Legacy of the Valkyrie

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Legacy of the Valkyrie Page 15

by Archibald Bradford

  She noticed his interest and smiled, but then her look grew pensive.

  “Tell me dearheart; is it still strange for you, to see me this way?”

  He could sense a tiny hint of anxiety from her heart in the trees above, but wanted to actually think on his response in order to give her an honest answer.

  “I think… I think we were both waiting for this for so long. I think maybe I knew somehow, about the bond I mean. You always were the center of my world when I was younger. And you weren’t the only one holding back! After I left, I worried that I was in the way while you cared for the children so I tried not to visit too often.”

  She gave him a loving kiss, before she flapped her wings a couple times to hang the last of the clothes, then she landed and took his hand before the pair went back into the small lake at the base of the cliff.

  They basked in the cool water for some time, finding it preferable to sitting in a sodden mess on the shore while waiting for their clothes to dry and for the others to find them. He could sense their worry had subsided but the other girls were eager to link up with them again.

  He used his love for them as a warm beacon, the same as Volka was doing for him, in the hopes that it would make their search easier, though as he did it occurred to him that Jan could probably find them by smell alone.



  His head was laid back into the water, and despite their predicament he almost felt like he was back in the pond outside their cottage.

  “We have nothing else to do but wait, I wonder if we could talk some more?”

  He shifted up in the water, pulling his head off of the surface as he met her gaze.

  “Of course.”

  She smiled, and then sighed.

  “Master, my love, we haven’t spoken about… well, about your father.”

  He felt a chill that had nothing to do with the water, she had revealed to him only recently that his father had been murdered when he was just a baby, and he still wasn’t sure how he felt about it.

  “Honestly, there always seems to be something more important going on so I haven’t really thought about it much…” He shrugged.

  “Perhaps, but it was a terrible thing that I kept from you.” She whispered.

  “Ophelia, I’m not mad at you for that! Everything you did was to protect me.” He raised one hand out of the water and cupped her cheek before turning away, his expression pensive; “Really I don’t know what I am supposed to feel. I was an orphan before I knew about it and an orphan after.”

  “Dearheart, I am still so very sorry.”

  She pulled him into her arms and he let her, leaning into her as her breasts smooshed against his back.

  “It’s okay Ophelia, really. It’s hard to feel sad for someone I never knew, especially after meeting all of the girls. So much has changed, for all of us.”

  She giggled with her chin resting on his shoulder.

  “Yes. Though to be honest, I never pictured myself having bond-sisters. Whenever I indulged in a fantasy regarding you it was just the two of us.”

  “And now?”

  She gave him a coy look.

  “The last few weeks have been really special for me too you know, Erica and Milly are incredible, so much love to give, and such adventurous bedmates!”

  “And Nina?”

  He was almost afraid to ask.

  “Ah… Nina.” Ophelia’s mood shifted lower; “We need to be patient with her, she isn’t like us. Above all else she is a warrior, and her breed is so very different from mine.”

  “Had you ever met a Gigas before her?” He asked, turning out of her embrace to face her again.

  She regarded him, her violet eyes serious.

  “No, I’m afraid I don’t have much experience with warriors, and the giant breeds are nearly as rare as Dragons! But you saw something in her, right? In her mind when she was… well, when she was lost?”

  He nodded slowly.

  “Yeah, she was strong, even as a Tenebrae she was so strong, but she was also so sad and alone. That man, Marcus, I think he actually thought of her as a friend, long ago. But at the end, she was just a tool to him. He was… he was really awful to her. She trusted him, and he used her. And when she killed him to protect those Aegis girls, she felt like she would be alone forever.”

  He sighed at the painful memories that he had shared with the Gigas while trying to pull her out of the darkness.

  “We are her family now.” Ophelia whispered with steel in her voice; “We need to be patient and give her space, but we also need to show her that she isn’t alone anymore. Though it seems that Milly at least made some progress the other day.”

  He nodded, just as determined as she was to help Nina relax around them.

  “Yeah, though she hasn’t said anything about it, I was so caught up trying to help Mishka that I missed it. But a while ago, Kar told me that I should try to tap into her instincts, that I need to make her body submit to me.” He sighed and gave her a loving look; “All I want is for her to be happy, and you for that matter.”

  “I know dearheart. And I also know that this is the first time that we have been alone together since that night on the porch…” Ophelia said with one delicate hand raised to her cheek, her breasts just below the surface of the water.

  Her gaze was heated and Nameless couldn’t help but blush at the memory that her words invoked. It was the first time they had done anything sexual together.

  “O-oh is that so?”

  “It is. It was only a few weeks ago but so much has happened that it feels like years…”

  “That was… a really good night.” He regained his composure as he took her hand in his, gently playing with her fingers under the surface.

  “That night… tell me dearheart, was that your first handjob?”

  Nameless’s eyes widened somewhat.

  “Er… no, Erica…”

  “Oh dear.” Ophelia pouted; “I wanted to be your first at something. I know Milly was your first for sex…”

  “And my first b-blowjob.” He added, trying to be helpful but realizing that he failed utterly by the sulky look on her face.

  Ophelia heaved a wistful sigh and ran her hand over her wet hair, slicking it back.

  “I don’t want you to think that I am not happy, I love my new sisters dearly. It’s just, with everything happening so fast, and after pining for you for so many years… well, you can’t blame a girl for trying to take advantage of some alone-time.”

  She shifted closer to him in the water, and he jumped in shock as he felt her fingers curl around his member.

  “O-Ophelia, now?” He looked around for any sign of witnesses.

  “Why not? We’re both naked, and we have nothing else to do, and no one is around so…”

  Her shoulder sloshed the water of the surface a bit as she pumped her fist around his cock a few times.

  “Ah, Ophelia, you are my first for something.”

  “I am?” She gave his cock another squeeze as she paused, her head tilted to one side.

  “You were my first love.” He managed, his eyelids fluttering from the pleasure of her grasping palm.

  A few tears, all but hidden by the moisture of the lake, rolled down her cheeks.

  “You loved me?” She whispered.

  “Of course I did! We talked about this that night on the porch, remember?”

  She looked thoughtful for a moment, her hand had released his member and now she held him with both arms over his shoulders, her breasts lightly pressed to his chest just below his collarbones.

  “I remember asking you about the first time you masturbated.” She said archly looking down into his face.

  He swallowed nervously, his hands had found their way to her hips, and after a brief pause he encircled her waist and gave both cheeks of her pert ass a healthy squeeze under the water before moving his hands to hug her around the middle. At this point his erection was pressed against her thi
ghs with his head nestled against her warm center.

  “I remember that too.” He leaned in and kissed her on her chin, a tender peck.

  “You told me you were thinking about me when you did it…”

  She kissed his nose, by some unspoken agreement they avoided each other’s lips as they placed gentle kissed onto their cheeks, chins and noses.

  “I was.” He couldn’t help but grind his erection against her sex slightly; “You were the only one I ever fantasized about.”

  They paused with their kissing.

  “Really? But there were some older girls at the orphanage…”

  He shook his head.

  “At best they ignored me, at worst, well…”

  He tilted his head as he considered the once painful memory of Sophie and her friends tormenting him.

  With some surprise he realized that it didn’t bother him anymore. It seemed that having four girls constantly showering him with affection and fulfilling all of his sexual fantasies was enough to get the once lonely orphan over his hang-ups with women.

  Well, three girls. He really did need to do something about Nina.

  “Are you alright Master?” Ophelia leaned back slightly to see the look on his face.

  “I am. I really am. Anyways, you were the only woman I ever thought about, while doing that.”

  He pulled her close again, her hardened nipples pressing into the skin of his chest as he kissed her properly. The kiss started out chaste enough but quickly grew in hunger as their lips parted and Nameless boldly slipped his tongue into her mouth. In response, Ophelia ran the tip of hers along the underside of his, then swirled it around and bathed his muscle in pleasure.

  Their noses were pressed firmly to each other’s cheeks and they could each feel the other’s eyelashes battering their skin as the made out passionately.

  When they broke apart she giggled and he quirked an eyebrow up questioningly.

  “Always so eager, dearheart. It’s charming.”

  He blushed a bit at her words, realizing that when it came to kissing he was pretty aggressive.

  “Well, um, how would you like me to kiss you?”

  She tilted her head and smiled.

  “My sweet Master, you can kiss me however you like.”

  She could tell he wasn’t satisfied with that answer though.

  “Very well, shall I teach you?” She drifted in close again and placed her hands on his cheeks, tilting his face up to hers.

  “This is one lesson I really want to learn.” He said seriously.

  She licked her lips.

  “In the heat of the moment, it’s okay to thrust your tongue in and go wild, none of us will mind! But in the beginning, start slow.”

  She tilted her head down and feathered her lips against his by way of demonstration.

  “Work up to it, hold yourself back. Let your partner’s anticipation build.”

  She kissed him just on one side of his mouth, then shifted his head to one side and kissed the other.

  “With girls with social grooming instincts-” She abruptly gave his face a broad lick and he moaned.

  She then shifted his head to the other side again.

  “And for girls without them.” She pressed her lips to his cheek with gentle suction.

  His heart was pounding.

  Ophelia was very skilled at seducing him.

  “Eye contact is important, as you know.”

  Her violet eyes were so beautiful.

  “But when passion rises, closed can be better. Focus on what you feel, what your partner feels.”

  Her eyes fluttered shut and he mimicked her as she leaned in to kiss him again, this time her lips parted and he felt her breath in his mouth. She deepened their kiss gradually, her tongue slipping out of her mouth to run over his lips.

  She broke apart again, and he involuntarily following her lips with his for a moment as she pulled away from him.

  “If you pace yourself and start slow, it’s not so jarring when you heat things up a bit.”

  This time when their lips met she swirled her tongue around his and he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around her back. His throbbing need pressed against her thighs.

  Her master loved the intensity of their kiss and his arousal was conveyed to her through her heartstone, as was the feeling that spurred him on.

  He loved her so much it made her wings flutter slightly under the water.

  Several minutes of sucking kissing passed before they finally broke apart again, both breathing heavily.

  “Dearheart, I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, my Ophie.” He smiled, using his childhood name for her.

  She giggled, than hugged him close once more, resting her cheek against his and slipping her tongue over his earlobe before pulling it between her teeth and giving it a gentle nibble. After a few seconds of tormenting his delicate flesh she whispered directly in his ear, causing him to shiver.

  “Tell me Master,” She drew the word out, knowing that he found it flattering; “When you fantasized about me, back then, what was I doing?”

  She could feel his skin heat up as he blushed.

  “Oh! Well, uh-”

  “Because whatever it was, just say the words and I’ll do it for you now.”

  Under the surface she ran one smooth leg up his, her calf stroking his as she ground their pelvises together.

  He groaned at the sensation of her skin running over him and at the idea that one of his oldest sexual fantasies was about to be realized.

  “You were, ah! You were sucking me, but using your b-breasts at the same time.”

  She paused for a moment.

  “A titty-fuck?” She tilted her head to one side as he flinched at the foul language, she rarely cursed; “I would have thought that Milly had done that for you by now, she’s certainly equipped for it!”

  He shook his head, unable to speak as a slow smile spread across her face.

  “So… you could say that I am your first?”

  He laughed, and she chuckled with him for a few moments but then her look turned heated.

  “Let’s get to shore. I want to taste you, and then I want you to make love to my breasts until you cum all over them.” She winked, then smirked; “Did you know that Erica can smell it?”


  It was all he could manage to vocalize.

  “I asked her about it a while ago, we all get off on your scent, but for her it’s more intense and lasts a long time.” She licked her lips and shot him a smoldering look with her beautiful violet eyes; “Make a mess of me Master; I want my bond-sister to smell it on me when we get back to her.”

  Nameless sloshed through the water as quickly as he could, dragging her with one hand, frantic with need as Ophelia laughed behind him.

  Soon enough they were at the shore, and the chill of the water sluicing off of their naked bodies was nowhere near enough to put out the fire of their passion.

  Ophelia quickly found a mossy boulder for him to sit on and he plopped himself down, eager as a puppy.

  She stood before him in all of her naked glory, her blue-black nipples pebbled and dripping with dewy drops from the lake. A damp wind brushed Nameless’s face as Ophelia fluttered her wings to get the water off of them. She pulled his face between her breasts, enveloping him with her warmth. He basked between her damp mounds for several seconds, enjoying the intimate contact.

  “You’re shaking dear.” She pulled away from him.

  “I-I can’t help it. Look what you’ve done to me!” He gestured wildly at his rock-hard cock.

  She giggled and bit her lip.

  “That’s nothing compared to what I am going to do to you.”

  He groaned involuntarily as she sank to her knees with tantalizing slowness, kissing her way down his chest and stomach before coming to rest in the soft moss at the forest’s edge. His weight was on the boulder, more leaning than sitting, as she ran her hands up his thighs.

ster, you are too worked up, I think. You are about to burst aren’t you?” She smiled wide at his desperate nod; “Well that’s okay, actually, we need some kind of lubricant. I guess we’ll just have to do it twice! Do you think you can cum on these twice dearheart?”

  She hefted her breasts for his gaze and again he could only nod in response.

  “Then let me relieve the tension for you. Just tell me when you are going to finish.”

  Without any more teasing she gripped his cock tightly and dropped her lips over it. She swirled her tongue over his aching head for a moment before she began to suck him fast and hard, one hand working his length while the other fondled his testicles. Wet noises came from her working lips as she bobbed on his cock much more aggressively than she ever had before.

  Her single minded purpose, combined with all of the foreplay in the water soon had him curling his toes and fighting to hold back. She took it as a challenge and worked his length between her lips even harder. Her tongue bathed his rod as she sucked with all of her might and he couldn’t help but entwine his hands in her wet hair and pull her to him tightly.

  The whole purpose was for him to cum as quickly as possible but in his excitement he forgot to warn her of his impending climax.

  He shouted out inarticulately and she gave a surprised squeak as he bobbed her head one last time and began to unload into her mouth, his cum spurting across her tongue in great ropey lengths as he cried out his release. He gyrated his hips on the mossy boulder as he worked his tip between her lips and spurt after spurt filled her mouth.

  Ophelia, at least, remembered their goal and kept herself from swallowing his load. Instead, when her mouth was full, she released the suction of her lips from his head and drooled out copious amounts of his seed onto his still raging cock. She worked his cum over his cock with her hand while he continued to spray into her mouth, her lips once more sucking his head as he filled her mouth again.

  Nameless bucked and thrashed on the boulder, his orgasm seeming to never end, his hands still held her head to him, but now he merely held on for dear life. Cum dribbled from his balls and into her working hand. Ophelia pressed her breasts tight against his legs in an effort to catch as much of it as she could.


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