The Mating Destiny: Werewolves of Montana Book 7

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The Mating Destiny: Werewolves of Montana Book 7 Page 14

by Bonnie Vanak

  Head thrown back, long blonde hair billowing in the wind, Emma sang as she danced in the silvery moonlight, a song about the land she loved. Magick swirled around her in glittering arrays of silver and gold, sparkling in the moonlight like fistfuls of fairy dust tossed into the sky. Alex slowly unclutched his fists and stared at her, immobilized by her song. This was true magick, the magick that took a man and wrapped him in tendrils of sweet desire and promise. From the very tips of his hair to his toes, he became hers, enslaved by both body and spirit, to whatever she desired.

  And then she ceased singing, and the enchantment faded as surely as the sparkling fairy dust. Emma stared at the moon and then lowered her gaze. Shivering, she wrapped her arms around herself, looking very much like the Emma he knew, only with more uncertainty. She looked around.

  “Alex? I can scent you. Where are you?”

  He stepped out from the tree. “Here.”

  “I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never done this before. I just felt this…need…to purge all the negative energy from the air.” She crossed her arms in front of her breasts.

  He felt free and peaceful amid the desire claiming him, as if his own spirit soared upward with each note of her song, caught in the longing and the passion.

  “Thank you for your dance and your song,” he told her quietly.

  He hated the shadows in her eyes, doubts her clan had placed there like a stamp, and himself as well. Alex realized no matter what he said, nothing would matter as much as the opinion of her clan, for they were the ones who allowed her to make her home.

  Alex’s chest tightened. He had failed to realize the hard battle Em faced with her dual heritage. Neither all Fae nor dragon, she belonged in both worlds, but neither would claim her.

  He would claim her and most gladly. But he was Crown Prince of Clan Drakon, the warrior dragons, and had duties and responsibilities. Thanks to years of careful breeding and bloodlines, he had a destiny to fulfill.

  Alex suddenly wanted to toss all those to the wind and write his own destiny upon it.

  “Why are you out there all alone?” he asked.

  “I was doing a Fae dance of cleansing and harmony that my mother taught me. She learned it from my father. I thought…it would help all of us get home. And maybe it would help you to forgive me for lying to you and help you calm down. I was trying to protect you, Alex. I knew you would be deeply hurt when you found out what they did, and I knew I had to avoid you to save myself.”

  She plucked at the fabric of her gown. “They are your best friends. They could have killed me instead of just attacking me.”

  “No.” He strode toward her and cupped her chin with one hand. “You are my best friend. Always. Can you ever forgive me for losing my foul temper and calling you those hateful words? Please Em. Please forgive me. I can live with knowing my cousin and friends are traitors who dishonor and befoul everything good. But I can’t live without you.”

  Gently, he stroked a finger over her trembling lower lip. “Please, forgive me?”

  She quivered beneath his touch. “I forgive you, Alex. But you are a beast.”

  “The worst. I’m a beast mad at himself for hurting you.” His gaze dropped to the delectable valley between her breasts, and the whisper of silken gauze barely hiding her skin. “Where did you get that gown? It’s stunning.”

  “I created it. Can I tell you a secret?”

  Alex’s heart leapt. “Yes, Em.” He released her and kissed his index finger and then placed it over his heart. “Dragon’s breath promise. I will never tell.”

  A sacred promise that he would never share her secret. Emma bit her lap. They had lost something special between them, and she longed to reclaim it.

  Gambling on trust was a risk, but this was Alex, the only man who had ever seen past her status and treated her like an equal. She took a deep breath.

  “I think I’m more Fae than dragon because my Fae magick is so pronounced. I can spin a gown out of moonlight and leaves, and that’s something only a powerful Fae can do. I can barely shift into dragon and my scales are too thin to truly protect me.

  “I never wished to share it with anyone because I feared getting evicted from my clan. I never show my Fae side to anyone, unless it’s to get work, like when the King hired me to teach you. I pretend that I have much knowledge of the Fae, but I don’t let them know I have Fae magick. For a long time, I even suppressed it so it wouldn’t override my dragon powers.”

  His gaze dropped downward to her toes. “I’m glad you told me.”

  “It doesn’t matter to you that I’m more Fae than dragon?”

  “All that matters is that you’re you, Em. I like your Fae half.”

  Her breath hitched.

  “Bare feet, huh? I always thought they were sexy.” Alex’s smoky gaze stroked over her body like a sensual caress.

  “Keeps a link to the earth and my Fae side.”

  She felt open, wanting, craving him as much as before. A lock of hair hung over his brow. His gaze burned into her. Yet it was the new lines of pain carved beside his mouth, the haunting shadows in his eyes that called to her.

  He caught her finger, brought it to his mouth and gave it a long, slow lick. Alex inhaled deeply, drawing her scent into his lungs. Desire pulled her forward as he slowly licked her finger.

  “I would adore seeing all of you bare.”

  The husky timbre of his voice caressed every inch of her body. He slid a palm up her cheek, his gaze heated. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Yes. It’s too dangerous. You’re the Crown Prince of your people.”

  Her heart thudded a crazy beat as he leaned closer. “Not tonight. Tonight I’m a dragon who loves you, who wants to be with you and give you a pleasure you’ve never felt before. I need you, Emma. We need each other,” he said as he leaned in closer and nuzzled her neck. “Damn, you smell so good. All I could think about when I was back in the brothel and you were lying on the bed was how you’d taste on my tongue…”

  She wanted love and companionship. Not merely to become someone to warm his bed. But Alex couldn’t give her more. And perhaps just for tonight, it would be enough.

  Her palm slid up the roughness of his shirt. A few hairs showed on a small triangle of exposed skin. She touched them, and then placed her hand over his thumping heart. Sinful blue eyes gazed at her with possessive intent.

  Emma leaned up, slid her hands around his neck. “I never wanted to ruin your life, Alex.”

  “You never did. You saved it. I wasn’t living before. I was a damn robot, trying to please everyone for duty.” He rubbed his cheek against her hair. “Not because I loved, like I love you, Em.”

  Like a block of melting ice, she felt him heat with her touch as she kissed him. Alex pulled her closer. Deepening the kiss, his tongue thrust urgently into her mouth as if he were drawing air from her lungs. Drawing out her life and fueling his own.

  Every Fae cell burst with energy, the craving for connection and bonding sparked by his desperate need. Her people were of the earth, pulled their energy from it and gave it freely to replenish. No one needed her energy and magick more than Alex. Her body began to glow with natural arousal. White light bathed them as Alex lifted her skirts and cupped her sex possessively.

  He slid a long finger into her and she cried out. Emma pumped her hips against his teasing strokes, as his caresses became more urgent and frantic.

  “Come for me, Emma,” he whispered. “Look at me. I want to watch you come for me.”

  Her eyes flew open. She saw his face, ruthless with lust and intent. He stroked harder and she clung to him. His finger stroked her wet core, sliding back and forth. The pleasure built higher and higher, cresting over her as a shuddering cry wrung from her throat.

  Alex pulled away, dropping her skirts. The chiseled angles of his face did not soften, but hardened with purpose.

  He brought his fingers to his mouth, slowly licked them. “My mouth on you. Soon, Emma. What you fel
t is nothing compared to the pleasure I’ll bring you.”

  Desire became a hot, throbbing need singing through her body. She could smell her own arousal, feel her body’s natural glow pulse like an aura, harmonizing with the natural cycle of life.

  Then he glanced at the house. “Upstairs. My bed. Now.”

  The arrogant, commanding prince. But this time, she was his obedient servant. Emma slid her arms around his neck as he picked her up and carried her into the house.

  Inside his bedroom, her breasts tingled at the smoldering look he gave her. Alex set her down gently, ran his hands over her arms, slid them down to her hips. “I scent you, Emma. I know what your body is telling me.”

  He pulled her close, pressing her against his narrow hips, the long ridge of his erection. “You want me, Emma, just as I want you. No other lover can make you feel like I can.”

  Alex bent his head, breathed in her scent, and then nuzzled her neck. His lips feathered over her skin, coaxing a shiver of pure pleasure. He swirled his tongue over her sensitive skin and found her earlobe and caught it between his teeth. Emma suppressed an excited whimper.

  “Trying to prove you always make your mark?”

  He pulled back, his gaze glittering with savage hunger.

  “No. But I always do mark what is mine. You’re mine, Emma. What I claim, I keep, and I don’t let anyone else near.”

  Amber glowed in his eyes, the beast emerging.

  He closed his eyes as her fingers caressed his chin, stroked up to his mouth. Such a firm, masculine mouth. Her heart beat faster.

  She slid her hands around his neck and he opened his eyes. His gaze darkened.

  “I might lose control. My kind…if I take you, I may get savage. Out of control. You make me wild, Emma.”

  “You won’t hurt me Alex. I trust you.”

  Maybe it was the word trust, or her own burning need as she gazed into his eyes, but she saw something ease in him.

  She shrugged out of her gown. Naked, she climbed into the bed, watching him as he shed his clothing.


  Her gaze shot down to his very impressive erection. Not two penises. But near the base of his thick phallus was a small protrusion.

  Alex glanced down with a smile. “The love knot. That’s what I call it.”

  “What’s it for?”

  “You’ll see.” He joined her on the bed and kissed her.

  “Relax sweetheart. I’m going to make you feel good. Very good.” He lowered his mouth to her bare breast.

  Lightly he flicked his tongue over her hardened nipple. Emma writhed and moaned, the delightful pleasure spiking all the way to her core. Alex fastened his lips around her nipple and began suckling, swirling his tongue in a circle, and then back. The friction of his tongue was torment enough, but then he touched between her legs and slid a long finger between her soaked folds. He inserted one finger inside her, moving it back and forth to the rhythm of his talented tongue.

  She could do nothing except lie there and let the feelings of intense pleasure consume her. Alex teased her slowly, his finger working inside her. When he pressed against a section of her core, she shrieked. Orgasm slammed into her like a freight train.

  He slid out of her, and raised his head, his gaze dark as sin. “That’s my girl. I found the sweet spot every female dragon has. Knew I would.”

  “Arrogant,” she whispered, glad of it.

  “First thing I learned about sex. Every female dragon has a B-spot. The breeding spot inside her that swells during that time of the month. When a guy’s cock presses against it, it triggers ovulation, and orgasm.” A very male and satisfied look came over him. “I plan to make you scream several more times tonight, sweetheart.”

  “You always were an overachiever.” Emma tried to regain her breath.

  Turning her head, she saw him, tense and ready, his cock straining upwards. A large blue vein ran down the center to the head, which was red and leaked clear fluid. A male dragon’s instinct was to impregnate a female, and Alex was no different, desiring to seed his gene pool deep inside her.

  “You realize what this means.” His voice deepened. “If I make love to you here, tonight, without protection, you could get pregnant. And this house doesn’t look as if it has a condom dispensing machine handy in the bathroom.”

  Wetness filled her core as she thought of Alex planting his seed deep inside her, and how it would feel to carry his child. Their child, created in love, not out of duty and need for an heir. Instinct pushed aside all logic. Emma lay back and spread her thighs open wide.

  “Alex, make love to me. I want your baby.”

  Even an illegitimate child, created in love and raised with love by her, would be a sweeter memory than nothing of Alex in her life at all. Their baby would remain a living reminder of one night of passion, when Alex claimed her body and her soul, and loved her as she deserved to be loved.

  He looked down at her solemnly. “Do you know what a dragon’s true mate is?”

  She shook her head.

  “It’s when two dragons meet who are destined to become one, to bond together and never part. They share more than their bodies. They can communicate through a special mind link and they become so close, if they leave each other it actually hurts. It’s a very special thing, Em. Only a few dragons find it. Some spend their entire lives searching for it. I have it with you.”

  “I love you, Alex,” she whispered.

  Nudging her thighs open, he settled between them. Emma felt the instinctive pull toward him, her body surging with sexual energy. Alex’s mouth was rough and possessive, yet his hands stroked over her quivering skin with such tenderness. He looked fierce and wild, but his touch was gentle and cherishing. A masculine fragrance of spice and pine engulfed her, Alex’s very male scent stamping into her skin to mark her. Rough calluses on his palms rubbed over her sensitive skin.

  Moisture seeped from her core, preparing her untested body for her eventual entry and his claiming. He was breathing heavily, color flooding his face, his expression fierce, yet she sensed he leashed the primitive wildness of his dragon.

  Her skin felt stretched tight over bone. She’d suspected making love with Alex would be consuming, but never knew it could be this powerful. This earthy and raw. He rubbed his body over hers in sensual, teasing strokes, a small smile playing about his mouth. This playful side of him was the Alex she’d known, the Alex who’d laughed and chased her until they’d both tumbled, breathless and panting, into the meadow, the sweet smell of grass as sharp as their desire.

  Emma quivered, breathless with need. It became a hot, stabbing force, erasing everything but the desire to have this man inside her.

  His smile dropped, his features becoming taut and dangerous. She sensed the power inside him, felt him tense.

  His face intent, his mouth covered hers in a possessive kiss. He stroked inside her mouth, slow and certain, but his mouth was gentle, not crushed to hers. Arousal pounded through her, heightened by the muscled weight atop her. The silky brush of hair on his legs inflamed her sensitive skin. Her tongue darted out, touched his as he deepened the kiss.

  The internal glow of her arousal spilled outward, bathing them in soft white light. Emma couldn’t suppress the natural energy.

  “Alex,” she cried out.

  Alex pulled back, his gaze burning into her. “Let it go. Shh. Let it go.”

  The air grew thick with the salty tang of sex hovering in the air. Power hummed inside her, singing secrets as ancient as feminine instinct.

  Dazed, she looked into his eyes as his mouth left hers. Alex trailed a line of soft, wet kisses across her throat, up to her earlobe. He caught it between his strong teeth and bit ever so gently. Emma’s hands drifted over his back, testing the hard muscles there, feeling the leashed power of his dragon.

  The man was still in control.

  His touch was slow and gentle, his expression hard with passion, but his hands soothing. He stroked her skin, cupping her breasts
in his rough palms. Delicious pleasure stole over her as he thumbed her nipples, making them harden. Alex’s mouth encased one, his tongue expertly flicking and suckling. Emma cried out, holding his head to her breasts, her legs draped around his waist, her feminine folds intimately pressed against him. Then he lifted his head and gave a lazy smile.

  His cock slid between her legs, tunneling through the wetness of her core. He began rubbing it against her soaked cleft, hitting her clit with exquisite pressure. Alex was merciless. He did not stop, even as she surrendered and screamed, the pleasure bursting from her as she climaxed. He kept kissing her, riding through the spasms until she lay back, spent and shivering.

  Then he lifted his head, wiping his mouth with the back of one hand. He mounted her then, spreading her thighs wide.

  Alex laced his fingers through hers, his heavily muscled body pressing her into the mattress, as his penis began pushing inside her.

  Slow, gentle thrusts, then retreats. He felt thick and hard as a steel bar, each slide pushing him past her tiny muscles gripping him tightly.

  The silky hairs of his chest abraded her nipples as his body slid over her. “Now,” he said softly. “Now, I will make you mine.”

  He thrust hard, pushing past the barrier, and then caught her cry of pain with his mouth on hers. Alex went still, kissing her, licking the single tear trickling down her cheek.

  The pain had already faded. She cried because it was so lovely, and she knew beyond this night, they could never share this again.

  Emma wrapped her legs around his hips and moved upward. His hips began hammering back and forth as her nails dug into his shoulders. She threw back her head, flushed with erotic pleasure. The heat built higher and higher. Climax shimmered out of reach, a ball of white sparks fed by her aura.

  Alex angled his thrusts, pushing against her sensitive bud, and she shrieked, her body taut as she climaxed. And then his penis rubbed hard against the spot in her core he’d found earlier. Gasping, she writhed as the pleasure shot through her yet again.

  Emma climaxed again so hard she saw stars.

  Her eyes opened as she watched him throw his head back with a rough groan. Warm seed shot inside her, life-giving seed, as he bucked against her.


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