Legacy of the Valkyrie

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Legacy of the Valkyrie Page 18

by Archibald Bradford

  Kala removed her spear and pulled her bag off her shoulder to get some rope. While her attention was away the man’s fear got the better of him and he scrambled to his feet, but before anyone had time to react Nina’s hammer flew out of the trees and bowled him over into a bloody heap.

  “Well, that’s done.” The Gigas called as she emerged from the trees.

  “Hey! That was our rapist!”

  Jezebel had been the closest at that point and had to wipe blood off of her face as she glared accusingly at the giant.

  “No, he was my rapist. I called dibs and everything.”

  “Dammit Nina!” Miranda said in exasperation.

  “What? He was trying to get away, I stopped him.” She shrugged unapologetically as she picked up her bloody weapon.

  Kala crossed her arms over her ample breasts, the rope forgotten in her irritation.

  “I would not have let him get two steps!”

  “I didn’t let him get one.” Nina countered immediately, casually wiping the man’s blood off of her hammer.

  “Can’t fault her math.” Jan murmured.

  Miranda glared at the tiny red giant, and Nina matched her glare with a nonchalant stare of her own.

  “I told you before: you get your answers, he gets dead. Don’t know why you’re surprised.”

  Miranda drew in a deep breath then released it.

  “I suppose I’m not, but I kind of hoped you would have calmed down by now.”

  “Do I not seem calm?” One delicate red eyebrow rose as she casually tossed the man’s carcass into some bushes to spare her sisters the sight of it.

  “You and Xalanth could be twins.” Miranda groaned.

  “Aww, thanks!”

  “It wasn’t a compliment!”

  “How is comparing me to a Dragon not a compliment?” Nina laughed.

  Miranda jaw worked as she tried to find words to reply. Finally she stomped off, Jan in tow, the Wolfen having the sense to hide her grin from her agitated mistress.

  Nina blinked and called out after them.

  “What did I say?”


  Later that evening, the stars bright in the sky, they made camp and bedded down for the night, their tents far enough apart to afford the disparate groups some privacy while some sought quiet words and sleep, and some not…

  “You’re still worried about the blasters aren’t you?” Kala played with Miranda’s hair, trying to get her to come out of her thoughts.

  They were sharing a bedroll, Miranda resting her body against Kala’s. Jan and Jez were both on watch somewhere outside the tent.

  Miranda thought for a moment before she replied.

  “The council needs to know about this, it’s the first real lead we’ve had and it isn’t much. Someone is flooding the market with firepower and all we know is that there might be a woman in Oakwood who has a nice rack.” She sighed.

  “Indeed, Yana and the others told me of the weapons they faced when they rescued Nina.”

  Miranda nodded seriously.

  “It seems like every raid we launch encounters them, and the last few have had losses on our side.”

  “Have you had a chance to speak with Lilly?”

  “No. But I know that she probably hasn’t finished drinking and fucking half of Garland by now. She doesn’t handle loss well.”

  Miranda drew in a long breath before letting it out with a sigh. The Wolfen pack leader was an old friend of hers and she had lost one of her warriors in a raid on a roving tent town a few weeks ago, the very same place that had turned both Erica and Nina into Tenebrae.

  Miranda opted to change the subject, slightly anyways.

  “But what about you? You finally got your wish. You’re a blooded warrior now.” She crooked one finger and ran it over her bond-mate’s cheek.

  “Yes, I am.” Kala’s jaw was set.

  “How do you feel about that? Taking a life isn’t easy.” Miranda said as she nuzzled against her Amazon.

  “Honestly? I don’t know.” Kala muttered.

  She had indeed been waiting for the chance to become a blooded warrior, it was one of the reasons she was so eager to join in Nameless’s quest.

  “You know I’m here for you, my big strong warrior woman.” Miranda said with a loving kiss.

  Kala leaned her head into the kiss, though she wasn’t in the mood for anything beyond it.

  When they broke apart she pulled Miranda close, resting her cheek against her hair.

  “After our mother died and Yana took over raising me, I trained so hard to be worthy of such an amazing sister. And when I met you and Jan and Jez… I trained even harder to protect my new family.”

  Miranda said nothing, she knew all of this of course, but she wanted her pet to say whatever she needed to say.

  “Those men, I don’t regret killing them, or at least the few that Nina didn’t get around to!” She snorted, her rapid exhalation tickling Miranda’s hair; “But, I don’t think I could do what Jan has had to do. I-I don’t think I could ever take the life of a Tenebrae.”

  Miranda’s eyes widened. For years Kala had pleaded with her to join her and Jan on their missions. With the Lady Essig unable to use her power for nearly a decade, any poor girl who fell into darkness had to be killed in order to protect the world from their wrath. It was a rare occurrence but the unpleasant task of tracking and ending them had fallen to senior operatives such as Miranda and Jan.


  “My love?”

  “Three. That’s how many Tenebrae Jan and I have had to kill, Erica would have been the fourth. Well, actually she wouldn’t have been since she would have killed us.” She sighed, a lump in her throat at the memories of the innocent girls they had to end.

  They were silent for a time, and then Miranda sat up, the blanket falling from her shoulders and revealing her nakedness to the blonde girl’s eyes.

  “Three girls, in almost ten years. It seems like a small number, but for us it was always the most dreaded assignment and it took months for us to shake off that horrible feeling after each one.”

  Kala nodded, with one comforting hand on Miranda’s waist.

  “But now, with the kid in play… he saved two girls in like a week!” Miranda huffed.

  Kala smiled.

  “So you think we won’t have to kill any more Tenebrae?” Hope was in her voice.

  Miranda straddled the Amazon’s abdomen, her hands balancing herself on the bottom of Kala’s ribcage as she looked down at the beautiful blonde woman.

  “I think that the little shit nearly died today. He might be an Empath but he is also a big fat stupid idiot when it comes to his own safety. Seriously! They were having sex in the middle of the wilds like a couple of fucking teenagers!” She gave a disgusted snort; “So I need my Amazon warrior to watch out for him, to protect him, just as you have been. Because I don’t know if me, or Jan, could take down another Tenebrae either, not after that night in the woods with that bitchy cat.”

  Miranda finished by leaning down and taking Kala’s face in her hands and kissing her ardently. Their kiss lasted for several breaths, when they finally broke apart Miranda once again settled herself comfortably against the Amazon.

  They snuggled together for a few minutes before Kala spoke again, the last words before they both sought the comfort of sleep.

  “I will, I will protect him, for you and for Jan.” Kala pledged fiercely.

  Chapter 13:

  Letting Go

  While Miranda and Kala talked in their tent, a much different but similarly important conversation was happening in Nameless’s.

  He and Nina were sitting together on his bedroll, the others hanging around their little fire just outside to give them a bit of privacy.

  “You are afraid of me.” Nina said quietly.


  “Yes you are.” She sighed; “Is it because I keep calling you a weakling and a pussy?”

  Nameless’s face took on a
strained look.

  “That doesn’t really help.”

  “But it’s a compliment!” Her voice became insistent.

  “H-how so?”

  “Because, you’re like a Lambda-wool blanket that I can wrap all around myself, soft and warm. I don’t know how to be so soft. I don’t know how to be like that big walking marshmallow Milly.”

  “Nina… you can be soft, I know you can. You were at the cottage, when it was just you and the girls, right? And I know something happened between you and Milly while we were in Bramblewood.”

  “I suppose. Milly and I, yeah we fooled around a bunch and Ophelia didn’t really give me a choice in the cottage.”

  Nameless gave a shaky smile.

  “Yeah, she is good at that.” He sighed morosely; “Nina, I am not equipped for this, for adventure and bandits and… and blood.”

  Nina took his face in her hands, and turned his eyes to face hers.

  “Those men tried to kill you, so I killed them. They dared to threaten my mate and one of my bond-sisters, they brought it on themselves.” Her voice was firm.

  “I-I know that, Nina I do.” Nameless was having trouble meeting her gaze; “I don’t regret what happened, I just don’t know what to do now. I can’t, I can’t get the images out of my head!”

  Nina sighed, then released his face and stood before him. With abrupt movements she pulled her tank-top over her head, revealing her perky breasts with their dark red nipples.

  “Nina! What are you doing?”

  “Replacing those images with something else.” Her voice turned sad as she untied her shorts and pulled them down; “I know we can’t, that we couldn’t- that I failed- before. But I want you so badly it burns here.” She laid one hand just below her naval.

  Nameless put his hands on her hips and held her.

  “You didn’t fail, I did! I needed to be strong for you and I wasn’t! I know we can do this, if we couldn’t then there wouldn’t be any Gigas at all would there?”

  She shrugged, trying to play off their night in the cottage as she settled into his lap, his arms slipping from her hips to around her back, her smooth red skin warm in his hands.

  “It’s fine. Whatever. I can’t be soft and you can’t be hard. What a pair we make.”

  Nameless studied her face intently for several moments while her eyes watched him placidly. His eyes narrowed as he sensed the brutal disappointment that she tried to hide from him. He also remembered everything that Miranda, Kar, and Ophelia had suggested and came to a decision.

  “Put my cock in your mouth.”

  Her jaw fell open in shock, her eyes huge.

  “I’m telling you that I want you to suck my dick, right now.”

  His voice was firm but she looked at him from her place in his lap as if he had gone crazy.

  He shifted his arms behind her, gripping her by the hair firmly with one hand while the other squeezed her tiny butt.

  “Big strong Gigas you may be, but you are my Gigas. Now suck my cock.”

  A deep blush took her cheeks, she felt that heat again, that burning in her center at his words. She licked her lips, still unmoving.

  He gave her ass a firm spank, and she let out an odd squeak, he could sense her growing arousal from his words.

  She just needed one last push.

  “Are you my Gigas?” He demanded pulling her face to his, eyes still locked on hers.

  She nodded her head vigorously, earnest but confused by this bizarre change in his attitude.

  “Really? Because my Gigas would suck my cock when I told her to, so what are you waiting for?”

  She licked her lips again and got off his lap, sliding to the floor of the tent. She hesitated as she looked at his crotch, and he shifted forwards to give her better access.

  “Unbutton my pants.”

  She obeyed, fingers trembling.

  Why am I shaking?

  “Now pull the zipper down.”

  Again she did as she was told.

  He lifted his hips up and pulled his pants and underwear down all at once, suddenly her face was inches from his erection.

  “I don’t know how.” She spoke at last in a whisper, naked vulnerability in her tone.

  He placed one hand on her head applying some pressure as he pulled her face towards him while his other hand pointed his cock at her lips.

  “I do. Open your mouth.”

  She shuddered.

  This was so unlike him, her tiny pussy lips were getting wet just from his commanding tone. She was many thousands of times stronger than him, she could break a mountain with her mighty hammer, but she could not resist as he pulled her face towards his erect penis.

  She parted the cute bow of her lips, a string of saliva stretched between them.

  He stopped with his glans just outside her mouth.

  “Stick out your tongue and lick me.”

  Slowly, shaking still, she complied. Her tongue darted out and gave him a quick lick.

  He frowned at her and she thought she might die.

  “Lick me harder. Lick your master’s cock.”

  She flinched at that word, her pussy convulsing at the pleasure that it caused to course through her.

  He noticed.

  “Say it. Tell me who I am.”

  For once in his life his voice didn’t falter.

  Her warm breath caressed his sensitive flesh as she panted at his power over her.

  This is it! This is what I have been craving! I love that he is soft, but here I need him to be strong, stronger than me!

  “M-Master” She whimpered out.



  “Again, louder.” His tone was unyielding as a single tear trickled down her cheek.


  “Tell the world who I am!”

  “You are my Master!”

  More tears.


  “You are my Master!” She was outright crying now.

  He paused at her steady tears.

  “Are you a weakling?”

  His words stung her and she shook her head slightly.

  “But you are crying. Surely only weaklings cry?”

  “But! That’s because you-”

  He pressed his thumb to her lips to silence her.

  “Nina. You think that you can’t be soft, and that I can’t be hard. I just showed you that is bullshit. I made you cry, and I did it because you needed to, because I love you, never doubt for a second that I love you. Part of loving someone is loving everything about them. You are so strong and I love that about you even when it terrifies me, but when we tried to make love before, that strength got in the way. So you need to be weak. Can you be soft for me? Because, clearly, I can be hard for you.”

  He waggled his hard cock in front of her face to drive home his point before pulling back a bit so that she could speak. She let out a girlish giggle and wiped at her tears, his hand still held her head, but was comforting now instead of demanding.

  “I can! I can Master! I can be soft, let me show you please?” She parted her cherry lips again invitingly.

  It was his turn to shudder; her open mouth, her breath… before he had just been trying to break through to her, sex wasn’t the end goal. Now though, as she offered him her tiny mouth he felt raw lust surge through him.

  “Are you sure? I know you’ve never really been keen on the idea of blowjobs.”

  She reached down, sliding her fingers over her pussy lips and gathering some moisture from herself. As he watched in puzzlement she brought her hand out again to show him the glistening dew on her fingertips.

  “This is how ‘keen’ I am on the idea, Master. You were so hot before, and even when you’re an emotional weakling you still make me so wet. I can suck it for you. Whenever you want, I will suck it for you!”

  He groaned from her erotic promise, as her lips parted and her tongue darted out again, no longer hesitating she swirled the tiny muscle over his c
ock-head. His eyes fluttered closed as he stroked her hair with his hand, letting her go at her own pace.

  Soon she began to place sucking kisses all along his erection, growing bolder by the second as the taste of his flesh caused her to shudder in ecstasy.

  After a few minutes of kissing and licking the length of him, she abruptly popped him into her mouth, and his eyes snapped open.

  “Teeth! Nina, no teeth please!”

  She hummed against his cock in understanding and spread her jaws as wide as she could to get her teeth off of him. She wasn’t like the other girls. Despite her breed, her status as a giant, her mouth was tiny and it quickly became apparent that she couldn’t take much more than his head passed her lips.

  As she noticed this, her hands came up and replaced his on his cock, stroking his length with a two handed grip while she suckled on his head. She was uncoordinated and really not very good at it, but Nameless didn’t care: she wanted to do this for him and he of all people knew that she would get better with experience.

  He placed his other hand on her hair, massaging her scalp while she sucked him.

  “Good girl. Nina, I love you. Thank you.”

  She hummed happily at his praise and the vibration it sent through him made him shudder with pleasure.

  “Ah! D-do that again!”

  She gave a questioning hum.

  “Oh wow, that feels so good!”

  She giggled around his cock at his immediate response and then began to hum in earnest, taking deep breaths through her nose after each long vocalization into his flesh.

  She began to bob her head slightly, squeaking sucking noises coming from her lips as the vacuum over his glans lost its seal occasionally. He wasn’t stroking her head anymore, instead he held on for dear life as pleasure coursed through him.

  He could feel his release rapidly approaching and he wanted to give the inexperienced girl plenty of warning.

  “Nina, I’m g-going to cum soon, you can finish with just your hands.”

  She gave a negative sounding hum and sucked harder. He felt his balls tighten as she dragged her lips over his sensitive skin.

  She was determined to see the task through.

  Soon enough she got her wish.

  “C-cumming, Nina I’m cumming!”


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