Charity's Warrior

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Charity's Warrior Page 31

by Unknown

  "So you think that should be our leverage?" My anger is still growing.

  "No," Justin says evenly. "Langelloti thinks he needs to hide his sexuality—I think he's wrong, but that's his mistake to make. That's why he's the first one I want to cross off my list. I don't care if he's gay, and I think most of the country won't give a shit either, but he's so busy hiding this, that he doesn't have time to be hiding anything else."

  I really need to listen more and talk less.

  "Sorry," I said, "for a second I thought you were being a little 1950'ish."

  Justin smiled. John outright laughed at me. The stupid corners of my mouth were curling again.

  "What about Carmen and Lewis, our other two candidates?" John asks.

  We all know that Carmen and his wife are cheating on each other. The first day the bugs went in we got recordings on both of them. I’m expecting that to be Justin’s choice.

  "I think Lewis might be our guy," Justin responded.

  "Really?" John asked, surprised.

  I'm happy to see that John isn't always right when it comes to Justin.

  "Carmen and his wife, I don't think they care enough about each other to give a shit about each other’s affairs. Granted, if we have to, I'm sure we can make more out of it, abuse of position and property, and who knows what else will turn up while we watch them."

  "You want something a lot heavier than that, something that really holds them down," I said, anticipating the obvious.

  "And you have that on Lewis?" John asks.

  "If I'm right, we will," Justin replies. "His finances are a wreck. Somewhere he's spending more than he makes, and it goes in chunks. It started up a year ago. For a while it was fine, but the same pattern is there at the end if his college and early twenties."

  Justin is clicking away at his laptop while he talks.

  "Drugs?" John asks.

  "Better," Justin says. He turns his laptop around. "This is Lewis' laptop recording from last night."

  We are seeing video capture of Lewis on his computer while most of the country was sleeping. Bright colors and flashing ads, virtual chips flying across the screen."

  "Is he online gambling?" I ask.

  Justin smiles. "Yes he is. Ten grand dropped out of his accounts last night. I wonder what he's like when he gets to a real casino?"

  "That's beautiful," John cheers.

  I can see the benefits without them telling me. Secrets, financial ruin, probably misappropriated funds, but not drugs.

  It's something we can manage.

  "His family accounts are bottoming out. He's emptied the collage funds for the kids, remortgaged the house. I'm sure he's stolen from the campaign jar. We can fix all that for him. His wife won't leave him. His kids will go to college. And he won't go to jail."

  It made sense, we would be helping him, but that was only as long as he was doing what we wanted. Sooner or later, he would feel the trap. I suddenly remembered what we are doing here, what Justin does.

  Maybe it was going to be harder to accept than I'd thought.

  I'M AT MY DESK in the afternoon when Justin IM's me, the friendly yellow JP flashing on my screen. There are instructions for me to follow. I had learned that when Justin sends me instructions, it's in my benefit to follow them. I checked my bottom drawer, as I was told, found the last package that he'd sent as JP, when I had ended things.

  The last instruction, "Go 2 the bathroom, put it on, and come back 2 ur laptop," made my pulse race with excitement.

  I had forgotten all about the package. It was never opened, left discarded in my drawer. I grab it and slide it into my purse as I smile at my web cam, knowing by the little light that he is watching.

  The bathroom is empty, at least at the moment, and I lock myself in a stall. My breathing is getting deeper, my swollen clit wants attention. I impatiently rip open the package and find a bizarre looking toy that I don't understand at first. As I unroll it, I see that it's much like a G-string, but instead of a flap of cloth, there is a soft plastic—I have to call it a dragonfly. That's what it looks like. There are electronics in the wings. Its upper body looks like it has its own labia, while the tail hooks into a flexible circle.

  For a moment, I listen to make sure I am still alone in the room. When I am certain, I remove my pants and underwear and slide the toy on like a pair of panties.

  It makes sense the moment you put it on. I wet the tail and push it into me, and its body wraps around my clit perfectly. Then I wait and look. I'm missing something. As amazing as it feels, there is no "on" button.

  I believe I might finally understand, smiling. I put my clothes back together and leave, throwing the package it came in into the garbage on my way out.

  It was visibly unnoticeable, lying flat against me under my clothes, but I know it's on. It's an intensely dirty secret that I have with me.

  Back at my computer, I tell Justin I have it on.

  "It's supposed 2b quiet, but just in case, here's some cover noise."

  A link shows up in the chat window. I click it and suddenly "I Touch Myself" by Divinyls comes floating out of my speakers, making me laugh.

  "That's funny," I type.

  "Let me know what u think of this," he sent.

  Suddenly delightful vibrations are swarming around and in my pussy. I gasp, surprised.

  "I like that face," he sent. "Tells me u put it on right."

  I don't hear a thing, but the vibrations are strong. My clit is completely engulfed in the soft rubbery lips and they are humming. My G-spot is experiencing the same vibrations inside from the tail of the device.

  My urges ignite. I want to cum. I want him to give me an orgasm.

  "I love having control," he sends.

  The vibrations quickly drop to a pleasant tingle that would keep me wet for hours. So it was not just that Justin can turn it off and on remotely, but he can control the speeds, too.

  "Wow," I sent. "This thing is amazing."

  I receive back a smiley face. "I had it adapted for the remote control."

  He turns the speed back up a touch. "I want u 2 think about what I'm going 2 do 2 u later. Think about my fingers in u."

  He turns it up more, and lets me enjoy that for a few moments.

  "Think about my mouth on u, my tongue licking u."

  It went even faster, now about where it was when he first turned it on. Different songs played through the stream Justin has linked me to, and I am grateful for that. I don't think the toy could be easily heard, but my occasional gasps and heavy breathing could be.

  "Picture my hard cock running along your flesh, how good it's going to feel when I finally put it in u."

  It went faster now. I didn't think it would have a higher speed. It is all I can do not to react and appear as if I am working.

  "Remember the sting of my hand on ur ass."

  There was one more level. When he went there, I have to grab on to my desk. It is going to make me cum, no question about it. I couldn't do that here. Someone could come in at any moment, and I don't want the interruption.

  Justin saw this and backed off the controls.

  "OMG I love this thing," he sent. "Watching u has me so hot I'm ready 2 go out of my mind."

  "We need 2 leave," I reply.

  He turned it all the way up. My breath stopped, and I grabbed my chair for dear life.

  "When I say," he sent.

  He kept the speed up until I nodded my consent. It returned to an acceptable setting.

  I loved it!

  "R u ready 2 behave?" he asked.

  I let go of my chair to type. "I'll behave."

  The speed went up a notch. "What do u want 2 do when we get 2 my place?"

  "I want u 2 leave this thing on me, chain me up in one of the harnesses again, and turn the speed all the way up while u do whatever u want to me."

  The vibrations went up another notch. The warrior in me is moaning with pleasure. Once again Justin has me ready to climax in a public place, and some
of my excitement is based solely on that. It's even hotter when it's his tongue or hard cock doing it to me, but I love how he has control.

  My clitoris is engorged and sending spasms into my core. There is no way I could keep this thing on all day, not at these levels. If he turned it down and left it, I would be a dripping mess ready to fuck his brains out by the time we left.

  "I think ur having nasty thoughts," he typed. He jacked it up again, and I almost screamed in pleasure. There would be no hiding my face if anyone walked in. I can only hope that Justin is watching the floor cameras so he can stop if someone is coming. He turns it back down quickly.

  Before he can turn it up again, I begin typing. "Please, Justin, I want to cum, but not here. Please don't make me cum yet. I want to be with u."

  "Ok," he sends. "But leave it on until we go, or I won't let u cum later—not for hours."

  I know that he means it.

  Mumford and Sons "I Will Wait" is playing over my speakers awhile later, and the toy has stayed turned down to a pleasant reminder to my warrior parts. I've completed about five minutes worth of work, my mind constantly drifting.

  Justin, JP, came into my office about twenty minutes later. A smile is plastered across his face, sharing the secret with me.

  "How are you feeling?" he asks wickedly.

  "Very good," I reply, watching him fiddle with his cell.

  He turns it up from his phone, not much, just one click. He wants to see me react, what it does to me. I squirm in my chair and smile at him, wanting his fingers between my legs.

  "You need to get me out of here soon," I said. "I can't take much more."

  I'm not teasing him; I am totally over-stimulated, unable to focus on anything but my desire.

  "If I'm being honest, I feel the same way. I've done nothing but watch you this entire time, captivated. There is nothing like you anywhere. You're my drug," he confesses, "and I need to have you. Get your things, we're leaving."

  It's about fucking time!

  I hibernate my laptop and throw it in my bag. I let John know I'm going before JP and I walk out like professionals. We are alone in the elevator, and Justin uses his phone to turn it up the dragonfly again. I do all I can, knowing that security can see us, to not react.

  "What's the matter?" He asks wickedly.

  "If you don't turn it down, security is going to see me ride you like a bull."

  He laughs and puts it back where it was. The doors open to the lobby, and we cross it quickly. I see his car waiting for us right out front. As we climb in, I hear him tell the driver to close the window.

  I want music, so I grab the controls and hit the play list, while Justin climbs in. "Run The World" by Beyonce is on his list. I think about asking why, and then decide to just play it.

  He smiles when he hears it. "I didn't think you'd find this one that fast. I put that in right after I met you."

  The driver got in and raised the privacy window. It had barely closed when Justin turned the dragonfly up.

  "Oh, God," I breathe.

  His lips are on my neck and ear, sending chills down my back. I know it's just a teaser, it's only minutes to our building, but I will let him take me to the edge.

  My hand slides up the inseam of his pants into his crotch, finding the hard bulge of his excitement. I want him to take me. He moves his mouth to mine and our tongues embrace until we are home.

  He starts for the door, but I stop him.

  "You need to turn this thing down. I don't think I can walk with it up this high."

  "Damn, I forgot," he laughs.

  He turns it down and we get out and practically run in to the elevator. There's an odd smile on his face as we get in. He takes his phone out and begins cycling the dragonfly all the way up and down. I lean against the wall, where security hopefully won't see my face, and I let the pleasure rise and fall.

  We went straight to his place, and right to the "gym" in the back. Clothes are flying off as we go. By the time I thumb in the code for the door, I have nothing on but the toy.

  "Which harness?" I ask.

  "Get on the triangle," Justin orders.

  One of the hanging systems has a triangle shaped pad. It's become one of our favorites in the last few days. I march directly to it and lay across it. I'm face down; Justin is shackling my arms and legs to it, and my senses are peaked. I'm ready to erupt. As soon as I'm on, Justin turns the dragonfly up all the way.

  "Oh, God!" It's so good to finally scream.

  Justin goes to the wall and returns with a paddle. My body is already anticipating the sting. I love that he doesn't ask, he just gives.

  Before the first smack, he slips a finger into my hot wetness and presses the vibrating tail harder into my G-spot, even wiggles it a bit.

  I'm going to cum before he spanks me if he doesn't hurry. My screams of pleasure are echoing in the room. The paddle finally crashes into my ass. He knows just how much is enough without hurting me, and it comes over and over.

  My toes are curled. "I'm cumming," I scream.

  The paddle keeps cracking all through my orgasm, through my moans and spasms, and stops only when the climax ends.

  I know Justin must be about to explode. I feel him take the tail of the dragonfly out of me, and then he's climbing over me on the harness. His solid penis stiffly rams into me as he spreads out across my back, his muscles quivering on my flesh. He gives me a grunting, chain rattling fuck like a captured warrior deserves. He takes me, the prize for his conquest. All the while I let him think he's the master, but this warrior is getting exactly what she wants.

  He lets go of the chains and his hands press into my back as he holds me down, penetrating me in the sunlit room like animals fucking in the wild. It's almost hard to breathe under his dominating weight, and it's exhilarating to be so wanted that he's abandoned any gentleness. He's unstoppable now. Our bodies collide faster and faster as our sexual energy fills the room beyond its capacity.

  A few minutes later, his massive orgasm has arrived in a body-clamping seizure. His excitement sparks my own second release, a pleasant feeling washing over me in a quick wave. When his subsides, he climbs off me, releases the shackles, and drops to the floor exhausted. I follow suit, right after sliding the Dragonfly off my legs. My chest is still heaving to catch my breath when I throw my left leg over both of his, running my hand lightly on his chest. The sun is pouring in through the windows, and it surrounds our naked bodies in warmth.

  I fight the urge to start asking questions as we lay here. I know he will just want to relax, not over-analyze everything. Justin rolls to his side and raises his hand above us for his cell phone. A moment later, the buzzing of my new favorite, rubbery friend stops.

  "Can I ask you something?" I say. I knew I couldn't keep my mouth shut!

  "Of course." His fingertip traces around my right nipple, making it stand at attention.

  "What we do together is so intense, at least for me, and I'm curious how it is for you?"

  "Life changing," he answers without even giving it thought.

  I smile. "I guess you don't need to think about it?"

  "No, I don't."

  I see the excited Justin fade away, and the serious JP emerge.

  "My life was changed the first time I saw you. I knew it immediately, and I decided to stay away from you so that wouldn't happen. Only I couldn't stop thinking about you. That had never happened to me before."

  My heart is pounding the way it only does for Justin.

  "I decided the best way to forget about you—was to have you. I was a fool."

  I laughed. Fucking snort!

  "I've been your prisoner since," he said.

  "Wasn't I just your prisoner? All tied up right where you wanted me?" I ask, teasing a bit.

  "You were all tied up, I'll give you that," he said, "but only because I can't help myself. I don't know why or even if it's a good thing, but I am intoxicated by you. I'm the prisoner, and I'm thankful for it."

  "I HA
TE SEEING HIM go," I say softly.

  Lena smiles politely. "He'll be back tomorrow morning."

  "I know," I reply. "I've just gotten so used to him being there, it's going to be weird without him."

  Now she's looking at me oddly. "I think there's more to what you are saying than I actually know. You've had plenty of nights without Justin, what's the difference now?"

  Justin jogged from the car to the Hawker in the rain. Shain, his pilot, waits for him just inside the planes door, staying out of the weather. I didn't realize the first time how much smaller Shain is, but Justin appears a head taller as he climbs in and turns to wave goodbye.

  "He asked me to stay in his apartment," I explain.

  "For tonight?" she asks.


  "Holy shit!" she gasps.

  "I know, right? I was not expecting it."

  "What did you say to him?"

  "I didn't say no, but I think it's a little soon to jump in with both feet. I told him I want to keep my apartment—for a while—but I would move some of my things up to his and stay and we'll see how it goes for a bit."

  Lena laughed. "I can imagine how that went."


  "Because it's a perfectly reasonable and intelligent answer, but it's not exactly what he wanted," she said.

  "He did pout a bit," I said through a smile.

  "But you got your way," Lena clarified in a slightly more serious voice, "and that never happens—not with Justin."

  The Hawker began to roll over the tarmac toward the runway.

  Lena continued, "He's really not used to that. You don't bow down before him, never afraid or manipulated by him. I think he's infuriated and fascinated by you. Most of all, I think he's grateful. It must be refreshing for him to be treated like a normal person. He hasn't had that since he was a kid."

  A strange look crosses Lena's face. I can't explain what the look is, but I'm certain she has something on her mind, something she wants to tell me. It's unnerving that I have the impression she's afraid to tell me what it is.

  Justin's plane turns onto the runway, and the two of us watch it silently for a moment. His normal driver is here too, sitting in the front behind the privacy window, waiting for us to tell him when to leave. I want to see Justin off completely. The Hawker takes off down the runway, racing until the wheels lift off the ground. Shain takes a wide hook to the right as they climb and slowly become a dot, and then disappear.


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