Charity's Warrior

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Charity's Warrior Page 19

by Unknown

  He did not let me suck on him for too long before stopping me and pulling me to my feet. Our mouths meet again as I hug my arms around him, putting a hand on each side of his ass. Even that is hard and muscular. Our flavors swirled and mixed in our mouths, both of us exited by it. It is the taste of hot, uninhibited sex.

  Justin grabs my hair again, pulling my head away from his, pulling my entire body away from him. He suddenly grabs me and tosses my naked body upside down over his shoulder with startling ease and carries me into my own bedroom like a caveman. It makes me laugh, but it turns me on at the save time. In my room, he throws me effortlessly onto my bed.

  He climbs onto the edge of my bed by my feet and stops to place a small kiss on my toes, working his way across the top of my foot, and then my ankle. There was no tongue, just the soft caress of his warm lips that left my shin and calf tingling. After he'd crossed my knee on to my thigh, my desire was erupting. I needed pressure between my legs now, but he was still busy tickling me with his lips, and I catch him smiling up at me, doing it on purpose.

  "Please?" I begged, knowing he loves that. "I can't wait any longer, please make me cum, Justin?"

  Without a word or hesitation, he grabs my legs and wraps them around his head and shoulders. He sucks my clit into his mouth so hard I think he might put me right into orgasm. Inside his mouth, his warm tongue is beating the tip of my clit.

  The pressure his mouth uses is mind blowing, and I am crying out already, my legs quivering in his strong hands. "Don't stop! Please don't stop!"

  I was in the full throws in an instant, hips bucking, muscles contracting, fistfuls of blanket in each hand, and Justin manages to suck harder. I trade my fistfuls of blankets for fistfuls of his hair, crushing his face deeper into my pussy, hoping he can taste each convulsion.

  He is relentless, sucking my clit out of its hood and beating it with the stiff end of his tongue while he moves his hands to use them to spread me open, exposing all of my secrets. His mouth releases my stiffness and begins long hot strokes of his tongue from the top of my clit down to my opening, where I feel him impale me with it. Up and down, his face sliding around my vulva.

  It's killing me. My body needs to explode. The slow, rhythmic thumping forces my hips up and down with his mouth.

  "Suck on me, please! Suck it into your mouth. I'm going to cum. I want to feel you sucking it when I go."

  Justin obeys, spreading me with his fingers and sucking me with his strong lips. My clit is pulled up into his mouth where his wet tongue is waiting.

  Usually my climax will wash over me. This one gallops, like pounding hooves trampling me, forbidding me to breathe. There is no moment between convulsions, no space between the spasms. I arch off his bed, my pelvis grinding his face, and let out one long scream.

  Eventually, my cry tapers off into a serious of whimpers and gulps of air. Justin climbs on top of me then, and his cock finds my opening without any assistance, disappearing into my heat as he pushes it deeper. His eyes roll upward, and he enjoys that first moment of ecstasy, letting the beast within him growl again.

  Our bodies pressed together is heaven. He lands more of his gentle kisses on my shoulder and begins to slowly, very slowly, rock his hips against mine, pulling his hardness out and back into my wet folds. Minutes tick away as quickly as seconds while I enjoy his warm lips and my hands gliding over the muscles covering his back. We lock on each other’s eyes for a while and enjoy the intensity.

  Each moment, I expect him to succumb to the pleasure of it and begin fucking me harder, but his control is impeccable and he is intent on enjoying every fantastic detail, every drip, every push, every heated grunt. For a while we had our eyes closed, and we kissed, just enjoying the sensations.

  He gently rolls to one side, pulling me on top of him. I prop my hands on his chest to keep myself up, my back arched so that I could make his cock hit the sensitive area inside of me. My hips move faster than his and he grabs them to slow me down. His strength controls me. I'm on top, but he's still in charge.

  It's hard to maintain his pace without bursting into a frenzy. I don't know how he’s doing it. The top of his shaft rubbing my G-spot is building another orgasm in me, and that is compelling my subconscious faster and faster.

  Justin's hands are gliding around my body, caressing me everywhere, exploring every inch. His touch is gentle and slow, like his hips thrusting under me, and I realize why he is going so slow. He's savoring every moment, wishing it would never end, holding on to the closeness and intimacy.

  This is the first time either of us has made love.

  It has all the elements I had hoped for in my fantasies, hot, animalistic rawness mixed with gentle passion and controlled tenderness. I didn't have to rush to my orgasm, he was going to give it to me. We could take our time and enjoy it rising.

  I leaned forward on to him and used my entire body to feel his. We slide back and forth, writhing against each other like serpents. His cock moves in and out of my wet passion like a slow piston, while his hands touch my sides as if holding the wings of an angel. I put my hands under his neck and hold him while gently pressing my mouth to his, our tongues lightly dancing around each other’s. Our hot breath mixes with low moans and soft hitches.

  Time is passing unimportantly. The world has slipped away while both of us are moving closer to orgasm. I heighten his ecstasy, he heightens mine, and then we control each other, enjoying the new plateau as the minutes pass.

  Justin rolls us back the other way, wanting to be fully in charge again. He looks deeply through my eyes to my soul, and pushes his hard cock back into my wetness. More time passes, more writhing and moaning, more slow orgasm. Eventually, he places one of his hands on my face as we kiss, and his thumb tenderly plays with this seal between our lips.

  It was too much for both of us. He pulls his mouth away from mine just slightly, our lips still touching, our breathing and moaning mixing on our faces. My pussy is squeezing around his swollen cock as if to hold it in place. Instinct dictates that we start fucking a little harder, a little faster, but we both fight to keep pace.

  It is very much like containing an explosion. Hold a lit firecracker in your fingertips and it's going to hurt. Make a fist around it, and you just might blow your hand off. We could free ourselves and have incredible orgasms, or we could control it and intensify it, and blow our freaking minds.

  We find each other’s eyes again. Justin slowly pushes his cock into me deeply and my orgasm spills over the edge. It's all through my expression, the furrow of my brow, as I cry through my next breath. That is his limit as well, seeing me cum. As he pulls back for the next thrust, the feel of my hot pussy squeezing his head and my moans of ecstasy trigger his orgasm.

  We stare into each other’s eyes and cum together, feeling the experience change us forever. We are consummated.


  There was just no coming down from last night. I've been floating around the office all day wearing the most inappropriate smile that I can't remove any more than I can climb down from my high cloud. John told me that I’m contagious when we went to lunch. My mood had rubbed off on him, and he was thinking about leaving early today, just to see his wife, no business, and no homework. I wouldn't tell him why I was so happy, and he was fine with that. He said it was obviously love, and he was inspired.

  I didn't argue.

  John wants me to leave early too. We are walking back to the office with the warm sun on our faces. "The city's happy today," he said.

  I laughed. "The whole city is happy?" I asked. "The city has a mood?"

  "Absolutely, it does," he said, shocked that I wasn't already aware of this fact. "You haven't felt it yet, been caught up in an emotion that you had no idea where it came from?"

  I can't deny that without lying.

  He read the answer in my face. "Of course you have, I can see it. That's the city when that happens," he says.

  I smiled at his romanticism.

spread like a virus," he continued. "They're contagious. You've been infecting people all day and probably didn't even know it. Get enough people with the same emotion, spreading it around, and the whole city gets a mood."

  Okay, he is actually making sense.

  "So I'm leaving early to see my wife, and you're going to see whoever it is that made you this way today. The LA deal is in the bag and everyone at the office is thrilled. It's a sunny Friday. And the city is happy. Finish off what you have at the office and head out," he demanded.

  "Yes Sir!" I said, enjoying his round face smiling back.

  We fell under the shadow of our building, and as soon as we did I felt the chill, a slight change in the mood of the city. I'm sure the man in the hoodie is here. There was no need to see him. He was here, and his dark, suspicious mood was affecting everyone around us, throwing a chilling ripple that spread throughout the crowd. At least that would have been John's theory.

  It sounded a bit too paranoid for me.

  John held the door open and I went inside without so much as a glance over my shoulder. If there really was a mood, then it was sure to be better inside, where I had infected everyone earlier.

  John and I were fortunate enough to catch our own elevator. "So this person that made you so happy," John asked as we rode up, "are they running around someplace looking as happy as you are?"

  I let my mood go back up. "He better be," I joked.

  John snorted when he laughed. That's how I always know when I got him good. It's great to have found a fellow snorter.

  The elevator opened and we passed reception, scanning ourselves in. "Remember," John said as we headed for our own offices, "an hour or two max, then I want you out of here finding your man."

  I winked at him and he laughed.

  When I unlocked my laptop screen, there was a chat notification waiting for me. My heart sank a little.

  "Hey," JP had sent.

  I sat back in my chair unsure how I should respond, if I should, or if ignoring would be insulting.

  It was time to be a grownup. I'd made the bed, I reminded myself.

  "Hey," I replied. "How’s ur day going?"

  "It's going," he said. "I figured I’d check in with u, c how u are."

  I wasn't going to lie. "I’m great," I sent.

  "Damn! Jk lol," he replied, trying to be cute.

  "Lol b nice," I typed with a smile, even though he couldn't see me. I have the camera disabled.

  "I just wanted 2 c how u were, let u know its ok to keep the line open since I felt we were friends. I hope u did 2?" he typed.

  "I did 2," I replied. "Thank u, I would like that."

  He paused.

  "Things still good with this guy ur with?" he asked.

  I paused this time, nervous to answer.

  "It’s ok," he sent, "I can handle it. I just want to know ur happy. Plus it would b good 2 know if there is evr a time to swoop back in ;)"

  He always makes me laugh easy.

  "Its gr8 so far, mayb better than I’d hoped. Mayb it’s a grl thing 2 say, but something tells me he could b my last bf," I sent.

  "Wow. That's pretty serious." JP replies. "I didn't know u were “there,” I thought u just liked the guy."

  "I was trying not to b here," I sent. "He was not the settle down type, so I was being the same way. The more we did that, the more we changed. We’ve gotten to the point where we hate being apart. He’s irresistible."

  "And he feels the same, this guy?" he asked.

  "Yes. He’s the 1 that asked we try. I was not expecting it," I answered. "But I couldn’t b happier. I just didn’t think he evr would. Truth b told, I was already swept off my feet and putting a lot of work into pretending not 2 b."

  There was a little pause.

  "Does this guy know ur in love with him?" JP asks.

  I typed back, "In love?"

  "R u saying ur not?" he sent. "Becuz it sounds like u r."

  "I didn’t’ say I’m not." I stopped for a moment, catching up to myself. "I absolutely m in luv, but I haven’t told any1. I haven’t said it out loud or admitted it in any way—until just now.” It felt so strange to have it out there, but liberating at the same time. “I think I was afraid 2 use that word until I felt safer."

  "If u guys r going 2 have a chance, ur both going 2 have 2 trust each other...and urselves," he sent.

  "Ur right," I sent. "Easier said than done lol but ur right."

  "LOL hey, the important thing is u have a chance," he typed. "It’s not ez 2 find so Im happy 4 u."

  "Thank u," I sent.

  "Just tell me he is good 2 u, Charity. U deserve some1 that treats u right," he typed.

  I see where he is going. "JP, r u about 2 say u would treat me right, take care of the things I need?"

  "Guilty, lol," he replies.

  "1st, thank u, 2nd, he treats me right the way I need him 2. Granted he doesn't own a multimillion dollar company, but that's not 1 of my requirements at all," I typed.

  "No. I know it isn't," JP sent. "That’s 1 of the things I like best about u."

  "This guy looks out 4 me. He holds doors, asks me about my day, and helps me when I need it. Most importantly, he looks at me right," I added.

  "And how’s that?" JP asks.

  I had to think about how to put it in words. "Like I m the only thing in the world that matters, and he would crush anything that gets in the way of that."

  "That sounds like a great look," JP sent. "But in my defense, you don’t know if I have the same look or not. You've never seen me to know."

  "LMAO very true," I typed laughing. "I think the key is he makes me look at him the same way. When we r 2gether, I don’t want it 2 ever end."

  "Well, now there is something I can’t compete with. I got nothing," he typed.

  "LOL. I did try 2 warn u," I typed.

  "No, I’m good," he typed. "I said I could handle it, and I am. The important thing is I can tell how excited u r with this. Im ok with that."

  It was good that we had chatted. It put me back on my high, my mind reeling about Justin, and I feel more secure about the office. It will go much easier when JP and I finally met for work, all the awkwardness gone now.

  As I finished with everything I needed done before the weekend, I grabbed my cell and texted Justin. I let him know I would be getting out early, and asked him if I would be seeing him tonight. It was a little while before he replied.

  "Absolutely," he said. "I probably can't get to you early, but I will certainly get to you."

  I was happy with that, but a little bit later he texted again. "You know what, you come first. I'll be out early too."

  And there it was, perhaps the one thing that could make me happier than I already was.

  I MET JUSTIN IN the lobby of our building. We both felt it was safer than meeting at one of our apartments, where we might never leave. Of course, he did still stop and kiss me, holding my chin up to his.

  It gave me the chills.

  We decided to take the subway up to the park. It's a new experience for us to be in a crowded train, after being used to fondling each other in the back of a taxi. We maintained eye contact and traded devious smiles until we were off, and we held hands and talked as we made our way to the Boathouse for dinner.

  Justin had asked that I wear a dress, something light, so I had on a halter dress with a sensible print that I matched to a medium heel and a clutch. He was wearing something comfortable, Alfani loafers with khakis and a light green Charles Tyrwhitt dress shirt. Neither of us was too hot in the sun, and he still looked good enough to lick.

  Under the roof of the Lakeside Restaurant at the Boathouse, we can see that the sun is finally on its decent as we eat. The shadows stretch across the water, blacking out its choppy, windblown ripples, and a yellow glow has settled on Justin’s handsome face as he smiles at me. It makes the rest of the colors in the place seems to pop, the simple yet bright table flowers, the crisp blue shirts on the staff. It was all sharper withou
t the full daylight washing it out.

  "So, I'm curious, did you spend the entire day smiling like that?" I ask. "Because I certainly did."

  His easy laugh mixes into the murmur of the busy patio. There's a certain pride in his eyes, a sense of accomplishment, as he glances up at me from his food. It seems he has something to tell me, something important.

  "I did," he finally said. "I'd chance a bet that I probably smiled more than you, actually."

  I laughed. "Not likely. What makes you think that?"

  Justin places his fork down and swipes his napkin across his mouth, his eyes still beaming. "I'm positive the sex last night was wonderful for both of us. It was certainly more powerful than anything in my past, ever, but I am sure that waking up next to someone the following morning was a first for only one of us--and I don't mean you."

  I freeze. It is too much effort on my brain to do anything else at this moment, but work to comprehend what he is telling me. Obviously I heard him wrong. There's no way he has never spent the night with a woman. Finally, I had to swallow the food sitting and waiting in my mouth.

  Very softly, I ask, "Are serious or teasing me? You've never once stayed the night with anyone?"

  "Never," he reassured me, shaking his head. "It was one of the rules that helped me keep my distance, isolating me from all the painful emotions. Either I left, or they did, depending on whose place we were at."

  And last night, without so much as a word, he had given that up for me. I cannot explain the tremendous connection I feel with him right now. Last night, he was asleep before I was, our arms around each other. I lulled myself under by listening to his long, deep breathing and feeling safe wrapped around him in the warm bed. I didn't have a clue of the significance. I'm fighting back tears. This was absolutely huge, and he never said a word. I wish he had. I wish I had known.

  "I can't explain to you the feeling of waking up and finding your beautiful face still there. You look like an angel when you sleep, did you know that? The absolute peace it gave me stayed with me all day, and is still with me now. For a while before you woke, I watched you breathe. It wiped away all the years I'd waited," he said contently.


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