The Scheme

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The Scheme Page 6

by Dakota Black

  “Oh, no you don’t. No freaking way.”

  Veronica grinned. “I can tell by your reddened face that the idea intrigues you.”

  Nicky opened her mouth to respond as Tina walked back into her office, holding a striped pink Victoria’s Secret bag. “Oh, no.”

  “Oh, yes. I can’t wait to hear who mystery man is,” Tina said, grinning. “What exactly did you do to get this kind of attention?”

  “Go on, open the prezzie. Might as well see. You obviously have a fan.” Veronica gave Nicky a wry grin.

  “Nope,” Nicky inched back toward the wall.

  “Scaredy cat.” Veronica shook her head.

  “There has to be a delicious story here,” Tina purred.

  Veronica gave her a mischievous look. “Open it or I’ll steal whatever is inside.”

  “Fine.” Her fingers shaking, Nicky pulled out the pink tissue paper, unwrapping the contents slowly. As the group of silky thongs fell to the desk, she felt a wave of hunger flash into her pussy.

  “Uh-huh. He has good taste,” Veronica said, chuckling. “Whoever he is of course.”

  “I’ll say. Those must have cost a pretty penny,” Tina added.

  Nicky brushed her hands over the beautiful bits of lace and silk, marveling at their vibrant shades and the luxurious feel of the material.

  “Fess up,” Tina said.

  “Don’t you have work to do?” Nicky admonished.

  Tina threw up her hands and giggled. “Yes, miss bossy. I never get any juicy details!”

  Veronica waited until Tina walked out before she leaned over the desk. “What happened, did Mick rip ‘em off you?”

  Nicky blushed as she shook her head and burst out laughing. “What am I going to do with him?” Holding up the very sheer sapphire blue thong, she shivered.

  “I’ll give you three guesses and two don’t count. When are you fucking him again?”

  “I don’t think I can.”

  “Girl, come on!” Veronica shook her head. “You promised.”

  Nicky gingerly placed the panties back into the bag and gazed at the roses. “I know but tangling with Mick is a disaster waiting to happen. I did tell him I was going to be at the restaurant tomorrow night and that maybe we’d have a drink.”

  “There you go. Then after we make the final plans you two can go and fuck in his office.”

  “Stop!” Nicky scolded.

  “No can do, sister. I haven’t seen you glow like this ever before.”

  “That’s why I'm going to end this before I get any deeper into… Hell, I don’t know.” Was she trying to convince herself?

  Veronica cocked her head. “You're certifiable.”

  “I can admit I don’t want to get hurt, and you and I both know he’ll grow weary of me soon enough. He’s sexy as hell and a wonderful kisser and…”

  “Uh-huh. See?”

  “That’s not enough.” Nicky knew what she was saying sounded ridiculous.

  “What you’ve already shared is a start and the chemistry you too have is magical, girl, sheesh. I see that head stuck up your ass look. At least talk to him tomorrow night. Tell him about your concerns. My guess is that he has a few of his own. You never know, sparks might fly to the point of combustion.”

  Nicky had the distinct feeling Veronica had something up her sleeve. “I’ll be there, don’t worry.”

  “Okay, but if you aren’t I'll hunt you down.”

  “By the way, what did the boys say about your shameless bet?”

  Veronica blushed. “Seems they both think they’ve won.”

  “Oh, they do, eh? What does that mean now?”

  “Well, I have a date with the two of them privately. They have some surprise in mind and one that is extremely sensuous yet the perfect discipline for a naughty young lady, or so Jonathan says. He’s one shameless man.”

  “Ooh la la, girl. Go for it and I don’t think I want to know the details. I don’t think you’re the sweet little thing I thought you were. What am I saying? You want whips and chains.”

  “Me?” Veronica grinned. “Let’s just say I have a closet full of leather and lace. I could loan you some to snare Mick.”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Look, for whatever it’s worth, I think it’s time you let your guard down. Mick is not who you think he is. I’ve known him for long enough to realize he fakes his bravado but longs for a permanent relationship.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” Shrugging, she allowed her mind to go to too many dark places. The ugly memories were re-surfacing.

  “Jesus!” Veronica took her arm. “Girl, learn to trust again. I’ll do anything I can to help you. We all have secrets. Just remember my words and your promise.”

  Nicky nodded as Veronica walked out the door. Secrets? Yeah, we all do. And Mick was no exception. Why did she have to snoop in his office? Why couldn’t she simply ask him if she was just a cog on his expansive wheel? She couldn’t even think the words, let alone say them. Would he tell her the truth? The vision of that day, the day that dragged her trust of men out of her life blazed into her mind. No matter how many years had gone by, she was still ripped apart. Shaking, she grabbed her phone.

  She tried to rationalize her fears but knew Mick was hiding something. She suspected the burning secret quite possibly had to do with the vibrant picture in his office. She shouldn’t have been snooping, but since she had, the question remained. Damn it, she was determined to find out what he had to hide. If she were right, then he would be banished from her life forever. Nicky thought about asking Veronica, but knew damn good and well that she would blow it off. For some reason, Veronica was spitting fire trying to get them into a relationship.

  No, the selection had to be someone that wouldn’t see her question coming. Her decision made, she grabbed her cell phone. He picked up on the third ring. “You and I need to talk about…” She hesitated. How was she going to put this? “About someone you know better than almost anyone and someone who could get me into a lot of trouble. No, I won’t tell you until you and I meet. Can I see you later, maybe at the little park in Leopard’s Pointe?” Nicky hated going behind anyone’s back but she had to know the truth. She refused to have her heart broken again. “Good, four sharp.” Pressing end, she nodded, her voice barely a whisper. “You have to do this.”

  “I don’t like the way they look,” Veronica said, as she punched Travis in the chest playfully.

  “Ouch, girl. Then go and deal with them.” Travis laughed as he grabbed his beer. “Why are you so worried in the first place?”

  “Because, goofy, they’re meant to be together.”

  “You’re trying too hard to play matchmaker.”

  Veronica shrugged. “Did me some good with the two hunks I sleep with.”

  “Incorrigible,” Travis answered. “Who are they? I need to hunt them down and kill them.”

  Exhaling, she leaned against him and shook her head as she watched the tension building between her two friends. “I mean this. They deserve to be together, Travis. I have to help break down those ridiculous walls she’s built around herself. And Mick, well, he needs a good woman in his life. I'm determined to do what it takes.” Or else I might burn in the fires of hell for my horrid behavior.

  “I guess you are since you made that bet. You sure you can handle us?”

  “I’ll suffer through,” she murmured. She could make out Mick’s frustrated face. Why couldn’t Nicky simply give him a chance? Hell, she knew the answer and couldn’t blame Nicky for using some caution, but this was bordering on ridiculous. Nicky needed to learn who the real man really was.

  “Maybe the attraction is just about awesome sex,” Travis whispered as he licked her cheek, inhaling deeply.

  Swatting at him, she smiled and tried to figure out what to do. She’d told the boys only that they had to perform or else, but she had left out a few details like they were going to be the sexy greeters for the evening and that she had plans to surprise the winner. He
r men were the only ones she could count on not to spoil the end game. She fought a barrage of giggles and eyed Mick and Nicky who were way too far apart in her opinion. Then there was the other indulgent plan and the ante had been upped. “I’m serious.”

  “Look, I know how much you care, but be careful playing with two very strong-willed people. And I can tell there is something you aren’t telling me. Spill the information or I’ll get every scrap out of you. I promise.”

  “You haven’t seen them together.” Veronica pouted. She squeezed her eyes shut. Never in her wildest imagination would she have thought that purposely forgetting two little phone calls would come back to haunt her. “I, well, I owe Mick. That’s all.”

  “You owe him? For what?” Travis took her arm. “Talk to me.”

  Veronica shrugged. “Let’s just say that I thought his ex-girlfriend was a bad influence on his life and well I… I forget to tell him something.”

  Travis cocked his head and studied her eyes. “Let me guess. You meddled and he has no idea.”


  Before he had a chance to grill her, Jonathan sauntered toward them, the look on his face nothing but sheer mischievous indulgence.

  “What?” Travis asked. “I know that face.”

  “Why don’t you ask our girl here what she’s planning,” Jonathan stated, his tone commanding.

  “What are you talking about?” Feigning innocence, she could see Candy Cane shaking her finger in their direction. Candy gave in way too easily.

  “Let’s see, what did you cook up? Travis and I performing, right?” Jonathan moved behind her, sliding his arm around her waist.

  “Uh-huh, but you knew that.” Veronica breathed in his sexy scent, feeling a direct tremor furrowing straight into her pussy.

  Jonathan eased his hand down from her hip until he hovered just at the hemline to her short skirt. “Now I find out that we are greeting everyone?” Inching a single finger under the clingy material, he pressed kisses across the back of her neck.

  “Well, yeah. Kind of,” she whispered.

  “Kind of?” Travis chuckled. “You’re holding one too many secrets, girl. You know what happens when you play with fire.”

  My ass is already grass. Veronica sighed. Perhaps she was in way over her head.

  “What else?” Jonathan inched his fingers under the slip of material, crawling up her quivering thigh until he managed to reach the thin elastic of her panties. Discretely he turned them toward the bar as he pressed his finger across her clit, drawing in a zigzag line.

  “Sweet Jesus!” She grabbed his hand as her breathing became ragged. Mick would never forgive her unless she gave him Nicky on a silver platter.

  “Tell me.”

  “I…” Veronica gazed around the room. No one could see their scandalous act, yet the thought of how dangerous being caught would be forced a single bead of perspiration to trickle down the side of her face.

  “Tell me!” Jonathan thrust his finger inside her molten heat as he forced her ass back into his thick cock, rubbing the bulge back and forth across her cheeks slowly.

  Opening, then closing her eyes, she fought the tremors but knew she was doomed. “Fine. Okay.”

  “Okay what?” Travis slid his hand down her back to grasp her thigh.

  “God, so bad. Let me talk to lover girl and I’ll concede to the bet willingly, if you help me.” Veronica looked from one man to the other. She was terrible at keeping secrets.

  “Meaning?” Jonathan demanded.

  “We already told you we won,” Travis teased.

  “You just think you won,” Veronica purred.

  Travis licked the back of her neck and slid his hand under her skirt to cup her ass. “Really?”

  Huffing, she knew there was no way out of telling them. “Okay, you can take me home and do anything you want to me. Then I’ll tell you,” Veronica said as she resigned herself to confessing. “Maybe.”

  Travis tipped his head back and laughed as he swatted her on the bottom. “You’re going to wear stripes for days on that pretty, little ass of yours. A deal is a deal and for some reason you think you can set new ground rules.” He tugged her to his body so that only she could hear. “Whatever you did, you better come clean.”

  Veronica’s mouth was suddenly Sahara dry. Damn it, Travis was right. The only way to come clean, in her mind, was to fix the situation. One naughty game trumped a bad decision, right?

  “She’s wrong. You belong to us tonight and, sunshine, get ready for something that’s gonna rock your world. If you're very, very good, then we may talk about helping you further.”

  Shivering from his husky tone, Veronica swished her hips back and forth, giving her men a look that bordered on dangerous before moving off toward Nicky and Mick. She’d only wanted to help. Was she doing the right thing? “Hey guys, what’s cookin’?”

  Mick grunted and looked toward the other end of the bar. “Not enough.”

  Nicky sighed and brushed her finger across his forearm. “You know I care about you.”

  “Sure. That’s what all the women say, luv.” Mick swirled the amber liquid in the rocks glass before gulping the remainder and slamming in on top of the bar with a thud. “Well, I have some paperwork to do, ladies.” Nodding, he gazed down at Nicky for several seconds before leaning down and breathing against the side of her neck.

  While Veronica couldn’t hear his husky words, the whisper forced Nicky’s breath to catch. She had to do something, just had to. How many nights had the three girls spent drinking margaritas and talking about finding that one true love? How many nights had Nicky talked about Mick and the intense desires she had to lock him away for a solid week? There was no mistaking their incredible sexual chemistry. Without a doubt, she was going to play matchmaker even if it killed her. The past was the past and Nicky needed to live again.

  They both watched Mick swagger up the stairs to his office and finally Nicky let out a long, strangled breath. “God, I want that man.”

  “Then what is wrong with you? Go up those stairs and lock his door. Tell him that he means something to you. Explain why you’re afraid. Give this a chance. What is it going to hurt?”

  Nicky toyed with her glass of wine, her eyes locked on the large window that overlooked the entire restaurant.

  “Answer the questions. I can tell you’re thinking.”

  “I don’t know. I want to and there is no doubt I care about him, maybe too much.”

  Veronica leaned in and nudged her. “What do you want, really? I know you too well. I’ve held you when you were crying. I’ve seen you bursting with anger. I also have been there when your face lights up every time Mick enters the room.”

  Nicky turned her head, her voice filling with a husky sensual vibe and as she spoke, her hand fluttered over her mouth. “I want long nights filled with passion, making love until the wee hours of the morning. I want nothing more than to wake up next to him after he’s fucked me hard for hours. I want to crawl between his legs, sucking his huge cock until I’m filled from the raw rapture we both feel burning inside, consuming us at all hours of the day and night. I want all those things and more. Hell, I want maybe forever.”

  Several seconds ticked by.

  “My God, that’s intense, passionate. I can see that for you. Whew, is it hot in here or what?” Veronica could sense Nicky shutting down. “Then what’s holding you back?”

  “I know now I was wrong to get involved. I just can’t do this. I can’t get involved.”

  “Why? You have to have a good reason and it had better not have anything to do with your wretched ex. Come on, talk to me!” Veronica hissed. Whatever her girlfriend was holding back, she could tell Nicky was anxious and angry.

  Nicky finished her wine slowly and grabbed her purse. “You want to know the truth?”

  “Hell, yeah, I do. You pour out a Hallmark card then you say you can’t.”

  As she turned slowly and cocked her head, Nicky eyed Mick’s office one m
ore time. “Because I did some snooping and unfortunately, I was right.”

  “About what?”

  Nicky backed away. “Mick St. Simon has a secret and one I can’t handle.”

  “What? You mean you aren’t going to tell me?”

  “Not my place.”

  “Wait a minute!” As Veronica watched Nicky shake her head and saunter toward the door of the restaurant, and she suspected out of Mick’s life entirely, she glared up at Mick’s office. The hulking form stood staring down, watching Nicky leave. “What is going on?” Something didn’t fit. What kind of secret could Mick have that would disturb Nicky so damn much? The actions weren’t reflective of Nicky’s personality. The woman she knew would have confronted Mick. Then maybe she had. “Oh, hell!” Scurrying off to grab Travis and Jonathan, it was time to pull out the big guns. Right after she figured out what the hell the damning secret was.

  Mick stood gazing down at Nicky and sighed. Why had she said those things to him? A fake? Shit, he’d been called many things in his life but a fake wasn’t one of them. He palmed the plate glass window and longed to race after her. The conversation had been far too clipped, almost accusatory. Why? What wasn’t she telling him? Why hadn’t he just called her back after her two failed attempts? “Because you’re a bloody idiot.”

  When he could no longer see her, he skulked around his desk and flopped onto the leather chair. Fingering the paperwork, he needed to get a few things done including approving the designs that Candy had come up with for Ride the Wild Pony, but he was far too distracted to concentrate. He certainly hadn’t expected that Nicky would throw her arms around his neck and profess undying love, but the cold reception was very much unlike her. No matter how brass and bitchy she liked to portray herself on the outside, her cream puff middle was soft and gooey and waiting to be tasted and quite possibly controlled.

  Shivering, his cock throbbed as he could barely get his mind out of the gutter. “You got it bad for the little lady. Whew.” He let out a long breath and managed to sort through the stack of bills and the scandalous ideas for next week's show before she crossed his mind again. Nicky. Nicky.


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