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I Gave It ALL ~The Sequel~

Page 5

by Will Brown

  “I don’t know but it sure appears to be that way to me,” JJ replied.

  “It looks that way to me too.” Vivian continued.

  “Maybe we’re overreacting and it’s nothing, but I can’t blame him. Everyone knows Q’s reputation, so I can’t blame him for asking.”

  Once they arrived at the car, Vivian turned to JJ and gave him a kiss.

  “JJ I love you so much.”

  “I love you too baby. You know, I’m thinking about investing in a Tea Pot in London. I hear the music scene over there is outrageous. What do you think about that?” he asked.

  “Honey, you’ve never made a bad business decision that I know of, so, if you think it's a good investment, then fly there and check things out. So when are you thinking about working on this?”

  “I don’t know. I may just wait until T-Bird’s tour ends so all of the distraction will be out of the way.”

  “I guess it would be nice to go to London and party at the Tea Pot # 2,” Vivian said before JJ starting the car to leave the garage.


  T-Bird didn’t arrive home until 7:30 that morning and needless to say her phone was off and lying on the bed; she was so relieved she now had Andre on her team. When she looked at it, there was a missed call and a message from Darnell. He had finally completed his interview with the group DDG. Immediately she returned his call.

  “Hello, how are you, bebe? I’m just getting in from last night’s rehearsal. I’m sorry I missed your call. You will not believe who’s here.”

  “Baby I haven't the slightest idea. Who is there that I should be concerned with? It certainly isn’t DDG because I just finished interviewing them last night.”

  “Baby I know that much,” T-bird replied.

  “It’s Desiree! When she walked in that studio last night, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Knowing her, I should have expected it. So, were you feeling a little nervous before doing your interview?”

  “Yeah, I guess just a little, but I kept thinking about you and how proud you would be so I was working off of pure adrenalin. I’m still feeling butterflies. It seems like you’ve had a long night. Don’t you think you need some rest?”

  “Yes and I will as soon as I’m done talking to you. Don’t worry I’ll be okay.” T-Bird replied.

  “Well I just hope your interview was all that you were expecting it to be. I wish you were here last night. That would have completed my night for real. The studio was so packed you could barely move, so many people were there. I want to make sure I don’t leave anything out. I saw Shaun at the club and we had a chance to talk. We are finally at peace with being divorce.”

  Darnell wasn't letting T-Bird concentrate on any man but him.

  “I wish I was been there too baby. Especially after the other night. I still feel your touch all over me. I can’t wait to pick up where we left off..."

  There was a brief pause before he continued.

  "..So how long will Desiree be there? I was under the impression she was on her way to Phoenix to cover the championship playoffs?”

  “I’m not sure, and to be honest, we really haven’t had a chance to talk,” T-Bird said. “She left with Q this morning and probably will be with him for the rest of the day. I’m sure she’ll contact me before she leaves.”

  “Oh well, she’s the boss and it’s not my business. I’m sure she doesn’t want me to know what goes on in her personal life and likewise for me. I know I don’t want her to know every time I’m with you.”

  “You’re right. I’m trying to keep my friends out of my affairs right now. Everyone’s so concerned about me staying focused on the business, like I haven’t up until now. I can’t even go to the bathroom without someone being concerned if I have enough toilet paper. They are really hating on me being with you. The minute I mention your name, negative looks suddenly appear and that shit just ain't right...”


  The Turning Point

  Darnell spoke softly in order to smooth her ruffled feathers, wondering why everyone seemed to have such a problem with him. What did they think they knew anyway?

  “Listen, don’t get upset. Your friends are just trying to show how much they care about you,” he reasoned. “Now concerning you and I — we just have to play it cool. You understand? No one’s running me away. Furthermore, you know who you are. No one is going to change that.”

  “Okay bebe. Now that’s what I like in a man. Someone who’s willing to stand up for what he wants. Tell me more bebe,” she said.

  “I will never take back the night we met. How was I supposed to resist how beautiful you are? Not only that, but that personality of yours is just like a magnet. You make a man want you and since I’ve got you, I’m not giving you back.”

  “Darnell, see, that’s why I’m falling for you. You have all the right words...” she was gushing and blushing simultaneously.

  “Really?Well, I wish we had the time to talk. There’s so much I want to share with you about me, but it will have to wait until the time is right. It’s because of you that my life is changing for the better.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Just trust me for now and be patient. We’ll talk about it. Okay?”

  “All right. I won’t press the issue. I’m sure you’ll tell me when you’re ready to talk about it. What time is your interview?”

  “I’m supposed to meet with the group around 4 o’clock.”

  “Well, we’ve been on the phone for at least an hour. It’s already 8:30.” She continued.

  “You’re right... it’s time to go. I have some last minute things to do here before leaving to go back to Atlanta. Bae, remember what I said. Promise me you’ll get some sleep,” Darnell asked before preparing to hang up the phone.

  “I promise I will. I’ll talk to you later.”


  Q and Desiree were almost at the hotel after leaving the Tea Pot while listening to the radio as DJ Lock Down was just coming on the air. Once again, he was motivating his morning audience and sharing the forecast; rain coming for the next few days. With his hand placed on her thigh, he was still trying to get over the fact that Desiree actually took a flight from Atlanta. Nothing was going to get in her way of being with the two people she cared most about, him and T-Bird. She was changing his whole world slowly, because like T-Bird, Desiree was too beautiful to just let go like that. She was slowly becoming the sugar in his coffee.

  Yet still he struggled with his ego, not willing to give up his stable of affluent women. Regardless of his selfishness, he wanted more of what she had to offer and he was willing to do anything to test the waters to get it.

  As they pulled up to the curve, he stopped the car. “Desiree, tell me something?”

  “What is it, bebe?” she answered, while turning to look at him.

  “Where is your heart?”

  “Where is my heart? I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

  “My head is all confused. I mean my heart wants you, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to let go. I mean this is getting complicated now that we’re dating. I’ve got other women crying to be with me. I just need to know before we get out of the car. I want to know right here, right now, how you really feel about me.”

  Desiree smiled as she pushed the front seat back and crossed her legs.

  “Look here, ain’t no sense in you denying it. You mines. I don’t give a damn about who’s crying to be with you. And to say the least, they should be, cause they ain’t getting you. You mines. Read my lips. You belong to me. Our situation is so surreal. When I flew up here for the first time on business, I had no intentions of meeting anyone. You were not on my dinner menu. I was here to take care of my client. It was strictly business. But when I saw your fouine ass, I knew right away I had to have you. And you had to be so nice, going out of your way to accommodate me with a limo into the city. It was a total shock when I found out that you and my cuz were close friends and of course I
had to take full advantage of that. I made every effort to arrange for us to meet again thanks to cuz. Make no mistake bebe, I can get any man I want...” she gave him a sheepish grin then continued.

  “..I meet them all the time. Some impressive and some not so impressive. I know you’re used to getting what you want. T-Bird made me aware about you and the other women. Needless to say, I wasn’t reluctant knowing that at all. I was more concerned with you realizing what you were about to miss out on if you missed me. Yeah, we have more in common than you realize. I don’t regret following my instincts.”

  Q just sat there speechless and just like T-Bird, Desiree didn’t hesitate when expressing herself. She took his heart right of his chest and held it in her hands.

  “You better recognize a good thing when you see it. Or are you blind? You have to make a decision on what you want. I see it in your eyes every time you look at me but you’re afraid...Sadly not of me but yourself. My heart is waiting on you. Do you hear the words coming out of my mouth and from my lips? Would you like to taste them to be sure? I believe after that you’ll be convinced. But if it pleases you to hear me say it, my heart is right here and beating very fast for you.”

  Desiree took his hand and placed it across her breast so he could feel her heart pounding. Hearing those words, his ego began to swell, hearing her say her heart belonged to him. It was all he needed to hear. He caressed the side of her face and asked her to repeat herself as to what she had just expressed so perfectly.

  “Say that you belong to me. I want to hear you say it again.” As he navigated his index finger to touch and follow the pattern of her lips.

  Desiree looked at him with her green eyes. “It’s yours bebe. Every part of me that you touch belongs to you. I already know that no one else can touch you like me. Do you want me? Hmm…Do you?” she asked while watching his composure slip away.

  To say the least, Desiree had more confidence than Q ever imagined, as she lifted her top, giving him access to her bare breast. In a matter of seconds, the roles reversed and Q was totally unprepared for her actions.

  “Don’t make me answer you. I made my point clear the moment I put my dick inside you. Do you remember that?”

  Regardless of how Q was trying to show he had heart, it didn’t move Desiree one bit. She wasn’t settling for that answer.

  “Oh really? Okay. Look at all this brown sugar. “Come closer,” she said, exposing her second breast. Right at that moment she was turned on watching Q sink into his seat as her pussy began to get wet. Without hesitation, she stuck her fingers right inside to wet them and licked her juices off in front of him. What remained, she rubbed across his lips as she began to kiss him. “Yes bebe, I’ve got something for you.”

  Before he could realize, she was opening the zipper to his pants. Watching the expression on his face turned her up another notch, as he attempted to answer her.

  “Alright, enough of this foreplay. Why don’t we just go to your room?”

  After arousing him, there was only one thing on Q’s mind and that was getting her back in bed.

  Adjusting her top, they eagerly got out of the car to run inside as the rain fell even harder. The moment they approached the counter to pick up the keys to her room, she watched the expression on the front desk manger’s face. He was looking at Q and smiling. It was quite obvious he was unaware his shirt was hanging out of his pants and his zipper was still open.

  “Welcome Miss Robinson, your room number is 1701. Here are your access keys. It’s our sincere pleasure to serve you..." He was still boasting that knowing smile.

  "..On a perfect day, your room would give you a view of the waterfront. You’ll find a bottle of wine, a basket of fruit and chocolates on your living room table. Enjoy your stay,” he said while handing her the keys.

  Desiree took the keys and grabbed Q by the hand, before getting on the elevator to access the executive level to her suite.

  Not willing to resist the temptation, he trapped her body against the elevator wall as it began to move. Simultaneously he kissed her passionately down to the base of her shoulders.

  Helplessly she attempted to wrap one of her legs around his waist, but not before leaning her head back with her eyes closed and letting out a moan. In her next breath Q began to pull down her pants. He immediately turned her around forcing her face into the wall while ripping her panties to the side and putting his dick inside of her. Desiree let out another moan while embedding the palms of her hands against the wall. What an opportunity to experience great sex while having a key entry ride to the executive level with no interruptions.

  The force of him stroking her provoked her to cum as her juices ran down between her legs as they began to shake, leaving her to fall to her knees. The pleasure of watching her fade in weakness and then helping her back to her feet was even more intoxicating. Q then guided her to the room door as he took the key and inserted it onto the reader. Desiree was so weak she collapsed right onto the bed facing the window and looking out at the falling rain and fog that was hiding the view of the city. Q was exhausted himself and laid next to her.

  “Are you alright baby?”

  “I think so. Q — I can’t even express what I’m feeling right now,” she said while still feeling her heart pulsating rapidly. “That was absolutely incredible. So I’ve got a freak on my hands I see. I mean, you were good the first time but now OMGI. I’m going to give you that round just knowing I have you all to myself. I’m crazy about you bebe. I want you to fuck me like that one more time. You wanted to know where my heart is. Now the question is do I know where yours is?” Immediately he sat up in the bed reluctant of what to do or say next. However Desiree played her cards and remained calm waiting on his response.

  “Damn just raw on me like Lion..." she said while looking at him.

  “I guess you feel like a real man now to know you bought me to my knees. But you’re still not ready to give up everything for me are you? I can see it in your eyes. You still wanna be a playboy. So sad and disappointing. I’m going to give you some time to think this whole thing over. You’ve got a lot to think about and I realize that. One thing for sure, all your women will have to recognize who I am. I’m not T-Bird’s cuz for nothing. I’m a Robinson all day. Desiree Robinson.”

  He then attempted to clear his voice as he turned to face her.

  “Oh you can believe I realize that. You know you remind me so much of your cousin as well as myself. And that’s just scary. Don’t worry, if you want more I’ve got more. In the meantime, just let me work things out with myself. The way I‘m feeling right now, I just want us to live for the moment,” he said while leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

  Once again she didn’t say a word as she listened. She just curled up next to him and could feel Q getting a second erection to meet her demands.

  She then grabbed her fruity oils and navigated down between his legs to layer, massage and suck his dick, determined to taste his cum. The rest she allowed to run down onto her breast. It didn’t matter the words that were not said, she knew she was going to be the one.

  The rain continued to fall as she prepared to have sex with him again. Desiree was determined to be everything in a women Q needed as she sat on top of him watching him grasp for air. She then went into her bag and took out her feathers and toys to use on him. Stroking him with the feathers alone sent him into a frenzy. She then stuck one of her toys into her pussy as it vibrated and asked him to lick her pussy at the same time while she began having multiple orgasms. The sensation of her cumin almost made her collapse. After that experience, Q was convinced he had to have her.

  “Damn you’re off the chain woman! However, I just don’t see the value in relationships. They just don’t work for me. Look at my friends and what they’re going through. But damn, you’re so good.”

  If Desiree were playing craps again she would have won the house again. For a moment they laid silent as the radio continued to play. Her strategy to remain pati
ent and win his heart was paying off. Furthermore, she had already reassured him that he had hers; so, as they say, all is fair in love.

  “Well bebe, I think I can live with that” she replied while wrapping one of her legs around his waist. With her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes and fell off to sleep.

  Q just watched her lying next to him. He was confused beyond anyone’s belief, becoming totally vulnerable of giving up his single life. That alone kept his head spinning as he contemplated if he was willing to throw away the most precious thing in his life; his freedom.

  Women were simply a dime a dozen with the option of getting back spare change and a symbol of his enjoyment, playing on his terms. Now that could all possibly change because of one woman. It’s been said we all have to meet our match in life. Be it good or to our own demise. But one thing was sure, the one woman captivating his mind wasn’t going anywhere.

  All he could think of was what Trey and JJ would think of him. He had judged them for so long over their attempts to fill their voids from all the chaos and drama they chose to deal with in their relationships. The thing he vowed most would not happen to him was now staring him straight in the eye. Regardless, they were all partners and carried each other’s burdens. Simply put, there were public successes and private failures. They were successful and living the ideal dream as well as board members with the foundation started by T-Bird, that was impacting so many lives in the community they grew up in. Nothing meant more than that. They were equipping individuals with jobs and educational resources to prepare them for the next phase in life. Even with all they were doing, bad habits had them all trapped by their own wills.

  Still deep in his thoughts, he realized Desiree wasn’t backing off and was willing to do whatever it took to convince him she was in it for the long haul. She was the perfect mirror image of her cousin, a risk taker who was willing to push the envelope. At the least, she was sure to upset the men in her social circle to know she'd actually found someone capable of keeping her torch lit all by himself.


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