The Scheme

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The Scheme Page 14

by Dakota Black

  Snarling, he held his arms out and jumped over the rope just as Nicky lost the remaining grip. The instant she was thrown from the horse, he leaped into the air, snagging her just before she tumbled to the ground. “Fuck!” He almost lost his footing on the sand.

  “Ah!” she screamed and struggled in his arms.

  “Come on, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” Goddamn, her heart was beating rapidly and as she clung onto his neck, nuzzling into his chest, he took long strides and managed to get past the screaming men. He pushed back into the shadows to the small storeroom that flanked the staging area. When Mick gingerly set her onto her feet, she trembled and clawed his bare chest.

  “I… whew, I had no idea.”

  He brushed the damp hair from her forehead and the realized she’d lost the corset. Hearing the commotion of the crowd trying to get to them, he pushed back from her gently and removed his shirt. “Here, luv, not that I don’t mind seeing that gorgeous body of yours, but I think that’s the sentiment for far too many men out there.”

  Nicky blinked furiously and gazed around Mick’s hulking frame into the flashing lights. “That was interesting.” Folding her arms over her naked breasts, she managed to slink further into the darkness, a slight whimper escaping her mouth.

  He burst into laughter. “That’s a word.” Easily able to see she was uncomfortable, he turned around slowly and breathed a sigh of relief that Lurch had the crowd under some manner of control.

  “You can turn around now.”

  Every move slow and methodical, he smiled. “You were fantastic.”

  “Thanks.” She adjusted the large shirt and pressed her hands through her disheveled hair. “What happens now?”

  “The crew is tallying the votes. Thank God, the event is almost over and you can go home.” Mick closed his eyes. “Unless you win. You were that damn good, feisty one.”

  “Argh! Don’t remind me but I can’t win. That was the deal.”

  They stood quietly for a few minutes and he was uncertain of what to say to her. She was, without a doubt, a woman he wanted to know every inch of, but there was no way she could trust him. Sighing, he was resigned to just let her go.

  “Hey guys, we’re ready.” Candy came into view. “Oh, unless you strip like you promised, boss man.”

  “I think we’ve had enough drama for the night.” Mick chuckled.

  “Party pooper,” Candy cooed as she strutted back toward the sandbox.

  Mick held out his hand. “Walk with me?”

  Nicky lowered her eyes and wavered for several seconds before sliding her hand into his. “This was a really good event.”

  “Thank you for your help with Mr. Colton.”

  “You’re welcome.” Nicky looked away.

  Mick hated how their friendship had degraded to this level. He stopped walking right before the glimmering light found them. “Smile, sunshine. This wouldn’t have been nearly as special without you.”


  As they stepped out into the light, the crowd cheered. Candy handed Mick the microphone and held up a sealed white envelope for the audience to see.

  Mick cleared his throat. “Well, ladies and gentlemen. This has been a fantastic evening.” He eyed Nicky’s anxious face as the crowd cheered and called out her name. “Are you ready to find out the winner and the man or woman that receives a date with either the lovely Miss Nicky French…” His heart rumbled in anticipation. “Or one with little ol’ me.”

  Chanting raced through the crowd as Mick held up the envelope. He opened it slowly before pulling out the first card. “I’m happy to tell you that with your help, we’re going to be presenting a check to the Women’s Shelter in the amount of twenty-thousand, six-hundred and fifty-nine dollars!” The amount shocked him. Either Veronica hadn’t counted correctly or his little filly was more popular than he realized.

  Nicky smiled and nodded toward him but her eyes remained haunted.

  “And the winner who, by far, received the most votes is…” Mick gulped. Shit, Veronica had played the card. How the hell was she going to react?

  “Tell us, tell us, tell us!” The crowd chanted.

  “Is… Nicky French.” Slowly Mick turned to look at her. She wasn’t paying any attention and when the news finally sunk in she wrinkled her nose as she gasped.

  Shaking her head, Nicky mumbled under her breath as she glared at Veronica then mouthed ‘no’.

  The crowd rushed forward.

  In the moments of utter chaos, Mick tried to find her. Pawing through the sea of people, he panted as his heart thumped hard in his chest. When he finally got through to where she’d been standing, there was no sign of her. Nicky had disappeared. “Shit!”

  Only moments later, he finally found Candy. “Where the bloody hell is she?” His tone was angry, demanding and he knew the edge was harsh. Every part of him shook from fear of losing her.

  “I don’t know,” Candy hissed.

  “I think we found her,” Jonathan called. “Come on and I’ll get you through that damn crowd the back way.

  Mick trailed behind him, his heart racing. Had she gone out the back door? Suddenly, the lights went off. “What the hell?” He heard a crack and then rustling behind him and before he could open his mouth, something heavy was forced over his body. Struggling, he could only tell the covering was dense material. The strong arms that folded around him held him easily. “What is going on?”

  “What you deserve,” the husky, disguised voice said from behind.

  “What… who are you?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  Nicky couldn’t believe her name had been called. There was no doubt in her mind the entire situation had been a set up from the moment she agreed to the fucking event. Why hadn’t she listened to her instinct? Snarling, she cursed under her breath and eyed the mass of drunken people reveling in the party atmosphere. Given the wild roar, she figured she could slip away unseen. She waited in the shadows for several minutes, praying Mick wouldn’t find her. Thank God, she’d parked her car in a lot down the street. That would help with a quick getaway. Chastising herself, she knew this was the best thing to do. Shame her heart wasn’t listening to her own version of rationality. Stop it! She couldn’t handle a date with the asshole that had set her up and… could kiss… like no other and the one that took her breath away.

  “I have to tell you why I did what I did.” Veronica appeared out of the shadows.

  “I don’t want to hear it. I’m going home,” Nicky hissed.

  Veronica wrapped her hand around Nicky’s arm and held her tightly. “No, you need to know why Mick is in so much pain and then if you have to leave, at least you’ll know the truth.”

  Nicky cocked her head and could see the anguish in her friend’s eyes. So, she listened.

  Moments later, Nicky closed her eyes and placed her fingers over her lips, remembering the delicious kiss, longing to give in to her feelings, her budding love. The thought terrified her. How could she love Mick when she didn’t know him? There was too much information rattling around in her brain. What was she supposed to believe? How was she supposed to handle his anguish when she couldn’t let go of her own? Perhaps one night alone would do her some good. Then she could sort everything out before she had to deal with it. Lowering her head, she breezed past the stragglers who’d managed to slip behind the rope border and made her way to the back door of the restaurant. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door.

  “Not so fast.”

  The rich, deep and very dangerous timbre stopped her cold. From behind her the voice rattled around her, instantly sending a series of shivers racing down her spine. Fuck. This was stupid. This is the kind of thing that got girls like her killed. “Who are you? What do you want?”

  The instant she started to turn around to face her attacker, the lights went out and the door was slammed shut. “Fuck!”

  “Many things.”

  Nicky shivered. “What?” As several seconds tick
ed by, she heard nothing. Suddenly there was a rustle behind her. As if succinctly coordinated, something was placed around her eyes. Instantly she was dragged backward forcefully as her hands were yanked in front of her. “No!” Get off me.” She struggled, a scream bubbling in her mouth. Panting, the attacker was strong, male and was not going to let her go. “Please!”

  The chuckle was laced with a husky slice of lust. “You’ll be saying more than please later. Now remain still or you’ll be hurt.”

  As what felt like rope was tied around her wrists, she fought whimpering and tried figuring out how to kick the shit out of the asshole. This couldn’t be happening. Her heart racing, she had no idea what to do. Both figures were too strong for her and there was no way her scream could be heard over the continued roar of the crowd. Her only hope was if she had a savior. Mick. Damn it, he was the only one that would look for her no matter what. She struggled again until the person in front growled and jerked her arms.

  “There will be no struggling. Do you understand me? We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice.”

  Suddenly, a single tear pooled in the corner of her eye. This wasn’t playtime. Nicky was now terrified. Her legs trembled, threatening to give out on her, but she remained quiet, fighting back the tears.

  “That’s more like it.” The tall man in back patted her ass. “Now, we’re going to take a little ride.”

  “No!” Her voice barely audible, Nicky froze and planted her feet. The two men began pushing and tugging her and she thought for sure she had made some ground.

  The man in front grunted, cursed and threw her over his shoulder.

  “Let’s go,” the tall man said.

  Nicky kicked her feet to no avail. She tried to concentrate on what she was hearing. The sounds of crunching gravel and cars whizzing by matched the pulsing music booming from the club. Surely a passerby would see her and call the police, right? She knew better.

  “Get her in there. We got places to be.”

  Why was it she suddenly thought she recognized the voice? Hearing the click as a car door was opened, she wailed. “No!”

  Her exclamation was met with a hard slap on her ass. “Shush!”

  “Ouch!” Now that voice, she could swear she recognized. She was tossed onto what she knew had to be a car seat.

  “You be quiet and learn to obey.”

  Nicky strained to hear. “What? What?” A hand snaked around her head.

  Suddenly the figure jerked the blindfold off. “You’re going to listen and have fun or you won’t be allowed out of the limo.”

  Nicky opened and closed her eyes, trying to focus as the face hovered in front of her. Her eyes opening wide, she squealed. “Travis! What are you doing?”

  “What you both deserve,” Travis chuckled as his eyes danced back and forth across hers. “You'll obey and you'll listen.”

  As the limo door was slammed shut, she blinked furiously. “What the hell?”


  “What was that? What is he doing?” Shivering, she struggled to get to the door and suddenly sensed a presence behind her.

  “They locked us in.”

  “What?” She strained to hear the soft voice. The deep timbre of his voice, sexy and beguiling sent a shimmer of trickles into her cunt until she couldn’t breathe.

  “Hello luv. Seems we’re trapped together.”


  He chuckled and inched forward in the darkness. “Before you ask, this was not my doing.”

  “Why should I believe you?” Turning slowly, she stared down at her bound hands and grimaced. “Get us out of here. Untie me.” As Nicky lifted her head, the first quiver of desire trickled into her pussy. Seeing the dangerous glimmer in his eyes was nothing short of breathtaking.

  Mick leaned all the way forward until they were mere inches away. “I’m not sure I want to do that just yet.”

  As the limo jerked forward, Nicky eyed their surroundings. The expansive space and darkened windows was perfect for a kinky event. Clenching her eyes shut, she snarled at her little voice and swore inside. “What is happening here?”

  “In truth, I don’t know, but I suspect that our group of friends think we are supposed to be together.”

  The crisp sound of an intercom echoed around them. “Hmm… are you wondering what is going on?”

  Nicky fought to get closer to the intercom. “Jonathan?”

  “Just call me the master.”

  “Trust me when I get out of this I'll whip your ass! Master, ha!” she bellowed.

  Mick chuckled and brushed a single finger across her leg. “Feisty.”

  She jerked away. “You have no idea, buddy.”

  “Nicky, you'll listen to me,” the master commanded.

  “Sure, Jonathan.” Grimacing, Nicky struggled with the rope, her anger mixing with her desire sending mixed signals. Damn it, this is stupid.

  “Here’s what is going to happen. Both of you are meant to be together so, you’re going to listen to what Mick has to say and you're going to engage in a tasty tryst.”

  “And if I refuse?” Nicky chortled.

  “Then there’s enough gas to drive around the city endlessly and I'll stop for more.”

  “You can’t do that!” She jerked forward, almost tumbling to the carpet.

  “I think he’s serious.” Mick dragged her back onto the seat.

  “Oh, I can and I will,” the master continued. “So, here’s the rest of the adventure you’re both on. When you kiss and make up, then you’re both going to a fabulous location for dinner and a night alone. There will be no car and zero way to get out. Do you understand?”

  As Mick rubbed his fingers back and forth across her thigh, she trembled and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get the memory of the delicious sensations to leave her mind. The man was simply driving her crazy with the tip of his finger. “Um… you can’t. I won’t.”

  “She will,” Mick added as he leaned over her and pressed a single kiss on her neck.

  “No, I…” Closing her eyes, Nicky tipped her head back and sighed, then jerked forward. “No! Take me home!”

  The master chuckled. “You don’t seem to understand. You’re locked in and you’re not going home. Now, I realize you’re all tied up, but perhaps if you're very nice to your companion, he might offer you a glass of bubbly. Until you become a very good girl, you’re going to spend your time in purgatory here. Do you understand?”

  Nicky closed her eyes as Mick’s tongue darted across her skin.

  The master emitted a slow hiss. “That’s more like it.”

  “Please.” Nicky couldn’t believe she was whimpering. “Tell me where we’re going.” Trying to make her voice demanding, the sensuous feel of Nick’s hand inching up her thigh forced a puff of air to escape past her lips. You'll not lose control.

  Mick nipped her earlobe and spread her legs. “Do you really want to know?”

  “Uh-huh,” she moaned. Nope, not gonna happen.

  Mick slipped his hand further up her leg until he toyed with the slip of elastic. “I think you know.”

  “Listen to him, Nicky,” the master commanded.

  She licked her lips and groaned. “No.”

  “Yes.” Mick allowed the hiss to flutter across her as he jerked her head back and licked down the length of her neck, pushing her back into the soft confines of the leather.

  Nicky panted as every part of her body quivered in anticipation of what she wanted. Her nagging voice could barely utter a sound.

  She was lost to the moment of ecstasy.

  “We’re done here.”

  “What?” The single word echoed in her mind.

  The crackling sound ended the conversation.

  Nicky gulped and nibbled on her bottom lip. What in the hell was she supposed to do?

  “So, luv, I think we need to sit back and enjoy the ride, wherever they are taking us.” Mick sighed and brushed his fingers across her cheek.

  She t
urned slowly and glared at him. “You think this is going to work?’

  “I didn’t have anything to do with this. I promise you. A blanket was thrown over my head and then I was shoved in here.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Princess, I’m not lying to you.”

  “You mean like you did before?” she snapped and struggled with the rope. Goddamn, Travis was good at tying. “Shit! Get this off me!” She could sense his eyes raking down the length of her. As he leaned over, pulling her closer, she closed her eyes. The musky scent of his cologne, the tangy fragrance of his masculinity was overpowering. Delicious. “No.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” he stated.

  “You always do something.”

  Mick gently traced his finger down from her cheekbone to her lips, sliding the tip back and forth across the seam of her lips before slowly inching past her chin to her neck and finally to the swell of her breasts.

  Her breath caught in her throat. Nicky knew he was trying to seduce her and while her mind needed to say no, her body responded as it always had. God, she wanted the man. “Don’t.” But her head was bobbing up and down.

  Mick tugged on the shirt, pulling the slip of material away from her body. “Yes. I can tell you want me.”

  No. Yes. No! Yes! Whimpering softly, she tried to move away from him but her body refused to move. “Mick…”

  “Yes?” He dipped his finger under her shirt, sliding the tip back and forth across her breast as he slowly began unbuttoning the crisp linen. “You look good in my shirt but I think you’ll look better out of it.”

  Nicky swallowed hard. “Then you’ll have to untie me.” Why did the man have such incredible power over her?

  “Nice try,” he purred, as he unfastened the last button and pulled the edges aside, inhaling deeply.

  “I can’t do this. I want to but I can’t.”

  Mick sighed and closed his eyes. “I know why.”


  A moment of silence enveloped them. Slowly he opened his eyes and locked onto hers. “Because I’m married.”


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