Legacy of the Valkyrie

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Legacy of the Valkyrie Page 20

by Archibald Bradford

  They each took a turn to lean over and kiss both of the lovers, Nina especially, as Erica worked her tongue deep into their bond-mate’s pussy.

  “Sisters, thanks for pushing me to do this.” Nina said as Erica brought a mouthful of cum to share with Milly.

  The Flutterby leaned in for another lingering kiss.

  “You are so very welcome Nina, you saved my life today. You saved his life today. And I won’t ever forget it.”

  Nina cupped her face in one hand, and then gave her a serious look.

  “I will always protect you. Next time though, maybe don’t get naked and start boning out in the wilderness all by yourselves ‘kay?”

  Ophelia nodded.

  “Next time, we’ll have you to watch over us, and to join us?”

  Nina’s smile returned.

  “Oh yes, we’re going to fuck a lot.”

  A gentle snore sounded beneath her and they all looked down and realized that Nameless had drifted off while they talked.

  Nina’s look turned incredulous.

  “He only came twice! What a fucking weakling!”

  The other girls all burst out laughing at her indignation.

  Chapter 14:


  The next few days of travel proved largely uneventful as they worked their way through the massive trees. After they had gone over the falls they seemed to have reached a plateau and no longer had to climb downwards, though their direction remained the same: East, always heading the way Nameless felt Volka in his mind.

  The change in Nina was dramatic: she was flirty, talkative and altogether much more pleasant to be around, though she was still not to be trifled with, as Jan learned when she made a wry comment about her attitude change and found herself being drowned in a shallow creek until Jezebel tearfully begged Nina to stop.

  They were just setting out in the morning on the third day since the attack when they found themselves abruptly facing a large force of wild looking Amazons.

  The girls came out of nowhere, many actually dropping down from the branches above before leveling spears at them. In a matter of seconds a line of fierce looking women blocked their way forwards.

  Unlike Yana and her people, these women had a feral edge to them; they had feathers and beads braided into their hair and a broad band of red face-paint traveling across their eyes.

  A voice called out from their midst.

  “You are trespassing on our lands! Turn back now and we will spare your lives!”

  While the others still recovered from the shock of suddenly being faced with the wild blonde warrior women, Nina responded in a fairly typical fashion…

  She slammed her weapon into the ground, the moss doing nothing to blunt the shock of her blow and her hammer caused a minor quake throughout the forest as she drew the Amazons’ attention.

  When the rumbling stopped she placidly examined her nails while she leaned on the handle.

  “Just so you know, that wasn’t me trying. I will crush anyone who threatens my weakling, my sisters, or my friends.”

  “And yet you dare come onto our land and threaten us?!” Another Amazon demanded.

  “Not a threat. I’m just telling you that I will kill you all if you fuck with me.”

  Erica laughed nervously as Ophelia leaned in to whisper to the Gigas.

  “Nina dearest, that is a threat…”

  Nina huffed.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. ‘Kay, I dare threaten you.”

  Despite Nina’s promises of violence the Amazon stepped forward, disdain in her eyes as she gestured towards Nameless.

  “We will not be subjected to the pathetic attentions of such a weak man, look at how small he is! His penis must be truly tiny!”

  Nameless blushed scarlet and all of his girls looked ready to respond, but to their surprise it was Kala who leapt to his defense, leveling her spear at the offending Amazon.

  “You speak as the ass of a donkey! He is Valkyrja, so named by the warleader of the tribe of Brael! I defend his honour and spit on your insolence Neucta!”

  The other Amazon paled in anger at the apparent insult but Miranda spoke before she could.

  “Kala! Calm down! Look, we mean no disrespect. My name is Miranda Holt, we’re with the Aegis. Some of us anyways.” She had both hands up in a placating gesture.

  An older Amazon with more feathers in her hair then the rest stepped beside her angry sister and took a long look at Miranda, especially her uniform, before nodding her head.

  “Indeed you are. You have my apologies Aegis, for the hostile welcome. The last humans we encountered in the wilderness tried to steal some of our daughters away from us.” She turned to Kala; “But a challenge has been made. The reputation of your warleader is known to us little sister. What are you called?”

  Miranda put her face in her hand and muttered a curse as Kala took another step forward, shoved the haft of her spear into the forest floor and pounded one fist to her breast proudly.

  “I am Kala Brael! Blooded warrior and sister to Warleader Yana. I am wife of Aegis Miranda Holt and sister-wife of Jezebel the Gripau and Jan the Wolfen. I challenge this slug who dares impugn the good name of the noble man known only as Nameless, family unknown. His deeds have earned him the title of Valkyrja, bestowed by my warleader in the presence of all here and I will defend his honour unto my death!”

  The surrounding Amazons murmured amongst themselves, excited by this brash young woman’s words. The one Kala insulted narrowed her red-painted eyes, her anger undiminished as her grip on her own spear tightened.

  The older Amazon walked out of the trees and took Kala by the chin firmly, jerking her head from side to side as if to check her resolve.

  Kala remained determined, meeting the woman’s gaze with fire in her eyes.

  “Very well, Kala of Brael. I am Alcaia, chieftess and warleader of the Saenga tribe, the Aegis is welcome amongst us and your grievance is lawful.” She nodded before she turned to face the angry Amazon; “What say you Myrina, will you accept her challenge or will you withdraw your words against this tiny man?”

  The other Amazon’s eyes hadn’t left Kala. She stepped forwards and likewise stuck her spear in the ground.

  “This child is no warrior! She has no scars, her skin is smooth as a babe! I will meet her insolence with blood! I am Myrina Saenga, second behind my warleader. I am as yet unwed and feel no need to recite my deeds to a dead woman.”

  Nameless felt the situation had gotten out of hand and broke away from the others to put himself in front of Kala.

  “No! No blood! I won’t have people killing each other on my account! Kala please, stop this!” His head turned between them.

  He couldn’t help but notice that Myrina did indeed have far more scars than Kala and he was afraid for her.

  “A noble sentiment, tiny man.” Alcaia acknowledged with a nod; “But words have been exchanged that must be answered.”

  With that she clapped one hand against her thigh, a signal for her warriors to form a loose semi-circle around the two combatants with the open end filled by the interlopers. The chieftess stood between the two Amazons, giving Nameless a pointed look to withdraw from the field.

  “Introductions have been made. This man, who is said to be Valkyrja, has asked that no blood be spilled. As warleader I proclaim this request a valid one. This contest shall not be to the death, but until one submits or cannot continue.”

  She looked between the two women and they nodded at her command, mirroring each other.

  “Then settle this.” With that she stalked away to join the ring of warriors surrounding them.

  Kala and Myrina began to circle each other, their spears remained thrust in the earth much to Nameless’s relief. Both sets of eyes roamed over their opponent, searching for weakness. Nameless stood next to Miranda, who looked more than a little irritated, but he could tell that she was also a bit worried.

  The fierce looking Myrina broke the circling pattern first; lun
ging forwards with a mighty cry, her hands clenched together as she brought the hammer of her fists down on Kala’s raised arms.

  Kala grunted and threw one foot back from the impact, bracing herself against the other woman’s strength. Clearly Myrina sought to dominate her physically as she brought all of her muscle to bear, pressing down on the younger girls arms.

  But Kala abruptly ducked and twisted away from her, throwing her off balance and driving her knee into her gut as she doubled over. Myrina’s breath flew from her lungs from the impact, but she managed a fierce backhanded blow across Kala’s face as she regained her footing.

  The two parted, blood flowed from Kala’s lip and Myrina grimaced as she tried to keep her breathing steady. But the reprieve was short, as both girls began to exchange rapid kicks and punches. The fierce exchange ended when Kala took a heavy blow to the side of her head from Myrina’s fist, and though she threw a kick to Myrina’s groin that caused tears to spring up in her foe’s eyes, she was dazed and stumbled to one side.

  Myrina quickly pressed her advantage, slapping an awkward punch from Kala aside, she spun around the younger girl and got beside her, working her arms around her head and locking her clenched fist with her other elbow. She bent her over and bore down hard on her arms, trying to force the now red-faced Kala to submit or pass out.

  But Kala Brael had trained under the mightiest Amazon in the Aegis. While still doubled over she maneuvered her feet so that one leg was behind Myrina’s and then shot her head upwards, knocking her back and tripping her.

  Myrina spun as she fell, hitting the mossy ground with a solid ‘ooph’. And Kala was quick to pounce on her, pinning her knee against the downed woman’s side and putting all of her weight on it.

  She landed three blows in rapid succession on Myrina’s head, even as the pinned girl did her best to guard with one arm.

  “Yield!” Kala punched the older Amazon again.

  Myrina cursed, stunned from the rapid beating. But she was determined to continue, even though she was unable to escape from Kala’s hold.

  So Kala hit her again, and then again, and then yet again.

  The Amazons in the circle began to shout, encouraging Myrina to yield as well, their thirst for violence quenched by the young Amazon’s impressive display.

  As Kala raised her fist to deliver another heavy blow, she paused, having heard something the others hadn’t.

  “What was that?” She demanded and the circle fell silent.

  “…I yield.” Myrina mumbled, loud enough for all to hear.

  The whole fight had lasted barely two minutes.

  Without delay Kala stood up, and then reached an arm down to the other girl. Surprised, Myrina took it and was pulled to her feet. They each searched the other’s face, their arms still clasped together.

  “It is my loss. You battle well, little sister.” Myrina admitted at last, no hint of shame in her voice.

  “As do you, but there is still the other matter between us.” Kala said pointedly.

  Myrina nodded, albeit grudgingly and broke away from her, turning to face Nameless.

  “I apologize for my words against you, tiny man. If Kala of Brael claims you to be Valkyrja, than I will acknowledge this. But I must ask; how did one so small gain such a lofty title?”

  Kala’s chest was heaving from her exertions but she had breath enough to explain.

  “By saving two of our number from the darkness within.”

  A confused hush fell over the Amazons, and they parted around him, each one trying to get a better look at him.

  Alcaia’s eyes opened wide in wonder.

  “An Empath…” She breathed.

  The confusion gave way to awe as they realized who, or rather what, he was.

  “Why didn’t we just lead with that?” Nina complained.

  The fight over, Erica strutted out into the circle proudly.

  “Yup, that’s my man! He’s like, a really powerful Empath or whatever. And don’t get any ideas about his penis either! He’s got all the snatch he needs!” She finished with her hands on her hips.

  There was a startled silence, then Alcaia laughed uproariously and soon the others joined in.

  “Fear not little sister! Your man is well and truly claimed. And our honoured guest! But alas we hunt for those that sought to steal our daughters from us and cannot welcome you to our village properly.”

  Miranda’s eyes narrowed.

  “Just over a dozen strong? Tattoos and lost tech weapons?”

  Alcaia nodded seriously.

  “You know of our foe then?”

  Kala spoke before Miranda could.

  “I became a blooded warrior but two days ago when we encountered them. They are dead to a man.”

  Another excited murmur went through the Amazon’s at the news.

  “You are certain of this?” Alcaia asked quickly, and when Kala nodded she gave a hearty smile; “You and yours have done us a great service then, Kala of Brael! Warriors! We return to the village to properly welcome our new friends!”

  The Amazons thrust their spears in the air and gave a resounding ululation.

  They travelled swiftly for the morning and a fair chunk of the afternoon to reach the Amazons’ village. They had turned mostly north and the change of direction chafed at Nameless but he was just glad they weren’t trying to kill each other anymore.

  Soon enough they were led into a scattered collection of huts against the base of a cliff and dozens more Amazons came out to greet the returning war party, curiosity on their faces.

  Nameless and the others also spotted more than a few scantily clad humans amongst their number, both men and women.

  “I’d say those boys were pussy whipped but with the amount of pussy they get I don’t think they’d mind.” Jan joked.

  “Wow, that’s a lot of muscle.” Milly said with her head tilted to one side.

  “I believe it is the preference of many Amazons.” Ophelia remarked, sizing up several of the muscular men.

  “Meh, they look weak to me.” Nina sniffed.

  Nameless would have been worried, but being able to sense his girls’ emotions he knew the heavily muscled and mostly naked men did little to nothing for them.

  Since it had turned out that Alcaia’s party had been tracking the men that Nina and the others had killed, the Amazon leader set her sisters to work preparing a great feast while she drew Miranda aside for a private conversation.

  “Come! You must be weary from your journey, with Alcaia in council with the Aegis it falls to us to see to your comfort!” Myrina spoke heartily; “Sisters! Our guests need baths, let us show them how the Saenga treat their friends!”

  Her attitude had been completely reversed by the encounter in the trees, and she seemed eager to smooth away any ill feelings.

  The response from the other Amazons to her words was enthusiastic and they soon learned why, evidently the village was settled near a large natural hot spring, and as they were led to the cliff’s edge they could see the steam wafting through the air. A broad pool abutted the rocky wall, with steaming water flowing from several points in the jagged stone.

  “Since you are all wed, it would be inappropriate for us to bathe you separately, so we shall all go together.” Myrina proclaimed.

  As they got to the water’s edge Nameless couldn’t help but think that her good humour stood out in stark contrast with the multiple bruises on her face from Kala’s beating. But his train of thought was disrupted when Amazons began to get naked all around them and slip into the steaming water.

  “Wait wha-” His eyes boggled as he tried to find a safe place to rest them.

  While his discomfort mounted, the other girls shared quick looks before shrugging and stripping as well, all except for Jezebel, who wore one of her pink bathing suits and was reluctant to remove it.

  Seeing his reticence, Myrina called out to reassure him as she wiped the war-paint off of her face with a wet cloth.

  “Fear not
Valkyrja, your achievements will make up for other -ah- shortcomings.” She said delicately as her eyes flickered to his crotch.

  Erica huffed as she unhooked her throwing knives from her thigh and dropped them on top of her shirt.

  “Shortcomings my ass!” She said as she stalked over to Nameless.

  Without warning she unbuttoned his pants and dragged them down his legs.

  “Alright bitches! Feast your eyes on the Nameless God!” She declared loudly as she made a grand gesture with both arms at his penis.


  The poor orphan tried to cover himself, but to his utter dismay Milly walked up behind him and held his arms off to the sides.

  “I’m with Erica, your thingy is awesome and I’m tired of people saying otherwise!” Her jaw was jutted out aggressively.

  Jan barked out a laugh, Jezebel covered her eyes with a squeak and Kala joined the other naked Amazons in taking healthy looks at his exposed junk.

  Myrina’s jaw dropped.

  “But- but that’s- it’s too big!”

  Ophelia leaned in and whispered to the mortified Nameless.

  “It’s just their way dearheart. Don’t be embarrassed, you have nothing to be ashamed of here.”

  Nameless groaned, then turned and leveled a glare at the smug Erica.

  “It’s above average.” he said flatly.

  He was receiving more than a few speculative looks now, and not just from the women either, some of the men had wandered down to help their wives bathe...

  As the hubbub surrounding Nameless’s junk died down and they all slipped into the shallow steaming water, the Amazons broke into pairs and descended on the eight of them, Miranda still off with Alcaia.

  They quickly learned what the Saenga girls meant by ‘hospitality’ as they were bathed and massaged from head to toe.

  Much to Nameless’s chagrin, Myrina and another girl from the war party had claimed him and were working soapy washcloths all over his body.

  He looked around helplessly to see that Milly and the others were not only getting the same treatment, they were enjoying it immensely. He could hear Milly lowing and Erica purring in contentment.


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