that wing, baby) possibly: at easing

  into orbit grease, nuzzling right in there with not a touch

  till the whole seal smacks: at that I’m unusually salient,

  gritless in curvature with withal enthralling control,

  perfection of adjustment, innocence of improvisation beginners

  920and old strumpets of the spirit know: I don’t want shape:

  I’ll have water muscles bending streams (recurrences of

  curvature): wind sheets erect, traveling: lips accommodating

  muscle glides: identity in me’s a black, clear bead: I’ve

  strongboxed and sunk it, musseled and barnacled with locks,


  925but it’s breathing in there, a dumb eager little botch: I aim

  absolutes at it so blasting, recoil and strike unnerve my

  stability: (from so small a thing, what distant orbits I’ve

  taken into residence) but it’s not now form against that form:

  it’s motion: the renunciation of boxes, magicless: I’ll

  930put the speck in soak, dissolve it, or pump fluids in so dense

  flooding will work it out: what is its nature that has caused

  so many engines, some fearful: I do not think bat or rat:

  it’s a sprout child: it coos: it coos pink: the world and I

  oppose it: it mustn’t see light as itself: it must appear

  935dissolved, transfigured, or go down with the body it meant to

  bloom into the various distractions of decay: then the little


  breath will die: then the locks, so many, will cast: to

  that late funeral of my true self, no weeper will come,

  hushing attendant, twelve-footed accompanist: then the small

  940self will taste the ruin that has been my only food: (one

  whose home is afire wanders): just now it’s 7:15 and

  thunderstormy, blue deepened evening green, somewhat windy,

  rain a likely solution: (when ground trash blooms all ways

  at once like a flower, something has descended): though I

  945have a bunch of potential any mush of which could sharpen

  into cutting blooms, I sometimes lose definition tendencies

  by looking out: look out: the tiny invites attention:

  outward concentrations: (the poem reaches a stillness


  which is its form): crush a bug and the universe goes hollow

  950with hereafter: in the cemeteries a shiver settles: sparrows

  played down to speech in the cedar bunch into flowers:

  across the valley a one-sided rim rises, highways like

  caterpillars climb to the biting edge: the wings of red-ant

  queens clamp flat macadam pools, the queens free-climbing

  955mirrored trees to the extinction of overhead boughs: fear’s

  a reservoir inscrutable rivers feed: I’m at the dammed

  gate sizzling utterance: spending fear into any shape that

  can manage the investment: cypress, weed, swallow-drink,

  serpent-drink: to the huge air’s multiple fuzzy tongues

  960I address vague hosannas: evaporation without arithmetic of


  loss: what a blessing: I have too much to weigh, shape

  into meaningful expenditure: I need jars, jugs, hogsheads,

  vials: here’s a drop to pierce your ear for: have a large

  pendant with lesser spangles: send folks over: I have

  965plenty to pass around: the right investment’s in decay,

  decayable: brothers, fine brothers, be strong, be merry:

  girls, she falcons, be thin: let us work ourselves asleep

  against you: you are rocks that bend and flow, take in our

  nervous edges: be the blossoms we spend into flower: I go

  970on the confidence that in this whole magnificence nothing is

  important, why should this be, yet everything is, even this

  as it testifies to the changing and staying: as man, singular


  in certain kinds of feeling (we don’t know what shades of

  feeling travel the weed) I know importances, love, grief,

  975terror, that can retire nature into strangeness, but until

  I get right enough to appreciate the lesser celandine by

  the woodsroad, I have not achieved the calm necessary to the

  joys of small riches, the briar bud bending out into the path:

  feelings, feelings: conceptualization nowhere nears so accurate

  980a source: nevertheless, except within the highrising dome,

  canopy, reach of the forming intellect, feeling has no meaning,

  no guidance, but stir, rush, the splintering cycles of small

  beginnings and endings, the sui generations of particularity:

  New York City can be grown over by birch brush: south of


  985Scranton, birch has covered the slag and shale heaps (terrains

  of conical spills), the crevices catching dust and leaves,

  roots and ice granulating edges: it will be lovely someday,

  if left alone, and have a brook: I feel like a brook shedding

  a hill, the glassy wide and the thick white falling, a

  990scud-cover of moss, with a copse here and there of something

  quailing, pine in a catchment moved high, a bear’s cold red

  tongue sloshing in a runlet, and a deer’s eye shot with flight:

  I am there pondering berries and the bear: my mind furnishes

  a clear sky and smart wind: for me, there’s more death behind

  995than ahead, though ahead lies the finish endless: the

  seventeen-year-old self is gone and with it the well and


  wellsweep, chinaberry tree, the mother and father, the two

  sisters, living but lost back there, and Silver, Doll, all

  the jonquils, the smokehouse, mulberry tree, but when I was

t by, the pecan tree’s still standing, the same one, big,

  the lean growths and lean shades vanished: more death done

  than to do, except that memory grows, accumulating strata of

  change, and the eyes close on a plenitude, suddenly, directly

  into nothingness: so, in a sense, there’s more and more to do

  1005with increasing reluctance: a world if not the world:

  I am standing by the hill brook with the hill wife: but

  where did all the mosquitoes come from: I’m tired of raw

  nuts and berries and staying up late freezing with no


  television: you can’t keep visions selective enough: they

  1010fill up with reality, too gravid grown to keep off the ground:

  as we return to the dust from which we came, the gods die

  away into the sky, the womb of gods: from the common

  universalized materials we ascend into time and shape, hold our

  outlines and integrations a while, then stiffen with the

  1015accumulations of process, our bodies filters that collect

  dross from the passages of air and water and food, and begin

  to slow, crack, splinter, and burst: the gods from the high wide

  potentials of aura, of encompassing nothingness, flash into

  concentration and descend, taking on matter and shape, color,

  1020until they walk with us, but divine, having drawn down with them


  the reservoirs of the skies: in time the restlessness that is in

  them, the overinvestment, casts the shells of earth to remain with

  earth, and the real force of the gods returns to its heights

  where it dwells, its everlasting home: these are the mechanics

  1025by which such matters carry out their awesome transactions:

  if the gods have gone away, only the foolish think them gone

  for good: only certain temporal guises have been shaken

  away from their confinements among us: they will return, quick

  appearances in the material, and shine our eyes blind with adoration

  1030and astonish us with fear: the mechanics of this have to do with

  the way our minds work, the concrete, the overinvested concrete,

  the symbol, the seedless radiance, the giving up into meaninglessness


  and the return of meaning: but the gods have come and gone

  (or we have made them come and go) so long among us that

  1035they have communicated something of the sky to us making us

  feel that at the division of the roads our true way, too,

  is to the sky where with unborn gods we may know no

  further death and need no further visitations: what may have

  changed is that in the future we can have the force to keep

  1040the changes secular: the one:many problem, set theory, and

  symbolic signifier, the pyramid, the pantheon (of gods and

  men), the pecking order, baboon troop, old man of the tribe,

  the hierarchy of family, hamlet, military, church, corporation,

  civil service, of wealth, talent—everywhere the scramble for


  1045place, power, privilege, safety, honor, the representative

  notch above the undistinguished numbers: second is as good

  as last: pyramidal hierarchies and solitary persons: the

  hierarchies having to do with knowledge and law, the solitaries

  with magic, conjuration, enchantment: the loser or apostate

  1050turns on the structure and melts it with vision, with

  summoning, clean, verbal burning: or the man at the top may

  turn the hierarchy down and walk off in a private direction:

  meanwhile, back at the hierarchy, the chippers and filers

  hone rocks to skid together: the bottom rocks have much to

  1055bear: the next level, if buoyed up from below, hardly less:

  but the top rock, however nearly in significant flotation,


  is responsible for the symmetry of the whole, the office of

  highsounding purpose, noble gesture, pulling together (by

  which is meant pressing up though of course it’s pressing

  1060down—but everyone below is willing to bear some weight if

  it feels uplifting): the manager’s office is 14 × 20 and

  the vice president’s 16 × 20 and the executive vice president’s

  18 × 20 and the president’s 20 × 20 and the chairman of the board’s

  the golf course or private jet: for identity and/or effect,

  1065exclude the extraneous, which, though, leaves the identity

  skimpy and the effect slight: great procedures move the

  other way, inclusively, but with the hold back that when they

  have everything they have nothing, an all-ness of identity


  and no effect, a calm, resolved effect: you can’t win: you

  1070can strike balances and, for laughter or sublimity, imbalances

  enough to keep the show going, but even at the midpoint of

  perfect balances you can suspend oppositions which are no more

  than self-cancellations: all identities and effects are

  imbalances: but then you get into balancing imbalances,

  1075the effect of most narrative: force mind from boxes to radiality:

  the maple buds open into a basket of spangles, a vased bouquet:

  greenish-yellow five-petaled flowers, not noticeable or attractive:

  I wonder if maples depend on bees: I haven’t seen bee one: pulled

  the old lawnmower out of the garage after a long winter and it

  1080started right up, two good tugs on the spinning rope: cut the grass,


  first time of the year: real green grass: been raining so much

  people can’t get to mowing and then when they do lawnmower chokes

  up with blackgreen chunks and clumps, muffling the blade and stalling

  the motor: yesterday (May 6) we drove up to Phil Booth’s house

  1085and there he was: his wife, Margaret, too, his youngest daughter,

  three dogs (all different kinds) and one cat: what a great day: he

  cooked outdoor hamburgers and hotdogs: he has fossils in his rocks:

  George (P.E.) was there, good old George, and Mary Emma: and others

  all come to the picnic: a brook runs right through Philip’s

  1090yard and falls over rocks, gets up and goes on: you can

  stand on the rocks and not fall off in the water: the youngest

  dog runs around and looks up at you as if wondering what


  is so surprising: intense and quizzical: I wonder why dogs

  haven’t learned more in all these years: they take the proper

  1095attitude: what is true service: the true question: or of

  the many services, which ones are most nearly true: it

  must be a service that is celebration, for we would celebrate

  even if we do not know what or how, and for He is bountiful if

  slow to protect and recalcitrant to keep: what we can celebrate

  1100is the condition we are in, or we can renounce the condition

  we are in and celebrate a condition we might be in or ought

  to be in: should we like the saint, ascetic, or priest spurn

  the world, sensuous and sensual, and celebrate those longings

  in us, sweet heights, that seem the potential of a necessary


  1105coming: or should we fall to the pleasures and raggednesses

  so relentlessly and opulently provided here, the flappings of

  the flesh, the ghostly agonies, the long bleak streaks, commitment

  to love’s threshing flesh brings on:
do we celebrate

  most truly when we fall into our limitations, accept our

  1110nothingness of years, spawn, beget, care for, weep, fail, burn,

  slobber, suck, stroke, dream, shake, sleep, eat, swim, squirm:

  does He forgive us, does he accept our celebration, when we turn

  away from the fruits given and hunger after Him—the

  arrogance!—His silver and immortal agencies: will He not afflict

  1115us with loss of life in life with nothing later of another kind:

  when we take the needy hand in hand, when the tear humbles


  us with horrible splendor, when tenderness is fully placed

  in the human eye, we find service exceeding body into sky:

  when anxiety rises words too start to stir rising into schools,

  1120moving into sayings (a recourse, though delusional) like winds

  making up before a mild May-evening thunderstorm, the winds

  spilling across the trees, then like surf sucking back in a

  growing tug: at such times, I pick up a tape, stick the end

  into my typewriter, and give everything a course, mostly

  1125because in a storm course is crucial and in proportion to the

  storm must be fought for, insisted on: I’ve weathered a batch

  of storms: the words rising from behind the palings of

  the back fence, getting loose and showering up from the points


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