The Scheme

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The Scheme Page 10

by Dakota Black

  While tough, Nicky managed to keep her mouth shut until they pulled into the recently re-paved parking lot. The pristine landscaping and copious amount of fall flowers did wonders for the two-story brick building. The new arched iron gates did surprise her, though. “Wow, there must be money in porn.”

  “You want to smack her, or should I?” Candy snipped as she climbed out of the car. Pushing the seat up, she lowered her head and pointed her finger. “You behave or else.”

  “Or else what? Ya gonna spank me before dinner?” Nicky chortled as she climbed out. When she glanced at the parking lot, the expensive Mercedes and Lincolns filling the space were amazing. Whew, erotic things really did sell well, maybe she was in the wrong business. Anything had to be better than professional babysitting of adults who all needed corner time.

  “From what I heard the other night, I think Mick already took care of that for us.” Veronica raised her eyebrow. “Or should we ask him for a repeat performance right out on the middle of the stage?”

  Nicky threatened, “One more word out of the peanut gallery and I refuse to go through with this.”

  “She needs a drink,” Candy mused.

  Veronica fluffed her hair and slammed the car door shut. “She needs to get laid. At least on a more regular basis.”

  Nicky groaned but was light hearted for the first time in a while. She loved being with the girls and with their heavy work schedules, it had been too long since they had even had lunch together. “I give up.”

  Veronica led the way inside, walking quickly toward the back counter. “Peggy Lou’s expecting us.”

  Nicky remembered the buxom, older redhead fondly. The shop owner had flair down to an art. As they approached the garishly dressed woman barking orders to her assistant, she could clearly see the sparkle in her eye. She was surprised when Peggy Lou grinned broadly and sashayed toward them.

  “Nicky. My, my girl! I thought you were going to be one of my regulars, you came in so many times.” Peggy Lou placed her hands on her large hips and licked her lips.

  “She was on a case.” Veronica and Candy said at the same time.

  “Incorrigible,” Nicky hissed.

  Peggy Lou laughed and beckoned for them. “Come on, ladies. I have some selections in the back room I think will be perfect for your pony-riding event. Going as an erotic cowgirl, eh?”

  Nicky gulped. “Erotic cowgirl?”

  “We thought the outfit fit perfectly.” Candy brushed past her.

  As Peggy Lou led them into a back room, the darkened space forced a slight whimper from Nicky’s mouth. She didn’t remember this den of blazing sin the last time she was in. “Whoa.”

  Peggy Lou leaned forward. “Just added. Thought we needed some private dressing rooms for our lovers to try out a few things.”

  “I love it!” Veronica exclaimed as she turned in a complete circle.

  Nicky gazed around the periphery and had to admit, the red velvet couches, bear skin rugs and the crimson painted and gilded walls set the scene of seduction perfectly. The glimmer of LED candles and the warming scents of cinnamon and other exotic spices wafted through the air creating a lush ambiance.

  “Anyway, I’ve selected a few things for Nicky to try on and there are some props that will certainly go perfectly. Let me know if you ladies need anything else.” Peggy Lou smiled. “Oh, and if you want to model that snazzy attire, I have a few of my boys that would love to see you in them.”

  Nicky blushed.

  Veronica laughed. “That sounds delicious.”

  “No!” Nicky snapped.

  “She’s a little cranky these days.” Candy patted her shoulder.

  “Well, it sounds like the event will do her some good then.” Peggy Lou nodded and left them alone, swinging the French style door closed.

  Veronica sauntered toward the temporary clothes rack and flipped through the collection of vibrant colors. “Let’s see.”

  “Nothing too racy!” Nicky groaned.

  “Something extremely brazen,” Candy said, giggling.

  “This is perfect!” Veronica squealed as she held up the costume.

  Nicky’s eyes opened wide. “Oh, no! I refuse.”

  Veronica’s eyes shimmered with mischief. “Look. There’s a real whip to go along with the enticing costume. Crack!

  The sound echoed in the air forcing Nicky to jump. As she stared at the sultry black leather complete with red satin corset, her pussy quivered as her nipples scraped against the thin lace of her bra, forcing a whimper to escape her mouth.

  “I told you. It’s purr…fect,” Veronica cooed. “There are a few other toys I think you should purchase as well.”

  “How the hell am I supposed to learn how to use this?” Nicky eyed the whip.

  Veronica gazed down at the long strap and swung it in small circles. “Well, girls, maybe I need to tell you a bit more about my very erotic relationship with the boys.”


  “A round of margaritas, Froggy!” Candy clipped as she dropped onto the barstool.

  “You do realize it’s barely four in the afternoon and we’ve already had two,” Nicky admonished.

  “We have a lot of work to do and this will help.” Veronica had thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. Seeing Nicky come out of her shell just a little bit gave her hope. Sadly, when she had probed gently about the huge secret, Nicky had completely clammed up. In truth, Veronica hoped that she would finally unravel the mystery. At least when Veronica had confessed details about her lifestyle, the talk had been cathartic for her. While she wasn’t wearing her collar just yet, the formality would come as soon as she signed the contract. The thought sent tingles all over her body. Thank God, the girls hadn’t called her weird. At least the afternoon helped her forget the way Jonathan and Travis had looked at her, insisting she go talk with Mick and tell him the truth. That was something she definitely wasn’t ready for.

  “Earth to Veronica. What’s wrong, darlin’?” Candy asked.

  “Nothing,” Veronica clipped. Everything. Please God let this work.

  “I have to admit, that electric horse is formidable!” Nicky folded her arms as she walked over to the wood and steel machine. Running her hands across the back, she exhaled slowly.

  “You should see Mick’s style, the way he rides.” Froggy wiped the bar before leaning over, a grin riding his face.

  “That I would love to see, yummy.” Veronica noticed as Nicky flashed her a look. Good, damn it! Be jealous. Maybe that would force them together. “Yep, I can even see that hot and sexy creature riding that bare back, literally. Can’t you, Candy?”

  Candy easily picked up on the ploy. Walking toward the machine, she swayed her hips back and forth as she nibbled on the end of her finger. “Yes, I could. To think of that hunky body, all hot and sweaty from the ride. Well, the thought alone is almost enough to make a girl fall down onto her knees.” Shivering, Candy moaned. “Right. In front. Of his big. Thick. Cock!”

  “Okay, guys! Sheesh.” Nicky groaned. “I understand what you’re saying. Just tell me, what is it we have to do here? You dragged me to the bar for a reason other than drinking.”

  “See those boxes over here? We’re adding lots of sparkling lights and after that, we have some particularly festive decorations. How’s the guest list coming along, Froggy?” Candy asked.

  “Sweet mother, we have every seat in the house booked for dinner in two seating's. Then from what Mick told me, he’s bringing in chairs. Standing room only, ladies. You guys have done well.” Froggy smiled.

  “What about the participants?” Nicky asked, walking back toward the bar.

  “Twelve guys and ten ladies right now,” Froggy said.

  Nicky grinned mischievously. “Anyone by the name of Marcus?”

  “Oh no, there’s that bad girl look again. What have you done?” Veronica asked as she raised her eyebrow. “That friend of yours is performing?”

  “Well, I pulled a favor,” Nicky sniffed and gazed down at he
r nails.

  “Spill it!” Candy laughed.

  Froggy grabbed the clipboard and flipped through several pages. “Yep, one Marcus Miller signed up a couple of hours ago.”

  Nicky grinned as she looked back and forth between them. “Let’s just say that The Flamingo Rustler and Ride the Wild Pony has one brand new fan.”

  “You didn’t!” Candy squealed. “I knew you loved that man.” Tipping her head, she smiled as Mick came bounding down the stairs from his office.

  “I thought it was about time to get the heat off Mick.” Nicky’s voice faltered as Mick appeared.

  Veronica noticed the way Nicky watched his every move, her blush deepening, and knew that her plan was perfect. Feeling relieved, she took a sip of her drink. “That’s wonderful and I have a surprise for the nasty county man as well. I think the combination might do him in.”

  “You didn’t tell me that!” Candy huffed.

  Veronica shrugged as Mick eyed the girls and grinned. “A girl can’t tell all her secrets, now can she? Hey Nicky, will you go grab the extension cords from the closet over there?”

  “Sure, as long as you don’t lock me inside with the doorman,” Nicky hissed as she rose to her feet, heading away from the bar.

  Veronica held up her hands. She was determined to discover the news Nicky was holding back. She had to. Her plan couldn’t fail. “Look at those two. I swear.” When Mick and Nicky almost had a collision, they scuttled back from each other and stood staring.

  “High school sweethearts.” Candy leaned over and blew a puff of air in her face. “Seems everyone is holding a secret.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that Froggy has been grumbling about something that he was forced into for days. He’s driving me nuts.”

  Veronica eyed Froggy’s cagey glances toward Nicky. “Be right back and whatever you do, let me have a full five minutes with our bartender friend.”

  “Not sure I like that look.”

  “I think I may solve our problem.” Veronica sauntered toward the bar and climbed onto the brass foot-rest, leaning over and folding her arms under her breasts. “Whatcha doing?”

  Froggy raised his eyebrow and gazed down to the swell of her breasts. “Nice try, sexy girl. I might be an ex-marine but I dare say your two lovers could probably kick my ass if they wanted to.”

  She laughed. “Good point and I have a bone to pick with you.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Follow me.” She walked toward the back of the bar.

  “What?” Froggy grumbled and slowly followed her. “What else do you have up your sleeve?”

  “I think we’re talking about you this time.”

  “What in the world does that mean?”

  “Uh-huh. I can tell by the look in your eyes you’ve done something. By any chance did you say something to Nicky that would make her run like a wild dog away from Mick?” The instant he turned bright red, Veronica knew she had him.

  “I… well, I… you see...” Brushing his fingers through his short-cropped hair, he moved back and forth from one foot to the other. “Damn! I knew better.”

  “Out with whatever is going on! You and I know they are made for each other! Jesus Christ, Froggy! She’s so far back inside that ridiculous shell of hers that I'm not sure she’ll ever date a man again. What did you tell her?”

  “Well, you see, Nicky… she…” Froggy groaned. “Okay. She saw the picture in Mick’s office and asked me about the other person in the middle, the one with Mick and well, I had to tell her the truth. Nicky is my friend too.”

  Veronica racked her brain trying to figure out what picture. “What are you talking about?”

  Froggy gulped. “You know. The picture with that girl on the beach. There’s an album with additional pictures as well.”

  “No, I don’t know and what in the hell does that have to do with Nicky anyway?” She knew a girl named Susi had been special to Mick, but that was long over, ages ago. Right?

  “Because,” Froggy said under his breath. “Because that’s his wife. Mick’s married.”

  The words somehow echoed into the room. “What did you say?”


  “No fucking way!” Could this be true? Could that be why he was such a flirt and why he and Susi argued? A cheating husband that… no way. Is that what really happened with Susi? Shit! Maybe she had done a good thing after all. Maybe the girl in the picture and Susi were one in the same. That would be a very good reason he had freaked when she kinda left. Oh, why did she meddle? Blinking furiously, Veronica thought the timeline through. “No.” She’d known Mick long enough to know he wasn’t like that. “That doesn’t make any sense. We’ve never seen her. Besides, he wouldn’t remain married.”

  “I just know what I see. Art doesn’t lie. I think she’s still in Australia.” Froggy shrugged.

  “I won’t believe this crap and why did you tell Nicky that in the first place?” What did I get into the middle of?

  “Look, Nicky forced me to tell her. She said she had to know because of her ex. Whatever that means. I could tell it nearly broke her heart.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ. Duh! Well, I don’t believe it but I'm going to get to the bottom of this shit.” Nicky’s ex had really done a number on her. No wonder she wouldn’t touch Mick after hearing something like that. Bolting past Froggy, she raced toward Mick who was just coming out of the kitchen. “In here, now!”

  “Whoa, luv! What’s gotten into you?” Mick hissed.

  Palming his chest, Veronica used her momentum to force Mick against the wall. As his back hit hard, a shelf full of pots teetered forward, almost cascading down on top of them. “Out with it!”


  Her eyes darted back and forth across his. “You are…” Seeing Lucifer hovering by, she lowered her voice. “You’re married?”

  “What? What did you say?”

  Okay, his startled surprise was a good sign. “Are you?”

  “Do you honestly think there are any women that could stand being married to me? I mean, up until now? No! Susi and I talked about the concept maybe once but that’s it. Why? What is going on?”

  Nibbling on her bottom lip, she contemplated what to do. “Then why would Froggy tell Nicky that you were?”

  “He did? I… wait, is that why she’s avoiding me like the plague?”

  “I think so. A picture, he said something about a picture that Nicky saw.”

  Mick’s eyes darted back and forth. “I have no… argh!” He bounced his head against the wall.


  “That is a bloody publicity picture! I had several pictures taken for a romance cover of sorts and we played with embellishing. Alisha’s a friend of mine from Australia who was published a few years ago and I took a series of publicity ads with her. I showed Froggy the damn thing one night when we’d been drinking. I teased about being one hot dude. I said she was the hottest wife a man could ask for. You gotta be kidding me someone thought… Jesus.”

  “Show me this picture and the album. I don’t remember the picture at all. You sure this isn’t Susi?”

  “I promise you she’s not.”

  Her eyes darted back and forth across his. “Are you sure that’s not what happened to Susi? She found out you were married and bolted?” After I lied and yanked her out of your life.

  “Of course not. I might be a flirt but I’m not a fucking asshole no matter what all of you think. I would never do that kind of shit to a woman,” Mick hissed. “Alisha is a good friend that’s all she’ll ever be. You know how I cared about Susi and yeah, I did think she was the one for a while, but I’ve never been married, Veronica. Not sure I can be.”

  “Then why would you keep a picture like that?” I'm such a shit!

  “Come on. Look at the picture. I never realized anyone would take this seriously.” Mick cursed as he walked up the stairs to his office. He threw open the door and shoved a plant out of the way. “This is w
hat the fuss is about.” Mick pointed as he glided toward his desk.

  Veronica leaned in and groaned, reading the words. “To my sexy wife. I love you dearly. Sheesh guy. No wonder.”

  Mick held out the photo album. “Okay, you’re right. These are damning as hell. I’d forgotten about them.”

  As she flipped through the thick booklet, she shook her head. “Incriminating as hell. You look good as a blushing groom and she’s lovely.”

  “She’s like a sister to me.” His timbre dropped to a husky level as he groaned.

  “Well, well, what a fine mess.”

  “I have to tell her.”

  Veronica took his arm as another thought trickled though her mind. “You know damn good and well if you just tell her, she won’t believe you.”

  “Then what? I can try to get a hold of Alisha, but I haven’t talked to her in two years.”

  “Do you want her?”

  “You mean Nicky?”

  She gave him a look. “Do you really want to be with the woman or is this about getting her into bed?”

  Mick lowered his eyes. “You have every right to ask me and I know you all see me as the playboy. After Susi left me, I think I realized no woman would ever want me seriously so I played hard and heavy for a while. Yes, I flirt with every good-looking woman.”

  “You sure as hell did and Nicky witnessed your playboy behavior as well.”

  “I know. She really thinks I'm nothing but a one-night stand kind of guy.” Mick shook his head.

  “And you aren’t?”

  “You have no idea how losing Susi permanently made me feel. I realized that I had treated her badly. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a horrible person, but I never gave her what she needed. I took Susi for granted. When she left, I swore off relationships.” Mick rubbed his eyes. “The truth is I dated a lot of girls but I didn’t sleep with them. I couldn’t.”

  “Really?” Somehow that bit of information surprised the hell out of her.

  Mick looked directly into her eyes and shook his head. “My need to flirt continuously wasn’t fair to the girls and to myself. I was just trying to replace Susi. I didn’t want to hurt them.”


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