I Gave It ALL ~The Sequel~

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I Gave It ALL ~The Sequel~ Page 2

by Will Brown

“Very impressive,” T-Bird said while she, Q, and JJ looked through the pages.

  Arnett stared at JJ like he knew him from somewhere. “Hey, I know you. Aren’t you an entertainment lawyer?”

  “Yes I am,” JJ answered.

  “Yeah, I thought I knew you! I worked with one of your artist in Vegas last year for six weeks before going to Japan. What was his name? I believe it was that rap artist, umm Mo Hype, am I right?”

  “Yeah, I remember. I got a four-year deal for him with Polystack Records. Isn’t this a surprise?” JJ said.

  “That’s right. I knew I’d seen you before.”

  T-Bird then interrupted to get back to the real purpose of the meeting.

  "Arnett, here are some of the parameters involving the tour, including the cities and dates. Do you mind if I leave a copy with you? That way you will have a better understanding of what I’m looking for in my tour manager, regarding responsibilities and other business matters.”

  “Sure no problem, T-Bird,” Arnett said.

  “Good, well I think we’ve covered everything. Now that I have your information, I’ll give you a call to let you know my decision one way or another.”

  They continued their lunch making idle chitchat until it was time for Arnett to leave. As soon as Arnett left, Q looked at her.

  “I don’t think you should hire him. I don’t think he’s worth you taking any chances.”

  “I was just about to say the same thing,” JJ said. “He tried to impress me with the fact that he knew my artist, but I wasn’t flattered because I also know he used to hang out with him, getting high. That’s one of the reasons why I dropped his contract. He couldn’t stay straight long enough to put together an album and almost cost me money. I think it would be wise not to consider Arnett.”

  “I guess that settles it then. I’ll call him over the next few days. At this point, there’s no hurry. I still have to meet with Andre today. Can you believe he’s coming in from L.A. this afternoon and would like to get together with me? He said he heard my single on the radio out there. He’s going to freak out when I ask him to be my manager; he always wanted to work with me, so maybe this will be the opportunity..”

  T-Bird continued.

  “I have to admit, Andre does have the knowledge I’m looking for and I want to work with him. You don’t know how much it means to me for you to be here. I think your presence added a lot of strength to the meeting.”

  “No problem,” JJ said as he gave her a hug. “Well, I have to go back downtown... are you ready Q?”

  “Yeah, let’s ride. I have to make sure I get my team on that flight to Chicago and I need to be at the office to see them off. Later baby!”

  “Okay I’ll see you guys later.”

  T-Bird then left to drive up to The Music House, a studio known for having state of the art recording sound and a full stage rehearsal hall. She'd used them in the past and wanted to secure rooms for the practice sessions. It was going to cost $3,000 and was certainly more convenient than going into the city. After paying in advance, she chose to work in Studio B. Before leaving, she received a call from Andre. He had finally landed and was at the airport.

  “T, wassup? I’m back! Can we get together or what?”

  “Andre, what’s going on bebe? I’m on the freeway heading back into the city right now. I was at The Music House securing a studio for my rehearsals for the next few weeks. Where can we meet?”

  “Listen, meet me at the Milk Bar, unless you want to go to Stew’s instead,” Andre said.

  “Why don’t we meet there? I know you’re hungry and want to eat some of those BBQ beef ribs and collard greens over rice.”

  “You remembered, huh?”

  “Oh yeah. I remember how we all used to go there and eat until we couldn’t walk.”

  T-Bird began to laugh.

  “I bet you do. I can’t handle that anymore. You know we were much younger then. Now I’ve got to stay in shape. I’ll meet you there in fifteen minutes.”

  Andre and T-Bird arrived at the restaurant fifteen minutes apart. As they sat down at a table, Andre asked..

  “So tell me, what’s been going on? I was out on the West Coast and all I kept hearing was your hit song, "Can’t Wait Another Minute." It seemed as if they were playing it once every hour. Whomever's in charge of the marketing on your label is trying to get you paid, baby. I mean really paid.”

  "Andre, what have you been doing? Are you working with anyone right now?” She asked.

  “Nope... nothing for the moment. I just came off a year-long tour with my new group out of London called Black Flame. Man they’re taking the UK by storm. They’ll be making their way to the states in a few, trust me. I made close to $200,000.00 as their road manager...”

  “..Man, they’ve got a serious Jamaican funk rock sound that is truly off the hook. So for right now, I’ve got about six months to chill before bringing them over here.”

  “Oh my God, Andre. That’s great. You always knew how to find work and make it happen, you know? I mean you and Shaun are the only two people I know who can really get what you want without the business sucking you dry. You truly know how to be in the game.”

  “You know I’ve been doing this a while now, thanks to Shaun. So if I can’t handle my business by now to get my mine, I can forget it. Now let’s talk about you and Shaun. Are you two getting along now? I’m really sorry to hear you guys have split up. I always felt like you were made for each other.”

  “Don’t even go there because I don’t want to hear that at all,” T-Bird said. “Your boy has got some serious issues and that is not my problem. I just can’t deal. No one could have ever made me believe that Shaun would become a compulsive gambler and that we’d get a divorce. He let things get so bad to the point of taking my money and almost blowing my career. He almost bankrupted us. That really hurt me, Andre, and I’m having a hard time trying to forgive him.”

  “That’s pretty rough. Maybe in time you guys will be able to heal. He’s still my brother,” Andre said.

  “I know that,” T-Bird replied. “It’s amazing to know that everyone still seems to love and care a lot about him regardless of what happened between us.”

  “Now T-Bird, I have to be honest with you, you have to understand what happened between you guys and the way we all feel are two separate issues. We just can’t stop being Shaun’s friends. That just wouldn’t be right. I mean, it’s really, really sad. You know? I feel bad knowing you two have been through so much together and it’s resulted in this. So who’s going to manage you now?”

  T-Bird looked Andre right in the eyes. “How about you? I mean, if you want a shot... Do you? It’s going to be 50 cities. I don’t know anyone else who I can trust and handle me except you and Shaun and he’s out. So what is it going to be, Andre?”

  “Damn T, you’re really putting me on the spot. Well, because it’s you… man…I got you. I’ll do it. You know, I’ve always wanted to work with you, but the timing was always off. Allow me to be honest….I was looking forward to just being at home, chilling. Just coming off of tour myself. I know how much this means to you, so I guess you can count me in.”

  “Oh Andre, you are a sweetheart. Let’s eat and I’ll show you all the details at my place. JJ is going to be so pleased to know that I have you on board. Oh…and Andre. You know Shaun is going to be upset to know that you are taking his place. Don’t you? When was the last time you talked to him?”

  “You’ve got a point there. I haven’t spoken to him since I left to go out to L.A. I guess he didn’t want to tell me what was going on with you two for the sake of his pride or maybe it was still too personal for him to talk about. I don’t think he’s going be mad. I’m his boy. He’ll talk to me after he finds out that I’ll be working with you. At least he’ll be content to know that it’s someone who knows you and will look out for you. Do you know what I’m saying?”

  T-Bird nodded her head in agreement..

  "You’re right. I’ve
been in the game for a while now, but this part of the business you can have. I proudly hand you the baton. Come on, let’s go back to my place so you can listen to all my songs on the album.”

  Andre finished the last piece of sweet potato pie and drank the remaining ice tea in his glass and then stood up.

  “Oh waiter, can you please bring me the bill? We have to get going.”

  After receiving the bill, he left a $50 bill on the table before pushing his chair back.

  “Okay cool, let’s go.”

  He then grabbed T-Bird by the hand and escorted her out of the restaurant and back to their cars for the ride to her loft. On the way back to her place with Andre following her, she was finally able to plan a meeting, excited about introducing Andre as her new manager. Fate had worked its magic to bring them together.

  Once they arrived, she directed Andre into the living room. Immediately, she turned on the stereo to put in her CD while they talked about all the struggles of the music industry. The more Andre listened to the songs, the more intrigued he became. He began to bob his head to the beat of the music while patting his feet. He leaned back in her lounge chair with his eyes closed and arms behind his head and couldn’t help but feel the heat of each song’s emotion and music. He then took out the sheet from the CD cover and began to read all the lyrics.

  “So T-Bird, I heard you wrote all these songs. Great job”

  T-Bird looked at him, smiling. "You like it huh?”

  “Do I like it? Of course! I didn’t realize you could write like this. Every song has a character of its own, I’m really impressed. I didn’t know you had mad skills like this. You know what I’m saying?”

  “Dre, I’ve been through so much, this album couldn’t be anything less. My experiences just made the lyrics flow like water, you know? They really came from the heart.”

  Andre continued to bob his head while listening. “Wow! Every song is a hit! This album is the joint.” he said looking at her. “You’re about to blow up!”

  “Do you think so bebe?” T-Bird asked.

  “What? Come on. Remember when I called you from L.A.? I told you then that the radio stations were playing your songs every hour. The moment I heard that voice of yours, I knew it was you. You got that sound bae. I couldn’t believe it. Right away I knew I had to give you a call. We had to get together when I got back here. After listening to this CD, yeah I’m in. I mean you’re my home girl. And you know something? We’re going to have a lot of fun together.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. But you know something Dre? If it weren’t for Trey, Q and JJ, this album would've never happened. They’ve shown me true friendship when I really needed it the most. They’ve never let me down no matter what I needed. Most of all, when all my money was gone, they blessed me and gave me $150,000 to complete this album. I can never repay them for that! I cried many nights in gratitude for God giving me such precious friends.”

  Andre smiled at her.

  “That’s because you’re special. There are not too many women with your personality, can sing and do what you do. It’s meant for you to be where you are right now. The supreme spirit will position you around the right people to get you to the next level. No one can do that but God. He is just that great. You know what I mean? Sometimes we have to be careful for what we ask, because in the process, there’s a price to pay. Rather we like it or not.”

  All T-Bird could do was throw her hands up in the air, in an act of praise, to affirm Andre’s words, because she had truly been through some trials and made it.

  “You know I’ve had a few storms come into my life too, and, at the most inopportune times. But I used it to make me stronger and that’s why I’m standing here right now. Those times were the test that fortified my desires to succeed. Unlike you, I wasn’t able to have the support you’re getting," Andre said.

  "Yeah, I mean Shaun taught me a lot, but you know something? It made me who I am and that’s a stronger person. That’s why no one can compete with me in this business. Oh well, no one other than Shaun and that’s because we’re cut from the same cloth.. I’m still having a hard time trying to figure out what went wrong with him and this gambling issue.”

  T-Bird moved to the stereo. “I can’t take thinking about Shaun right now.”

  “Oh come on, don’t be a hater. I’m not going to lie. He did fuck things up big time. I mean... damn... look at you. All fouine and shit. You know you’re all he ever talked about besides music and getting you a deal. I believe Shaun’s greatest challenge was himself and I truly hope that he calls me. We need to talk. I would do anything to help him get out of the hole and pay off his debts. I wouldn’t be a friend if I wasn’t there for him. Remember, just like the guys were there for you, I need to be there for my nigga. You know what I mean?”

  “I don’t want to know anything about that right now. T-Bird interrupted. “I’m just too angry — maybe he does need you. So now that we’ve exhausted that conversation, let’s get down to business and look at the contracts. Okay?”

  “Cool, let’s do that. You’re the boss...” Andre said, as she handed him the paperwork. It was pretty much the standard contract. As he read through the legal jargon, he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary...

  “This looks real good. Can you make me a copy?”

  “Sure, no problem,” T-Bird said. “I’ll have them for you right away.” She then handed him a business card with Q’s name on it. “Here, you’re going to need this. Q will be flying us where we need to go whenever possible.”

  “Thanks a lot. How is Q doing these days? I heard he’s doing big things with his private planes and limo service. His name has been buzzing around a lot in the industry lately, too. Some of my people did business with him recently... Man, you guys have a good thing going, constantly pouring back into each other’s reservoirs and keeping it full. Now that’s what I call networking. Trey has the telecommunications network, Q has the corporate jet and limo services, JJ owning the club and you the artist of the hour, in the entertainment industry. I see what’s going on here," Andre said while shaking his head with a smile on his face.

  “You know, Shaun and I should have thought of something like this. We would have been millionaires a long time ago.”

  T-Bird put her arms around Andre’s neck. “Oh I know bebe, but just think about it—you’re almost there. You’re a household name in the industry, too. You’ve got more notoriety than you realize. I’m sure you have a few ideas of your own. Like you said, you wouldn’t have lasted this long if you didn’t handle your business.”

  Andre and T-Bird went back into the dining room as the phone rang. It was Desiree calling her back.

  “What’s up girl? I told you that I’d call you back. How are things going? Have you had a chance to think about anything I said to you earlier?”

  “Well cuz, I have. I’ve made the decision to let Andre manage the group,” T-Bird answered.

  “That’s great. So what do you think Shaun will say?” Desiree asked.

  “They’re cool. He should at least feel good that it’s someone that he knows and trusts. How’s Darnell? Have you spoken to him?”

  “He’s fine. As a matter of fact, I have a new assignment for him. I’m sending him down to Miami to interview that new rap group, DDG.”

  “DDG? That’s one of the groups on my tour!”

  “What?! Now girl you know that is too much of a coincidence,” Desiree said.

  “What made you choose Darnell?”

  There was no way she could revealed that she and Darnell had been together the night before and was well aware that he was going to be in Miami.

  “I was going to ask you to give him a few days off so he could see me before my tour started, but now this is going to work out perfectly.” T-Bird responded.

  “I just felt it’s time for him to go out on his own. He will be just fine.” Desiree continued.

  “Cuz I’m so happy for him.”

  “Girl, I tell you t
his hip hop thing is taking over. You better be glad you can sing or you wouldn’t stand a chance. Well, I’m sure Darnell will be calling you tonight to tell you the good news. Just act surprised even though you already know. Okay, please?”

  “You are too crazy! Of course I will. There’s no way I’ll let him know you told me. The important thing is, I’m going to be able to see him..,” T-Bird said. “I can’t wait to hear his voice when he tells me for himself."

  “You know what you mean cuz? I just wanted to make sure you were okay but I can see things are starting to come together since our last conversation. In the meantime, I’ve got a few last minute things to do myself before leaving the office tonight. In fact, I’ll be leaving in the morning to travel to Phoenix. I’m doing interviews, covering the championship finals for the western division, the whole nine, for the next three days.. You know I want to call and tell my bebe Q. I hope he can find a way to fly out there to see me. I don’t want to get too lonely.”

  “Okay. so what’s up with you two? Bebe, I can’t believe this. Just absolutely unbelievable. I want to know what you’re putting in his drink,” T-Bird said, as they both laughed. “I guess this will be a conversation to be continued. Love you cuz.”

  “Love you too,” Desiree responded.

  “We’ll talk this week. You know you’re my girl!

  As the evening came to a close, T-Bird had achieved her goal of getting a new manager and getting peace of mind that Desiree had made plans for Darnell to be with her. There was only one thing left to do and that was call Arnett to tell him that she made a decision to not to use him. After that conversation was over, a heavy weight was lifted off of her shoulders. Her phone rang again. It was JJ.

  “T-Bird, what’s up and how are things?”

  “They’re going great! Andre and I had a meeting. I asked for his help and he said yes. Can you believe it?"

  “That’s good. So what do you think Shaun is going to say?” JJ asked.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all. After all, Andre is his friend. Why is everyone asking me what Shaun is going to say? You’re the third person to ask me that today. Is he the concern here or getting the help I need?”


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