by A. R. Ammons
“Phase,” 598
“Photosynthesis,” 529
“Pieces of My Voice, The,” 499
“Play,” 477
“Plexus,” 526
“Plunder,” 563
“Pluralist,” 495
“Poem,” 737
“Poetics,” 465
“Poetry Is the Smallest,” 848
“Portrait,” 100
“Positions,” 520
“Possibility Along a Line of Difference,” 424
“Pray without Ceasing,” 766
“Precursors,” 590
“Prescriptive Stalls as, The,” 897
“Prodigal,” xxxix, 129
“Produce and Fuctifry,” 913
“Project,” 475
“Prospecting,” 62
“Put-Down Come On, The,” 497
“Quilted Spreads,” 868
“Quince Bush, The,” 484
“Raft,” 34
“Rage Spells More of My Words Right,” 985
“Reading,” 1026
Really Short Poems of A. R. Ammons, The, xxvi
“Reassessing,” 520
“Recording,” 1025
“Recovery,” 365
“Rectitude,” 570
“Reflective,” 351
“Release,” 1022
“Renovating,” 521
“Requiem,” 47
“Resort,” 103
“Return,” 451
“Reversal,” 486
“Reward,” 517
“Right On,” 570
“Risks and Possibilities,” 38
“Ritual for Eating the World,” 137
“River,” 73
“Rocking,” 756
“Rome Zoo,” 522
“Round,” 468
“Runoff,” 403
“Run-Through, The,” 496
“Russet Gold,” 539
“Saliences,” 358
“Salt Flats,” 726
“Sap Is Gone Out of the Trees, The,” 3
“Satisfaction,” 764
“Satyr Formalist,” 565
“Saying,” 471
“Schooling,” 567
“Scope,” 744
“Script,” 422
“Second Carolina Said-Song,” 383
Selected Longer Poems, xxvi
Selected Poems, xxvi, xxxii
“Self,” 1027
“Self-Portrait,” 372
“Self-Portraits,” 730
“Self-Projection,” 739
“Separations,” 752
“September Drift,” 456
Set in Motion: Essays, Interviews, and Dialogues, xxxivn2, xlii, xliin3, xliv
“Seventeen Morning &, A,” 861
“Shall Will Be Used Properly or Will Shall,” 825
“Sharp Lookout,” 569
“Ship,” 476
“Shore Fog,” 478
“Shoreless Tide, The,” 596
“Shuffling,” 1020
“Sift, Sprinkling, or Veil, A,” 904
“Sight Can Go Quickly, Aerial, Where,” 979
“Sight Unseen,” 749
“Significances,” 1021
“Silver,” 69
“Single Fact, A,” 963
“Sitting Down, Looking Up,” 377
Six-Piece Suite, xxv
“Sky Clabbered Up with, The,” 962
“Small Song,” 423
“Snow,” 996
“Snowed Last Night a Lot But Warmed Up,” 854
“Snow Is Fine-Sightless Today the Ground, The,” 835
“Snow Log,” 396
“Snow of the,” 895
Snow Poems, The, xxv, xxvii, xxxii, xlii, xliv, 782
“Snow Showed a Full Range,” 974
“Snow Whirl,” 517
“Soaker,” 1036
“So I Said I Am Ezra,” 2
“Some Fluffy, Long-Swaggly Catkins,” 1003
“Some Months Ago,” 5
“Some Nights I Go Out to Piss,” 987
“Song,” 378
“Sorting,” 573
“Spaceship,” 567
“Space Travel,” 568
“Speechlessness,” 1023
“Sphere,” 381
Sphere: The Form of a Motion, xxvi, xxxii, xlii, 645
“Spiel,” 408
“Spindle,” 119
“Spinejacking,” 477
“Spread It Thin,” 907
“Spring Coming,” 523
“Spring’s Old Hat Is Older,” 946
“Spring Song,” 502
“Square,” 485
“Staking Claim,” 594
“Stemless Flower, The,” 736
“Still,” 81
“Stomach is Quite, The,” 877
“Storm,” 446
“Strait, The,” 114
“Street Song,” 96
“Structureless Rage, Perhaps,” 904
“Sumerian,” 461
“Summer Session,” 426
“Sun Climbs Daily Higher, The,” 860
“Swan Ritual, The,” 535
“Swipe,” 763
“Symmetry of Thought, A,” 385
Tape for the Turn of the Year, xxxvi, xl, xli, 141
“Teeth Out,” 886
“Tell What Will Not Tell Direct,” 905
“Temperature Fell, The,” 946
“Temperature Rose 15 Degrees over, The,” 923
“Terminations,” 741
“Terminus,” 503
“Terrain,” 40
“Terror of,” 795
“Thaw,” 135
“Then One,” 405
“There! The Light of Human Reason!,” 812
“These Days Most,” 981
“They Say It Snowed,” 1018
“Things Change, the Shit Shifts,” 784
“This Black Rich Country,” 450
“This Bright Day,” 453
“This Is,” 867
“This Poem Concerns,” 937
“Those in Ledge Fright Seek,” 855
“Three,” 527
“Three Travelogues,” 746
“Tight,” 469
“Timing,” 518
“Today Was Like Vomiting,” 956
“Today Will Beat Anything,” 978
“Tooling Up,” 460
“Tossup,” 526
“Touching Down,” 523
“Transaction,” 404
“Transcendence,” 724
“Transducer,” 481
“Transfer,” 494
“Translating,” 572
“Trap,” 362
“Treaties,” 474
“Treeful of Cleavage Flared Branching, A,” 21
“Triphammer Bridge,” 564
“Triplet,” 756
“Trouble Making Trouble,” 518
“Turning” (1951), 11
“Turning” (1973), 763
“Turning a Moment to Say So Long,” 10
“Tussock,” 740
“Two Motions,” 365
“Two Possibilities,” 446
“Uh, Philosophy,” 387
“Unbroken,” 392
“Undersea,” 454
“Unifying Principle, The,” 402
“Unmirroring Peak, The,” 765
“Unsaid,” 54
“Up,” 442
“Upland,” 386
Uplands, xxxvi, 396
“Uppermost,” 727
“Upright,” 104
“Utensil,” 511
“Variable Cloudiness Windy,” 1011
“Viable,” 590
“Village, Town, City—Highway, Road, Path,” 533
“Virtu,” 415
“Visit,” 89
“Wagons,” 455
“Watch, The,” 133
“Way to Go,” 395
“WCW,” 470
“Weather,” 754
“Weight,” 744
“Whaleboat Struck, The,” 9
“What This Mode of M
otion Said,” 79
“When in Early,” 807
“When I Set Fire to the Reed Patch,” 19
“When I Think of ‘The Poet,” 887
“When One Is a Child One Lives,” 929
“When Rahman Rides,” 12
“Whole Half, The,” 509
“Whose Timeless Reach,” 136
“Wide Land, The,” 134
“Will Firinger Be Kissed: Will,” 1015
“Wind Coming Down From, The,” 393
“Wind Picks Up Slick, The,” 881
“Windy Trees,” 529
“Winter Saint,” 531
“Winter Scene,” 91
“With Ropes of Hemp,” 13
“Woodsroad, The,” 470
“Word Cries Out, The,” 939
“Words of Comfort,” 782
“Working Still,” 459
“Working with Tools,” 466
“World,” 106
“You Can,” 951
“You Can’t Get It Right,” 889
“You Can’t Imitate,” 943
“Your Full-Service Mover, Madam,” 805
“You Think of the Sun That It,” 990
“Yucca Moth, The,” 120
“Zone,” 374
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
A big majestic poem, consummation, 736
A bird fills up the, 441
A centipede, the many legs, 1020
A clover blossom’s a province, 441
A clown kite, my, 442
A crippled angel bent in a scythe of grief, 26
A cud’s a locus in time, a staying change, moving, 598
A fifth of me’s me, 760
A fish, fin, 1020
A flock of my days, 942
A 41 Morning, still cloudy, 910
After a creek, 1021
After a long, 1022
After brief heavy, 1021
After the complex reductions come, 762
After the dissolve, 902
After the event the rockslide, 398
After the explosion or cataclysm, that big, 596
After the shifts and dis-, 129
After two gray sunless days of warm, 57
After yesterday, 442
A grackle, 1022
a grackle lands on a honeysucklebush, 1022
A leaf fallen is, 443
All afternoon, 365
All day—I’m, 508
A mountain risen, 444
Analysis mines and leaves to heal, 853
An image comes, 414
An individual spider web, 77
An orchestration of events, 367
Any entangling however, 588
A perspicuity like a sanctuary: against, 444
Applause is a shower, 445
are, 389
Are all these stones, 60
Arm’s length renders one, 970
A seventeen morning &, 861
As for fame I’ve had it, 927
A sift, sprinkling, or veil, 904
A silver jet, 377
A single fact, 963
Assure us you side with order: throw, 501
As the perpetual laughter about the grounds, 565
At a bend in the rocks there hung, 137
At a bend in the stream by willows, 139
At dawn in 1098, 8
A tea garden shows you how, 45
A treeful of cleavage flared branching, 21
At the crustal, 424
At the oracle, 114
A whirlwind in the fields, 358
Beautiful nature, 103
Because I am, 740
Bees stopped on the rock, 445
Bees turn in a fire, 537
Behind the I, 22
Belief is okay, 1023
Birds are flowers flying, 528
Body keeps talking under the mind, 523
Branches broken, 446
Bravery runs in my family, 754
Breakers at high tide shoot, 106
Brief histories, scribblings, 758
But if the Way will, 856
By the highway the stream downslope, 403
By the ocean, 70
Certain presuppositions are altered, 396
Change the glacier’s loneliness and the ice melts, 566
Chaos staggered up the hill, 500
Christmas Eve morning, 851
clouds came in soon after, 188
Cloud strays rounded up, 932
Cold didn’t keep the stuff, 883
Coming out of the earth and going, 446
Coming to a pinywoods, 394
Coming to a rockwall, 503
Coming to cottonwoods, an, 62
Coming to Sumer and the tamarisks on the river, 15
Coming to the windy, 1023
Complexity o’erwhelms the gist, 529
Consider big-city, 447
Considering the variety, 1009
Consistencies rise, 358
Constrictions, gross substantialities (the lifting, 725
Cool peripheries, raw, 754
Cunit, 953
Currents figure, 448
Cutting off the, 513
Dark day, warm and windy, 908
Dawn clear, 841
Deprived like the cougar, 449
Dew was, 114
Dispossess me of belief, 450
Down by the bay I, 450
Drip drip, 1000
Dropping eyelids among the aerial ash, 27
drought continuing, 451
drums gather and humble us beyond escape, 377
Dry-leaf life, 100
Dull lull, 921
Dung ball, round graveyard, 873
Dying in a mirthful place, 12
Early October, 793
Earth, earth!, 453
Eat anything: but hardly any: calories are, xlv
8:45 A.M.—doorbell rings: wife, 821
Entering the dark sounds, 743
Especially the fallen tree, 396
Evening falls: earth, 392
Everybody knows by now, 737
Every evening, down into the hardweed, 64
Everything begins at the tip-end, the dying-out, 374
Exuberance: joy to the last, 127
Fantasies that do test the periphery of consciousness, 763
Find me diffuse, leached colorless, 453
first I heard, 212
Five years ago I planted a buttonwood slip, 510
Flounderlike, poetry, 730
Foraminiferal millennia, 454
Forecast for today (Winter’s Firstday), 844
For the bumps bangs & scratches of, 455
From high, 740
From reality’s flowing flurry, 763
From silence to silence, 514
From the dark, 376
From the inlet, 420
Getting little, 744
Gilgamesh was very lascivious, 18
Glubgullies in the fricassee, 762
Go down the left, 568
Going west, 455
Grove, forest, jungle—a thickening motion, 533
Guilt’s been circling, 754
Hard fist, 818
hard lard hard fact, 815
Hardly anything flies north these days, 456
Hard up for better lays (with, 456
Have you listened for the things I have left out?, 54
Have you seen the severe waters, 792
Having been interstellar, 14
Having split up the chaparral, 134
Headed back home from Harold’s, we came down, 572
He climbed hard, 517
He held radical light, 457
He loved cloud covers, 744
Here, 458
Here are some pretty things picked for you, 38
Here I sit, fifty in the, 787
He said, 104
He tur
ned and, 90
Honor a going thing, goldfinch, corporation, tree, 55
Honor the maggot, 105
How, through what tube, mechanism, 373
How does the pot pray, 511
How I wish great poems could be written about nothing, 741
How you buy a factory, 84
Hurly-burly: taking on whatever is about to get off, up the, 574
I assume the world is curious about me, 16
I attended the burial of all my rosy feelings, 404
I broke a sheaf of light, 5
I called the wind and it, 34
I came in a dark woods upon, 20
I came upon a plateau, 27
I cannot re-wind the brook, 1007
I can’t decide whether, 458
I can tell you what I need, what I need, 520
I can tell you what I need is, 521
I can tell you what I need is, 522
I can tell you what I need is a good periodontist, 522
I can tell you what I need is for, 520
I can tell you what I need is one of those, 519
I can’t think of a thing to uphold, 459
I can’t understand it, 348
I come in from the snowy world, 846
I could believe water, 733
I cut a new thread on it this morning, 460
I’d give bushels of blooms, 1024
Idling through the mean space dozing, 416
I don’t know somehow it seems sufficient, 139
I dreamed my father flicked, 460
I drove down to Aurora, 760
I Ezra the dying, 136
If, whittler and dumper, gross carver, 642
If a rock on the slope, 419
I feel sure you will be pleased, 408
If I leaped, 1024
I found a, 351
If walking through birdy trees, 1017
If you must leave the shores of mind, 385
If you were standing under the elm and, 842
I give you the wretched sympathy stone, 500
I got one good look, 97
I have appropriated the windy twittering of aspen leaves, 563
I have been brought out of day, 369
I have been throughout the world sleuthing, 134
I have certainly felt the documentation of terror, 755
I have grown a marsh dweller, 461
I have no program for, 462
I have sung, 462
I hear the low falling from the, 766
I hold you responsible for, 463
I hope I’m, 464
I knew, 1007
I know, 503
I know if I find you I will have to leave the earth, 37
I know you love me, baby, 412
I like nonliterary, 1024
I live in a bodiless loft, 464
I look for the way, 465
I look up guff and find the first, 915
I make a simple assertion, 466
I’m stuck with the infinity thing, 741
I’m the type, 972
I’m unwilling, 958
In a high wind the, 737
In a little off-water, 590
I need this broad place to work because I’m, 726
I never saw anything like it—, 755
In his head, 509