Legacy of the Valkyrie

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Legacy of the Valkyrie Page 3

by Archibald Bradford

“Oh! Yes please!”

  He had picked up the shoes from Rory the local blacksmith several days prior and they had sat in a corner ever since, still in the wooden box.

  Several minutes later they were all gathered in the living room while Nameless fiddled with Milly’s feet.

  “How’s that?”

  Nameless gave one last adjustment to the ankle straps on the metal shoes. He originally thought that they would nail to her hooves, like a horse, but Paul had simply given him a level glare when he mentioned it.

  “Perfect, Master!” The Minotaur exclaimed.

  “Well, give them a try then.” Erica told her with just as much excitement, she had always worried about her sister’s feet.

  With one hand on each of Nameless’s shoulders Milly hefted herself on to her hooves. She tottered a few steps past him… and then promptly fell over on one of the love seats.

  Unfortunately it was already occupied, and Ophelia gave an indignant squawk at the sudden weight of the six foot six cow girl.

  Nameless winced, Erica let out a quick laugh before stifling it with her hands and Nina rolled her eyes with a huff of impatience.

  “I am so sorry!” A blushing Milly stammered.

  She tried to lift herself up off of the Flutterby, but struggled with the softness of the plush cushions. Ophelia’s face was smooshed in between the cow’s large breasts and so her conciliatory reply was muffled by tit-flesh.

  “Ah! Sister, that tickles!” Milly giggled, still working to keep her weight off of the smaller girl.

  Ophelia murmured something again, this time her tone was questioning. Milly’s only response was a giggle then a deep low at whatever Ophelia was doing underneath her.

  Nina huffed again, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Seriously? We have shit to do! Didn’t you and Erica just get off in the field? How can you be ready for more already?”

  Milly finally managed to roll off of the rumpled Flutterby who pulled her deft fingers from the cow’s now-unbuttoned jean shorts and turned to give the Gigas a kind look.

  “Quite simply, dearheart: love.” The elegant woman answered as she sat up and smoothed out her gown then slipped a single moist digit between her lips to lick off her bond-sister’s juices; “When you are in love, sex with a lover is a beautiful thing and can be quite irresistible.”

  She ran her hand over Milly’s cheek affectionately, and then leaned in for a quick kiss which the Minotaur happily returned. A few tender moments later they parted, heat in their eyes. Ophelia shook her head to clear the haze of desire.

  “But you are right. We do have things to do. And the first seems to be getting our bond-sister used to her new footwear!”

  Milly blushed deeply and Erica shrugged.

  “Well, really, what do we have left? We’ve packed our bags, and we have everything that Paul suggested we bring. All we need is the old hag and her sluts to get back from Wayfelt with their crap and we can leave, right?”

  Nameless winced at her harsh words; the Katje and the Aegis operative really didn’t get along.

  “We still need to close up the cottage, there is no telling how long we’ll be gone. We should bring in the panels for the solar stove, and make sure the cistern… is… sealed.” He trailed off at their grinning faces; “What?”

  “Nothing dear, you just sound so very responsible.”

  “Yeah baby, you know I love it when you take charge.” Erica’s eyes were hooded as she purred.

  “Oh come on! Don’t you people ever get enough?”

  Nina stamped one tiny foot and one of the floorboards gave a sharp crack as it broke under her incredible strength.

  A silence filled the room until Erica, ever tactful, spoke her mind.

  “Nina, it’s been a couple days since you bonded, how come you haven’t taken a turn on our man’s meat pole yet?”

  Nina’s red skin darkened in a blush. Her jaw worked in frustration as she glared at the Katje before abruptly stomping out of the room.

  “Was it something I said?” Her brow furrowed in puzzlement.

  Nameless sighed. With everything that had been going on, from getting the roof done to preparing for their journey, he and Nina hadn’t had a chance to be intimate. Or rather, Nina had held herself back while he had been intimate with the others.

  It didn’t help that he had no idea how to broach the subject with her; his other girls were all quite vocal and even aggressive about sex, but Nina was uncharacteristically bashful and he had no idea why.

  “Don’t worry Master, I’m sure it will be alright.”

  Milly pulled him into a hug, nestling his head between her soft breasts, it was his favorite place in the world to be.

  “We will talk to her, dearheart. In the meanwhile we really do need to get things squared away here, the plan is to leave as soon as Miranda shows up tomorrow right?”

  “Not just Miranda, that Amazon, um… Yana? She said that she and her warriors would come with us as far as Bramblewood.” Nameless said with a shrug.

  The Amazons made him nervous; nearly as strong as Milly and far more dangerous, the militant girls had a reputation for war and violence. It certainly didn’t help that his first encounter with one nearly ended with him having his head torn off.

  “I suppose, they must want to give you some kind of honour-guard. When you saved Nina you made quite the impression on them dear.” Ophelia smiled at him.

  The unassuming man was uncomfortable with all of the praise and attention and he didn’t really know how he was supposed to respond to it.

  “W-Well, anyways, let’s get to work.”

  Several hours later, and with the cottage finally ready for their absence, Nameless left the girls inside and went to sit by the pond for a rare private moment, which is where Paul found him in the evening.

  “You still totin’ those hearts around in your bare hands like a damn fool?” The old man said by way of greeting.

  “N-No, I put them in here.”

  Nameless held up a repurposed coin purse that held Erica, Nina, and Ophelia’s heartstones.

  Paul shook his head and muttered under his breath.

  “Hellfire boy, they ain’t marbles… Here-” The old man handed him a simple leather bracer with a curved metal plate on it that had several rounded indentations in it; “-don’t know where that Clint idiot scored himself a Witch-charmed bracer but he, uh, ‘forgot it’ in my barn while we were talking. You put a girl’s heart in one of them slots and only you or she can remove it. It ain’t fancy, and no doubt the girls deserve something prettier, but it will keep ‘em safe when you’re in the wilds.”

  Nameless stammering out his gratitude.

  “Bah! It’s not like I paid anything for it! And it’s more for them than for you. It makes my teeth hurt the way you treat those hearts sometimes.”

  As he accepted the bracer from the old farmer, Nameless noticed that his arms had several nasty scratches on them.

  “Are you alright?” He gestured with the bracer at Paul’s injuries.

  The farmer brought one forearm up, then squatted down and joined the young man on the ground.

  “Yeah, I just gave the hens some news they didn’t like.”

  Not wanting to pry, Nameless just waited for the kindly old man to continue.

  “I’m old, Nameless. Feel it in my bones, even with Moon-Pie’s milk helpin’.” He sighed; “Which is why I have a favour to ask of you.”

  “Anything.” Nameless responded immediately, his eyes on the man’s face.

  Paul looked out over the water, needing a moment before he continued.

  “I know you got a full plate, especially with all this ‘Empath’ business, but I’d like for you to look after my flock when I’m gone.”

  “Oh! Um...”

  Nameless was more than a little surprised and uncertain what to say.

  “They know you, and they trust you. None of my regular hands have the patience to manage them and I worry for the little cuti
es. They’re one of the most naïve breeds I’ve ever encountered, and honestly many people feel they’re more trouble than they’re worth. Mind you I’m not asking you to bond with them! Just… look after them, and if you can find them someone who might be worthy of ‘em...” Paul gave a shake of his head; “Take some time and talk it over with your girls, taking on a Cockatrice flock is a helluva chore afterall!”

  Nameless simply nodded, realizing that Paul was right. He couldn’t agree to this without the girls weighing in on it, especially after he bonded with Nina without talking with them first.

  “I will Paul, we’ll talk about it. Just… don’t go anywhere anytime soon okay?”

  He couldn’t help but swallow at the sudden lump in his throat.

  Paul Fletcher had been a major influence on him in recent years: helping him find work when he couldn’t on his own, teaching him how to care for Milly, and ultimately being an endlessly reliable font of wisdom for the often clueless orphan.

  In many ways he was the closest thing Nameless had to a father.

  Paul gave him a gruff slap on the back.

  “Don’t get soft on me boy! I ain’t about to call it quits yet. Just want to be ready for when I do.”

  Nameless nodded mutely.

  Paul sighed and fetched out his pipe, banging it out against a rock before filling it again.

  “Yeah, I ain’t going nowhere until I find out how this adventure of yours turns out. Which reminds me” Paul turned and gave him a stern look; “Don’t you go an’ get yourself done in neither!”

  Nameless nodded again.

  “I won’t, I promise.”

  “Thing is boy,” Paul continued seriously; “You got a protective streak in you about a mile wide. That scar on your chin is proof of that! Sadly you didn’t get any sense of self preservation to go along with it. Moon-Pie wasn’t in any danger from that idiot’s whip, but you stepped in front of her anyways, and that is all well and good in the middle of civilization, but out in the wilds it’ll only put you, and your girls, in more danger.”

  Nameless wanted to argue but he knew that Paul was probably right so he simply listened.

  The farmer struck a match with his thumb and lit his pipe, taking several hearty puffs to get the tobacco to catch.

  “It’s a hard thing to watch someone you love face danger, even harder when you know you can’t do a damned thing to help them! Just promise me that you won’t go rushin’ in trying to save some girl who don’t really need savin’.”

  “I promise.” Nameless repeated.

  Paul gave a jerky nod.

  “Good, so long as you use your brain for something other than keepin’ your ears from whistlin’ you’ll be fine. Now get some sleep, or whatever sleep you can with those girls all over you! I’ll see you off in the morning.”

  With that he got up and, smoking his pipe, wandered back into the grass towards the path home.

  “Goodnight Paul.” Nameless said quietly.

  The conversation with Paul had a profound effect on Nameless and he considered the implications of it as he got to his feet and walked back to the cottage.

  He had barely gotten through the door though when his Katje promptly kicked him back out again.

  “Sorry lover, us girls are having a private talk.” She said as she shut the door in his face.

  His startled expression gave way to a wan smile as he settled on the porch to wait.

  Chapter 2:

  A Giant Problem

  Erica turned her back and leaned against the door, looking at the other girls in the living room.

  “Now! Where were we?”

  “I believe we were cornering Nina to find out why she has held back from having sex with our master.” Ophelia said.

  The Gigas gave an indignant huff.

  “Look, it’s no big deal. I’ve just never actually had sex so…” The giant shrugged.

  “Wait, what about… what about Marcus?” Milly asked as she loomed over the recliner, massaging Ophelia’s shoulders.

  “He never saw me that way, even when I thought I wanted him to.”

  “So you are a virgin…” Erica purred.

  The Katje sat down beside her on the loveseat and draped her arms over Nina’s shoulders and all but wrapped herself around the tiny Gigas.

  “N-no, that isn’t what I said.” The suddenly nervous girl stammered, her head tilting away from the Katje’s predatory grin.

  “Oh, so you’ve been with girls?” Milly asked as she rubbed a knot out of Ophelia’s neck and the Flutterby moaned slightly.

  Nina was silent.

  “Have you been with other girls before dearheart?”

  Ophelia’s eyes were hooded at the pleasure of Milly’s touch.

  Nina looked extremely uncomfortable, especially as the purring Katje began to groom her hair, after several licks worth of silence, the Katje spoke again.

  “So if you’ve never been with a man, and you’ve never been with a woman… have you ever had an orgasm before?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean anything!”

  Erica slowly, almost reverently, shook her head as she considered the implications and licked her lips.

  “Oh my sweet little girl, you are in for a treat!”

  “I am not little! I am Gigas! And I am the mountain!” Nina snapped, annoyed by the cat girl’s smug attitude.

  The cottage went silent.

  Erica had stopped purring, worried that she had offended her newest sister. Ophelia broke away from Milly’s embrace and settled in front of the giant while the Katja reluctantly released her.

  “Nina, you are strong, you are mighty… out there.” She pointed one finger at the door; “But in here, you don’t have to be, when we get into the lowlands, into the wilds, you can protect all of us. But in here with your bond-sisters you can be soft, you can be weak…” She leaned in and kissed the tiny girl’s bow-like lips.

  Erica’s hands returned to Nina’s shoulders as Ophelia’s tender kiss lingered.

  “Being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of Nina, believe me! I know all about being ashamed. I am a whor… no… I was a sex-slave. I wish I could be a virgin again, to give my first time to our master and my bond-sisters. You are really lucky! Please, let us help you with this; let us give you your first orgasm!”

  Nina relaxed somewhat under Ophelia and Erica’s sincere words, her rigid posture loosening as the pair continued to run their hands over her body. A slight gasp escaped her lips and the flush of her face lessened, until the Katje’s ran her rough tongue over her cheek.

  “Ah! Your tongue, why is it so rough suddenly?”

  Erica chuckled as she licked her cheek several more times while Ophelia leaned back to give her better access.

  “Will you be soft for us Nina? Will you be soft for your sisters so that they can pleasure you?” Ophelia whispered, her violet gaze locking the Gigas’s red eyes in place.

  Nina almost looked frightened, which was a bizarre sight on the powerful monster.

  “You’re going to p-pleasure me?”

  “Until you beg us to stop? Yeah, anytime lover. We are bond-sisters, we are lovers, and we are friends.”

  Erica nuzzled into her neck from the side.


  Nina’s tone was skeptical.

  “Of course. Did you think our man was the only one?” Ophelia quirked an eyebrow.

  The giant didn’t answer, clearly she had.

  “Oh lover, we are your friends, now do your friends a favour?” Erica’s gentle tone took on a commanding edge; “Strip. Lie down. And spread your legs.”

  Nina hesitated for a moment before she slipped off of the loveseat and stood, her knees actually wobbled a bit. When she didn’t immediately comply with Erica’s command to strip, the Katje pulled her shorts down for her.

  “Nina, you aren’t wearing any underwear!” Ophelia exclaimed.

  The girl’s puffy lips were naked to the sight of her bond-sisters.

N-no, I don’t own any.” She blushed.

  “Neither do I, we can get you some though, if you want.” Milly offered from the recliner.

  She had taken Ophelia’s seat to watch the more experienced pair deal with the sensitive Gigas, her eyes searching over the halfway naked girl’s body.

  “Yeah lover, a dainty pair of panties would look super sexy on you! Ooh maybe a tight little black thong!” Erica enthused, still nuzzling her face into Nina’s neck as she traced her hands down her trembling thighs.

  “I don’t-ah- I don’t do dainty!” She tried to complain, but Ophelia lightly drew her middle finger over her slit and caused her to gasp.

  “Perhaps not, but I’m sure our master would like to see this sexy side of you…” Ophelia hinted with a warm smile.

  Nina’s red skin darkened again and she bit her lip, conflicted.

  “Well, anyways, lie down, because your pussy looks delicious!” Erica urged impatiently.

  But before Nina could move, Ophelia tugged on her shirt until the Gigas raised her arms so that the older girl could pull the fabric off over her head, bringing her small breasts into view. Her tiny nipples were almost the same dark shade of red as her hair.

  Now completely naked, she hopped back onto the couch, her legs shakier than ever as Ophelia and Erica ran their hands over her, massaging and stroking her thighs, waist and chest.

  The Flutterby leaned over her and pressed their lips together again, and this time the Gigas returned the kiss. Meanwhile Erica slipped down in front of the love seat, her hands resting on Nina’s knees…

  And promptly discovered that she was nowhere near strong enough to pull them apart.

  “Um, Nina, spread your legs?”

  She was thrown a bit by her inability to simply part the girl’s thighs.

  And I thought Milly was strong!

  Nina’s tongue was now being sucked into Ophelia’s mouth, and her flat tummy heaved revealing the bottom of her ribs as she all but panted into the Flutterby’s kiss. Her legs slowly parted.

  Having composed herself, Erica started at her ankles and began to kiss her way up her calves, then her thighs. Nina’s kiss with Ophelia intensified as the girl let out a tiny moan. Some of the Flutterby’s fingers had found Nina’s tiny breast and were kneading it firmly, gradually working her way to the erect nipple before giving the tiny bud a hearty pinch. The Gigas gave a squeak of pleasure.


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