The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 73

by A. R. Ammons

  This Poem Concerns

  This poem concerns

  5125the elm over past

  the windows of the other room

  the elm includes the weather

  this poem is largely about

  the weather because

  5130weather is a major influence

  on elms

  you’ve heard I know that the dutch elms

  are gone

  this is to remind you

  5135that they are still gone

  but I heard

  we come from upa man once

  to 30 billion yrswhose thing

  of oblivion but thinkwas done and

  5140of not even awhose race

  little more lightlyrun say

  he was ready

  the great flash their selves

  onto, obliterating, surroundings:

  5145they are normal:

  cutting back, undercutting, schools

  us to lessenings, including

  the total lessening, nothing:

  from what bin more gigantic than stars

  5150could the diet be doled:

  doled! poured out!

  when the biggest thing, the grand repository,

  we have is oblivion, slick with emptiness

  will the fed few

  5155feed on


  from the schooled starved

  we applaud the loudmouth who

  breaks through into the feast of our portion!

  5160could shed your shingles

  could shingle your shed

  today was a fair day all day

  and most of the snow got

  mopped up except

  5165here and there next to

  trees, fences, in thickets

  hard to get at

  I turn to the word and it brings me


  5170I no longer go to look about in the world:

  I have become so lonely

  that only the word

  is free enough and large enough to take my

  mind off

  5175the world going day

  by day over the brink

  used up but unused:

  how thankful I feel

  bent gutless over

  5180the vomited void

  to have at least the word

  going anywhere fetching anything:

  pretty soon it may have

  brought so much

  5185it will not need to go off again

  and then the word will

  draw me up about it

  The Word Cries Out

  The word cries out

  and I fetch

  5190a thing or thought is noted

  and from need or in

  response to pressure

  urgency for a verbal version arises

  and words dash in

  5195taking trial positions,

  sort and re-sort themselveswor(l)d

  into provisional clusters

  and whole strings:

  a marshal, severest linesman,

  5200shouts out down the ranks

  and ta-tum

  the verbal version

  with last minute stumbling or twitching

  on the edges

  5205declares itselfthere was a heavy

  its trimmestfrost of snow on the garage’s

  roof scales but the sun

  I hunt and peckwiped it off

  leaf throughor the garage crawled away

  5210check alignment

  do it again

  start over

  wait a while

  look up

  5215reconsider, readjust:

  friendly word, image,

  you hold my attention:

  even as attention fails

  and revives with work,

  5220stirring and re-doing:

  now as many snowflakes as you would find

  bees working a quince clump, flakes big

  as mayflies, run or stall or turn or rise

  in the wind all together, flocks, swarms,

  5225droves of things: this may be where fish

  got the notion of turning in a single

  action (it snows over oceans)

  I Woke Up at 6 and It Was

  I woke up at 6 and it was

  light enough

  5230to shell peas or water begonias:

  midwinter, fine-work would

  have had

  to wait till eight:

  two days off from spring,

  5235two hours of light

  attached to both ends of the

  day, the middle position

  will enlarge, going on

  to four hours either end,

  5240sixteen dark switched to

  sixteen light:

  the reason it makes

  no difference what people


  5245is that they don’t think

  enough to make any


  the weather got us this week:

  Tuesday an alldayer, a

  5250heavy snow with the temperature

  dropping, dropping (from the

  shales of the morning) so low

  that last night, low teens,

  jungle escalations, ropes,

  5255vines, fronds, seized the

  windows crystal-blind again:


  the sun came up

  in light,

  5260to warm to thirty: that will do

  in the garage snow (an inch

  on the windy side, one to three

  inches on the hemlock side):

  yesterday at the university as, my

  5265wont, I mused out my window,

  I saw a certain twist and

  horny warp

  registered in the deep-long

  eaves icicles and since

  5270Tuesday night had been windy

  I thought, my word, icicles

  summarize the rate of melt

  and wind direction, are a glacio-spiral

  version of a wind-rose: nature

  5275that will uproot an eavesload

  of history

  can be so careful of history

  A Flock of My Days

  A flock of my days

  either gone already or to

  5280come rises up

  in a flurry and flies into


  setting off

  a maelstrom descent, whirlpool bloom

  5285with a fine hollow stem figuring for a

  bottomless source

  in yesterday’s dusk hickory,

  a flicker black on skylight,

  not a grackle but a

  5290robin! the behavior exact,

  year’s first!

  pecking his breast, grooming,

  regarding the groundcover of

  snow unsharply

  5295(but today the temp is to go

  to 60, worm raising weather)

  yesterday when melt was

  commencing late

  in the afternoon

  5300one icicle with a fringehold

  on the eaves

  waved back and forth


  as if hinged,

  5305its hold become so light

  but now this morning

  the temperature nearing fifty

  the eaves rain with

  melt, rooftiles starting to show

  5310radiance’s darkness

  (too much light on too much snow)

  I guess the lady next door

  when she had the elm thinned

  from the thicket

  5315didn’t know

  snow would cap a hemispheric cone

  on the left stump

  they say it took some days

  for the cries in No Man’s Land

  5320to die down: first

  there was a noise

  of pain

  but a few dawns and dus

  settled things

  5325down to here and there

  a filament of dissent

  and then the dawn came wherein

  the peace was incredible

  You Can’t Imitate

  You can’t imitatethe extent to

  5330anybody reallywhich you can’t

  and the extentimitate anyone

  to whichreally is enough

  you can’t isoriginality

  enough originality

  5335one gainsafter another blow

  with immortalityI pick up

  a lastingloose wood

  tombunder the elm,

  hard branches, the

  5340skinny bones

  of a flesh

  if you caught aleft

  dusk-glimpsethat was leaves

  as a first seeing

  5345of the thin-tapering

  hemlocks (a rowringneck &

  of raving beauties)redwing

  you’d think they’d,(redneck &

  waggled and whipped,ringwing)

  5350worn off in the

  wind that way

  Stevens, you should be here

  now with the ringnecks

  and rigorous rednecks

  5355and the green billows

  of grass with drained

  hunks of black-old

  snow floating in them

  and the ringnecks

  5360stirred by a nosey dog

  racing into the thickets!

  if you could hear the

  brook like a bear breaking

  through the thicket

  5365(the thicket floor

  a manuscript patches

  of snow illuminate)

  yours truly

  yours treely

  5370“live unknown” is

  no fun unless

  you have to work at it

  why kill

  yourself when

  5375you can



  your helptrees fall to

  the wind

  5380and falls’


  trees the wind

  the comet mingling

  with us this

  5385week (a

  windy week)


  be back in


  5390thousand yearsthe grave may

  not be its

  goal but that’s

  where it lands

  the world’s too serious

  5395to take seriously &

  too funny to take lightlyfaint &

  fall over

  Old Milling

  say to the race

  5400your run’s

  run its race

  say to the run

  your race’s

  race’s run

  Spring’s Old Hat Is Older

  5405Spring’s old hat is older

  than hills:

  but spring’s skinny shade

  (as old)

  gives cedar, pine, spruce,

  5410upstart and low-profile,

  the jump on maple,

  elm, latecomer

  my yew ball

  is ten feet high and wide

  5415(it doesn’t roll in

  but unrolls the wind)

  you can stand behind it

  when there’re insistent breezes

  and it’s like standing

  5420on the bank of

  a current and even if the wind

  is sucky

  blowy with variability

  the whole


  is diminished in a matrix

  of holding

  The Temperature Fell

  The temperature fell

  through yesterday afternoon:

  5430big clouds came

  and winds rose: and fell

  and the clouds came and went

  and the temperature fell on

  through the night

  5435plunging into the teens

  from a daytime high

  above seventy

  today though the sun is out at

  times and

  5440though the wind, steady,

  has lessened,

  the temperature is staying

  where it fell,

  snowflakes feeling

  5445their way (more

  numerous than far-off legions)

  through the air

  in fabrics too fine for “snowing”

  goalless as a ping

  5450pong table I’m

  as a free-versite

  also netless


  systems, structures,

  5455big hunks of culture

  do not melt and flow


  one to the other but




  often on single glints of


  the exception sharply noticed

  5465become the groundwork

  of the next familiar:

  as one who looks

  to the mechanisms and costs

  (sad joy

  5470breaking away into acceptance)

  in the “flow” of systems and


  I cannot stop to see if

  at any point a thing

  5475still moving was

  satisfactorily complete:

  the sky’s stabiles

  hasten and churn:

  I befriend, or hope to,


  motion: it is my slow veracity

  and belief:

  the conveyance of discard is

  the arising of beauty:

  5485perception, flat, impersonal, out-of-context

  perception disfamiliars, erupts motion:

  my life (pent)

  misspent &

  (piddling pity)


  has poured itself off into

  a big jar, jug, cistern, pool,

  bog, mere, lake, bay, or

  ocean of grief but

  5495this was a morning, like

  any other, for anything,

  a whistling colleague,

  an assignation finally

  accomplished, a birth,

  5500death, a pheasant screeching

  achieve an identity,

  find a direction, such achieving

  leaves behind as much as it finds

  choose short-term goals and having

  5505realized them, wait for the grave

  wandering afloat the landscape

  to find you

  have long-range, even impossible,

  goals and

  5510you will complete no work

  but you will,

  eyes on the sky, stumble astonished

  into the grave,

  your work left

  5515to others, an inheritance

  imbalance providing the

  illusion of direction,

  the loops, sways

  of exaggeration, we can, ah,

  5520and, therefore

  could a shady

  spot of the peace

  everlasting patch

  the wretched ways

  5525and byways of the

  lusty & hard-to-take!

  oh, but we should not rail!

  everything but our understanding

  is flawless

  5530the hemlocks are

  sensitive wind instruments

  you can

  judge by the thicket

  that it’s calm

  5535but just then the tips of

  hemlock branches pick

  up the frailest motions,

  the long branches, you

  know, rise out in high

  5540bow-boughs from the trunk

  and secondary branches

  branch off,

  a dense replication and

registration so that

  5545when the wind blows branch

  tip and branch tip

  try out the sways and lofts

  of space and

  sure enough

  5550here and there

  branch tips intermingle

  and where they often

  intermingle (summarizing


  5555the tips lose needles,


  and, no way proved to go,

  the tip dies

  and growth takes place at

  5560another tip:

  each way won or free:

  a little past four

  it has turned so clear

  the sky bright blue


  the blacktipped brown


  lured out

  by yesterday’s heat

  5570circle crinkled in the grass

  now (one on the garage floor)

  the teens cold working on

  them: spring steps up

  warmly saying

  5575bud bloom sprout shoot

  and arctic highs

  mow the answering down:

  to endure

  a thing must speak

  5580more slowly than

  highs & lows

  You Can

  You can

  walking with the wind

  think yourself


  but turning to return

  find yourself

  in a ten-mile-an-hour gale

  and on a great


  cold morning like

  this that

  calm thirty degrees


  5595chilling windchill degrees:

  but the birds

  are a chorus,

  the jay’s big vocabulary:

  the sparrow

  5600is hauling straw

  up to a streetlight


  sheets of ice standing in

  v-bottomed ditches

  5605and a vapor-ice

  of white haze

  on grass near water:

  grackle, crow, cardinal,

  robin, birds but no bees:

  5610according to the weather forecast


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