The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 69

by A. R. Ammons

and, time’s fill, fills time:

  there’s no news like snow news:

  3250the tongue stuck out,

  tongue tip, sticky:

  then teeth, mouth, the

  shaping back and the business

  of swallowing: the

  3255slender esophagus, bottomed

  with a valve, followed by a

  great opening out, containing

  another valve, then subsidiary organs,

  duodenal and pancreatic, and

  3260interpenetrated systems,

  blood and air, followed by

  a meandering of

  guts that roil and shift,

  then the water system and

  3265larger hunks of gut (nice, necessary,

  so precisely made) finally

  the mechanisms of holding

  and releasing

  man is a motion through

  3270variations on a tube

  Larry Brown

  those who fret to generate

  intensity don’t understand

  those who thrash in lakes

  3275of fire for the cool banks

  vice versa

  The Wind Picks Up Slick

  The wind picks up slick

  bounding upslope

  on the slippery freeze

  3280“build your own worksop bench”

  insulation services

  tile and formica contractor


  upholstery service

  3285bath remodeling

  gutter installation

  heating and air conditioning

  concrete construction

  ceiling installations

  3290fireplace and chimney service

  the indigestible

  unaired into meaning

  area rugs

  saxony plush broadloom

  3295speaker systems

  Ed White

  Steelers & Cowboys

  grain off the old pebble

  pebble off the old stone

  3300stone off the old rock

  rock off the old boulder

  boulder off the old range

  range off the old divide

  divide off the old tectonic

  3305jerk off the old jerk


  Cold Didn’t Keep the Stuff

  Cold didn’t keep the stuff

  kissed back last

  fall & forsythia &

  3310pear florets couldn’t

  sleep, woke up blooming

  in winter’s skirts

  spring’ll spring blossom-light

  know your onions

  3315a sprung spring can’t

  unspring and spring again

  till devices and

  rondures have clicked

  through and gone round

  3320ramrod concept

  you would think it

  easier for happiness to

  happen than for

  unhappiness to unhappen

  3325words’ windy feed

  in perilous times one needs

  for diversion

  clipped, unsustained

  lyrics with no

  3330drama (stifled cries)

  vehicles to stir reality

  a touch away,

  to hold the unnamed nameless


  3335till when times ease one may

  creep into focus on sharp

  rims, the alleyways of

  the long arisings


  3340squall largelyto


  the flakesis

  repeat the crystalair





  accomplish a designation

  dense for though

  3350we would understandget

  the world we wouldthis

  not have it stop

  or disappear

  our doorstep mouse

  3355travels little

  this time ofa snow

  year, waits for a drymole

  snow and tunnels

  under the surface,

  3360a furrow burrow which

  collapses behind into

  permanent waves and windings,

  exact histories

  till high wind blows

  3365or the sun looks

  defining terms was Socrates’s

  way of not knowing himself

  if one’s hopes

  cease to rise

  3370so will one’s peccadillo

  I think I may not write much


  I didn’t write much before


  3375and during breakfast I was

  busy eating

  and right after breakfast

  I had to go, the setting good

  for getting things out but

  3380short on things to write

  them down with or on,

  memory my shortest instrument:

  I drove John to school, so

  cold and windy,

  3385and it took me twenty minutes

  to get my pollution control

  equipment overload to let up

  on the choke and smoke

  so I wrote practically nothing

  3390during that time maybe a note

  on a matchbook or map or

  gasoline ticket (whatever,

  I lost it)

  so by mid-morning the time

  3395up to then was a perfect loss

  as far as writing goes

  so since I had the car

  already warm I went over

  to the University, picked

  3400up a few things,

  arranged them, and, nothing

  doing, came on back

  and by the time I got the

  coffee heated up began

  3405to think of lunch

  so Phyllis and I had a

  great lunch composed of

  soup with turkey strippings

  in it, I mean we added the

  3410turkey, it was delicious, a

  delicacy, and I didn’t write

  a word the whole time, then

  after lunch I rushed off to

  be in on this thesis-defense

  3415having to do with David Jones

  and that lasted you wouldn’t

  believe how long

  and I didn’t get anything down

  on paper

  3420to speak of

  but after that, late in the

  day, the sun having broken out

  clean into a perfectly clear

  sky, I just came home and hung

  3425in there, meditating on that

  happy brightness

  and as anyone knows you cannot

  meditate properly if you

  interrupt yourself to write

  3430what you’re thinking down

  so even though we have

  a quarterhour left to

  sundown I don’t think I’ll get

  much done today


  Teeth Out

  Teeth outogu

  toenails inlugl


  when you’re

  3440up you’re

  out of thisle mismo

  world and whendifference

  you’re downchickweedo

  you’re outgone



  poetry is the life of criticism

  When I Think of “the Poet

  When I think of “the Poet


  3450how nature narrowed

  through him without

  loss of breadth

  through one past the aspiration

  of envy,

  3455free of the fidgetings,

  picky dispositions, effects

  of lesser men (giants


  one in no
need of praise

  3460for why thank

  a tree whose leaves inscribe

  the sun’s doings,

  one better left unpraised

  where praise falls away

  3465from its objectmy premature

  sex life

  entangling poetcame before

  untangling criticmy mature

  sex life

  3470weeds don’t read books

  (or write them) so I sing

  of weeds and they

  don’t turn red or pale

  with embarrassment orif That

  3475gratitude or turn meWhich Is

  singing pale or redspoke it

  wd say

  big rigsThat Which

  big digstookusIs speaking


  few & far between

  when duh

  when thegoing git

  “voice”tough duh

  3485(thetough git

  assimilator)gone man

  is too

  strong it consumes the

  particulars (words,

  3490images, tones, meanings)

  a clearing

  in bulrushes as if an

  elephant had paraded

  through, more opaque

  3495than voice

  but no pushier

  shoving every drift with oar

  my poetry has(some weeds

  fallen off athat stand

  3500little, it hasthrough winter


  from standingsnowblossoms

  right up inbigger

  therethan their summer

  3505and doing it,blooms)

  it has weakened away,

  it’s soft

  a hollow

  log’s as((.))

  3510good a. .

  place as

  any for

  a long holeSigmund took our

  head out of

  3515the clouds and

  gumhung it between





  a lot of sunshine today now falling in

  gold vertical striping against

  the garage and breaking to

  fall on up the roof

  3525a glorious coldness

  and brightness antibacterial as saliva or vulture shit

  You Can’t Get It Right

  You can’t get it right:

  if it doesn’t slide off thefrom side

  track on one sideto slide

  3530it will on the other or

  find an unsuspected

  side to slide off: it will not

  go right down the slender middle


  3535stabilize political

  matters by turning them

  over to permanent agencies

  and how do you

  protect yourself against

  3540the stability:

  return the matters to politicians and,

  every election re-stirring the ambience,

  you lose continuity

  things, tilt acquired,he has her

  3545achieve acceleration:all sewed up

  the tongue, powerful,

  moving organ, will in the

  dark find bliss’s button,

  describe its contours,

  3550buffet gently and swirl it,

  and then swarm warmth (and

  grease) into other areas

  equally touchy and astonishing


  3555we are to several

  organisms, micro

  and macro, in their


  as islands, archipelagoes,

  3560isthmuses, regions, elevations,

  continents, seas: the mouth’s

  pit folks, so many kinds, the

  friendly anaerobe

  (honey, see your bacteriologist

  3565twice a night)


  vultures (and other

  scavengers) will

  eat up the ruptures, lesions, gashes,

  3570dissolving sores of dead


  and gut-cleanse the disease till

  shit’s reductive bit, which may

  stink, is (as the world

  3575is made) purelike so

  so like

  poets probe and punish out

  dark eruptions or

  invasions of the

  3580public mind and deposit in clear


  lean germicidal turd of the just

  word restored

  the poet wantsthe poet, torn by

  3585to govern, sway;maximum knowledge,

  he wantsmakes the best

  a difficultpossible decision,

  dialectical test,tradeoff in recent

  particulars formingtimes—governs,

  3590into motions andimitating the

  parties: he wantsreal thing & the

  contention, compromise,enterprise of each

  sneak plays, judgments,of us to himself

  surprises wherein he

  3595whatever the body knows

  or teaches,

  the known, found through the

  body, can exist other than in

  the body, the dancer, for

  3600example, the single body

  never out of itself, writes

  a story entangled, interlocking,

  unfolded on the stage which

  lasts in the head when

  3605the dancer has gone, a rondure,

  a tendency and completion,

  whose composure memory finds

  and forms and imagination

  redisposes and revisits at will

  3610if you could write much

  superlatively beautiful

  like reaches of

  snow in the Rockies no

  one visits

  3615imagine high-lying

  writing unread wasted on

  ridges and peaks

  separate as word is from

  thing, the motions of the language

  3620system correspond to

  the motions of the world system

  rather closely one, taking first one

  and then, to the extent

  possible, the other side into account,


  the woodlark,

  the lilt and liquid

  upward-breaking spiral,

  sound’s artesian spring (the

  3630dogs get excited in the thicket

  rushing up the pheasant, making

  plain hens fly off

  chirping) but

  I love the mockingbird, childhood’s

  3635bird, most, and

  weather changes or winter feed

  has brought him to live here

  where till this year I had

  not seen him and now

  3640with everything down white

  (and mockingbird quite silent)

  I see him flash across the


  into the big round yew or

  3645cedar bush

  whatever it is

  and pick the leftover

  shriveled or half-shriveled

  red cedar or yew berries

  3650and he seems fat enough

  dealing with the cold long

  nights (I put out a cage of

  suet but he will not light on it)

  I wonder when in spring

  3655musing he’ll

  dropping burst the first note,

  sweep a cluster of shatters into song,

  and then fire the air with

  a fire-line glinting unwinding

  3660(the days lengthen, this morning’s

  rim-sky rosy at seven:

  last evening

  the great orb tucked in

  a last slice at 20 to 5!)

  3665the crow I think

  has smelled my suet

nbsp; but surely he

  won’t come to it

  hanging on a nail near the

  3670ceiling of the backporch

  press the incidental

  to assume the general

  (any particular general)

  most people don’t like to think

  3675of the stuff in their livingroom

  as sitting there, chairs,

  lamps, end tables, vases, tables:

  they think they ought to have a focal

  point, so they get something big &

  3680noticeable, like a philodendron,

  and plunk it down where nobody

  can miss it

  and that is not what a focal point is

  I declare the crows have

  3685come right in to hanging

  around in the maple tree

  and I jest bet you five

  dollars since it’s over

  thirty today they got the

  3690scent of that suet and

  they jest a waitin’ that’s

  what they doin’ they jest

  a waitin’ sooner or later

  they gonna plunk right

  3695there on the porch and

  start a grabbin’ and a

  tearin’ well I thought this

  year I was goin’ to make up

  my mind to do somethin’

  3700good fer nature but that

  warn’t the nature I meant to

  do any good fer that’s a

  fact and I don’t keer who

  knows it them crows is a

  3705eating up what little bit

  of stuff people has and if

  they ain’t something done

  about it I’ll tell you they

  won’t be a thang left around

  3710here that them crows ain’t

  fooled with I bet

  you five dollars on that

  see see see you can

  see it for a pennis

  3715come comewill teen wind

  (unlikely)slice the yellow

  come, comepeaks off acne

  (more likely)

  I have not been out to stand

  3720near or touch the elm

  recently so though I see it

  occasionally through the other

  room’s window

  I lack heavy information that

  3725it remains substantial and yet

  by faith I have no doubt

  if I went out there

  to hang myself on it

  it would do well enough


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