Charity's Warrior

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Charity's Warrior Page 14

by Unknown

  I sit up to type.

  "Keep stroking ur hard cock with ur 1 hand, n with the other I want u to hold ur balls n rub them," I sent.

  "Ok," he consented.

  I used the break to roll over to my stomach with my knees down and spread wide, exposing my crevices. With both hands, I spread my ass open even more, making sure he could see every opening. I let go with one hand and put it under me, strumming my clit again.

  I wanted him to come fuck me in this position, to grab on to my ass and shove his cock into me until I came on it. His hands could move over me, my waist, my breasts, as long as I could feel his hot legs smacking into me.

  I flipped back over. "U didn't cum, did u?" I asked.

  "No," he replied. "I've had to stop twice to recover."

  "Can u c my pussy right now?"

  "Yes," he answered.

  I put my fingers inside myself again. "Do u like seeing this?"

  "God yes," he sent.

  "I want u to yank on ur hard cock, right now and watch my fingers slid in my wet pussy. I want u 2 tell me when u feel like u might cum," I sent.

  I slowly spread my lips open with the fingers of one hand as the other hand jerked in me. I pulled my wet fingers out and began jerking myself off, shaking my hand violently around my clit.

  "Im going to cum," JP sent.

  I stopped playing with myself and typed, "Jerk it, jerk off for me. Think about ur cock in my wet hole. Think about how I would feel under u."

  I knew he had to be close, the cum about to explode. "STOP NOW!" I demanded.

  There was short pause.

  "OMG...I almost didn't make it," he sent.

  I ignored him again, and pinched my nipples for him. "Stroke it slowly now, lightly, run ur finger tips across the hot skin." I massaged my hand over my breasts.

  "Now grab it again and jerk it fast for me. Jerk it off like ur jerking off on me. Think about ur cum dripping all over me," I typed, my hand back to strumming my clit. My orgasm was close. "I want to know when ur cumming. I want u to ask permission."

  I'm so incredibly turned on by the power that I can't take it. My hand is jerking blindingly fast over my pussy and it's sending spasms throughout my body. I cup a breast and tug my nipple gently.

  "I need to cum," he sent. "Please let me cum."

  I let go of my breast for a moment. "No!"

  I wanted him to wait until my orgasm was in full swing. I wanted him to cum by watching me cum.

  My fingers whipped across my pussy and my swollen clit could no longer wait. I was going to climax.

  "I'm going to cum now. I want u to jerkoff hard while u watch, cum all over urself watching me having an orgasm," I demanded.

  I put my hand back under my breast, the nipple rolling between my thumb and index finger, and let my engorged clit explode. I fixed my eyes on the web cam as if I could look into his eyes, picturing him watching his screen and seeing me staring at him as I cum, and what that must be doing to him.

  My hips were uncontrollable and I am screaming at the camera. I mouthed at him, demanding he cum over and over. At the peak, I closed my eyes and let out one long scream. The waves burst through me, squeezing the fluids out of me in gigantic spasms.

  As it tapered off, I let go of my nipple and put a finger inside of me, playing with the wetness while I gently rubbed my deflated and sensitive clit. My eyes were back to the cam.

  "Did u cum when I told u 2?" I sent.

  "Yes. That was so intense," he answered.

  "I luvd having u watch me," I sent. "Did u enjoy it?" As I sent that, I ran my fingers through my wet slit and then rubbed my juices on one of my nipples.

  "OMG!" he replied. "That was 1 of the most erotic moments I've ever had."

  I brought my fingers from my nipple up to my mouth and stuck my tongue out to lick them. "So u would be willing 2 do it again sometime?" I asked.

  "YES!" he sent.

  I smiled at him, tweaked my nipple again, and then disabled the web cam and chat.

  "I'D ALMOST GIVEN UP hope you might call," I said it through a teasing smile.

  Justin's smile back at me is soft and nervous. There are obvious emotions behind it; things much closer to the surface than had ever been for him.

  "I know, and I'm sorry," he said sincerely. "I've been working on getting my act together."

  "There's nothing wrong with that, you know? I can appreciate that." I made sure my eyes made contact with his.

  He shrugged, pretending that this was all nothing important, but what I see is a man asking me to persist, looking for something solid to step on. I reach out and put my hand on the top of his, sliding my fingertips under the cuff of his dark blue Armani.

  "I'm here, aren't I?" I asked, backing it up with a smile.

  I suddenly realize this is our first taxi ride together where we aren't trying to screw each other’s brains out in the backseat. Kudos to us. Of course, there was going to be the ride back after dinner, so there was still hope for our corruption.

  Justin had called me this afternoon to ask me out to dinner. Thanks to Murphy's fucking law, I had literally just ended a heated chat with JP at the office and was considering a run to the ladies room when the phone rang. At first I felt like a rabbit caught in the garden, with a carrot stuffed between my teeth, but I'd quickly righted myself. There was nothing for me to feel guilty about. Justin doesn't own me and hasn't even spoken to me in days.

  JP, on the other hand, was checking in with me every day, hot, flirty chats during the day where we were actually getting to know each other very well. And at night we were masturbating ourselves blind.

  Still, when I saw Justin's number on my phone, I felt giddy and my heart skipped. That feeling really didn't go away the rest of the afternoon, not while I was working, not at home while I was getting ready, and it is still here now. It's clear to me who has my heart. If only he could figure out how to handle it.

  When I made it home to get ready, I found a single red rose taped to my door with a note that said "looking forward to tonight." I wouldn't admit it to anyone, not even Melissa, but as soon as I saw it I was fifteen and it was Valentine’s Day. I think Justin knew that anyway, without me telling him anything more than a thank you.

  My hopes are raised.

  For that, he got my split-sleeve sequin mesh Lauren Ralph Lauren dress—no panties.

  "So where are we going?" I asked.

  Justin smiled. "Well, Italian worked for me last time, so I thought I'd stick with it, but this time I made reservations at the uptown Carmine's. Have you been?"

  "No," I admitted.

  "It's family style shared plates, but a cozy atmosphere. So I hope you brought your hungry," he joked. "The food is so good you won't be able to stop."

  "Sounds yummy," I said.

  He nodded. "And if you're up for it, I thought we'd swing by PH-D after."

  "Absolutely," I said excitedly. "That could be a lot of fun."

  He grabbed my hand and I could see the normal, confident pride back in his face. For the rest of the drive we talked and held hands. Somehow, we'd had gotten on the topic of our early childhood, which made me nervous that we would venture into areas that he was not ready to discuss, but we didn't. It was great to get to know him that way, hear the silly things we all did.

  When we got to Carmine's, Justin once again refused to let my pay the driver, and then he insisted on helping me out of the car. We checked in with the hostess and still had to wait at the bar. Justin got us both a glass of their house Chianti, which was delicious, and we continued to grow our relationship.

  Every moment I'm with him, he finds a way to make me feel special. Often it's in his compliments. Many times I find it buried in what he's doing, holding a door, pulling out my chair. But when we were finally seated at our table, I determined that it is mostly in the way he looks at me. He pushed my chair in behind me before swinging into his own seat, and then his eyes fell on me and I was warm, I was wanted.

  I have to be
patient, but when he looks at me like that, I just want to skip to the time when he can tell me I'm his and he's mine—if that was ever going to come.

  More Chianti arrived right before our huge salad. Not long after, platters of food, each built for three at least, were set in front of us. We ate, enjoying every taste, and his company was wonderful.

  "Oh my God, that was good," I said to Justin as I swallowed the last of the Veal Saltimbocca I’d shoveled onto my plate. "There's still so much food," I said, giggling as I glanced at everything that was left.

  Justin laughed. "That's good. I like leftovers." His smile is beautiful. "Do you like Port?" he asked.

  I said yes when I really hadn't heard the question. I was lost in his eyes. Somehow, when he isn't around I find a way to forget how beautiful he is, a survival technique that has come to me naturally. Watching him smile rips down my protective wall. I'm stupid infatuated. Fortunately, when the Port magically appeared, it was a delicious finish.

  By the time we got to the Dream Downtown and up to PH-D on the roof, I was already beginning to feel the alcohol. I realized the waiter at Carmine's never brought Justin the leftovers, which was good since I don't know what we would do with them here, but I was still curious. Turns out Justin knows the hostess, and she brings donated leftovers to a shelter after her shift. I love that he did that.

  There is so much more to him than he lets anyone know.

  There was no trouble getting into the club, it was still a bit early. He got me a Red Bull and vodka without even asking and, judging by all the leaves in his drink, a mojito for himself. We listened to the music and talked a little bit as we watch the crowd grow.

  I would never have guessed it, but Justin has a hip-hop side. So far he hasn't said a word about it, but the more rhythm there is in the song, the more he grinds into me as he stands behind my bar stool. He has his strong hands on my shoulders, and I can feel his chest rubbing my back, his hips rocking against me.

  His cock was right at the top of my ass, and it was hard not to reach my hand back there and grab him. It was a huge turn-on having him hold me and dance on me. It is foreplay, driving the blood through my heart.

  He leans into me, putting his mouth on my ear, and whispers, "Do you dance, Warrior?" he asked. Then his lips brushed my ear, his warm breath in my hair.

  It seems like I heard him with my vagina.

  I moaned uncontrollably before answering him, "I'm sure I can show you some moves." Now I did reach behind me, pressing my palm into the front of his pants, surprised to find that he was already half hard.

  Justin laughed and pulled me off the bar stool, out on to the now busy dance floor. We were enveloped into the crowd where we could move and gyrate on each other without the whole place seeing, only those closest to us. I should have known by how he is in bed that he would be good on the dance floor as well. He stayed relaxed, that was the key. I watched his sexy hips go in the opposite direction of his strong shoulders, guided by the music. I grabbed his hand and matched his pace.

  After a handful of songs had passed, we started laughing at each other, at how matched we were.

  "You've got skills, Warrior," he said. "Just one more thing to drive me crazy about you."

  I push my body against his. "I'm driving you crazy?" I asked. "How?"

  He leaned down to my ear again so that I would hear him over the crowd. "There are quieter places in here. Let me take you where you can hear me," he said.

  With his hand wrapped around mine, he led me off the dance floor and passed the bar. There was a short, dimly lit hallway that was lined with couples talking and kissing, some of them groping each other. We went through, unnoticed, into a lounge area much bigger than I had expected. The music still made it into here, but it was much more civil, and you can hear the murmur of conversation and the clinking of glasses tapping each other.

  We went to the lounge bar for new drinks before wondering through the maze of couches and dark corners. I spot an empty couch near the middle of the room and try to steer toward it, but Justin tugs me along deeper into the back. Some of the corners here have curtains to close you in for privacy. There were voices coming from some of them, and giggling. A couple of them are closed up tight and silent.

  One was open that I hadn't noticed, and we marched straight into it. Justin took my drink and motioned for me to sit on the oversized, leather couch. I obeyed, and he passed me back my drink once I had settled, turning to close the curtain.

  "So how do I make you crazy?" I asked.

  He sat on the couch next to me sipping his drink. "Because you won't let me get you out of my mind. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me."

  I smiled at him. "Do you really want me out of your mind?"

  "I did," he said honestly.

  "Past tense?"

  "Seems like it. I tried to make myself forget, tried to be normal, but I see you in everything, every place I go," he said, quickly downing the rest of his drink. "What did you do to me?"

  I set my drink on the floor in front of me. When I sat up and looked at him, Justin grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me so passionately that my toes curled. When he stopped, he continued to hold my face and stare into my eyes.

  "I really want to know, what did you do to me? No other women interest me. It doesn't matter if I'm alone or with friends, I'm wondering about you, what you're doing. I think about having sex with you constantly. I worry if you're safe. And I don't know why, or what the hell to do about it," he said.

  My heart is instantly at a gallop. The drinks have me tipsy. Our emotions have me drunk.

  "We have that in common, then," I said. I kissed him this time, and pulled him back into me on the cushions. I demanded he fill my mouth with his tongue before I began saying something stupid. I'd told him I felt the same. Anything more would have come off too needy and desperate, which would terrify him.

  I reached down and grabbed his growing cock through his pants, while his tongue swirled along the inside of my lips. My hand jerked him and squeezed, wishing I could take it out and suck it for him.

  His hand moved to my thigh and then under my dress. He was going to find his surprise early, my wet pussy waiting without any cover. Seconds later his fingers found my slit and he moaned his approval while we kissed, pushing his fingers inside me. Just a few pumps and he took his hand out and brought it up to our mouths, sliding them in with our tongues so we could taste the wetness and his salty fingers.

  Some people walked by our curtain, laughing and talking loud, reminding me we were not someplace private where we could get carried away. That turned me on more.

  It's exactly why we came, I see that now.

  Justin suddenly sat up. He grabbed me and stood me up in front of him. My pulse was racing, wondering how far he would take this right here. He yanked my dress up and exposed me in front of him, ordering me to hold the bottom of my own dress. He turned me around, spread my legs as he bent me over, and rammed his tongue into my pussy.

  Here I am, separated from an entire nightclub full of people by only a thin curtain, naked from the waist down to my pumps and Justin's face shoved into my ass and his tongue darting into my pussy and sucking my clit. While he has his tongue in me, I put my hand between my legs and finger my own clit.

  Justin backs away and watches me masturbate for a moment. I see the wild pleasure in his eyes, and then he pushes three very wet fingers into me, right to my G-spot. His free hand grabs my ass tightly. I keep my moans as quiet as I can. His hand disappears from my ass and I look through my legs to see him unzip his pants and pull his hardness out. He stroked it a few times and that made me want to cum. I love seeing his strong hand holding his cock.

  He stood and rammed it in me. I wasn't expecting we'd go this far here, and I wanted to cry out in pleasure. He had a hold of my hips, thrusting me back and impaling me while I fingered myself.

  His cock came out of me, and he moved me to the arm of the couch, pushing me down over it, my face in th
e cushions. His cock slowly pushed back into me and then out, trading for his fingers which pounded me a few times before his cock came back. He swapped back and forth until I was near ready to cum.

  More people went by. I actually see their shadows through the curtain, and that is all I needed as his cock reams me. I begin cumming, reaching behind me and grabbing his hip to make him fuck me harder. My pussy squeezed his cock, throbbing in tiny explosions that threaten to make me scream. I hold on until I am finished.

  Now I back him off me and get off the couch. I force him to sit and I got on my knees in front of him, holding his cock by its base and smacking it on my tongue before swallowing it into my mouth. His hot cock pulses as my head bounces up and down in his lap, until I knew he is close. He was grabbing at the cushions to maintain control of himself. I climbed up on him, sliding myself down his shaft as I squatted on him. His strong hands are on my thighs, helping me stay balanced on top.

  He growled, and that made me smile. I rocked my hips on him faster, feeling him gliding in and out like a piston, and I discovered I was going to cum again, before his orgasm came. Every inch of his hardness slides along my wet folds, filling me and taking my breath away.



  It's here. I’m Cumming!

  I’m cumming down his shaft, my wetness rushing like a river out of me. It wasn't as powerful as the first, but it’s still wonderful, wrapping around me in a wave of relief. As I regain myself, I realize Justin is about to explode. His breathy moans are as quiet as he can manage.

  I jumped off him suddenly. His face was surprised, twisted for a moment. My drink was right next to us. I grab it in one hand and his cock in the other, putting it right under the tip of his stiffness as I jerk him off. I put my tongue on his head and licked it while I yank him into my drink.

  My eyes find his, and he is enthralled, taken in by the shock and excitement. It’s too much for him to see, my tongue slipping around his swollen head. His hands are digging into the cushions of the couch.


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