Alien Dragon's Baby: Aliens of Renjer - Book 1

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Alien Dragon's Baby: Aliens of Renjer - Book 1 Page 6

by J. S. Wilder

  Once Isabelle’s stomach settled, she wanted to crawl back into bed, but kids were depending on her. She brushed her teeth and threw up again. Taking gulping breaths, she then splashed water on her face. She had to hurry or Cooper would write her up again and she'd lose her job. And what about her students? They'd be devastated to lose their teacher now. She'd planned a Halloween treat day next week with them making homemade snacks and cookies to give to their friends and family. The stupid buffet that she should’ve said no to.

  Popping a piece of peppermint candy, she tossed on a shirt and a pair of pants. She dashed to the car and swallowed down the nausea that rumbled in her stomach.

  Not now. Later, when school is done it'll be okay to spew.

  With three minutes until the tardy bell blared, Isabelle rushed down the hallway to her classroom.

  “What happened to you?” Julia asked. “Did you tango dance with an electric mixer?”

  Isabelle leaned against her door while kids milled down the aisle to their classes.

  “No, I got food poisoning.” She waved to one of the students, Sophia who was in her class last year and discovered she had a love of math.

  “How?” Julia crossed her arms. “We had the same thing for dinner last night and I'm fine. Maybe it's the flu early this year.”

  “Yeah, that must be it.” Her knees felt weak and her head like it weighed a hundred pounds.

  “Isabelle, you're turning green. Why are you here? Go home.”

  She shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut at the dizziness that washed through her. The tardy bell rang and she opened her eyes. “I'll be fine. Let's get the kids ready for their field trip.”

  “How about I take roll for both of us and you go get checked out by the nurse.” Julia pushed her lightly toward the nurse’s station. “If you have a fever, you're taking your contagious ass home. Deal?”

  Isabelle grumbled, but at her friend’s stern expression of hard eyes and furrowed brow, she relented. Besides, she didn't want to get any of her kids sick. “Okay.”

  Silence reigned in the hallways except for the squeak of Isabelle’s shoes. Because of the field trip, she wore comfortable flats rather than her usual heels.

  “Why aren't you in your class?” Cooper barked behind her and she jumped.

  Her hand flew to her heart. “Gesh, you scared the crap out of me.”

  “Answer me.” He stepped toward her.

  She couldn't tell him she was sick because he might not believe her. All he wanted was an excuse to get rid of her. Nausea punched her in the gut and she swallowed hard. “I just need some aspirin from Jan.”

  “Likely story.” He crossed his arms. “Are you hungover again?”

  The guy made it sound like she got sloshed at school all time. How dare he insinuate that she was a drunk. “No. I just have a slight headache and thought it would be better to take something now before the field trip.”

  He snorted. “Have Nurse Jan give me a full report on your health.”

  Despite that being an invasion of privacy, I wasn't going to let him intimate me. “Shall I have her check my blood for intoxication too? That’s much more effective than a breathalyzer.” She smiled up at him.

  His face turned reddish purple and his eyes narrowed. “Just hurry up and get back to your students.”

  “Something we can both agree on.” She gave a curt nod then weaved around him to take the hallway on the left. Without looking back, she marched to the nurse’s office and knocked before entering.

  “Isabelle?” Jan smiled and rose from her chair. “What can I do for you?”

  “Hi. Don't mean to take up too much of your time, but I need my temperature checked.”

  Jan’s eyebrows lifted. “Oh, are you feeling ill?”

  “Just a bit queasy this morning and wanted to make sure it wasn't the flu or anything.”

  “Of course. Have a seat.” Jan gestured to an exam table.

  Once Isabelle sat down, Jan ran the thermometer over her forehead.

  “No fever. Let's check your blood pressure.” Jan tightened a cuff around Isabelle’s arm. After a few squeezes of the dial, she frowned. “It's a little elevated...have you been under stress lately?”

  Yes, Principal Cooper was the highlight of her work stress. “A bit.”

  “You look pale too.” Jan frowned, taking off the blood pressure cuff. “When was the last time you ate?”

  “Dinner yesterday.” She shrugged.

  “Here.” Jan opened a small fridge and pulled out a protein shake. “Drink this, then I'll release you for duty.”

  “Thanks.” Isabelle drank and wiped her mouth. “I'm feeling better and I really appreciate your help and checking me out. It was probably just a touch of food poisoning.”

  Jan nodded and walked her to the door. “If it happens again, get checked out by your doctor. Oh, and you might take a pregnancy test if there is any chance you could be expecting.”

  “No way.” But the image of Kohl kissing her and thrusting into her teased her mind. What if she was pregnant from a one-night stand weeks ago? Wait, did she have her period this month? Fucking crap! Don’t panic. Lots of months because of stress she didn’t have a period. And she had asked him if he had protection…except there wasn't any condom or package that she had found the next day. There was a chance he'd taken the trash with him. Maybe she'd get a pregnancy test on the way home just in case and put her crazed thoughts to rest.

  * * *

  Heat infused Isabelle so much she expected her flesh to steam if it started raining. Her shoes felt like they were melting into the asphalt as she hiked back to the bus. She glanced back and counted her students ensuring no one was left behind.

  On the bus, she slid into the front seat behind the driver. Julia was across from her and her two moms, who volunteered, sat in the back. The students laughed and sang while the bus rumbled down the road. Before long, Isabelle fought to keep her eyes open. I'll close them for a minute.

  “Isabelle, wake up, we're at school.”

  Dazed, Isabelle blinked. “Let me help get the kids off—”

  “Everyone's checked out.” Julia placed her hands on her hips. “You've been sound asleep for half an hour. I convinced the bus driver to let the engine run. School's over and all the kids have been picked up.”

  “Thank you.” Isabelle wiped a spot of drool from her cheek. “I owe you.”

  “Now, tell me what's going on.”


  Julia glared at her. “I thought we were friends, but it's obvious you don't trust me.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Isabelle blinked back tears. Her period was just late that’s all.

  “Is it a guy?” Julia softened her features and gave her a sly smile. “The one you told you met at a bar last month? Did he come back or is he still being a jerk?”

  “No, he’s still MIA. I don’t understand unless I misread that our chemistry was explosive.”

  She dropped her hands and leaned forward. “So hire a detective and track him down. At least give you closure.”

  “How? I have no phone number or email or address. Hell, I don't even have a last name. We were together for one night. That's it.”

  “I don't underst—” she clapped her hand over her mouth for a second, then pulled it away. “Oh my god, are you pregnant?”

  No, she couldn’t be. “I-I don't know. Hope not. Jan suggested I take a pregnancy test as a precaution to rule out why I got sick this morning. And lately, I've had no energy.”

  “That settles it.” Julia helped Isabelle stand, then looped her arm through hers. “We are going to get you tested today.”

  And then what? Isabelle placed a hand over her belly, a combination of anxiety and excitement played tug-of-war in her gut. She didn't know where Kohl was or how to find him. First thing first, she had to know if she was expecting or not.

  Chapter Thirteen

  How many days have I been here? Unable to fight
or leave this cave? Kohl slumped as much as he could with the chains digging into his scales and now the flesh beneath. His father had left him like this for nine days. His sisters and brothers brought him food and water and cleaned his cave. Then Kohl was allowed to be unchained during the day, but guarded at all times until he was locked up.

  No matter how much Kohl tried to convince his father that they needed to go to Earth because of the quasicrystals, his father refused, saying that it was too dangerous to send dragons to Earth with their superstitions and prejudices.

  “How are you feeling today?” His father’s keys rattled in his talon. “Thought you and I could go hunting for supper tonight. Some boars were spotted over the ridge.”

  Was his father trying to make amends? Kohl didn't care as long as he wasn't caged like an animal anymore. “Sure,” he said with an ulterior motive of returning to Earth as soon as he was able to and round up more crystals, maybe swing by Isabelle’s place and check on her. Was she doing all right? He missed her laugh, her touch, and her kisses.

  After his chains were unlocked, Kohl rubbed his arms to help bring back the blood flow. No use waiting on an apology that would never come. As soon as Kohl was back in his dad's good graces, he was going back to Earth himself and wouldn't return until he had enough crystals to make a difference against their enemy. With the enemy defeated, Kohl and his family would be free to roam wherever they liked and he wanted to know more about Isabelle. Why she smelled like lilies and oranges…where she was ticklish…her fears and dreams and hopes. He had to know everything about her.

  “We haven't had boar in months.” Kohl smiled and walked after his father down the narrow passageway avoiding his father’s spiked tail.

  “It'll be good to hunt with you again, Kohlxchijr,” he said over his shoulder to Kohl.

  They exited the labyrinth of caves to the surface. Night covered the land with the three crescent moons giving some light. “What about the Tryn, our adversaries?”

  “Taurian and Zayne spotted them chasing a horde of Grendas south of here,” his father answered. “They'll alert us when the group head back this way, but we should have plenty of time to gather up enough meat for everyone.”

  “Let's go then.” Kohl unfurled his wings, stretching them out. Gathering momentum, he leaped into the air beating his wings hard. He hadn't flown since arriving from Earth. Isabelle. Gods, he missed her touch and her voice. Would she like flying with him? He shook his head. No, she didn't know anything about him or that he wasn't fully human. It was best this way. A night for them to remember and cherish only.

  Jagged treetops lined the land below them. The yellow soil spread out on either side of a river. Kohl and his father dipped low at a clearing, the ridge in sight.

  Over two dozen boars grazed below. His father dove, snatching up three pigs in his talons. Their squeals quickly cut off when his claws dug into their flesh. Then he grabbed two more that scrambled to the woods. “What are you waiting for?” his father yelled. “Get as many as you can before they reach the trees.”

  Kohl shot toward a cluster of boars and yanked up four. One dropped from his grip and limped toward the woods. Dragons were too massive and slow in the dense forest and would never catch their prey. He killed the three in his talons quickly and let them drop next to his father's kills. Then Kohl swooped low and jerked up the injured prey at the tree line, a massive tree branch scraped along his shoulder. In one crack, he broke the pig’s neck. Kohl tossed it toward the others. Then he ran ahead, flapping his swings to shoo the incoming boars back toward his father. They gathered up another dozen before his father let out a low whistle to bring Taurian and Zayne from their scouting posts to help bring in the catch.

  While Kohl and his father set up piles of the dead boars for easier carrying back to the caves, Kohl thought about his mother. Did she ever come to their home planet? Was she curious about their world and culture? Was she kind and gentle and beautiful like Isabelle? He placed a talon on his father’s shoulder. “Dad, why won’t you talk about Mom…my mom?”

  His father stiffened and turned his gaze to him, his scaled brow furrowed. “I've told you about your mother before,” his dad grumbled. “She was human and died before you could be born. What more do you need?”

  “Didn't Earth have physicians or why didn't you bring her here to our doctors? There have been other mixed breedings and we don't have the prejudices that Earthlings, Jenierans, and a few other beings have of others.” Was his mom like Dena and loved creatures? Or did she fall in love without meaning to with his dad?

  “I've told you before, she died. What more is there?” His father piled the last pig on top. “Is this because I disciplined you for going to Earth without permission?” His gaze narrowed. “We cannot afford to be brash and try—”

  Shrieks vibrated the air around them. Hundreds of Tryn burst from the trees.

  “Fly!” Kohl screamed to his father. “Warn the others.”

  “No,” his father roared. Fire erupted in a stream from his mouth, knocking some of the Tryn back. Their black leather wings fluttering helplessly to stop their momentum. Several of their dark short fur caught on fire. But it wasn't enough as more and more spilled through onto the ridge.

  Panic clamped on Kohl's heart. There were too many of them for this to be a matter of bad timing. He and his father had fallen into a trap and the Tryn would get his brother and cousin too if he did nothing. And his father...if he were captured a lot of the Renjer, their people, would lose hope. Many would surrender.

  Kohl whipped his tail around and sent five boars into the approaching enemy. His father did the same, but more Tryn crashed over their fallen comrades. Their short, black leather wings unable to lift themselves more than a few feet from the ground. They were half the size of dragons and stood hunched over at about seven feet tall. Skin darker than the night and red glowing eyes as they scampered closer.

  “Go!” Kohl shouted.

  His father ignored him and threw another pig, then blasted the trees with his dragon fire to make them tumble and crush on top of several of the enemy.

  Taurian and Zayne flew overhead, adding their fire as well. But it wouldn't be enough.

  “Get Father out of here!” Kohl bellowed. “Now.” Before it's too late and they capture us all.

  Several of the Tryn tossed up spears that Zayne and Taurian dodged. Soon there would be too many on the ground and hurling their poison-tipped weapons to elude.

  “Come with us,” Taurian waved a talon at Kohl. “We can escape together.”

  But as he whacked aside two Tryn with his tail, Kohl knew that wasn't possible. All the Tryn wanted was fresh dragon meet. He had to do something to buy Taurian and Zayne time to snatch up his stubborn father and get away.

  The Tryn weren't fools. They'd figure out soon if they hadn't already that Kohl's dad was king. He couldn't let them win...not like this. Kohl closed his eyes and brought the image of his human body into his mind. Closing out his family's roars and the fighting and the Tryn’s guttural yelps. His body shrunk and his bones shortened. He gritted his teeth from the pain of his tail sinking into his flesh.

  When he opened his eyes, both Taurian and Zayne stared at him from the sky. They knew the truth now. Kohl turned and every Tryn stood unmoving. Their gazes all on him. One thing their enemy loved, it was discovering new species to dominate and they would crave to figure out how he had changed form. It was the only thing Kohl could think of to distract them from the prize of seizing them all. And if they captured his father, it was only a matter of time before they figured out he was the king. No, his father’s life was worth more than Kohl’s…than all of theirs.

  “Get him out of here!” Kohl yelled and then dashed perpendicular to the forest and away from both his family and the enemy. Didn't take long before the sound of hundreds of stomping feet chased him. At least everyone else would be safe.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “This is stupid.” Isabelle tugged on Julia's arm. �
��I'm not pregnant.” She would have a feeling or inkling, right? Something besides nausea and days of little energy.

  “No, it's best to know then worry. Besides, if you are, then you need to start prenatal vitamins and—”

  She sighed, not liking this discussion one bit. “Yes, doctor.” Isabelle followed her friend down the aisle of baby and feminine products. A woman with an infant walked past them while a toddler wailed about his broken cookie.

  “Ah, here we are.” Julia rattled a glass case in the isle full of pregnancy, fertility tests, and condoms. The locking bar slid open a bit. She wiggled her hand through and removed three different pregnancy tests brands.

  “What are you doing?” Isabelle snatched her arm. “You're not thinking of stealing those are you?” she asked in a hushed whisper.

  “Of course not.” Julia pulled out her wallet from her purse, then tucked a hundred dollar bill behind one of the remaining boxes. After she closed the gap in the case, then stuffed the three boxes in her purse.

  “What are you doing?” Isabelle stormed after her.

  Julia said over her shoulder, “Saving your ass. This is a small town that loves gossip.” She lowered her voice to a whisper when Isabelle caught up with her. “You really want someone to know you bought a pregnancy test? Even if you aren't, people will say you are for months...maybe even a year. And once Cooper gets wind, he'll figure out how to fire you without blaming the baby.”

  A wave of dizziness washed over Isabelle, and she hugged herself. “Thanks, but I'm sure it's nothing. Let me pay you back. Care for pizza at my place while I pee on a stick?”


  They left the store and headed for the parking lot. The car rumbled down the street and Julia adjusted the radio to a rock station.

  “Hey, why did you grab three tests anyway?” Isabelle asked. And how did her friend have a hundred dollar bill just sitting in her purse on their meager teacher's salary? Her friend had spent the money without blinking an eye. It was more than what Isabelle budgeted for bi-monthly groceries.


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